Do You Like Her?

Was I Dreaming?
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"Mor- oohh... What's with you today?" An excited Wheein said as she grabbed a chair to sit on, facing the black-haired girl with a rare expression written all over her face and it's not even nine am yet. Something serious must going on and this caught her childhood friend's attention too as they sat next to each other.

The black-haired girl gave them a sarcastic look, "Yeah, good morning too."

"Uh-huh... Something happened between you and the Pres?"

Byul was on the verge of choking. Hwasa never really hesitate with her question.

"W, what? Why would I-" She was trying to look normal but she turned out looking ten times more suspicious.

"We saw the awkward greetings in the hallway, you know."

"We're not being awkward." Byul muttered, keeping her gaze to the window.

"Did you confess?"

And she choked.

She choked until her chest hurt and she had to give light pats on it, Wheein helped her by patting her back.

"Your reaction just now says a lot." Byul took her time in recovering herself. She took a nice deep breath before finally came back to her senses.

Wheein and Hwasa could easily read Byul, that was something they learned after being friends with the older girl and the look on Byul's face was so obvious that the girl have been thinking about something a lot. It doesn't look troubled, it doesn't look all that happy either, the look on her face was very rare and it was almost the same look she always have whenever she just met Krystal or the former president greeted her in the hallway. Only this one has more question marks. Which is why this one must have anything to do with the current President, Kim Yongsun or famously known as Solar.

Byul debates with herself if she should let them know about what happened between Byul and Solar for the last 24 hours.

God, it was only in a matter of 24 hours! A lot has happened, it even took three chapters of this story.

The older girl put a palm on her forehead, closing her eyes. "It's nothing... I mean, I'm not sure I can really tell-"

"You can always tell us everything though. I thought all of us made it clear."

Wheein was right, it's like a part of the deal since they've been close enough as if the three - no, four of them were sisters. Yes, Solar is included in it.

"I know, but it's not like I don't want to-"

"Wait, I know what you mean." Yeah, Hwasa had to cut her off.

Byul swore if someone cut her speech again, she'll put her palm across that person's mouth.

She raised her eyebrow at Hwasa, surprised that the younger girl could easily understand her situation right now. Usually she will be all over Byul to get it out of Byul's system but it was a bit different now when Hwasa said, "I get it if you can't tell us now. But if there's anything...just know we're here for you and please don't make stupid decisions. I swear to god you tend to make stupid ones when it involved Solar-unnie."

"Or Krystal-sunbae." Wheein added in.

That was something Byul can't deny for the rest of her life. It is indeed a fact when it comes to Solar or Krystal or basically girls Byul is crushing on, she can't think straight about things and most of her decisions weren't giving her all that much benefits. She nodded at the two younger girls and indirectly telling them she'll be okay and that they need to go back to class since the bell is ringing for the third times now.

The two walked out of Byul classroom. Wheein took a last glance through the blurry window of Byul's classroom. "Wheepup, it's okay."

"You knew something happened, right?"

Hwasa shrugged, "It was always so obvious seeing Byulyi-unnie...and I sensed the same thing when I saw Solar-unnie."

"Are know...secretly-"

"-secretly dating? I doubt that..." Wheein caught that troubled look on Hwasa's face. "I's going to be okay... It's not like Solar-unnie would treat Byul-unnie like her boyfriends...right?" The way Hwasa said it sounded like it was as if Byul and the president really date each other or maybe seriously going to date in the near future and this surely worries both Wheein and Hwasa. Will that even work?

They know Solar well-enough and the girl never took interest in taking relationship seriously.

Byul know that a lot better than the two of them.

Moreover, Solar isn't swinging that way, the girl never seen a girl in a romantic way. Sure they joke around sometimes to the point that people may think Solar is liking girls but as far as they know the president, they are sure enough Solar was only playing around, especially when they found out how flirty Solar can be at times. If Solar ever going to like a girl...Hwasa must have seen it since she has gotten pretty good at observing people's behaviors. It never goes unnoticed when Solar and Byul gets all over each other like a lovey-dovey couple and even though it concerns both of the younger girls at times, they always thought it was just their way of playing with each other, it usually never meant more than "playing around" - for Solar, that is, Byul was a whole different case here.

A sigh escaped Wheein's lips. "Should we warn Byulyi-unnie then?"

"No, I don't think we can meddle in their business... Even Byul-unnie can't tell us what was going on."

"Let's just wait then." Wheein pats Hwasa's shoulder as they head to their own classroom.

Okay, great, that was super awkward.

Byul clenched her fists so hard, her knuckles turned white.

She was mad because she had to stutter while saying the greeting. The stutter was even worse than she ever did with Krystal.

Well, of course it's worse. You don't kiss Krystal-sunbae, Byul.

The thought was tempting but Byul quickly brush it off. The morning awkward incident still pretty much invading her mind and she couldn't stop cursing mentally when she faced the president minutes ago. They were just passing by each other in the hallway, Byul was trying to hide herself in the crowd of students but as if everything was a set, once the president caught the sight of her, the crowd disappeared. Yongsun greeted her with a smile, still looking as beautiful as ever with her smile.

Yongsun was blushing though. She looked exactly like that time when she asked Byul's number.

Realizing that, Byul couldn't help but send her a smile as well. This is where she stutter her greeting. It flustered her enough once she caught the president's cheeks were getting redder than the before.

It wouldn't be good to tease the older girl now because Byul was blushing just as equally bad as Yongsun and the fact that Yongsun isn't walking around the school by herself was enough to alarmed Byul's mind to just excuse herself and go straight to the classroom before things get a lot more awkward or before other students notice the weird atmosphere around them. So she did, she awkwardly excused herself and did the fast-walk to her classroom.

It wasn't like Byul planned out though. She was going to face Yongsun with confident, she even told herself she needs to stay focus and act like nothing weird happened between them.

Yongsun was already doing it like a boss and Byul right here can't even fake an act around the younger girls.

She was glad Hwasa understands her and decides not to ask furthermore about what happened.

Byul spent the rest of the day at school with thoughts about her and the president lingering inside her head. It was hard to concentrate on many things but she still managed to follow her studies well for the day despite her being seventy-percent sleepy due to the lack of sleep last night. Unfortunately, when the school ended, she was back with the same thought. What should she say to Yongsun? Will it be okay to walk home together like usual? Do they need to distant- ah, no, of course not that. Yongsun won't like it if Byul create distance between their friendship, besides, they both have already talked about how they're going to take things later on...

Really though? Okay, now how are they going to take things again...?

Accepting everything that happened and do it again if they have the chance?

God, it was the whole point of the conversation last night.

"Maybe text messaging wasn't that good of an idea after all..." She muttered then stop her step when she reached the front door of the student council room.

Well, yeah, maybe if they were talking face to face yesterday, things won't be as awkward as this and they can probably still act normal around each other. But regretting everything isn't going to take Byul anywhere. She could faintly hear Yongsun, Krystal and Amber talking inside the room, she wondered if she stays her longer without them knowing would be considered as eavesdropping their conversation. She pursed her lips and was ready to knock on the door until she heard - what she believed to be Amber's voice saying, "So what's the deal with you and Moonstar?"

Oh, Byul didn't remember she ever told people that nickname since there's only Hwasa calling her that. Somehow, it sounds better when it's not Hyejin saying it.

The next thing she knew, she was seriously eavesdropping their talk.

"Yeah, I saw it too. Something happened...?"

"It's nothing, okay?"

"It won't be nothing if scribbling her name in your notebook is considered normal."

"It is normal. I can even scribble both of your names, even carve it on my table."

"What, then put tiny hearts here and there? Don't think

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If you ask, "Will it still end happily?" I can assure you that, yes, it will. But if you ask "How did the real story end?" — No, unfortunately, I don't think it ended well. At least for one of us.


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TennoujiMegumi #1
Chapter 47: please update i’m begging you 🙏🙏🙏
TennoujiMegumi #2
Chapter 47: please updateeee i’m still waiting 🥲🥲🥲
highhihi #3
Chapter 47: Maybe an update would give everybody a piece of mind😂😂
lovemammoo #4
Pls update
upvoteurie #5
Dreizhn #6
Congratulations bubuuu
219 streak #7
Congrats on the feature 🥳 I'm so happy. This story is the reason why i stan MMM.
Congrats on the feature
Cronlasto0 #9
Congrats on the feature :)
congrats on the feature!