Chapter Thirty-Four

Million Dollar Boy
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The night sky stood an inky canopy of darkness, where just hours ago it had been a blue summer's day. Out here, far from the cities whose bright lights were still visible on the horizon, more stars were visible than anywhere else. The occasional hoot of a hidden owl was the only sound to permeate the silence as the temperature dropped bit by bit outside. Jongin, Namjoo and her husband were already sound asleep with the exception of Sehun and Chanyeol, who chose to stay up a little later than usual.


Not able to endure another second of silence, Chanyeol broke the ice thickening between them. “Nothing happened earlier when you were stranded…right?”


Sehun’s brows met in the slightest. Without looking at the other male, he answered, “That’s a weird question to ask. What gives?”


“Remember that bonfire night our school held back in senior year?” Chanyeol asked, good-naturedly. Seeing his relaxed stance, Sehun chuckled. He remembered that memorable night, alright. “Seems like the legend’s true, after all.”


They fell into silence. Sehun felt whatever amusement that’s bubbling up in him sink into nothingness, his aura turning monochrome.


“I’m not going to give him up that easily.”


They’ve been tiptoeing around each other for some time now, but this was the first time Chanyeol had ever broached the topic concerning Jongin directly. And here Sehun thought they wouldn’t stop playing this ludicrous charade.


It’s just too bad that neither of them would be backing off anytime soon.


“I know you won’t.” Face devoid of any emotions, Sehun met Chanyeol’s aloof eyes and regarded him with a hard-bitten gaze that Chanyeol didn’t wholly appreciate. “Know that I won’t, either.”


Sehun stood up to leave, not looking forward to spending another second in the other’s company with this kind of conversation.


“And if I was able to take him away?”


Sehun had to give it to Chanyeol. Even with the knowledge that the person he liked was engaged to someone else - to the person he’s closest with nonetheless - that didn’t stop him from pursuing Jongin at all. To the extent that he’s willing to compromise their friendship for the sake of his feelings.


Then again, he’s his best friend. He knew better than anyone else how ing persistent he could be if he wanted something.


A dark look passed over Sehun’s features but in the blink of an eye, it was gone. He turned, facing his back to the other male.


“You can try.”


“Chan hyung?”


Jongin’s voice successfully broke Chanyeol off of his trance, and whatever flashbacks he’s playing in his mind faded in time as he met the younger’s ever so warm eyes.


“So…I guess it’s official, huh,” Chanyeol began, beckoning Jongin to take his place beside him on the bench. For some incomprehensible reason however, the teen chose to stay rooted to his spot, just a few yards away from him. His reluctance to even sit by his side further crushed Chanyeol’s already dwindling spirits. “You and Sehun.”


“Oh…” was the only response Jongin could muster. He couldn’t explain the dejection filling him as he studied Chanyeol’s downcast eyes, and that glum air about him. “I…well, they thought it was time to make it known to the public, so-”


Jongin wasn’t able to finish his explanation, what with Chanyeol suddenly reaching out to envelop him in an embrace. He staggered in surprise and the rest of the words died down in his mouth. His heartbeat quickened, Chanyeol’s breath on the crook of his neck addling his brain from coming up with a coherent response. As much as he wanted to ask what could be troubling the other male, he realized that perhaps the only thing Chanyeol wanted at this moment was the comfort of his silence.


Throwing away any sense of befuddlement Jongin wrapped his arms around Chanyeol and pulled him close, gently rubbing his back. Despite the heaviness in Chanyeol’s stomach, it fluttered at the feeling of the younger’s body pressed against his. He sunk into the warmth of Jongin’s hug, appreciative of the gesture. His touch made everything warmer somehow, making Chanyeol’s frame of mind seem a little less bleak. If he could only stay in his arms, Chanyeol wouldn’t ever leave.


Alas, one could only hope.


Parting from the younger male, Chanyeol released a heavy breath and composed his somber expression into a smile, if only to provide Jongin respite from invading his personal space. “Sorry about that. I, uh...just wasn’t feeling too well.”


Jongin cocked an eyebrow, obviously not buying that excuse. But he didn’t want to pry either. “So was I like, your battery or something? ‘Cause you don’t look that gloomy anymore.”


Chanyeol cracked a grin and tousled Jongin’s hair. “Thanks to you, I’m fully charged.”


“You called me all the way here for that?” Jongin rolled his eyes, but he couldn’t hide his smile from presenting itself. Since Baekhyun put unnecessary and unsettling thoughts into his head, he was starting to feel anxious seeing the older guy so down in the dumps and nearly considered the possibility of Chanyeol confronting him about his feelings but of course, he wouldn’t expect anything less from Park Chanyeol.


“Well, you keep me energized. What was I supposed to do?” Chanyeol hung an arm around Jongin’s shoulders, tugging him close to his side. “You’re my antidepressant. Maybe I should always keep you around in case I feel miserable.”


“Even when I’m married?” Jongin didn’t mean it as anything more than a joke, but the way Chanyeol’s grin fell off his face was enough to bring unease to the both of them.


“...I won’t let you.”


“Huh?” To Chanyeol’s luck, Jongin wasn’t able to catch those tenacious words spoken under his breath. “Did you say something?”


“I said break’s over,” Swiftly changing topics, Chanyeol looked at his wristwatch, took note of the time. He turned Jongin around and began pushing him back the way he came from. “I’ve got to head back to the clinic. You go back to class too, kid.”


“Okay, okay, you grandpa.” Jongin staved off exasperatedly. “Geez.”


A hand darted to ruffle Jongin’s hair once more, to the latter’s annoyance. “A lame retort, midget. Sharpen up your skills, why don’t you?”


“Whatever!” came Jongin’s trademark pout and grumble.


Chanyeol chuckled softly, kept up the gleeful guise lest Jongin caught up to his pretense, and waited for the younger’s figure to disappear around the corner before fully dropping his mask.


His thoughts flashed back to four years ago.


It was the first time for him to emerge out of Kwon Hyejin’s study with his blood running cold. He didn’t know overhearing things could have enough of an impact for him to be this horrified. The fact that Jongin himself bumped into him right after wasn’t helping at all. He probably looked like he just saw a ghost since Jongin kept asking him if he was alright.


No one would be alright if they heard what he had. He wanted to say something to Jongin, but no words were coming out of him. As a matter of fact, his brain was demanding him to keep his mouth shut. It would be wise not to get involved in something abominable. Jongin was young, but so was he. There was nothing he could do even if he wanted to help.


There were just some things that were out of his hands.


He was determined - dead set on not handing over Jongin to Sehun.


Chanyeol wasn’t in favor of their engagement from the get-go, but that’s because he knew Sehun didn’t take kindly to it and that it’s just too absurd in general. But now he had a whole different reason. He could only play his cards right and hope it would bode well for him.


Part of this might stem from the fact that he bore feelings for the younger male; affection that’s growing deeper and deeper each time he revelled in Jongin’s company. Jealousy? Clearly it played a role. But that didn’t matter. At least, not entirely.


Because beyond all of that, he knew something. A secret that could alter their lives forever.


And certainly not in a favorable light.


He couldn’t move.


Jongin was stiff as a rock and his self-consciousness was off the charts. His focus was scattered, so filled with nervous anticipation. He couldn't hold a conversation or sit still while his thoughts danced in infinite directions. More than that, he had to get through this night in one piece.


Oh Sehun just took him out on a date. And he couldn’t have chosen a better location than a drive-in theatre.


Although he’d had his fair share of dates, those were just friendly ones. He couldn’t really consider a day out with Baekhyun or Zitao ‘romantic’. It’s just that he never really imagined himself being on a romantic date with anyone, much less his apathetic fiance. But now that he’s in one, he’d no idea how exactly to act around Sehun. This feeling like he was just born yesterday with all this inexperience was rattling him to the point that he’s one step away from calling his chatterbox of a best friend to ask for help.


Why on seven hells did this movie have to show scenes every freaking segment? When Sehun invited him to watch a movie, Jongin instantly thought of cinemas at the malls, forgetting the fact that it’s Oh Sehun he’s talking about and that the guy absolutely hated being in crowds. So he was in for a surprise when they went to a drive-in theatre, a place where couples usually go to when they want to be in their own little world.


On top of that, Jongin came here for something like A Walk to Remember kind of film, or even a romantic comedy at the very least - not something that came out of an unknown site. What was Sehun even thinking when he chose this movie? For God's sake. Is this even allowed in Korea...


Sehun himself was having a hard time tuning out the lewd moans reverberating around the theatre. Under normal circumstances, he’d barely bat an eye to this kind of content. He wasn’t about to act like some undefiled bastard when he’d already done these things himself. However, he was starting to regret ever bringing someone like Jongin, who’s as pure as a ing driven snow, to watch something so . He offered to take Jongin out so he could somehow assuage their situation and make it up to the younger as the increasing office work made him kind of neglectful of Jongin the past few days, but things weren’t going as planned.


“Oh, am I hearing it right? You, Oh Sehun, a workaholic motherer, is asking me what movie to watch for a date? Damn, this transition! There are goosebumps all over my body!”


“Quit yapping and just suggest me something good, you son of a .”


“Fifty Shades of Grey, man. It’ll lift up both of your moods real quick.”


“You sure?”


“As sure as your love for princess, my dear friend.”


“ off.”


“Thank me later! It’ll make for a killer date night, I’m telling ‘ya.”


Kim Heechul and his entire family tree. Sehun should’ve known better than to ask for that bastard’s advice. That must be why he caught his secretary blushing and giggling to herself while booking reservations.

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Heyyy y’all! Yes im still alive and no, i havent forgotten about this story. I know i said i would update (and that was LAST YEAR holy 😅) Im really sorry for making you guys wait but your girl’s gotta study OTL. Anyways just hang in there, i wont abandon MDB. ill be back soon! 😘


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Chapter 39: Just had to re-read this entire story. Hahahhaa in 2024. I miss this story. <3
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Chapter 39: Yay! They finally said that L word!
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Chapter 32: qwertyuiopasdfghjkl;zxcvbnm,./qwertyuiopsdfghjkl;xcvbnm,!!!!
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I hope it will be updated huhu