Chapter Twenty-Seven

Million Dollar Boy
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Chapter Twenty-Seven


Jongin absently stares at the sky, preserving only a sliver of attention on the pen he twirls between his fingers. His lips bear the semblance of a smile, just enough to show that he is enjoying his thoughts, whatever they may be, his heart lighter than that of the workload sitting on the desk. 


Laid out before him, music, theory, history, algebra. The pen has left its stain between his fingers. Long since dried and black around his callouses, its knowledge has dripped. A scribble instead of Andante, a doodle instead of logarithm. His papers scarcely touched, having hardly enough to contribute anything to the world, for an hour his mind has been wandering in another land.


A limb rests snug on his waist, soft breath fanning his nape every three seconds. Jongin feels the fluttering of his synapses, body relaxed, breathing steadily, vision adjusting to the soft glow of the sunlight that bathes the entire room. 


The sleep deserts Jongin fast at the guttural snore that breaks the morning peace. 


What was that? His body is quick to react, more aware now of the position he seems to be in. Where am I?! 


"I'm not a ert, if that's what you're thinking."


Jongin can sense the heat spreading on his cheeks like wild fire at the quick recollection. His back rests against a solid warm chest, stuck like glued paper, legs in a tangled heap with the older male's beneath the navy blue comforter. 


By now the blush on his face must be beyond an attractive rosiness. He feels as if all his embarrassment were writ large across his face, a permanent fix on his countenance. Sehun's arm feels like it's become heavier and Jongin's heart speeds up to an erratic beat. He isn't sure whether to squirm and twist like an eel, or try to stay still with his heart feeling like it's a colossal bomb ready to detonate. 


Another snore pierces through the air. Despite feeling like he's going to melt into a puddle of goo, there's a small turn to the younger's lips. Who knew a man like Sehun actually snored in his sleep? Jongin finds it endearing. As gently as he can, he turns to face his roommate, the crazy thumping of his heart even louder than Sehun's snoring. 


His fiancé wears slumber so beautifully. 


Jongin finds himself cuddling in, feeling the rise and fall of Sehun's chest, the rhythmic noise slowing his own breathing. He freezes at Sehun's sudden movement, nervous that the older male might've found out that he was taking advantage of the situation. But instead of a teasing remark, Jongin's hearing is met with another snore, and he blinks when Sehun tugs him closer to his body. 


"...Mr. Kim..."


With his nose buried on Jongin's hair, the soporific effect is irresistible. I could sleep like this forever... 


"Oh, really?"


The daydream was a heady potion of chance and excitement, a personal movie with Jongin himself as the main character. Too bad, just a simple whim and the plot changes direction, dramatic and swift.


The lazy kick on Jongin's leg is what clears the haze from his subconcious, the first thing his brain registering is the absolute mirth shining in Baekhyun's eyes. The next, their entire classroom staring at him, their teacher included. 


"...what?" Confusion laces Jongin's tone and his best friend nearly lost it right then and there, if his red ears and shaking shoulders are any indication. 


"It's okay to daydream as long as it's not in my class, Mr. Kim," Kyungsoo upbraids, albeit in a friendly manner. Muffled giggles fill the room. "Also, try not to say your thoughts aloud."


Oh my God…Unadulterated shame crawls in Jongin’s skin. He suddenly wants to disappear into a puff of smoke, never to be seen again by his classmates who are highly entertained with him. “I-I'm sorry sir, it won't happen again..." he apologizes, barely able to control himself from flushing as he sits embarrassed on his chair. Baekhyun shakes his head, hardly even trying to contain himself from sniggering. 


Kyungsoo isn't in any way upset that Jongin’s spaced out in the middle of lecture. He's amused, even. The younger boy never did change, he tends to fall into a state of subconsciousness even when he was younger. Often times it was about his 'crush' that Baekhyun never revealed to him no matter how many times he asked. Kyungsoo wonders what - or rather who seems to be the object of his daydreams now. 


To be certain his student had at least paid a little bit of attention to their topic, Kyungsoo asks Jongin to stand up, contemplation dancing in his eyes. "Romeo and Juliet is an orchestral work composed by which musician?"


"Um..." Jongin fiddles with the hem of his sleeve, feeling hot under his blazer all of a sudden. His classmates are still gawking at him and it does nothing to pacify the saguine in his cheeks.


He remembers hearing the answer earlier in regards to Kyungsoo’s question. The name is at the tip of his tongue but he is hesitant to speak, lacking certainty if it's the right answer. He attempts to ask Baekhyun for some assistance but the little er evades his eyes. "...Tchaikovsky?"


"Correct." Jongin almost slumped back on the wall in relief. "It is styled an Overture-Fantasy, and is based from?"


Jongin shifts his weight to his left leg looking more confident than before. Why, this is a question that requires only common sense. "It's based from Shakespeare's play of the same name. Romeo and Juliet."


Kyungsoo is mildly impressed that Jongin’s got it right, taking into account that he seemed to have been in a trance ten minutes into the lesson. A satisfied smile appears on his lips and he passes a nod to the younger teen’s direction. Yet before Jongin can take his seat, the older stuns him with the next words that leave his lips. "This year's musical will be centered on the same work. As the director of the play, I want you to audition as Romeo."


"Eh?" Jongin points at himself dumbly. He couldn't possibly be talking to me, is he?


"The theatrics club will be posting the details later this afternoon. I'm expecting your presence at the auditions this coming Friday." The teacher smiles, enjoying the flabbergasted look on the younger's face. He walks back to the platform and begins to tap at the white board to gather everyone's attention once more. "Let's continue, shall we?"


Jongin stares after the older man's back with a gape. What is this? He isn't even remotely good at acting, let alone singing. Kyungsoo can't be serious...can he? 


The rest of the class is spent in sulking as Jongin resists the urge to clobber Baekhyun's face. The other is constantly teasing him about his role, making random guesses as to who would be his 'Juliet'. As if being pressured into auditioning for a play he has no desires on being a part of isn’t dreadful enough, Baekhyun decides to add his teasing into the mix and laugh at his expense.


Tell him why he's best friends with this blockhead again? 


Baekhyun, on the other hand, is immensely enjoying his best friend's plight. Jongin lacks qualifications to play any lead role obviously, but knowing Kyungsoo, he's going to push it anyway - and that alone in itself is making Baekhyun want to laugh for hours on end. He can't wait to hear Jongin practice his english lines in vain and struggle with his elocution. At least he has a best friend who has an impressive voice. Jongin is more than welcome to ask him for singing lessons; it's not for free, by the way. 


His amusement, however, is short-lived. 


By the time the bell rings,  Kyungsoo's voice resonates throughout the room. "Everyone, you're dismissed. Except you Mr. Byun, I have something I want to discuss with you."


There is a pause, before Baekhyun feels the power of Jongin's -eating grin beside him. He doesn't spare the younger any glance and grits, "Don't even speak." 


I can't reach your level of obnoxiousness anyway is what Jongin wants to say. Instead, he chirps, "I'll wait outside!" with a pat on his brooding best friend's back. At least Baekhyun is just as miserable as I am.


Students stream out of the room, their number decreasing with each passing second until there’s only Baekhyun and Kyungsoo left. The younger boy isn't sure if it’s jittering anxiety fluttering in his stomach, but he’s sure as hell it isn’t excitement. Apprehensive as he is, he disguises his unease by scowling, his almond eyes holding contact with round, austere ones. 


“What did you need me for, sir?” He asks in the calmest manner possible. Kyungsoo stares straight into his soul for the first ten seconds, his inscrutable gaze a heavy, heavy weight on Baekhyun’s skin, before he leans back on his chair.


“I want you to perform a couple of songs for the play.” 


Kyungsoo stands behind his desk, cutting to the chase. This has Baekhyun's brow arching and, in his most phlegmatic tone, questions, "Why me?"


“I have several pieces I'm writing at the moment and vocally, I find your voice most fitting to perform in musicals. Which is why you're chosen to participate.” Kyungsoo explains. Listening to his deep voice in a closer distance like this makes Baekhyun feel hot—no, vexed  is the more appropriate term. “I reckon two days is enough for me to polish my compositions. So when Friday comes, meet me at music studio 3 after school to rehearse the song.” 


“Why should I meet you of all people?” Baekhyun doesn’t stop his eyes from narrowing, nor does he try to restrain himself from addressing the older with such disdain.


As expected, Kyungsoo is unfazed by his lack of respect, as though it has already been counted upon. “You can't practice a song without the song writer to guide you through it, can you? I am the one who composed it, after all.” 


Baekhyun grits his teeth. Dammit. This guy will never let him live in peace, will he? “Is that all?” 


“Yes, that would be all.” Kyungsoo coolly dismisses, gathering his paperwork and walking past the younger without so much as a word, leaving the door open for his student. Jongin smiles at him when he passes by and Kyungsoo returns the gesture just as affably, even ruffling the other’s hair.


Arrogant bastard, Baekhyun seethes silently. , he wants to kick something. Do Kyungsoo never fails ruin his day, his existence was practically conceived for this very reason.


Kyungsoo hears the slam of the classroom’s door ricochet throughout the empty corridor, as well as the angry footsteps marching off to the opposite direction. “Ya, Baek! What’s with you? Wait up!” Jongin echoes, hurrying after his best friend’s storming pace.


Stubborn kid, Kyungsoo muses, cracking a faint smile. Can't wait to work with you too, Byun Baekhyun. 




Barely a soul is present in front of Seoul Academy’s towering, iron wrought gates, students, faculty and staff alike seeming to have gone home hours prior. Sehun checks his wristwatch and notes the time, quarter to seven.


A few meters away from his car, Sehun begins to make out the outline of a black corvette parked near one of the guard houses, engines running. It looks too familiar that Sehun decides to stop nearby its vicinity just to confirm his suspicions. The lanky, tall figure leaning against the vehicle is no doubt Chanyeol. And that student who’s bounding over to his direction is certainly Jongin. 


Sehun frowns. So it's really true then that Chanyeol picks him up after school and drives him home. Being their alma mater's interim physician and a succeeding surgeon at Park Medical Center, he thought Chanyeol’s workload was much too heavy for him to be able to do this kind of thing (also, he sort of suspected Jongin didn’t want him near campus after that incidental confrontation with his friends at the supermarket weeks ago), which is why he’s here to pick Jongin himself, but it seems he had underestimated Chanyeol's managing skills. He shouldn't be so surprised since he'd witnessed Chanyeol juggle his time between gruelling football matches and preparation for university entrance exams.


It’s been a week, more or less since this became a routine of theirs but every time Jongin spots Chanyeol waiting for him outside the gates, the budding giddiness inside him expands more and more. He doesn’t think he will ever get used to the image of Doctor Park picking him up after school like he’s his boyfriend or something. He thinks the decision of never mentioning even a hush about this to Baekhyun was a good idea (as much as it pains him to keep a secret from his best friend) as he knows the other wouldn’t shut up about this for as long as he lives. 


“How’s school?” Chanyeol beams at him the moment he reaches the corvette. Jongin blinks, a little shy under the older man’s gaze.


“Tiring, but I managed,” he smiles back, about to open the passenger door. His movements cease however, at the sight of his fiancé stepping out of his car with ease and he lets out a bewildered, “Sehun hyung…?”


That little mutter doesn’t go past Chanyeol’s hearing. He traces the direction of Jongin’s eyes, ready to confirm the younger’s words. A red jaguar he’s so familiar with is at a standstill a few yards from his own car and Chanyeol approaches to greet his best friend despite his unheralded arrival. “Hey, man! Fancy seeing you here.” 


“Hey,” Sehun pockets his hand, passing a fleeting glance to Jongin’s direction before announcing, once and for all, “I'm here to pick Jongin up. Grandma wants to have dinner out together with Luhan.” 


“Luhan?” That seems to startle the other male. “He’s back?” The nod he receives from Sehun sends excitement to him all of a sudden. “Wow. Haven't seen that kid around since forever! Would you mind if I tag along? It’s been a while since I last had a conversation with your grandmother, too.” 


“Not at all.” Sehun shrugs a shoulder, eyes taking another glimpse at Jongin. Said teen transfers his eyes elsewhere, as though he just didn't share eye contact with his fiancé, earning him an indignant raise of Sehun's eyebrow. 


Chanyeol starts to walk backwards. “Cool. So...I’ll just follow your car, then?” 




Just as Sehun’s about to call for Jongin’s attention, Chanyeol beats him to it and opens the passenger door for the younger. “Get in, kiddo!” 


Instead of obliging, Jongin quietly glares at Chanyeol with the same amount of threat as a newborn cub. Here he is again, calling him a kid. When will this tease end? Chanyeol has to have at least a little bit of originality in him, right? Kid, kiddo, midget—they’re all a little too hackneyed now. Or maybe you just don’t like the fact that this overgrown beanstalk right here is making fun of your shorter height.


Jongin’s thoughts are cut short the second his cheeks get pinched. 


“So scary~!” Chanyeol coos, and to his luck, Jongin lets him. The younger boy is looking so irresistibly adorable with that pout, a head and three or so inches shorter than him and looking so done with his . It’s taking Chanyeol an incredible amount of self-restraint from crushing Jongin in a tight bear hug. If he’s being honest with himself, he kind of wants to…get a taste of those plump lips too but he daren’t venture in that path. No ing way, I’m not committing child harassment.


“If only you weren't older than me, you big bully.” Jongin huffs, grumbles unintelligent things under his breath. He pinches the taller's nose as an attempt to get back at him, except it doesn't even hurt Chanyeol like he thought it would. He climbs inside the corvette, ignoring the older’s victorious cackle. 


A faint frown is marring Sehu

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Heyyy y’all! Yes im still alive and no, i havent forgotten about this story. I know i said i would update (and that was LAST YEAR holy 😅) Im really sorry for making you guys wait but your girl’s gotta study OTL. Anyways just hang in there, i wont abandon MDB. ill be back soon! 😘


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Chapter 39: Just had to re-read this entire story. Hahahhaa in 2024. I miss this story. <3
961 streak #2
Chapter 39: Yay! They finally said that L word!
This story could actually end here!
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Chapter 32: qwertyuiopasdfghjkl;zxcvbnm,./qwertyuiopsdfghjkl;xcvbnm,!!!!
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Chapter 30: Another kiss and it is still not Sehun!
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Chapter 27: What was that? There was no kiss!
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Chapter 25: Chanyeol has always been a kind hyung even if had had flashes of admiration for the young Jongin! But now, with the more mature Jongin, he sure is getting in.
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I hope it will be updated huhu