Wu Enterprise is busy today.

Everyone is working their butts off to make the books look right before the Chairman comes for a visit tomorrow and Kris and the other owners of the company were no exception.

Despite the great evening that Hana had yesterday, her work had kept her from thinking too much about it. Her office looked like a city, towers of papers and folders here and there; Sonya was working beside her and the two of them had not talked much today because they were too busy minding their own business.

A few questions would be asked every now and then but other than that, it was pure silence and only scribbles and tapping could be heard.

“Achoo!” Hana clasped her hands over and nose. Sonya paused and turned to her “Are you okay?” she asks, chuckling at how cute she sounded just now. Hana sniffled and nodded her head with a sheepish smile “I-I'm fine, just a little cold”

She grabbed a tissue from her drawer and wiped her nose before taking a face mask from her bag and put it on. They continued to work. “Achoo!” Sonya gave a sigh before reaching into her bag and handed Hana a packet of tablets “Here” she then got up and momentarily left the room, returning with a glass of water.

“Sonya-ssi, I'm fine ---” Sonya gave her a warning look “Hana, just drink the medicine before it gets worst” with a sigh she complies and Sonya returns to her seat. “Thank you” she smiles before pulling her mask back up.

Ring. Ring. The sound fills the air and Sonya answers her phone with a sigh “Yes?” her eyes close in a stressed manner “Fang Yin, mommy's busy right now” Hana continues to work, one ear listening “Aigo, darling, you can't come here” Sonya bites her lips before she gives a sigh “We'll get some cake later in the afternoon, okay? Mommy will pick you up but for now, behave, araso?” Sonya nods her head “Okay, bye” she then puts away the phone.

Hana smiles “Fang Yin?”

Sonya nods. Hana pauses finishes typing one of the things she needed to work on and moved on to the next “She looks like Mr. Wu” Hana comments but only finds herself go silent at her own words. She shook the thoughts away as Sonya chuckles “She does, doesn't she?”

Hana takes some folders in her hand and gets up “I have to get these signed by Mr. Jongdae, I'll be right back” she smiles and Sonya nods her head. She made her way out of the office and rode the elevator up;

Hana, you're over thinking... it's just coincidence. She thought to herself and the uneasiness in her stomach lessened but didn't disappear. Seeing as though almost everyone of her bosses know Sonya, there's always that probability that Kris knows her too. Sigh. Breathe Hana, don't over think.

Ding. The doors open and she steps out, the usually quiet 33rd floor was filled with noise of people going back and forth, printers printing ink onto long strides of paper. She walked towards Chen's door and knocks before entering the equally messy office. Chen looked stressed but nevertheless, he returned the smile she presented him “Yes Ms. Kim?”

She walks towards his desk and hands him the folders “I need these signed, sir” Chen puffs out a breath before he takes them and opens them one by one, scribbling onto the bottom of the papers in each folder. Hana found herself biting her lower lip and the thoughts of before came surging into her brain all at once.

“Mr. Kim, can I ask you something?” Chen looks up, finishing. He closes the folders and hands it back to her “Yes?”

“You know Ms. Yang, right?” Chen nods his head and raises a brow “Why?”

“Kr--- Mr. Wu knows her too?” Chen blinks suddenly getting a hint of what was going on. He could clearly see that uneasiness in her eyes, a twinkle of doubt and hope. Chen chuckles “You and Kris are a couple now, right?”

Her eyes widen and she blinks, her face turning red at his words. Gulp.

“Tsk, don't deny it Hana or I'll tell Kris and he'll get hurt” Chen playfully pouts, propping his chin on his palm. Hana doesn't answer and just stays quiet. Chen breathes out a sigh “Yes, he knows Sonya but there's really no need to be jealous, Hana; they're just business related”

Hana presses the folder onto her chest “I see” For some reason she felt a wash of relief. “Why do you ask?”

She laughs sheepishly “A-ah, it's nothing it's just that I found something weird?”

“What's weird?” Chen asks, feeling curious. Hana looks at him with her innocent face “Sonya's daughter, Fang Yin” Chen raises a brow, surprised to hear about a daughter “She has a resemblance of Kris but... maybe it's just coincidence, you know?” she smiles “I have to get back to work, thank you again Mr. Kim”

Chen stares at the door for a moment. What the hell? Sonya has a daughter? Intrigued, he picks up the phone and calls someone

“Kris? I wanted to ask... did you have any idea about Sonya having a daughter?”

Chen purses his lips together “Fang Yin's her name”


I was looking through the folders when I noticed Chanyeol's name on one of them, sighing I went to the elevator and entered, stopping on the floor just beneath this one. I walked to Chanyeol's office and the same exact scene was played there.

“Oh, hey Hana!” he chimes with a bright smile despite the stress that was written all over his face. I smile back at him “Good morning sir, I need these signed” I handed him the folder and he quickly obliged. As he handed me back the fodlers, he asked “So, how was the date yesterday?”

How did he --- I fluster but smile “It was great”

Chanyeol chuckles at my answer and raises a playful brow “Really? Did he fail at being romantic?” Far from it. He's an expert. I laugh at his question and shook my head “No, he did a great job”

Chanyeol gives me a soft smile “Well, I'm glad to hear that from you; you seem happy and no doubt he's behind that?” Every second of it... but he's also behind my fears. I shrug my shoulders before thanking him and taking my leave. “Hana” I turn back to him halfway from exiting and he gives me a bright smile “Take good care of him, okay?”

I look at him for a moment, trying to analyze his words but somehow, I found myself smiling at him and nodding my head “Ofcourse”

I close the door behind me ad made my way back to my office. For some reason, the hall felt awfully long but I kept on walking, as I was nearing I began to hear murmurs on the other side and they only got clearer, the more I got nearer.

I stop just outside the door.

“Is that why you're here?” Kris? What's he doing in my...

“Kris --”

“Is that why Dad sent you here? To give me responsibilities?”

“Yah, would you just liste --”

“Are you really that desperate that even after all these years you still can't --”

SLAP. Gasp. My eyes widened and I could only guess who got slapped; I barged in through the door and the two fo them turned to me, his cheek was slowly turning red and my heart was beating fast, this time not because of excitement nor because of him. It was beating painfully inside my chest.

Kris moved his feet, walking past me and it only made my chest hurt some more. What's going on?

“Hana” I turn and look at Sonya with confused eyes “Did you hear that?” she asks me with concerned eyes. I swallowed hard. Who are you? My head nods against my will and she gives me an apologetic smile “I'm so sorry... that was very unprofessional, please forgive me” she bows.

I swallow hard, fighting the urge to run after him. “I-it's fine... it's fine”

Sonya stands straight and runs a hand through her hair. “I'm sorry, it's just that... can I talk to you?”

Gulp. “Sure”

Hana... you might hurt yourself. Say no, take back what you said. “Ofcourse Sonya-ssi” I softly smile at her.


I left the office.

Hana heard some things, I know it. I just know it. I can't even bare to look at her right now, just when things have taken a turn for the better, just when I'm finally learning... things get ed up. Life's cruel.

Fang Yin, the name of the child that I clearly remembered who addressed me as her father, is Sonya's child and judging by the age of that little girl... she could be mine. I swerve the car onto the side of the road, stopping the engine and I laid my head back.

. . . What have you gotten yourself into? I close my eyes and breathe out. Frustration and anger slowly builds up inside me and having Hana flash across my mind didn't help. What about her? What the hell am I going to do with Hana, now? I felt my chest tighten and I'm not sure if I should say but it hurt. It feels like this whole thing is a joke, it was only yesterday that she finally said yes, that she has officially given me rights to call her mine. My girlfriend and this comes up.

A big ing sick joke.

I don't know where to go and the only person that I feel like I could talk to, I can't even manage to face right now.

Beep. I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket and I slowly reach my hand inside to get it; I swallowed hard at the name on the screen, I tap and the message opens.

Where are you?

- Hana

I don't reply. I just can't bring myself to do so. I need to be alone. I need to think.

What do I do now, mom?















































The atmosphere on Wu Enterprise went thinner with every ticking of the clock; Kris was last to arrive, everyone was in the large lobby, awaiting the arrival of the guest. The reason why they all were cramming this week. He fixed his tie and joined the others.

“You're late” Suho mutters but Kris ignores him. Kyungsoo looks around and notices Hana's absence, he was standing beside Kris and nudges him in an unnoticeable manner “Hey, is Hana with you?”

Kris felt like choking all of a sudden. He felt uneasy but maintained composure, a serious face plastered onto his face “No”

A frown crosses Kyungsoo's lips and he gives a heavy sigh “What, you two fought so soon?”

Kris ignored him, he ignored the words. He didn't want to talk right now, he was not in the mood and a lot of things were running through his mind.

When the black car had pulled up onto the front of the building, everyone seemed to have held their breaths as a man in a tux exited the passenger's seat and opened the backseat of the car. Black, spotless and well polished, shoes stepped onto the ground and a man stepped out.

The chairman.

He stepped up the stairs and as soon as he entered the building everyone bowed. Everyone but Kris.

“Still the same” his old raspy voice says looking at the young Wu.

Kris ignores his remark

“Welcome to Wu Enterprise, Chairman”


Do you want to know the answer to the most asked question?

It could be in the next chapter ;)

OHMAYGATH, 500 THUBBIETH! I KENNOT! KEKEKEK ~ KAMSAHAMNIDA EVERYONE! Never have I imagined reaching such a great number! You guys are the best! I will do my best not to disappoint you ~ are you at the edge of your seats? The show is just about to start ;)

Thank you subbies, thank you for the comments and upvotes :D


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Chapter 62: How can we not love this
Never stop loving this ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter 16: I really like your style of writing...this is my third time reading this and its never boring❤❤❤👍
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Chapter 66: The download link is leading me to a broken site. What do I do? Please help!
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Chapter 62: Finally finished rereading this!! Loved it
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Chapter 62: Just finished reading this for i don't know how many times and my mind keep on wondering where is that scene and this scene. I mixed up this one with the sequel.
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Chapter 42: LMAO that chanhun gif is still iconic sksksks
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