A Man's Instincts

The Pretty One II

"Oh Chaekyung ah!" Soomi caught sight of her friend and gave a big wave. "Morni-"

The girl faltered for the obvious reasons as her eyes narrowed in on Chaekyung and L.Joe's interlocked hands. Chaekyung naturally tried to pull away but L.Joe kept a firm grip on her hand, shooting her a "loving" look.

Soomi's eyes widened and her jaw dropped, her hand reaching for Bomi beside her and slapping her friend's arm repeatedly. Bomi squawked in surprise and she jumped away in shock. "What the hell is wrong with y-" her eyes too fell on Chaekyung and L.Joe and her jaw fell in a similar fashion. "Chaekyung ah!"

By this time, the Infinite boys and Jaekyung were already notified of Chaekyung's arrival and not to mention the rest of the students in the hallway when Bomi gave their loud squawk.

Jaekyung's eyes widened as well and she took a step forward, her eyes darting over to L.Joe. L.Joe straightened when her sight met his and he hoped to gain a reaction from her. Slight jealousy perhaps?

He didn't get it. "Chae?" Jaekyung blinked at her sister in confusion. "Is...he the reason why you didn't hitch the ride with us today morning?" a slow smile crept onto her lips.

Chaekyung stared at her sister and didn't know what to say even though she had rehearsed the part in her head so many times. She just stared straight back at her gang of friends of which were also staring at her. And the guy beside her.

L.Joe took the chance to make himself known, rolling his plan into action. "Uhm hi, as you can probably tell..." he looked back at Chaekyung with a small smile to emphasize their "love and bliss". "We've started dating."

A series of ooohs and aahs and not to mention groans were heard throughout the hallway. Fanboys cursed under their breaths and sighed at their own incompetence. First their school's princess was snatched up by the school prince L and now came another handsome guy L.Joe. It seemed they didn't have a chance any longer.

"Oh my gawwwwddd!!!" Soomi and Bomi ran up to hug Chaekyung tightly and knocking all the air out of the latter's lungs. "You're so lucky I knew something like that would happen I'm so happy for you!" Soomi squealed. "Congratulations!"

"Err...thanks?" Chaekyung muttered unsurely. This was entirely different from the time she dated L, she could feel no elation, only dread.

L.Joe on the other hand was observing Jaekyung closely to see if she was just mildly disappointed that this hot guy (referring to himself) was already taken. She looked surprised and slightly happy even. That's completely not the expressino he wanted her to have.

Aish he would have to buck up then. He looked at Jaekyung meaningfully and gave a charming smile when she met his eyes. She smiled back, thinking it was cute that Chaekyung finally found someone for herself after the previous year's incidents.

She always thought it was cute how L.Joe and Chaekyung started arguing from the first moment they met. Chaekyung had complained to her furiously when she bumped into L.Joe and Jaekyung was reminded of the time when she first saw L. Instant dislike, it was. And look how that turned out.

Jaekyung chuckled to herself and she glanced over at her boyfriend beside her. To her surprise, L was staring at L.Joe strangely with his brows furrowed, obviously seriously in thought. Jaekyung blinked in confusion and tugged his sleeve lightly and L immediately snapped his gaze over to her, his unreadable expression instantly becoming tender. "Hmm?"

"What are you thinking about?" Jaekyung whispered, smiling. "Aren't you happy for Chaekyung? I think both of them look cute together."

L just smiled and pinched his girlfriend's cheek lightly. "I think we look cuter together, Mrs Kim."




"So how did you two end up together?"

"I thought you hated him! It was hate to love wasn't it? That's so cute!"

"How did he confess? Details! Everything!"

Chaekyung felt overwhelmed by the questions as her friends bombarded her with enthusiastic enquires about her new relationship. She felt guilty about lying to her friends about this "fake" relationship but L.Joe had explicitly stated that she wasn't to tell anyone that it was a show at all.

She played with her fingers under the table as when she was nervous. She didn't dare look at them in the eyes and she swallowed as discreetly as possible. "It just happened." she shrugged, hoping they wouldn't press further.

Fat hope. "HOW?" Soomi urged, looking extremely excited. "L.Joe oppa is seriously hot. In my opinion he's comparable to the Infinite oppas but I'll never tell them that." she grinned. "I'm so happy for you Chae!"

"I thought you didn't like him, Chae." Yoomi blinked at Chaekyung. "And you didn't look as if you were lying when you were complaining to us about him. You seemed seriously pissed with L.Joe oppa and now you're together. How did that happen?"

Chaekyung bit her lip. "Uh...we uh worked together on the project and uh..."

A pair of arms came around her and wrapped themselves around her waist. Chaekyung jumped, startled, as she felt a soft pressure on her right shoulder. She turned to see red hair flapping in her face and she jerked back in shock. L.Joe grinned at her. "Hey princess, what were you girls talking about?"

The girls cooed and squealed in delight while Chaekyung gaped at L.Joe as if he grew a horn. L.Joe raised a challenging brow and smirked at her. Chaekyung so wanted to smack his face.

"We were just asking Chae about how you two progressed so fast!" Bomi squealed. Chaekyung narrowed her eyes at her friend. THAT BETRAYER. "Do you want to share your side of the story L.Joe oppa?"

Chaekyung nearly gagged. Oppa? Heh, no way in hell was she going to call him that. L.Joe pretended to look shy and Chaekyung thought he was rubbish at acting. Why couldn't her friends tell that he was faking all his expressions? "It was the typical love at first sight but I purposely tried to irritate her to catch her attention. Seemed like it worked huh, princess?" he tugged on Chaekyung's hair playfully.

The girls squealed wildly and Chaekyung buried her face in her hands. OH GAWD. This guy had to cut back on his public display of "affections" by miles.

Chaekyung discreetly elbowed L.Joe's stomach while the girls weren't looking and he let out a soft "oomph". He narrowed his eyes at Chaekyung and pulled his hands away from her waist, but decided to sling his arm around her shoulder, crushing her to his side and successfully irritating the hell out of her. She shot him a look and elbowed him hard but he kept his grip firmly around her shoulders. Hah.

"I want to listen to your side of the story too, princess." L.Joe raised his brows at her challengingly. "You know how I fell for you the first time I laid my eyes on you. How about you?"

Chaekyung growled inwardly. This guy was asking for it seriously, and look how he was enjoying the her suffering. Plain evil! "Uh I just...fell for you? Unconsciously?" Chaekyung responded unsurely. She had never been good at lying and this was plain difficult. Especially when it couldn't be further away from the truth.

"How?" Yoomi pressed, grinning. "Which moment did you realize you actually liked L.Joe oppa despite what your brain tells you?"

Her brain was in line with her heart, thank you very much. "Uh we worked on the project, spent time together and..." Chaekyung struggled for words, she looked over at L.Joe for help but that jerk was just smirking and enjoying the show. "His irritating personality just grew on me?" It came out as a question.

The girls squealed nevertheless and cuddled together in a bunch. L.Joe bit back a snort of laughter. "Are your friends always like that? Squealing at every single thing like they've just been let out of a cave?" he whispered.

Chaekyung frowned at him and L.Joe flicked her forehead, smirking. "You fell for my irritating personality huh?" he commented.

Chaekyung growled and elbowed him harder than before, causing him to cough loudly to hide the groan that erupted in his throat. Her friends didn't catch their expression, however, and assumed they were being lovey dovey and flirting with each other. And they squealed again.

Groaning, Chaekyung hung her head down and tried to shut out the noise. L.Joe was kind of right, they did seem like they just came out of a cave, didn't they?




Jaekyung tapped her chin while furrowing her brows lightly. She was brainstorming on what are the possible topics for the next article she was going to write but she was too distracted by the happy news of Chaekyung's relationship that morning.

She leaned back against her seat and threw her head back to look at L. L was lying on her bed with his arms behind his head and staring at the ceiling, deep in thought.

Jaekyung blinked at her boyfriend and cocked her head to the side. "Myungsoo?" she called. "What are you thinking about?"

L didn't respond, his brows still furrowed and still deeply thinking. Curious, Jaekyung moved over to her bed and sat down beside L, waving her hands in front of his face. "Myungsoo?"

L blinked, startled, finally shifting his gaze to look at her. He smiled distractedly and grabbed her hand, kissing her finger tips. "Yes Mrs Kim?"

Jaekyung laughed softly and patted his hair. L smiled warmly and shifted to the side of the bed, patting the space beside him and pulling her to lie down. They faced each other on the bed, just their hands touching.

It took everything L had to just stare at her and not touch her. He had to be the guy with most self control in the whole of Seoul because of his girlfriend's peculiar situation. Jaekyung was still okay with mild contact but it still wasn't okay for him to cuddle and kiss her as and when he liked.

He curled a strand of her hair behind her ear, careful not to touch her skin too much. "What were you thinking?" Jaekyung blinked at him curiously. "You were so distracted. In fact you were distracted since this morning, anything the matter?"

L propped himself up with his elbow and peered down at her. "What do you think of that L.Joe guy?"

Jaekyung bit her lip and wrinkled her nose thoughtfully. "I think he looks quite nice." she blinked up at him. "I actually thought he and Chae looked cute together the other time when he came over for their project. He called her princess and she still calls him Ariel. I think it's their secret code or something, that's so cute."

L's expression remained impassive. "But don't you think it's weird?" he pressed on. "Chaekyung seriously hated that L.Joe guy and she isn't someone to change her mind so quickly. And now they're dating? it's too fast."

Jaekyung chuckled. "Time is nothing when they love each other." she looked at him slyly. "Didn't you start dating Chae within days of meeting her too?"

A rare faint blush graced L's cheeks and he cleared his throat in embarrassment. "I was a confused young lad okay?" he pouted. "But that's besides the point. I don't really trust the L.Joe guy. We don't know his background or his personality and all of a sudden he comes dating your sister. I think something is off here."

Jaekyung laughed and shook her head. "You're thinking too much Mr Kim, I think they suit each other. I'm glad Chae found someone for herself since I always felt guilty about-"

"Hush." L put his finger on her lips and shook his head. "It's not your fault that we're in love, Chae just fell for the wrong person. Anyway I'm pretty sure she's over me now since she's already dating this L.Joe guy."

"I hope they last." Jaekyung yawned softly and closed her eyes. "They really do look cute together."

L smiled softly and watched as she dozed off. He laid beside her, still deep in thought. They always said that women had accurate sixth sense but L thought his was quite accurate as well. In fact he wasn't sure if it was sixth sense or just the mutual understanding between men.

He knew. He knew very well that L.Joe was interested in Jaekyung. The first moment he saw that guy looking at his girlfriend, he knew that this guy liked her. He could tell when another male was interested in his girl alright.

And that interest still lingered in L.Joe's eyes that morning even when they were announcing his and Chaekyung's relationship. How could L let that guy date Chaekyung with an easy heart?

Chaekyung was like his sister and he didn't want her to be hurt. He couldn't figure why Chaekyung accepted L.Joe so quickly either.

However he hoped everything would turn out fine.

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amicoolikethat #1
Chapter 33: It's 2024 😭
Omg it's been so long. Just came back to this website to check if this has been updated but sobs. I guess it'll never be. But thanks to this author for raising teenage me lol
amicoolikethat #3
Still no update 😢
Chapter 33: Please continue 🙏 😔😔😔
amicoolikethat #5
It's been years :(
Chapter 22: I just had to scoff. Heh, I came here for jaesoo couple so I guess I'll stop here since the story isn't even completed anyway :( I might die from curiosity if I continue
Chapter 20: L.joe is such a hypocrite lmao. As if he's not whipped for chae! And both of them are so dense i just wanna bump their head together
Chapter 19: Idc if I'm being mean but at least chaekyung know her place ( ̄ヘ ̄)
Chapter 16: Ahhh jaekyung really deserve everything the world. I kinda hate chaekyung at first, but I'm glad to see her changing into a better person