Chapter Thirty

Wolf, the Top Gang

Baekhyun’s eyes widened. Did she just – do that? The rest of Wolf and Fang were awestruck. They stopped vilifying each other and there was no more sense of superiority or arrogance – just pure shock. If there was anything to stop their vehement argument, it was a female punching a Top Member. If this wasn’t a Rave, it would be all over the news. A low-life female dare touch a male, let alone a Top Member? Unheard of. Impossible. Absolutely no way.

          Alcohol brought back different memories and sides of Jinah. Because those hidden sections – which were packed away for a reason – was now pulled up to the center of her mind, she was forced to think about it. Jinah felt exposed and vulnerable because of those thoughts that made her feel so small. The swirl of recollections and surges of emotions mingled inside her, driving her crazy. Jinah didn’t know what to do and that really frustrated her. Being in such a foreign and unfamiliar situation didn’t help at all. So she vent out this suffocation physically – she punched him. It would end their fighting too. And even if they continued to fight, it wouldn’t be about her. That was good enough. At least she wasn’t the – burden. At least she wasn’t an encumbrance. “Now we’re even,” Jinah stated.

         No one helped Chunji up. They were in too much shock. Seonah and Hyungyu pushed their way through the crowd and finally arrived at the scene. Seonah gasped at the sight. Chunji was bleeding. Ricky was unconscious. Jinah’s cheek was cut. Kai’s jaw was turning bluish from Ricky’s punch earlier. Seonah looked angry. As if we needed more anger in the room, Chen thought.

           “No fights at Raves – do you guys not understand that? I told you to take it outside!” Seonah’s strident voice shrilled, making a few people wince. Seonah created the Rave for one reason – male and female enjoyment in the arts of music and dance. It was a time for females to pretty up and for males to dress up. A social meet where you met new people and make friends, despite the dreary conditions of DE. That’s what she had in mind. Not necessarily innocent – there was a couch, a bar, and even a few empty bedrooms – but enjoyable. Pleasurable. Fights weren’t pleasurable whatsoever. “You all have ears and a brain. Now think!”

          Finally, some of Fang’s gang members helped Chunji out who was drunk, groaning, and in pain. Kai swore before he wiped his mouth. The Top Members had snapped out of their daze.

          Jinah tried to think logically and straight, which, in all honesty, was difficult. Especially when she felt like her body would explode. “Let’s go,” she said slowly, feeling the surging sensation of alcohol’s aftereffects. Her stomach started aching and she could’ve sworn she saw a few stars twinkling in front of her eyes.

          Baekhyun perked up. “Yeah, let’s,” he said, agreeing to the idea immediately.

          Junhyung broke the eye contact with Luhan as s shuffled around, collecting themselves and getting ready to leave. Seonah may seem easy-going but she was strict when it came to Rave rules. She had the authority to ban gangs from coming to Raves, among other punishments. Getting banned is a huge public embarrassment between gangs and their lives would become duller and boring. Who doesn’t enjoy a little too-loud music once in awhile? They were wrecked and rebellious young adults. The gangs knew that, so they cleaned up after themselves. Hyungyu ordered the DJ to continue the music and the man quickly turned the volume up, quickening the number. Kris heaved Chanyeol up again and Suho put his hand on Chanyeol’s back, supporting his friend. When Junhyung looked up, Luhan glared at him again. Junhyung gave him the faintest smirk before they turned to leave. Jinah and Baekhyun followed Kris and Chanyeol as they exited from the opposite side.



When they were finally outside, Xiumin burst out. “What the hell happened?” He had kept everything in for the sake of Wolf’s reputation, but now that they were out, he just burst open and let it all out. “Everything was fine and you just had to pick a fight with your old rivals. Seriously? We finally came to the Rave in weeks and you decide to argue with those stupid Army rivals. What are you, twelve again?”

          Kai furiously turned around and glared at Xiumin. “It’s not just about ing Army or Hood history!” he pointed at Jinah’s face. “ing look at her! She’s cut!”

          “I’m fine!” Jinah yelled. She didn’t want to be the reason for others fighting. It wasn’t that she didn’t want to be blame – she didn’t care what these people thought of her – but she hated being a hindrance or seeing others get hurt because of her, a thing she inherited from her dwelling life. Minjung suffered through Jaein’s and Yooni’s teasing because of her. Miss Kim was looked down on at times because of Jinah’s six records. Even at the ceremony – L’s pained face still haunted her. And more.

         Luhan came forward and cupped her face, making Jinah involuntarily hold her breath. He brushed his thumb over the cut, inspecting it carefully. Jinah pushed him back, and he let her do so. The push was quite hard but if he wanted to, he could’ve planted his feet firmly on the ground, unmoving. But he saw it. He saw the way her eyes flickered, slightly wavering with wistfulness and old throwbacks. He saw the way she was hating everything that happened and was happening. He saw the unsure doubt, the hint of insecurity. It all flashed in her eyes before she pulled the thick curtain over her orbs again, hiding all emotion. Of course he let her push him back. She’s so different from her at times like this, he thought. The way Jinah was hesitant and dubious of everything. The way Jinah constantly debated with herself and always chose suppression instead of expression. But she was also similar with her in some ways. The same high-bridged nose, the same cold aura. The way she…she was delicate. But then Jinah did something that took Luhan by surprise, and completely contradicted his last thought. Jinah rubbed her own bloody cheek harshly and rolled her eyes. No, not delicate. Jinah was hardly delicate. While Jinah can pretend like everything’s okay, she would have given others a sad smile. There was a difference. A light smirk played on Luhan’s lips when Jinah said, “Can we go now? I need to sleep the alcohol off. Right now, I see two of you all. I really can’t manage twenty-four Wolves. Twelve is more than enough.”

          Even manages humor.

          Baekhyun laughed and ruffled her hair. “You’re cute.”

          “Two Baekhyuns, holy . Stop talking! I’m going to go deaf with your ten million words,” Jinah said, slightly slurring and swaying.

          Baekhyun feigned hurt. But then he laughed. “You’re drunk but you’re still you.”

          She snorted. “I am not drunk.”

          “Yes you are.”


          “Youre talking instead of punching. Yep, you’re drunk.”

          Jinah punched him.

          “What was that for?!” Baekhyun exclaimed as he rubbed his arm.

          “That’s for assuming I’m drunk.”

          Luhan frowned in sudden realization. “So that’s why you left her alone.”

          Baekhyun swallowed. “Yeah…I went to get us drinks and got the wrong one. The second time I went to get her the right drink, the lineup was huge. I couldn’t get that far even with my band. And when I came back she had punched him. And you and Sehun were already there.”

          “What did she want originally?” Lay asked as he unlocked Van A. He didn’t drink much, so he could drive legally and think straight, unlike Chanyeol who was yelling nonsense, ignoring D.O’s and Kris’s words to shut up.

          “Water,” Baekhyun said. He bit down on his lower lip when Lay asked casually, “What did you get her instead?”

          Baekhyun moistened his lips as he answered guiltily, “Vodka.”

          Lay gave Baekhyun a look before he chuckled and shook his head, heading for Van A. “Goodness, Baekhyun. Water and vodka…”

         “You misheard water as vodka?” Kai exclaimed. His anger sobered him up a bit, but his emotions still were a bit heightened. Kai laughed. “You’re such an idiot.”

          Baekhyun laughed awkwardly. “Yeah. Big mistake.”

          Jinah felt a little something creep around her stomach until it gripped her heart. Guilt. “It’s not a hundred percent your fault,” she said, rubbing the back of her neck sheepishly. She was still feeling a little dizzy but she safely ended up in the van’s seat. Fastening her seatbelt, she continued, “I should’ve acted upon my suspicion. So it’s my fault too.”

          Baekhyun waved his hand at her as he sat down too. “I really can’t afford to have you more distant from us than now. You’re already hard to approach. If you get even more distant and cold, I’ll burn the base down.”

          Jinah didn’t quite understand what he had said. Her comprehending and hearing abilities weren’t very good at the moment. She groaned. “I can’t understand you anymore. I’m seeing double and hearing buzzes. Stop.”

          Chen whistled. “She’s druuunk.”

          D.O shook his head at Chen. “So are you.”

          “Nooooooooo,” Chen said defensively, flapping a hand, attempting to hit D.O but accidentally came in contact with Jinah’s chin.

          Jinah smacked the side of Chen’s head, and it hit the side window. “Stop talking!” she cried.

          Chen didn’t though. “Wow, Jinah talks a lot when she’s drunk…we should get her drunk more often.” Jinah pushed Chen’s head to the window again and Chen groaned. “My head!”

          D.O sighed. “Guys, shut up. Sehun’s driving. Let him focus.”

          Chen slurred so much that no one understood him anymore. Jinah leaned back and closed her eyes. She’d deal with everything tomorrow. Sleep it all away…

          Luhan saw Jinah in the rearview mirror, and he smiled. Actually, she’s totally different from her…and Aheun. He asked himself, Why are you suddenly opening up to Jinah? Because of the faint similarities between the two? Why? Luhan swallowed. He knew exactly why at the back of his mind, but he didn’t pull the thought out. Not when he finally felt like he could make up for it.




Weeeeeeee, thirty chapters! Status check: 186 subscribers, 155 comments, 4828 views, and 27 upvotes. Again, the amounts have augmented and that means a delighted Seohee ^^ Thanks for your support <333 I know I say it a lot, but that's how thankful I am! So yeah, thanks! LOL~

Are the majority of you BaekYeol shippers of KaiBaek? (If you had to choose between the two - I know some of you are like, Hunhan, Krisyeol, Taoris, Kaisoo, Lumin, etc etc, but yeah) Everyone's straight in this story so far, but bromance yo. LOL. Oh, and, it'd be nice if you participated in this poll~ 




Ah well, I like both (in the brotherly way). So here's a gif of both otps~ ^^


 tumblr_m6hx9uLsoV1qlnnzho4_500_large.gif   8xz.gif


ChanChan don't kill your Baekkieee D: Oh, and HunHan because omfg just look at them ok:




I planned on making this A/N short but I always do and I fail miserably.. thanks to those who read it! <3




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wtg || update! ch70 ♡


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WuJiaYing #1
Chapter 74: Omg I’m squealing over how cute their date was. Rereading again after a while =)
tiffany93 #2
Chapter 74: Hello again! It feels like forever since I read this story last. I'm looking forward to what's to come. :)
Chapter 74: missing you and the story so bad... come home soon. :kneeling:
Chapter 74: Me rereading this for idk how mny times bcs its so good ;;
Heartsne #5
Chapter 74: omg an update !!!! i stopped at chapter 65 for the longest time ever. i am so glad you didnt stop this story. time to reread for the 1923822 time !!
Chapter 74: i feel like i've been gone for so long i didn't know you updated!! i'm really looking forward to the next update and see how things would go,, poor luhan tho HAHA thank you and see you on the next!! :D
RachelHoon #7
Chapter 74: You have NO IDEA HOW EXCITED I WAS TO SEE AN UPDATE! Thank you so much for this, really looking forward to see how things unveil aaah and I feel bad for luhan bdhsj she’s really clueless
fayepopper #8
Chapter 74: I MISSED YOU :)) Thank you for updating slfbskdn
gogogirl26 #9
Chapter 74: Its okayy hann you got ur girl tho ;)
Chapter 74: hello?!?! missed you so much. you really know how to make my year better

but haha.... they won’t have a tomorrow huh? :/