Chapter Ten

In too deep

Hae was on his tummy on the bed. He felt so weak. He didn't understand why Hyuk had taken his plushie away.

Hyuk entered the bedroom and sighed as he saw the boy. 'Can we finally have breakfast?'

Hae just shook his head into the pillow. He yelped as he felt two strong arms lift him up.

'Put me down!' Hae said.

Hyuk ignored him and threw him over his shoulder, carrying him through the room, hallway and down the stairs towards the kitchen.

'It's time you stop acting like a spoilt brat!' Hyuk hissed as he smacked the boy's .

Hae gasped and remained quiet until he was dropped on a chair.

Hyuk ignored the other's puffy eyes and put a plate filled with food in front of the boy. 'Eat!'

'Why are you so mean?' Hae whispered, eyes on his plate. He bit off a bit of his toast.

'Why don't you act like a 22 year old?' Hyuk retorted. 'Are you retarded or something?'

Hae bit his lip. 'What can I do so you won't be angry at me anymore?'

'Just obey me.'

They ate in silence.

'Any women coming over today?' Hae asked hopefully.

Hyuk's head snapped his way. 'What?'

'You always seem to be in a better mood after they leave.' Hae stated.

Hyuk closed his eyes and counted to ten. The frustration wasn't leaving.

'Subin!' Hyuk yelled.

The woman entered the kitchen. 'My lord?'

'Tell the staff they have a day off.'

'Thank you, my lord!' She left quickly.

'Awww that was nice of you, Hyuk!'  Donghae smiled.

'Meet me in the living room in half an hour.' Hyuk said darkly as he stood up. 'And finish that plate.'


Hae entered the room and Hyuk put away his paper.

'Sit.' Hyuk said.

Hae sat himself down.

'Things will have to change around here.' Hyuk said sternly.

Hae let his head hang low. 'I know.' He whispered. 'I'm a bad husband to you, aren't I?'

Hyuk frowned. 'What do you mean?'

'You are not happy with me, are you?' Hae said, still not lifting his head up. 'I'll try harder, please don't punish me.'

Hyuk opened his mouth but was interrupted by the doorbell. He waited a bit, the doorbell went again.

Hae got up.

'The staff will get it.' Hyuk said.

'You sent them home.'

'Oh right. Stay here, I'm not done with you yet.' Hyuk stood up and went to answer.

'If this isn't a good time, we can come back later.' Hae heard his mum's voice.

'No, Lady Lee, it's alright.' Hyuk said. 'Please come in.'

Hae wanted to jump up and run to the hallway but Hyuk had told him to stay put.

Hyuk was the first to enter. His calm eyes met Hae's excited ones. 'Your parents are here...dear.'

Hae stared at Hyuk for a second and then remembered their agreement. He smiled widely and jumped up to hug his parents. When he was thoroughly hugged, he stood by Hyuk's side closely.

Hyuk cleared his throat. 'Please sit down.'

Hae almost landed on Hyuk's lap. He turned bright red and scooted a bit further, not daring to look into those dark eyes.

'Awwwww you two are so cute!!!' His mum squealed.

'So, how is the married life?' His dad asked.

Hae looked up at his husband. He thought about the one time he swam with wild dolphins and his eyes sparkled. 'I love it.' He said all dreamy.

Hyuk felt as if he couldn't breathe. He stared at the younger's face. His eyes lowered as he saw Hae his lips nervously.

'We match well, right...Hyukkie?' Hae said slowly.

Hyuk's mind was clouded. He just nodded. What kind of magic was this? He couldn't stop looking at his husband's beaming face.

Hae saw Hyuk's eyes darken and was afraid he was getting angry. He quickly looked at his parents.

'Want to see the house?' He said quickly, still feeling the intense gaze on him.

His parents were happy to. Hae grabbed Hyuk's hand and pulled him along.

After the kitchen, office, living room and several different rooms, they finally arrived at their bedroom. Hyuk found it fun how Hae always got nervous when he closed in. He could feel the younger's pulse race and breath hitch. He pulled Hae into his arms, backhugging him.

'And this is our love nest.' Hyuk said hoarsely. His breath tickled Hae's ear. He felt him tremble and smirked.

'How lovely!' Mrs. Lee exclaimed.

'Hae, where is your plushie?' His dad suddenly asked.

Hae looked at the ground, hiding his grief.

Hyuk quickly circled him around in his arms, tilting his head. 'I got jealous of him clinging onto it so tightly at night so I told Hae it was the plushie or me.' Hyuk looked in Hae's eyes, mock in them as he saw Hae panicking. He quickly kissed his husband's nose. 'Luckily I won that battle.' For good measure he squeezed Hae's buns quickly, making his inlaws giggle.

The rest of the short visit was a haze for Donghae. He still felt those hands all over him, saw that challenging gaze and felt those lips on the tip of his nose.

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969 streak 0 points #1
Chapter 72: I finally finished this fic. Thank you so much for sharing.
969 streak 0 points #2
Chapter 4: Chapter 4: I started reading this again.
Lavender05 #3
Chapter 72: Reread this again for the nth time and the same feels 💙 pls come back author-nim, you need to write more 🥹
1455 streak #4
Chapter 72: Read this again and wow the feels are still the same ;))
Chapter 72: This story is so amazing 😍
Chapter 72: I'm in love with this story💙
Chapter 56: i want to see hae puppy eyes too >.<
Chapter 6: hae :(((((
Chapter 72: Malgré que je n'aime pas ça quand Hae est transformé en un bébé qui pleure. C'était une fic magnifique et très drôle malgré l'angoisse du début. Merci
Chapter 7: Hyuk pense qu'il est le plus fort, mais il va tomber de très très haut... 💙