Chapter 7

Watching Me

A/N:  WARNING, some profanity up ahead!!! You've been warned... lol


-Chapter 7-

Are You Here?


“Unbelievable. Absolutely unbelievable.”

Sehun’s father turned to face him, arms crossed over his chest and demeanor stern. Sehun stared into his father’s eyes, trying hard to stand his ground and keep his intimidation from peeking out while underneath his father’s intense, accusing scrutiny. Sehun’s father lifted up a finger and pointed at the broken bathroom mirror in front of them both.

“Explain to me how this happened?” he firmly inquired.

“I-I swear dad I don’t know how it happened! It wasn’t me!” Sehun promptly defended. “I was just in my room with my friends yesterday and right out of the blue, we heard the sound of glass shattering. When we went to go check it out, we found the mirror in the bathroom broken…” Sehun’s eyes uneasily darted between the shattered mirror before him to his father’s hard glare.

“So you’re saying the mirror just ‘magically’ broke on its own?” he asked. “Look at this mirror Sehun. It obviously looks like someone punched this mirror in!” Sehun couldn’t deny that his dad was right. The crater in the middle of the mirror definitely looks like the work of a hard punch.

“Dad… I didn’t do it…” Sehun quietly said, looking down at the ground. His father’s hard expression softened when he had seen the grief in Sehun’s face. He pinched in between his eyes and let out a long sigh.

“Sehun… you know I don’t like yelling at you, but who else could have done this? Your mother wasn’t home when this happened and your sister was asleep in her room. You on the other hand were up and about with your friends. If you didn’t do it then maybe one of your friends did. Do you think one of them could have done this?”

“No, of course not. They were all with me…” Sehun slowly trailed off in his sentence when he suddenly had a realization. Chanyeol was gone during the time the mirror shattered. He had also said he was in the bathroom during his absence. It was all coming together for Sehun. He knew who the culprit was and he was determined to get the truth out of him.



Sehun swung open the front door and gazed up to meet eyes with the towering giant, Chanyeol. Immediately when Sehun caught a glimpse of the taller man, he noticed there was something very different about him. Chanyeol’s eyes seemed noticeably dull, matching his pale and dreary face. Not once in all the years Sehun has known Chanyeol has he ever bared such an expression. If Sehun wasn’t so fixated on the issue at hand, he would have shown more concern for this friend. “Thanks for coming over again Chanyeol.” Sehun punctually nodded, taking a step aside to allow Chanyeol to walk into the house.

However, Chanyeol stayed planted to his spot with his eyes staring down at the pavement beneath his own feet. Sehun arched his eyebrow at him curiously. Why was he acting so strangely? Before Sehun could say anything, Chanyeol spoke. “Could we… talk outside of your house?” Chanyeol slowly asked.

Sehun took a moment to actually retain the question before uncomfortably stepping out and closing the door behind himself. “So as I was saying… thanks for coming over again. I called you over specifically because I have something I need to ask you face to face.”

“Actually… I have something I need to tell you too…” Chanyeol interrupted. Chanyeol looked into Sehun’s eyes and Sehun soon noticed that Chanyeol had heavy bags underneath his cloudy dark eyes. Did he sleep at all last night? “I actually have a couple of things to tell you…” he softly added.

“Well, what is it?”

Chanyeol stared down at the ground once again. “Yesterday… against your orders… I went to go see Jaeyun…” Sehun’s breath hitched up and his eyes shot wide open. Pain rose up Sehun’s hand when he felt his nails dig into his own palm into a severely tight fist. “When I went to go see her, I had asked her out on a date and-“ Chanyeol was caught off guard when Sehun hands lunged forward and grabbed hold of Chanyeol’s collar, yanking him to his level. Chanyeol stared petrified at Sehun who was now trembling with anger.

You did what?” Sehun asked behind clenched teeth.

“S-Sehun, just hear me out…! I need you to tell her that I wanted to call the date off!” Chanyeol’s shaky response only seemed to have set Sehun off even more as he clenched Chanyeol’s collar tighter, turning his own knuckles white.

“You ask her out on a date… and then you call the whole ing thing off?!” Sehun roughly shoved Chanyeol away, causing Chanyeol to stumble back a few steps. “What the hell are you trying to pull anyways?!!! Are you trying to mess with her or something?! Is this some kind of sick joke?!! What if she was serious about this whole thing; how the do you think she’ll feel?!!”

“Listen to me Sehun! I… I need to tell you why I’m canceling this whole thing in the first place! It’s something you need to be warned about!” Chanyeol’s uneasy words didn’t seem to faze Sehun at all as he strode towards him, anger seeming to build up with each step he took towards him. “Please Sehun… c-calm down… look, last night I-I woke up and I found…”

Chanyeol was cut short when Sehun had punched him square across the right cheek, causing Chanyeol to crumble down onto the ground. Chanyeol let out a choked up cry with his hands cupped around his cheek and tears building up in his clenched eyes.

“Don’t you ever try to pull a fast one on Jaeyun EVER again!” Sehun barked, panting heavily and fists trembling. Chanyeol’s eyes shot open and in a second, he jumped up onto his feet and snapped his arm down to grab a fistful of Sehun’s shirt and bringing his face close to his own.

“I’M TRYING TO HELP YOU!!!” Chanyeol screamed. “Why are you so ing protective of her?! You’re just her brother! Are you jealous or something?! Jealous that there could be some other guy out there that she would love more than you?! Is that it??!!”

Sehun finally found himself unable to push out any words as he stared at Chanyeol. Exhaling a sharp sigh, Chanyeol roughly pushed Sehun away and proceeded out the front gate. Sehun felt his entire body quivering and his mind racing faster than it ever had before. Finally he managed to lift a shaky hand up to hold onto his throbbing head with eyes clenched shut.

“Why… why do I still try so hard…?” he silently whispered to himself.



Sitting down in your bed, you felt your eyes being drawn up to the wall parallel from you on the other side of the room. It was an empty wall which had aging paint that was chipping off slightly in certain areas. Usually, this part of your room was easily disregarded and overlooked by you but all day, that area was all you found yourself staring up at.

Because it was in that very area where you had seen Luhan for the second time last night.

It made you wonder if that spot was where Luhan usually stood when he was in your room. It also made you wonder if he was standing there right now as you thought about it. He could be standing there or maybe he could be standing at your door. Perhaps he was right near you at your bedside. Luhan could even possibly be sitting on your bed with you right this moment. You raised a hand up to lightly massage circles into your temples as you felt yet another painful migraine beginning to form.

This invisible entity was slowly eating away at your sanity. You weren’t sure where he was, how close he was, what he was doing, what he was thinking- all you knew was that somehow… he was with you.

You had always had these questions boggling around in your head and had tried to tuck it away to an unknown place in your mind in order to give yourself some peace. But today, you found these question being completely out in the open. It wasn’t just a matter of knowing where he was anymore. Now…

You wanted to know where he was.

You wanted to see Luhan once again.

Perhaps it was just curiosity that got the better of you, but for some reason from the moment you woke up this morning, you wanted to see Luhan once again. It seemed as thought for the first time, your newfound interest was overpowering your longtime fear. What made Luhan show himself to you those other times? What did you have to do to make him appear? You looked down at your lap and took in a small breath. Almost involuntarily, the word slipped past your lips.

“…Luhan? Are… you here?”


There wasn’t a sound in your room. The noiseless minutes that ticked by didn’t faze you as you patiently listened closely for any type of response. Until…


You jumped up when you heard a noise spring out from the exact same spot where you had seen Luhan the night before. So he was standing there the entire time… Without any warning, you began to hear very soft footsteps emerging from the other side of the room and the air gradually beginning to thicken around you as the footsteps began to come closer.

You held your breath as this invisible being closed in on you. You began to tremble and you felt fear start to painfully build up in the pit of your stomach. The powerful force that Luhan usually gave off on you had felt more forceful than it ever had been before. It was overwhelming and you were beginning to find it a bit harder to breathe…

He was only a few feet in front of you now.

You slowly closed your eyes and braced yourself for what was to come, feeling Luhan literally inches away from you now…

What would even happen if he got to you. What would he do? Were you willing to accept the outcome of this…?




Your eyes flew open. Immediately, you sensed Luhan’s presence back away from you and you could breathe normally once again. “Jaeyun, come downstairs! We’re all going out to the store to buy a new mirror!”

It was your mother.

Despite the fact that some unknown part of you was begging yourself not to leave, you slowly stood up on your feet and shuffled towards your door. Just as you had grabbed the door knob to swing the door open… you felt a tug on your shirt.

You stiffened up at the sudden sensation and looked over your shoulder. There wasn’t a thing behind you but you instantly knew what was happening. “Luhan…” you faintly murmured. There was another light tug on your shirt at the utterance of the name. You paused for a moment before slowly speaking once again. “You… don’t want me to leave?” Your breath caught in your throat and you braced yourself slightly the moment you felt Luhan’s presence move in closer in your personal space. It felt as if Luhan was looming right over you and you could have sworn you felt what seemed like faint, rhythmic breaths brushing against your forehead. Swallowing hard, you continued on. “I-I’m sorry… but I have to go.” Your stomach wrenched when one last phrase escaped your lips without you realizing it.

“I’ll come back, so… just wait for me… okay?”

Almost instantly, Luhan had released his grasp on your shirt and the air around you had lightened significantly. Still a bit shaken up, you were in a small state of shock by what had just happened. Finally it occurred to you…

You were dealing with a very smart spirit.


You were walking down a deadly path- a path of no return. You still had time to turn around and run back but you didn’t… You were going to continue walking down this dangerous road. You knew all too well that by doing this, you were now on your own and that nobody would be able to help you.

You knew this… but you didn’t care anymore.

All you wanted to do now…


Was to somehow connect with Luhan.



`Author's Corner

Waaaahhhhhh I'm sorry Channie!!!!! *cries forever*

...And thanks for the wonderful comments you guys. It keeps this old lady going! lol

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Chapter 4: oh my COD, I know I'm not super far into the story yet but this is so amazing!!! your writing flows so well and is perfectly descriptive, I can't wait to read more.
Chapter 25: I agree, having any ual with ghosts are just straight-up terrifying. I mean we all probably won't like the idea of any incubus appearance in this book.
Chapter 8: I'm curious of why he's acting like an over obsessive boyfriend.
Chapter 6: Oh that hurts so much.
Chapter 3: I know it's odd to say this but I'm jealous of their relationship as siblings. They had more moments together than the moments I had with my brother combined from our childhood days until we both reached our adulthood today.