Chapter One — Noraebang

Encore of Emotions
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A/N: Hello, everyone! After considering the prologue, I realized it might have left some of you wondering, "What's next?" So, I've decided to share the first chapter earlier than planned.

This story aims to loosely follow real-life events and timelines, weaving them into our characters' lives. Whenever a chapter draws from these events, I'll provide "sources" at the beginning so you can dive deeper and get more immersed in the story. I hope you all enjoy this journey, and please feel free to share your thoughts and feedback (and also share the story if really like it 😅).










"Minjeong-ah! Are you ready?" Jimin's voice pierced through the bathroom door, laced with impatience that barely hid her excitement.


Physically, I was ready. My outfit was meticulously chosen, my makeup flawless. But mentally? , no. I was a tumultuous sea of emotions.


Today's agenda was filming a noraebang session for the Aespa YouTube channel. While singing our hearts out in noraebangs was nothing new for us, today felt different. Memories flooded my mind as I stood in front of the mirror, the weight of the past four years heavy on my shoulders. Jimin's voice blending with mine on heartfelt ballads, her laughter during our playful renditions of retro hits—these memories came rushing back, along with the feelings I had buried deep within.


"Yes! Coming out now!" I replied, forcing a cheery tone that contradicted the turmoil inside. With one last look in the mirror, I assessed my appearance. The outfit was cute, the makeup impeccable, but inside, I was a whirlwind of nerves.


Aeri, sprawled on her bed with her phone in hand, looked up curiously. "What's got you so jittery? You've been to countless noraebangs with Jimin."


I let out a sigh, the weight of my emotions threatening to spill over. "It's just... when she sings, especially those romantic songs, it feels like she's pouring her heart out, and I, like the fool I am, always think that it might just be her pouring her heart out to me. But now, with the cameras..."


"Don't go kissing her in front of the camera, and everything will be fine," Aeri joked, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "You know everyone already ships you two. Fans will just think it's your usual dynamic."


I chuckled weakly, the idea of impulsively kissing Jimin in front of the cameras absurd yet strangely tempting. It offered a brief reprieve from the intensity of my feelings, even though I knew it wouldn't be that simple.


Taking Aeri's advice to heart, I nodded. "You're probably right. I might be overthinking things."


"Maybe," Aeri replied gently. "But it's okay to feel this way. Nerves are natural, especially when there's a camera involved."


With Aeri's words echoing in my mind, I steeled myself. Whatever emotions lay ahead in the noraebang, I was determined to face them head-on.




As we settled into the noraebang, the presence of cameras added an extra layer of self-awareness. The anticipation in the air was palpable. The soft glow of neon lights cast a warm ambiance, contrasting the nervous energy that crackled between us. 


Jimin's playful grin mirrored my own as we settled onto the plush couch, the familiar hum of the karaoke machine filling the room. "What should we sing first?" she asked, her eyes sparkling with excitement.


I shrugged nonchalantly, though my mind raced with a million thoughts. "You pick. Surprise me."


With a mischievous twinkle in her eyes, Jimin scrolled through the song list, her gaze flitting from one title to another. Then, as if struck by inspiration, she looked up with a grin. "How about 'Love Story' by Taylor Swift?"


My heart skipped a beat at her choice, the irony not lost on me. But before I could protest, Jimin had already queued up the song and passed me the microphone.


"Alright, let's do this," she exclaimed, her enthusiasm infectious.


Taking a deep breath to steady my nerves, I launched into the familiar melody, my voice trembling slightly with emotion. As the lyrics unfolded, I couldn't help but feel like they were a mirror reflecting my own unspoken feelings for Jimin.


We sang together, our voices intertwining in a bittersweet harmony that echoed the complexities of our relationship. With each verse, memories flashed before my eyes—late-night conversations, stolen glances, and the tender moments we shared when no one else was watching.


As the chorus swelled, I stole a glance at Jimin, her eyes alight with a mixture of nostalgia and longing. In that moment, it felt like time stood still, the weight of our unspoken emotions hanging heavy in the air.


And when the final notes faded into silence, a sense of catharsis washed over me. Singing 'Love Story' with Jimin felt like a confession in itself, a silent plea for her to see the depth of my feelings.


But as silence filled the room, reality came crashing back down around me. Jimin flashed me a bright smile, oblivious to the turmoil raging within my heart.


God, I hope they cut this song from the v

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oofiee 1078 streak #1
Chapter 5: damnn she only needs you as a friend... don't expect please
Chapter 5: Will it end with Minjeong moving on from her feelings or will it be a happy ending
Reader9 #3
Chapter 5: It’s unrequited love. I’m kinda scared for the next chapter.
Chapter 5: Y is it so sad 😭
reveluv316 811 streak #5
Chapter 5: thanks for the new update
reveluv316 811 streak #6
my heart continues to be broken
oofiee 1078 streak #7
Chapter 4: damn that call could be an emergency...... pats ryujin
kasterian #8
Chapter 4: the stories are all sad today 😞 this one too ☹️
oofiee 1078 streak #9
Chapter 3: forgot their tradition 😔
Chapter 3: Why you got to hurt us like this author-nim 😔😔😔