Complicated II

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Joohyun was awakened by the sound of a crying voice in the early morning. Groggily, she opened her eyes to find Minjeong standing by the bedside, tears streaming down her little cheeks.

"Unnie." Minjeong's tiny voice trembled as she called out. Immediately, Joohyun's sleepiness vanished, and she sat up. 

"Minjeong, what's wrong? Why are you crying?" Joohyun asked gently, her heart aching to see the usually cheerful girl in such distress. Minjeong hiccupped through her sobs and managed to say, "Mommy." Confused and alarmed, Joohyun's heart raced. 

"Mommy? What's wrong with Mommy? " Joohyun asked, seeking clarification. But Minjeong only cried louder, her small frame shaking. Joohyun reached out and scooped the crying Minjeong into her arms, cradling her close. 

"Shh, it's okay, Minjeong. Unnie is here. Tell me, where's Mommy?" She tried to soothe the little girl as best as she could. Sniffling, Minjeong managed to point upstairs.

"In her room," Minjeong whispered through her tears.

"Okay, okay, let's go find Mommy," Joohyun reassured Minjeong in a soothing tone. Joohyun carefully carried Minjeong and made her way up the stairs to Seungwan's room. The sense of urgency grew with each step, and she couldn't help but wonder what had caused Minjeong's distress and why she was calling for Seungwan so desperately. Joohyun approached Seungwan's bedroom door and gently knocked before announcing herself.

"Ms. Son, it's Joohyun. May I come in?" She waited for Seungwan's permission. But there's no response, so Joohyun slowly pushes the door open and enters the room. Joohyun's eyes fell on Seungwan, who was lying on the bed. Seungwan's face was contorted in discomfort, as if she were in pain. Setting Minjeong down carefully, Joohyun hurried to Seungwan's side. She noticed that Seungwan's face was covered in sweat,

"Ms. Son, are you okay?" Joohyun asked in a worried tone, Seungwan's answer was a pained groan. Joohyun's worry deepened as she gently tried to place her palm on Seungwan's forehead, only to find that her body was running a high fever. Frowning with concern, Joohyun immediately took action. She dialed the number of a doctor, urgently requesting their presence at Seungwan's mansion. As she awaited the doctor's arrival, Joohyun did her best to provide some comfort to Seungwan. Gently, she placed a damp, lukewarm washcloth on Seungwan's feverish forehead, hoping to alleviate some of her discomfort. Joohyun's touch was gentle and caring as she tried to offer solace in this worrisome situation. Turning her attention to Minjeong, who was understandably upset by her mother's condition, Joohyun knelt down and reassured the little girl. 

"Don't worry, Minjeong. Mommy will be okay, we have a doctor coming to help her. " she said softly, her voice soothing. Minjeong nodded, placing her tiny hands on Seungwan's larger one. 

A few moments later, the doctor arrived, carrying a medical bag and examined Seungwan carefully and confirmed that she had a high fever. The doctor decided to put her on an IV drip. Joohyun watched nervously as the doctor worked, feeling helpless in the face of Seungwan's illness. After setting up the IV, the doctor turned to Joohyun and explained the situation. 

" Your wife needed to rest, the fever would start to go down once the IV ran its course. This is some medicine to further help reduce the fever. " The doctor said and handed the medicine to Joohyun. Joohyun's cheeks turned a deep shade of red as the doctor referred to Seungwan as her "wife." Her heart raced, and she fumbled with the medicine the doctor had handed her. 

" Then, I take my leave. '' The doctor said bow at Joohyun.

" Thank you doc " Joohyun bowed back in gratitude. 

Minjeong tugged at the hem of Joohyun's nightgown, her big, innocent eyes filled with concern. 

"Unnie, will my Mommy be healthy soon?" she asked in her sweet, childlike voice. Joohyun knelt down to Minjeong's level, her heart touched by the little girl's worry. 

"Of course, Minjeong, your Mommy will be healthy soon. The doctor is taking good care of her, and I'll make sure she gets all the rest she needs." Joohyun gently cupped Minjeong's face and replied with a reassuring smile. 

" How about we do something fun together while we wait for your Mommy to feel better? We can take a nice shower together to freshen up, and then we can go play in the garden. What do you think? " Minjeong's eyes widened with excitement, and a bright smile spread across her face as she nodded vigorously. The prospect of spending time with Joohyun always brought her joy. 


Throughout the day, Joohyun dedicated herself to Minjeong's care and play, making sure she had all the love and attention the little girl asked for. They painted pictures, built towering block castles, and even had a pretend tea party with Minjeong's favorite stuffed toys. In between their activities, Joohyun couldn't help but check on Seungwan from time to time. Every now and then, she would slip into Seungwan's room, her heart heavy with worry, to see how the older woman was faring. She would quietly approach Seungwan's bedside, her steps careful not to wake her. Joohyun would then place her palm on Seungwan's forehead, feeling the warmth slowly dissipating, a sign that the fever was indeed starting to subside, just as the doctor had assured. A deep sense of relief washed over Joohyun as she stood by Seungwan's bedside, watching her sleep peacefully. She couldn't help but smile softly, knowing that the worst seemed to be over. The worry that had weighed on her all day had finally started to lift. Joohyun leaned in close and whispered, more to herself than to Seungwan, 

"You're going to be just fine, Ms. Son." She carefully adjusted the blanket covering Seungwan, making sure she was comfortable, and then tiptoed out of the room, leaving the door slightly ajar.

The late hours of the night had settled in, and Joohyun's day had been filled with looking after both Minjeong and checking on Seungwan. After tucking Minjeong into her cozy bed and ensuring she was sound asleep, Joohyun quietly went upstairs to Seungwan's room. Upon entering the room, Joohyun saw that Seungwan was still asleep, her breathing steady and her features relaxed. The room was dimly lit, and the soft glow of a bedside lamp cast a warm, soothing ambiance. Joohyun couldn't help but be drawn to Seungwan's bedside. Without making a sound, Joohyun took a seat at the bed. She gazed at Seungwan, her heart filled with concern and affection. Carefully, she reached out and gently caressed Seungwan's hand, her fingers tracing the contours of her palm. Joohyun watched over Seungwan. The doctor's assurance that Seungwan's fever was going down had brought a sense of relief, but her worry for the woman still lingered. In the quiet of the room, Joohyun allowed herself to acknowledge her growing feelings for Seungwan, feelings that went beyond just admiration, or just like the older woman. 

" I think. . I really like you so much, Ms. Son " Joohyun whispered her heartfelt confession, a single tear rolled down her cheek and she quickly wiped it away. 

" Please don't make me worried " Joohyun murmured softly. 

The soothing rhythm of Seungwan's breathing began to lull Joohyun into a state of tranquility. The comfort of being by Seungwan's side and the peaceful atmosphere of the room gradually took its toll on her, and her eyelids grew heavy. Unintentionally, Joohyun's grip on Seungwan's hand loosened, and her head slowly dropped as she succumbed to sleep. She slumbered peacefully beside Seungwan, both of them now resting in the quiet embrace of the night. The room was filled with a serene silence, broken only by the gentle sounds of Seungwan's breathing and Joohyun's soft snores. 

Unknown to Joohyun , Seungwan opened her eyes, her heart racing as she absorbed Joohyun's confession. She had heard every word clearly, and it stirred something deep within her. Joohyun's honesty had touched Seungwan in a way she hadn't anticipated.  With a soft and almost imperceptible movement, Seungwan turned to face Joohyun, her gaze filled with tenderness as she watched the young woman sleep. The dim light from the nightlight cast a gentle glow on Joohyun's peaceful face, accentuating her delicate features. Seungwan's hand moved, and she gently caressed Joohyun's cheek, her fingers tracing a path with a featherlight touch. Seungwan's heart fluttered, beating faster as a mixture of feelings swelled within her. She could hear the thump of it in her own ears. She was overwhelmed by the realization that her feelings for Joohyun ran deeper than she had ever imagined. She had always appreciated Joohyun's kindness and care, but now, she found herself drawn to her in a way that was impossible to ignore. With utmost care, Seungwan shifted Joohyun's position to ensure she was comfortable, tucking the blanket around her. 

"Thank you for taking care of me and Minjeong, Joohyun." Seungwan said in a soft, barely audible whisper. Seungwan leaned down and pressed a tender kiss to Joohyun's forehead. It was a sweet and affectionate gesture, one that conveyed her feelings in a way that words couldn't fully capture. She wrapped her arms around Joohyun, pulling her into protective embrace, the warmth of their closeness soothing her own racing heart. With Joohyun in her arms, Seungwan drifted back to sleep. 


Joohyun's eyes slowly fluttered open as she woke from a deep sleep, and the first thing she registered was the sight of Seungwan emerging from the bathroom with her hair still damp, clad in a bathrobe. Her heart skipped a beat at the unexpected sight, and she sat up abruptly, her eyes widening in surprise. It was then that Joohyun realized she wasn't in Minjeong's room. Panic and embarrassment washed over her as the memories of the previous night rushed back. She had fallen asleep in Seungwan's room, in Seungwan's bed.

" Good morning, Joohyun "

"G-Good morning, Ms. Son." She stammered out a greeting, Her cheeks flushed crimson as she quickly looked around the room, wondering if Seungwan had moved her during the night. Seungwan noticed Joohyun's flustered state and couldn't help but find it endearing. She walked over to the bed and sat down on the edge of the bed besides Joohyun, her bathrobe elegantly draped around her. 

"I hope you had a good night's sleep, Joohyun" Seungwan said gently. 

"I'm so sorry, Ms. Son, I didn't mean to fall asleep in your room like this." Joohyun said, her voice filled with genuine regret. Seungwan's smile remained warm and reassuring as she reached over, gently ruffling Joohyun's hair. and her eyes held a gentle, understanding gaze.

"It's okay, Joohyun, you've been taking care of both me and Minjeong, and you needed rest too. I'm grateful to have you here." Seungwan replied, her voice soft and soothing. Joohyun's heart soared at Seungwan's words, her cheeks flushing even deeper as she looked down, attempting to hide her reddened face and ears. 

"How are you feeling now, Ms. Son? Is it getting better?" Joohyun asked with a hint of worry in her voice. Seungwan met Joohyun's gaze, and her lips curled into a warm and appreciative smile. 

"Yes, Joohyun, I do feel better, and it's because of you." Seungwan said, their eyes locked for a moment. To break the intensity of the moment, Seungwan pretended to cough lightly. 

" After taking a shower, my body feels so much better now." she explained. Joohyun couldn't help but feel relieved as she heard Seungwan's explanation. Joohyun smiled and nodded, her heart lighter. 

" Let's have breakfast together with Minjeong, she's might be waiting us " Seungwan said and Joohyun smile getting widened as the mention of Minjeong. 

" Yes, Ms. Son " 


Joohyun was enjoying her lunch with her best friends, Sooyoung and Seulgi, at the bustling campus cafeteria. They chatted and laughed,  until an unexpected guest disrupted their gathering. Park Bogum, a fellow student who had a crush on Joohyun, slid into the seat beside her, greeting her and her friends with a cheerful "Hi." Sooyoung and Seulgi exchanged glances, their smiles fading by his sudden appearance.

"Joohyun, there's something I want to talk to you, privately." Bogum turned his attention to Joohyun, his expression earnest. 

"Seriously? You're just going to intrude like this and try to take Joohyun away from us? That's pretty rude." Sooyoung couldn't help but roll her eyes at the situation. She leaned in and spoke up, not hiding her annoyance.Bogum's response was a polite smile directed at Sooyoung, but his focus remained on Joohyun. 

" Please Joohyun " He waited patiently for her to respond, as if her answer meant the world to him. Taking a moment to collect her thoughts, Joohyun turned to Sooyoung and Seulgi, her voice gentle as she addressed her best friends. 

" Can we talk for a moment, and then I'll catch up with you guys? I promise it won't take long." Joohyun said, Sooyoung and Seulgi exchanged glances once more, this time understanding Joohyun's predicament. They nodded reluctantly, albeit with a hint of disappointment. 

"Okay, but don't keep us waiting for too long," Seulgi said with a sigh. Joohyun smiled gratefully at her friends and turned her attention back to Bogum.

"Alright, Bogum, let's talk,"


Joohyun and Bogum found a moment of privacy behind a tree near the bustling campus cafeteria.  

" What did you want to talk about?" Cutting to the chase, Joohyun asked. 

"Joohyun, I need your help with something important." Bogum maintained his friendly smile and replied. Joohyun frowned slightly, wondering what kind of help he could possibly need. 

"In three days, there will be a prestigious ball event held in Seoul. It's an affair that brings together high-class businessmen and businesswomen from different countries. Invitations are extended only to the crème de la crème of the business world, and attendees include CEOs of Fortune 500 companies, tech magnates, and influential political figures." Bogum's expression became more earnest as he began to explain.

"What does this have to do with me?"Joohyun remarked, couldn't fathom why Bogum would need her help with it. Bogum took a deep breath before continuing,

"Joohyun, I've been invited to this event as a representative of my family's business, and I desperately need a date. You were the first person who came to mind." Joohyun blinked in astonishment, being asked to accompany him to such a prestigious event was unexpected, to say the least 

" No " Joohyun firmly shook her head and began to walk away, believing that attending such a high-profile event as Bogum's date was not something she was ready for or interested in. However, just as she took her first steps away from him, Bogum reached out and grabbed Joohyun's arm. 

"Wait, Joohyun," he implored, his voice filled with urgency. "I'll pay you."

Joohyun stopped in her tracks, her eyebrows furrowing in surprise. The offer was unexpected, and it gave her pause. Money had never been her primary motivator, but she knew that her family's financial situation was far from stable, and she had her father's debt to consider.

"How much are you willing to pay?"She turned around to face Bogum and asked. Bogum's face lit up with a smile, realizing that Joohyun was at least considering his proposal. 

"I can offer you 1,000,000 won per hour" he replied, his tone confident. 

" How long will the event to be held? " 

"The event is expected to last from four to five hours. " Joohyun quickly did the math in her head, calculating the potential earnings. At  1,000,000 won per hour for five hours, she realized that she would be earning a substantial 5,000,000 won in just five hours. It was a sum that left her in disbelief, and she couldn't help but shake her head at the thought.

"Rich people are different," Joohyun couldn't help but smirk at the figure. The offer was certainly enticing, and it would go a long way in helping her settling her father's debt to none other than Seungwan. After a moment of contemplation, Joohyun made her decision. She looked at Bogum and said, "Deal."

Bogum's happiness was palpable as he practically jumped with joy. He extended his hand to shake on the agreement, and Joohyun accepted it, sealing their unconventional arrangement


Seungwan sat on a plush couch in the luxurious boutique, waiting Sana to tried on one elegant dress after another for the upcoming ball event held a special significance. It was more than just a glamorous occasion which was just a few days away. Seungwan watch Sana moved gracefully between racks of dresses and fitting rooms. Seungwan couldn't help but feel a sense of unease wash over her. Her mind was preoccupied with the weighty decision she had to make, a decision that would have far-reaching consequences not only for herself but for Minjeong as well. Mr. Hirai had proposed an engagement between Seungwan and Sana, and the ball event seemed to be the stage where this proposal would be officially made. Seungwan knew that this decision had the potential to reshape her life and Minjeong's life in significant ways. Deep in thought, Seungwan considered the possibilities and implications of accepting such an offer. 

" Babe " Sana called Seungwan, but the woman didn't seem to hear her. 

" Seungwan " Seungwan's mind had been consumed by the weighty decision she faced, and she had drifted into deep contemplation. It took several calls of her name from Sana to bring her back to the present moment. 

"Ah, yes." Startled, Seungwan finally responded. 

Sana, oblivious to Seungwan's distraction, continued to smile as she twirled in front of the mirror in a stunning pink flowered tube top dress. She looked radiant and confident.

"How do I look?" Turning to Seungwan, she asked eagerly. Seungwan's gaze softened as she took in Sana's appearance. The dress suited Sana perfectly, accentuating her beauty and grace. 

"It suits you beautifully, Sana." Seungwan complimented, with a warm smile. 

Sana's face lit up with happiness at Seungwan's words.

"Thank you," she replied excitedly. 

"I think I've found the dress I want for the ball event." Seungwan nodded, glad to see Sana so pleased with her choice. 


Seungwan parked her car in front of her mansion, and as she stepped out with Sana, they were greeted by the sight of Minjeong playing with Joohyun in the front yard. Minjeong's eyes lit up with excitement as she spotted her mother, and she dashed toward Seungwan, 

"Mommy!" Seungwan scooped her daughter into her arms, twirling her around as they shared joyful laughter. Sana and Joohyun watched this affectionate reunion with smiles on their faces. Sana approached Minjeong. 

"Hello, Minjeong," she greeted warmly, reaching out to hold Minjeong's hand. However, she was met with a frown from the little girl. Undeterred, Sana continued,

"Minjeong-ah, Aunt Sana wants to play with you too. Aunt Sana even brought a special gift just for you." She held out the gift in her hand, hoping to pique Minjeong's interest. Minjeong's gaze shifted from her mother to Sana, her curiosity sparked by the promise of a gift. Finally, with a little nod, she extended her arms, indicating that she wanted to be carried by Sana. Joohyun watched the scene of Sana holding Minjeong with Seungwan by their side, they're look suit to become family, Joohyun couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness deep within her. while she was genuinely happy for them, it was hard not to feel a tinge of longing. In an attempt to cover her emotions, Joohyun managed a faint smile. However, her melancholy didn't go unnoticed by Seungwan, the older woman approached her. Seungwan reached into her bag and pulled out a chocolate bar, offering it to Joohyun with a gentle smile. 

"Here, Joohyun," she said kindly. Joohyun accepted the chocolate bar, still feeling somewhat confused by the gesture. She thinks it's like Seungwan was read her feelings. On the sidelines, Sana see the interaction between the person she loves with Minjeong's babysitter, her head tilted and frowned. 

"Where's my gift, aunt Sana?" Sana gaze distracted by Minjeong question, 

" Ahh, right " Sana gently set Minjeong down and handed her the lollipop, wrapped in colorful paper. Minjeong's face lit up with delight as she eagerly tore the wrapper and started the candy. But, just a few moments later, Minjeong suddenly dropped the candy, her tiny body convulsing as she began coughing uncontrollably. Panic surged through the yard as Sana's eyes widened in shock. 

"Minjeong, what's wrong?" Sana quickly knelt beside Minjeong, her voice filled with concern as she asked. Joohyun, who had been watching the scene unfold, immediately rushed over to Minjeong, her motherly instincts kicking in. Seungwan, following closely behind, also joined the frantic scene. Minjeong, still coughing and struggling to breathe, suddenly vomited. It was a distressing sight that left everyone in shock. Joohyun picked up the discarded lollipop packaging, her eyes widened in alarm when she read the word "Peanuts" on it. 

"Minjeong is allergic to peanuts!" Joohyun exclaimed, her voice quivering. Sana's eyes widened in guilt as she covered with both hands, the weight of her unintentional mistake sinking in. She had no idea about Minjeong's allergy. Without wasting another moment, Joohyun scooped Minjeong into her arms, holding her close,

" Ms. Son, we have to go to the hospital." Joohyun anxiously said, Seungwan, her face etched with worry, nodded in agreement. She knew the seriousness of Minjeong's peanut allergies. 

They all piled into Seungwan's car, the engine roaring to life as they sped towards the nearest hospital. Seungwan's hands gripped the steering wheel firmly, her knuckles turning white with tension. Joohyun sat in the passenger seat, clutching Minjeong tightly, her heart pounding with fear. She could feel Minjeong's labored breathing and knew that time was of the essence. The car weaved through traffic, Seungwan doing her best to navigate the streets as quickly as possible. Sana sat in the front backseat, her mind, filled with regret and guilt. 

Joohyun's tears flowed uncontrollably, fear had gripped her heart. She didn't notice her own tears until Seungwan, ever perceptive, took hold of her trembling hand. 

"Don't worry, Joohyun," she said, squeezing Joohyun's hand tightly in a gesture of comfort and reassurance.

"We're almost there." Seungwan's voice, though quivering with concern, was a comforting anchor in the midst of chaos. Joohyun's head turned slightly towards Seungwan, her tear-filled eyes meeting Seungwan's gaze. She nodded slightly, her emotions still raw. 

Sana sat in the backseat, watching the scene unfold, she couldn't deny the pang of jealousy she felt as she watched Joohyun and Seungwan's closeness. The way Seungwan held Joohyun's hand and her deep gaze stare at the babysitter, the concern etched on both of their faces. Something about this moment made Sana realize that their relationship was more than she had imagined. 


The car finally screeched to a halt in front of the hospital's emergency entrance. The medical staff rushed to assist Minjeong, and the tension inside the car eased slightly as they saw her being taken into the capable hands of the professionals. They wait in the waiting room, Sana's heart was heavy with emotions she couldn't fully comprehend. She watched Joohyun and Seungwan, their hands still entwined, leaning on each other for support. 

Joohyun couldn't stop crying, the worry for Minjeong having taken a toll on her. Her shoulders shook with each tear, her sobs echoing in the quiet room. It was clear that she was struggling to keep her composure. Seungwan gently pulled her close in an embrace. She held Joohyun tightly and pet Joohyun back soothingly, her touch a balm to Joohyun's distressed soul. 

"Minjeong will be okay. She's a strong and resilient little girl."In a soft, reassuring voice, Seungwan whispered into Joohyun's ear, Joohyun, still trembling with worry, hugged Seungwan back. 

"I know, but seeing her like that... It's just so frightening," Joohyun admitted, her voice trembling. Seungwan kept Joohyun in her arms, until the doctor emerged from the treatment area, clad in a white coat. Seungwan and Joohyun, their faces etched with worry and exhaustion, immediately turn around, eager for any news about Minjeong's condition. 

" Hello, Ms. Son. We've conducted some tests, and it appears that Minjeong is suffering from an allergy to peanuts. We took a blood sample to look for certain antibodies known to cause allergies, and the results confirm it." the doctor explained gently but firmly.

"Minjeong should avoid eating peanuts or anything containing peanuts in the future to prevent such reactions." The doctor continued, Joohyun nodded, listening intently. 

" The paramedics administered purified allergen extracts to Minjeong, which helped counteract the allergic reaction. She's now stable and can be discharged from the hospital after she wakes up. We'll provide you with some guidelines on managing her allergy and an EpiPen for emergencies." At those words, a wave of relief washed over both Seungwan and Joohyun. Their tense shoulders relaxed, and they exchanged grateful smiles. 


In the quiet hospital room, Joohyun and Seungwan sat by Minjeong's bedside, their worry gradually easing as they waited for her to wake up. The sterile scent of the room was a stark contrast to the warmth of their emotions. Joohyun's fingers gently rubbed the top of Minjeong's head as she dozed, a comforting gesture that was second nature to her. She had cared for Minjeong as if she were her own daughter. Then, Minjeong stirred, her eyes fluttering open. 

"Unnie." Minjeong looked up at Joohyun, her voice soft and filled with affection as she called out. 

"Minjeong-ah, you're awake." Tears welled up in Joohyun's eyes. She smiled through the shimmering droplets and replied. Minjeong, still groggy from her ordeal, blinked up at Joohyun. She reached out with a small hand and gently wiped away the tears that glistened on Joohyun's cheeks. 

"Why is Unnie crying? when Joohyun unnie is sad, Minjeong is also sad" Confusion crossed her face as she asked. A tender laugh escaped both Seungwan and Joohyun at Minjeong's innocence and sweet concern. 

" Minjeong-ah, unnie's not sad. These are tears of happiness because you're okay." Minjeong nodded her head, her expression still filled with a childlike innocence that melted their hearts. She continued to wipe Joohyun's tears, her small hand offering a touch of comfort.

Sana had been silently observing the heartfelt scene between Joohyun, Seungwan, and Minjeong from the doorway. Crumpling the fabric of her dress in her nervousness, Sana  took a deep breath and lowered her face before approaching the bedside. 

" I'm really sorry, Seungwan, Joohyun. I didn't know that Minjeong was allergic to peanuts." Seungwan reached out and gently placed a hand on Sana's shoulder. 

"It's okay, Sana. You didn't know, and most importantly, Minjeong is fine now. That's what matters. " Her voice was filled with warmth as she replied. 

" I'm sorry for yelling at you, Ms. Sana. I just panicked." Joohyun said, 

"No need to apologize, Joohyun. I should have been more careful. I'm glad Minjeong is safe." Sana nodded in response, her voice soft and sincere. 


The ball party day finally arrived, the most anticipated gatherings of the year in the world of high-class business and politics. It was a night that promised opulence, glamor, and networking opportunities like no other. The chosen venue, the Seoul Imperial Hotel, stood as a symbol of grandeur and sophistication, set against the backdrop of the picturesque beach. The Seoul Imperial Hotel's grand ballroom began to fill with the crème de la crème of the business world. Distinguished guests from all corners of the globe arrived, each dressed in their finest attire. The gentlemen sported impeccably tailored expensive suits, while the ladies showcased elegant and glamorous dresses that left everyone in awe. The room buzzed with conversations in various languages, a testament to the international nature of the event. CEOs of Fortune 500 companies exchanged business cards and engaged in discussions about potential mergers and partnerships. Tech magnates eagerly shared insights about the latest innovations and trends in the industry, while influential political figures discussed policies and international affairs. The event was not just about business; it was also a celebration of culture. Korean delicacies and international gourmet dishes were served, offering a delightful culinary experience. The guests savored every bite, appreciating the fusion of flavors that mirrored the diverse backgrounds of those in attendance. They anticipate the fireworks festival behind the hotel at the end of the event. The Seoul Imperial Hotel's strategic location allowed attendees to enjoy a breathtaking view of the beach and the night sky. 

Seungwan made her entrance with Sana by her side. Seungwan's confidence and sophistication were mirrored in Sana, who radiated elegance and charm. Together, they were the embodiment of grace and style, commanding the attention of everyone in attendance. Seungwan's luxurious black peak belted blazer with chain necklace on her neck continued to be the epitome of sartorial excellence, and Sana's choice of attire complemented her partner perfectly. Their coordinated presence only added to the allure of the night, leaving guests in awe of their impeccable taste and fashion sense. Guests couldn't help but turn their heads as Seungwan radiant smile lit up the room. She moved wit

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Wow, I am absolutely overwhelmed by the incredible support and community promotion for Fluttering Feelings😭Your generosity & kindness have truly touched my heart & I can't thank you enough🥺Your encouragement is what motivates me to keep updating the story, and I promise to do so as soon as I can🙏


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WluvsBaetokki #1
Chapter 8: What do you mean by only 1 chapter left???? 😩 Nooooo! Lol
I need to see them build a family. Joo-Hyun being preggers and all that huhuhuhu
WenRene_77 #2
Chapter 7: You mother er yong Joon!! Go rot in hell!!😡😡 I hope seungwan and joohyun will be okay🥺💙🩷
Favebolous #3
Chapter 8: NICEE LIKE IT
1690 streak #4
Chapter 8: The anxious wait and angst is so worth it in the end. I thought Seungwan's wound wouldn't heal 'coz constant abuse lol, will wait for epilogue~
Chapter 8: Phew, I survived the angsts. I’m glad for Seungwan’s patience since it’s Joohyun’s first r/s and it must be difficult for her to manage such complicated situation.

All these visuals added are fantastic! Will be looking out for your new story too!
Favebolous #6
Chapter 7: Waiting
Favebolous #7
Chapter 3: Mr.Hirai 😡
Favebolous #8
Chapter 2: Minjeong so cute
Favebolous #9
Chapter 1: Like it
wenrene012 #10
Chapter 7: Oh thank goodness Jennie is married, I don't want a love triangle 😭 lmao. Way to go back to updating and you dropped this intense chapter!! You're so good at writing. I can't wait to read the next one!!' Please come back soon