WINTER PT. 2: in death, i am alive

seasons and weather
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Minjeong stood up from her position, brushing away the dirt on her pants. Stretching her limbs as she looks out into the horizon - the sun was obviously starting to welcome a new day. The soul has taken longer than she expected, glancing at her watch. Such mundane things to do, a human thing to always check the time.

And yet for Minjeong, it was simply a habit - just something she could do every time she finishes a job. Turning around, she glanced at the wrecked car at a distance before walking away - by the time anyone sees the accident, the person has obviously passed away.

Minjeong blinks and she's already in front of the familiar bar - entering it and not caring about the silence that stretches the moment she steps foot inside. Ryujin glanced and nodded her head in acknowledgement, while Minjeong saw the bright red hair turning and grinning at her. She took a seat right beside the latter, and let out a quiet thank you to Ryujin as she served her drink.

"You're quite early today." Ning said and Minjeong hummed in response.

"The last soul has too much say and to do," Minjeong answered and yawned, "I could say the same thing to you."

"There's no sleep for love," Ning grins and sips happily.

Minjeong looks at the girl and shakes her head, "Disgusting."

Ning rolls her eyes and decides to ignore the comment, "So, have any interesting souls that you've collected?"

"None of significance." Minjeong answered, earning a grunt from Ning, she could see the latter wanting to ask another question - of course, she would.

"Oh come on, just tell me how you do your job," Ning exclaims and practically slaps Minjeong's arm, "I thought we're friends?!"

Minjeong looks at Ning, the concept of friends still foreign to her - though she knows that she and Ning started almost at the same time with their respective jobs. But still, Minjeong couldn't tell if they are friends - or acquaintances, perhaps the latter. After all, the concept of friends seems so - mortal, tangible, and always coming to an end.

"Oh please," NIng rolls her eyes, "don't overthink it. Friends, workmates - whatever. Don't compare it to mortals and your views, Min."

"I am not," Minjeong defensively said, "what do you want to know?"

"With how you take souls, of course."

Minjeong sighs, looking at the excited eyes and grin from Ning - she knows that the latter will not let this go. "Of course, it'll start when they take their last breath." She started.

And so Minjeong explained it to Ningning, answering the girl's questions, one after another. It was rather simple, mostly technicalities on her job - and Minjeong did not find it difficult. After all, it was a job that she has been doing for millennias, she knows it like the back of her hand - her existence is solely because of her job.

To deliver and be Death to the mortal world.

"So, you like, kill them or what?" Ning asked, making Minjeong close her eyes, controlling her breath.

That was the common misconception of her, that she herself brings forth death to mortals - but it was never like that. Minjeong does not have the power to choose the mortals to collect their souls, she will simply meet them when their time comes.

"It comes randomly," Minjeong explains, "It could be in the coldest part of the world, or the busiest street in the country," She said and continues.

"They could come in groups, but never a specific mortal," Minjeong mutters and sips from her wine, "Their name shows in the list, and then I'll walk them to their end."

Ning hums and nods her head in understanding, "So, all the mortals that you've met, they are only because of your job? To collect their souls?"

Minjeong looks up from her drink, the question making her still for a quick moment before she shrugs, "Most likely, I could care less about it."

Ning lets out a laugh, "You know, you should really befriend a mortal, they are quite exciting to have as an acquaintance." She suggested.

Minjeogn frowns, not sure on what to say, "Well, did you?"

Ning smiles, "From time to time, yeah."

"That's a rebellious thing to do, hm?"

"There's nothing that says that it's not allowed," Ning points out, her tone smart and steady, "Only if it'll affect our job that it is an issue."

A pause.

Minjeong decided to ask the same question to Ning, "How about your job? How do you do it?"

Ning grins and lets out a short chuckle, wetting her lower lips as a mischievous glint becomes visible in her eyes, "I push mortals to the direction where they need to be, for their growth and emotions."

Minjeong raised an eyebrow, "Sounds manipulative."

"I beg to differ," Ning hums with a smile, "I find it helpful."

"There's no assurance in that," Minjeong points out, "Quite a tiresome job if you tell me."

"Well, mortals are interconnected in more ways than one could imagine," Ning wistfully said with a blissful smile, "just a small tug in those threads will help them, either through suffering or love."

"Suffering?" Minjeong asked.

Ning smiles and stands up, "What is eternal love if not for a bit of suffering?"




Minjeong never realized how many souls she has taken for the day, not until she sees the indication of time through the sky, how the sun started to get dimmer - how mortals start to run to go home, for more time to rest. Was it a routine for her? This job of hers, probably. But with such differences from each soul she collects, it could hardly be a routine.

Some would be easy.

Some would be too noisy.

But mostly would refuse the truth.

She walks around the city, a different one from the city that she's used to - full of caucasians. Sharp  features, with accented English, loud fashion and different problems. It was much busier than she thought, and somehow, it was a quick day for her - the last soul for the day already collected. She quietly walks around, passing people without any care. Turning to the dark alleyway and as she opened her eyes, she was back to Korea.

The silent neighborhood welcomed her - the streaks of the sun brushing the sky, houses started to have lights .

The snow beneath her feet, thick and unkept.

Minjeong walks around, relishing the silence - waiting for a new name on her list to be added.

Suddenly, she hears loud metal rails being moved. Looking right across the street, the familiar shop greets her, with the sign being turned to Open as she stares at it. She sees the familiar face of the girl from before, the shoulder length hair tied in a small ponytail, little bits of strands falling. And Minjeong just stood there, watching how the girl - Jimin, fixed the small tables and chairs in her shop.

How the girl diligently chose a vinyl to put in the turntable.

Wiping the counter clean.

Cleaning the floor with a mop.

Minjeong could tell that it was already a routine for the girl - mortals live for a routine, something to do - to use their time with. And when the time comes, they would always say that they did not have much to do - that they need more time to live.

And Minjeong was about to continue with her walk when she saw Jimin suddenly slumping on the chair, all hunched as her shoulder shakes, her hands covering her face. It was such a weird thing to do, to cry for something. What was it going to do anyway, she thinks.

Minjeong doubts it would not change a thing.

Then suddenly, she was walking towards the shop - bumping into a man, as she bowed in apology, she still had some manners. The bell rings, grabbing the attention of Jimin - tear-streaked face welcoming Minjeong. And she stared at the girl who seemed surprised to see her.

"Am I interrupting something?" Minjeong said.

She watched how Jimin hastily stood up, wiping her face and composing herself. "No, uhm, good morning. It's been long since I last saw you, Winter." Jimin said with a small smile.

Minjeong looked at the latter, slightly frowning as she did not bother to know since when they last saw each other, "Just busy with life."

How ironic.

They stood there without any word, with Jimin shifting her weight from one foot to another while Minjeong just did nothing - for all she knows, mortals talk one after the other. And she has done her part.

She stood there, hands in her coat as she looked around lazily.

"Uhm right, would you like something to drink?" Jimin asked and went behind the counter, tightening the knot on her apron.

Minjeong simply shakes her head, "I'll just look around for some books." she answered and walked away. Ignoring the way Jimin followed her until she reached a random bookshelf, shielding herself from the girl's stare.

To be honest, Minjeong was quite impressed with the selection of books that the shop has, having some first editions of classics is a feat to have, and to see that it is in mint condition. She pulls out the book that she was reading before, the thick leather bound with gold details. Tracing it before opening, she settled into the corner, leaning against the wall as she read.

The smell of fresh baked pastries, the sound of the coffee machine along with the soft classical music mixing together, Minjeong kept quiet as she read the familiar words in the book. Already knowing what would happen.

Then a clearing of the throat was heard, the kind of sound that was just made for the sake of getting one's attention.

Minjeogn raised an eyebrow to see Jimin standing a few feet away from her.

"Uhm, I've prepared a latte for you," Jimin said and pointed to the table, and just right there, a white mug was on top of the table. "I did not know what you like so I just settled for the safest option."

Minjeong nods her head, "Oh, thank you. You didn't have to."

"A thank you for the incident before." Jimin muttered.

She just decided to walk to the small table, settling and sitting on the chair while Jimin stood there in front of her - as if waiting for something. Minjeong tilts her head, wondering what the girl was waiting for. "You may take a seat, you know?" she offers.

Minjeong saw how Jimin stammered, opening and closing as if she was about to say something. She ignored the girl and went on to sip on the latte that was in front of her, the hot drink touching . The stark taste of caffeine, along with the milk - the balance of sweet and bitter, swimming through Minjeong's taste buds.

"Is it good?"

She looks at Jimin, nodding her head. "Yeah, thank you."

Minjeong sees how Jimin bit her lips, suppressing a smile as she nodded her head.

It was quiet once again.

Or so she thought.

"You love classics?"

Minjeong glanced at Jimin, pitying how the girl is trying to start a conversation, "Yes, it's quite nice."


Minjeong could feel Jimin staring at her, the curiosity in her eyes - the lump on , as if she wanted to say something. She closed the book that she was reading, crossing her legs as she directed her attention to Jimin, "Is there something else you need?"

Jimin shakes her head, "No, I just," she stammers, "I'm just not used to this."

"What exactly?"

"You did not ask me if I was okay," Jimin said quietly, her head lowering down - avoiding Minjeong's eyes. Out of embarrassment, shyness? She does not know. "Even after you saw me, uh, crying."

Minjeong took a sip once more, "Seems personal." She shrugs

When in all honesty, she doesn't care at all.

Jimin smiles, a solemn one, "It's just refreshing."


And somehow, that short and cold answer made Jimin laugh - a short and yet lively one. Her eyes brightened in a way that Minjeong remembered the night she was with Suyeon, right before Jimin heard of the news.

"Seems to me like you don't know how to comfort someone who's crying," Jimin jokes, "haven't encountered people crying?"

Minjeong begs to differ - she has heard various cries for help, begging to give them more time. If it was not anger or denial, it would be crying that she would hear. And comforting mortals is such a waste of time.

"I just know it'll pass," Minjeong said and shrugs, "Move on and live until you have time."

Jimin stood there for a few seconds, staring at Minjeong, "You remind me of my grandma."


"How so?"

"'Until you have time' she always says that or along those lines," Jimin answers with a small smile, her expression is one of those where mortals reminisce some memories, "As if she's always been expecting that she'll die in the end."

Minjeong did not comment, after all, Suyeon is one of those few mortals that greeted her like a friend. So, she knows that Jimin is telling the

"She's a smart one."

"She was."


Minjeong does not have anything to say.

But it seems like Jimin has other plans, "Say uhm, are you free this weekend?" She sounds hesitant and yet expectant all at the same time.

"It depends." Minjeong answered shortly.

"On what?"

Minjeong looked at the girl, "On my job, why?"

Minjeong watched how Jimin went to grab something from the counter, walking towards Minjeong with a flier. The god grabbed it gently and read its content as Jimin spoke.

"I'm going to volunteer at an animal shelter, and I'm thinking if you'd want to accompany me," Jimin said, trailing off, "I mean, it's still up to you. No pressure, just want to have more people in the shelter."

"Interesting," Minjeong mumbles mostly to herself, "what a kind soul you are, darling." She comments.

Not noticing the way her endearment affected Jimin, making the latter blush for a moment.

"Thank you?" Jimin said unsurely.

Minjeong took the drop of coffee, wiping with a napkin as she folded the flier. "I'll stop by when I can." she said, promises attached to her words - no assurance or what not.

Jimin nods her head, "Right, of course. It's just that, there seems to be much going on with you and that you look..."

Minjeong looked at Jimin, curiously, waiting for her to continue. She stands up as she waits for the girl to finish her sentence.

"... soulless. And just maybe live a little."Jimin said unsurely.

How forward. A dreamer.

Minjeong thinks.

And so she wonders, does she have a soul? After all, she lives to collect souls of these mere mortals - she was the god of death after all. She doubts that she has one - a soul that is. And to live a little, how innocent can Jimin be? Minjeong has lived for years that Jimin can only imagine, she has witnessed everything that has happened in the world - it was such a pathetic thing to hear.

"You do seem quite full of life, darling," Minjeong said slowly, her eyes tracing Jimin's figure - relishing the fact that Jimin's obviously uncomfortable under her stare. "Have a nice day, love." Minjeong bid and turned back to walk out of the store.




The sun was slightly visible in the sky, still covered with clouds as the snow continued to fall quietly and peacefully. Minjeong stood there in front of a bloodied body in an abandoned alley. She lets out a breath, white smoke coming out of her as she does so. Staring down at the body in front of her, the mess that she did not make, the soul that she has collected that made her annoyed.

A guy, probably in his late 20s.

Died due to stupid reasons - flooded with debt, and stupidly thought he could get away by trying to kill the collector with nothing but a knife.

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Chapter 6: flower + matilda *chef's kiss*
your stories are chef's kiss too 🫠
not_mecoconut #2
Chapter 26: Tapos na po ba talaga to? 🥺
Chapter 26: Ohmyghad this is going to be soooo sad i cant pls😭
lalaflourish #4
Chapter 26: 😭😭😭pls let jimin be happy for once
Chapter 26: Two things are in my mind for this update: how will The Fates do to minjeong and jimin's situation? and also the god of love's thread has no effect if The Fates' thread interefered right?
Chapter 26: I binged read this in one night. The stories are so good! 😭. You write so beautifully, authornim. Thank you for sharing these stories with us.
seulreneislife #7
Chapter 26: why tf u write so good🥹🫶 im gonna be really heartbroken if the ending will be winter asking jimin what did she regret the most😞
Chapter 26: happy ending, please? 🥲
addicted03 #9
Chapter 26: Will this story have a happy ending? I really hope so 😭
Ieftonread #10
Chapter 26: oh god please at least let jimin live in the afterlife with minjeong 😭😭😭