denser of the two

seasons and weather
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denser of the two


It was a quiet night for Minjeong, all too perfect for her to just do anything but sleep. Looking outside, seeing the lamp posts being the source of light for the street. This is her usual night, with her manning the cashier at the nearest convenience store at their dorm. Blame capitalism, and her overly spending self for her to look for a part-time job.


But it would be a lie if she’d say she hates it, especially when it gives her some kind of peace and alone time. The thing is, this shift of hers is just the perfect routine in her life. With her being nocturnal, and having some space to study and relax.


Having a graveyard shift basically means everyone is asleep but the person on the shift, and it technically means Minjeong isn’t really doing anything. Little to no customers would enter the store, if someone does they would usually just go look for something, and Minjeong would quickly assist them.


“I’m basically just standing there. I’m not even exerting any effort or anything.” Minjeong explains to her friend, Ningning, since the younger girl asked her if being on a graveyard shift is difficult.


“But unnie, sleep at night is still different you know?” Ningning retorts, still worried for the other girl’s well-being. She knows that her friend is nocturnal, but being on a graveyard shift? She cannot see anything beneficial in it. Well, except for the fact that Minjeong would sometimes buy her food because of her part-time job.


Minjeong laughed and just poked the other girl’s cheeks, “Don’t worry about it, it’s just 6 hours. The manager is really great, taking into account that I’m still a student. Also, she told me I can bring some schoolwork and do some of it while working.” She reassures Ningning, and the latter couldn’t help but to agree with her.


This night would be one of those nights wherein Minjeong does not have any pending schoolwork to do. She’s just patiently waiting for her shift to end - scrolling through her social media, walking around the store and organizing some items that were misplaced. Just about anything that could pass time.


She’s currently absentmindedly sitting on a chair, swiveling it around as she types a message to Ningning.


‘Still up?’ She hit send before stretching around, and a quick reply from the younger girl was received as she felt her phone vibrating.


‘Is this a booty call?’


Minjeong snorted and was about to type a witty reply when she heard a cough - that kind of cough that’s very fake and is mainly just to get the attention of someone. She quickly put her phone down, and was about to bring her customer service face and voice.


“Hey, wha - “ her words cannot come out as she looks up at the customer right in front of her. What the .


Minjeong tried to get her together but she kept on stuttering, and it seems like all the vocabulary she’d managed to gain from her 20 years of living suddenly flew out of the window. Suddenly regretting taking the graveyard shift today, this wouldn’t have happened if not for the Jimin, the Yoo Jimin, standing in front of her.


Mentally shaking her head, Minjeong musters up a small timid smile. “Hey, would that be all?” she asked and accidentally made eye contact with the girl. She quickly averted her eyes, greatly concentrating on scanning the items on the table.


Looking at it, she’s weirded out by the random snacks that the other girl put in front of her. Chips, Sourpatch, Takis, Ramen, instant coffee, chocolates, canned coffee.


Is finals coming? Minjeong thought to herself as she looked at the items, suddenly panicking not until she heard a deep and husky voice.


“Uh, yeah.” Jimin answered, “these are for my roommate.”


Then the panic subsided, as Minjeong nodded. “Oh, okay.”




Minjeong looks up, and it seems like Jimin is waiting for her to say something. Which is weird because what should Minjeong say, she’s been avoiding the girl for like months now and -


“How much would it be?”




Minjeong coughed, and was slowly becoming beet red. Good Lord, take me now.


“That would be 10,000 won.” She answers, looking at the screen in front of her. Anywhere but at the customer, anywhere but Jimin.


“Oh, okay. Here you go.” Jimin said as she gave out the exact amount, and Minjeong grabbed it without thinking, accidentally touching the latter’s hand. A flood of memories, embarrassing ones, that Minjeong would just like to forget, suddenly came out of the surface.


“I like you,” Minjeong blurts out of nowhere, “Like seriously, like.” She finishes, and realized what she just blurted out. She was like a deer caught in headlights, staring at Jimin and at their hands intertwined.


Jimin blinks at her, because who wouldn’t? They’re just Chemistry partners, to which Minjeong must say that they did really well.


But seriously, confessing like that?


Not to mention, to someone who is known to reject any kind of confession. Minjeong was so stupid to not think about her words. She’s trying to think of a way to not embarrass herself further, but as she watches the latter, who was about to speak, Minjeong cuts her off.


“And that’s how I met your mother.” Minjeong blurts out again.


Minjeong blinks, shakes her head and quickly grabs the money. As the machine prints the receipt, she quickly puts the items inside a paper bag. Ripping the printed receipt and putting it inside, she gives the bag to Jimin who was just watching her.


“Thank you,” Minejong says just like a script, “come again.”


She expects to hear the sound of the bell, signaling the other girl’s departure but a few seconds passed and there’s no bell, and the bag is still there right in front of her.


“I didn’t know you work here Minjeong-ssi,” Jimin states and looks at the girl, she smiles - a small one. That kind of smile that no one would notice, but Minjeong surely noticed it. She’s been familiar with that smile, especially when Jimin would always catch her attention.


No matter how cliche it sounds, her attention would be on the older girl. It’s like, Minjeong has this Jimin-GPS, that’s what Ningning calls it. Because whenever the older girl enters a room, Minjeong would always be captivated by her.


Well, on her defense, she’s not the only one. Almost everyone would be captivated by her, with Jimin being all smart and famous. Heck, she didn’t even miss the beauty. God really has his favorites.


But it was that kind of smile that Minjeong would like to say she can only notice. It was that ghost, and unreadable smile that the older girl always gave her when they were Chemistry partners. And up until now, Minjeong doesn’t know what it means.


Not when Jimin would mostly act cold towards her during their Chemistry classes before. But despite that, Minjeong didn’t fail to notice that small detail from the older girl. Maybe, just maybe, that was one of the strings that made her like Jimin.


“It’s just a part-time job,” she answers and shrugs, trying to act nonchalant. Why isn’t she leaving?


Minjeong glances at the clock on the monitor, and sees that her shift is about to end. Her only saving grace.


“Oh, well I hope to see you here again.” Jimin says as she picks up the bag, “take care.”


Minjeong blinks, the words of the other girl repeating inside her head like a broken record. She looks up at the door, only to see Jimin already looking at her. And this time, Minjeong doesn’t need to overthink the older girl’s face, because Jimin is surely smiling at her.


And all Minjeong could do was to stare, stare as Jimin walks away, and stare as the only source of light was from the lamp post outside. The light suddenly dimmer compared to the smile Jimin gave.


‘ me.’ Minjeong types away and she quickly stands up as soon as she sees her replacement for her shift. She just quickly nodded and walked inside the staff room to get her things. Her phone vibrated, which caused her to see Ningning’s reply.


‘Hard pass.’


Minjeong rolls her eyes, walking out the convenience store, she looks at the other side - specifically where Jimin walked earlier. She shakes her head, trying not to overthink what the older girl said earlier. She just said that out of courtesy, don’t be stupid.


But maybe, hopefully, she’s looking forward to seeing the older girl again. Even just for a little bit, outside school premises, with everyone sleeping. Just maybe, Minjeong feels a little bit light from their interaction.




Ningning just stared at her, comprehending everything that Minjeong just shared. “You what, you talking to Karina? Like, the Karina?”


Minjeong nodded, “Yeah, like the Yoo Jimin.” she confirms again, and suddenly, the other girl slapped her arm which made her groan. She glared at Ningning and was about to slap back when the latter pulled her.


“I thought you were avoiding her?” Ningning asked quietly, looking around as if it was the biggest secret in the world. “I mean, that’s what you were doing for the last few months.”


Minjeong rolled her eyes, “Yeah, I was. But apparently, Jimin doesn’t know that and the convenience store is not exactly a place where I can avoid her.” she answered as she sipped her drink, feeling refreshed from whatever Ningning bought for her.


“But unnie, what even happened between you two?” Ningning asked curiously, it’s been a mystery to her ever since she realized that Minjeong was avoiding Karina. It was like one day, Minjeong couldn’t even start a conversation with mentioning Karina, then out of nowhere it became a forbidden word between them.


Minjeong just kept quiet and continued to finish her drink, looking around at the students walking past them. It’s like everyone has their own thing going, well of course, it was a university after all. Everyone has their own baggage to shoulder.


Her and Ningning are currently outside, just by the field. Sitting at the very top of the bleachers where they can all see the students walking around, she could clearly tell who were the ones running late, students who could care less about their tardiness, and those who had their together. It is moments like this, that she starts thinking about her own .


“Did you,” Ningning wonders, not even caring if the person she’s talking to is not answering, “confess to her or something?”


Minjeong got a whiplash, her drink going down the wrong pipe. “Wha - “


Ningning smirked, “Oh, so you did confess.”


“Shut up or I won’t give you your paper.” Minjeong threatened, which of course, is really effective since this would affect the younger girl’s grades.


Minjeong was about to stand up, muttering something about going to the rooftop as she needs to relax before her class. Ningning just lets her, but not without giving Minjeong another whiplash.


“Just so you know,” Ningning starts, which Minjeong just glances at, grabbing her own things as she prepares to walk away. “I sometimes see her looking our way.”


That made Minjeong stop on her tracks, “What?”


“Karina.” Ningning clarified, “I sometimes see her looking our way, whenever I’m with you.”


Minjeong just scoffs at the remark, “You’re just imagi - “


“No, I thought I was imagining it at first,” Ningning quickly cuts her off, “but I see her glancing everytime I’m with you. It’s kind of weird, you know?”


“What’s weird?”


“That she’s always at the library whenever we’re there,” Ningning states and looks at Minjeong, “but she’s known to study at the student council office by the other students.”


Minjeong is preparing for a retort, a rebuttal that whatever the younger girl is thinking, it would be a stretch. But just before she can talk, someone cuts her off. That someone which makes her heartbeat ten times faster, just from her simple voice.


“Class is starting soon, you guys should get going.”


Ningning looks at the new person, glancing at Minjeong with a small smirk. “Hi Karina-ssi, we’re about to get going.” She answers as she stands up, and points at Minjeong.


“She doesn’t have classes though,” she states and Minjeong can only stare at the younger girl. And if looks could kill, Ningning would’ve been dead by now.


“I know.”




“What?” Ningning voices out Minjeong’s question. Because who would have the time to know another student’s schedule just like that? Or is it because Jimin is part of the student council, and one of their tasks is to memorise -


Minjeong’s thoughts were cut off when Jimin answered, “You once mentioned that you don’t like having classes after lunch.”


Oh, she was listening that time? Minjeong thought. She did share that with Jimin during their time as Chemistry partners. It was just one of those days where they don’t have much to do during the class, and Minjeong was just trying to make a conversation with the other girl.


“Oh did you know,” Minjeong starts, glancing at the girl beside her hoping that she would get her attention, “I have this thing that I don’t schedule classes after lunch?”


Minjeong looks at Jimin beside her, to which the latter is solely focused on her paper - technically their paper, but Minjeong is already done with her part. She glances at the girl’s ear, checking to see if she’s wearing some earphones. There’s none.


She tries to continue, hoping that Jimin would somehow entertain the conversation. “It’s just like, a perfect time to relax, you know what I mean?”


No answer.


Minjeong sighs, disappointed as she was ignored. Again. She doesn’t even know why she’s even trying, God knows how much she’d tried to talk to the other girl but to her dismay, all she could receive was a hum.


It’s like Jimin doesn’t even want to be with her.


Minjeong was about to do her own thing with her part when Jimin called her, “Hey.”


Minjeong couldn’t help but to smile and look at the girl expectantly, ready to engage in a conversation. Maybe this time, they could start getting to know each other. Jimin has been a mystery from the get-go, and Minjeong really wants to know the girl.


“Can you revise this part of yours,” Jimin points down at the paper, “just try adding a little bit more information. It’s one of the key parts of the paper.”


Minjeong blinks, looking down at where the older girl is pointing. She nods and sighed, already pulling some resources from the internet. “Yeah sure.” She answered shortly, because obviously Jimin just wants it to be professional.


Minjeong couldn’t help but to stare at Jimin, trying to read the latter and wanting to understand why she was there in the first place. It was moments like this that Minjeong would think that Ningning wasn’t really imagining things, “Right, anyway. We’re about to go now, see you around.”


Minjeong pulled Ningning away, ushering the younger girl not waiting for an answer from Jimin. Ningning just quickly bowed to Jimin as she was pulled away, “Where are you even going? You don’t have - “


“I don’t know, I want to sleep though.” Minjeong answered, and as soon as they were at a safe distance from the field she quickly let go of Ningning. “Now, off you go to your class.”


The younger girl scoffed and rolled her eyes, “You were quite obvious that you’re avoiding her.”


“I’m not even trying to hide it.” Minjeong shrugged, “I just, I’m trying to move forward and just forget these feelings.”


“Oh,” Ningning muttered, surprised with Minjeong admitting the real deal. “It’s that serious?”


Minjeong nodded, “Yeah,” as if it was a small thing, but they both knew it was everything but that. “Gotta go now, I need to clear my mind.” she smiles at the younger girl, hoping to reassure Ningning and remove the worry from her face. The latter can only nod to her friend, being friends for years, Ningning knows her boundaries.


Yeah, they usually joke around and not take things seriously. But they know when the other person would need support, space, someone to listen to, someone to talk to. And right now, Minjeong needs her space.


“Just message me, okay?” She asked to which Minjeong nodded and smiled.


The two went their separate ways, Ningning trusting Minjeong that the latter would message her when needed.




Minjeong was mindlessly walking, thinking about how it all started. In all honesty, she didn’t really care that much about Jimin in the first place. For her, the older girl was just another student in their university that people put on a pedestal. Sure, the older girl was really smart - that she couldn’t deny, and as well as her beauty.


She didn’t really mind that much, her first impression of the girl is that she’s cold, and really reserved. From what she’d heard, Jimin only talks to Giselle and she’s notorious for rejecting all people - boys and girls, that would confess to her.


But of course, people see that as a challenge instead of a ‘leave me alone, I don’t have time for this’ type of attitude.


People also call her Karina, since as the rumors say, her baptismal name would be Katarina and it was derived from there. When Minjeong first heard that, it sounded absurd and really felt uncomfortable for the older girl. Who in their right might would dig that deep just for a student?


Basically, that was all the things that Minjeong knew about the girl and it was all from rumors and whatnot. There were no actual interactions between them, it was not like they were even given a chance to cross paths. Well, if being in the same cafeteria and university counts, then yeah sure.


But Minjeong didn’t really care, she was just a normal student trying to think of ways to earn more money because independence is her middle name. She’s too focused on her own world, balancing all the things happening in between her life to even join the ruckus around Karina.


Then to her surprise, she was partnered with the older girl for their Chemistry class. She couldn’t forget that day, she was almost late because who in their right mind scheduled class after lunch?


Apparently, it was the only schedule available for this class and not to mention it’s Chemistry. A pain in the but Minjeong doesn’t really have a choice.


As she enters the room, the professor is already inside and was busy in what seems like discussing about partnering up. Minjeong looked like a lost puppy when the professor looked at her with a raised eyebrow.


“Sorry, I’m late.” Minjeong apologized, but was drowned out by how the other students were looking for their partners. What caught her attention was the crowd at the back, it seemed like they were having a debate that Minjeong could barely hear.


“No, let me be your partne - “


“Oh please, you can’t even pass general scie - “


“I’m pretty good with Chemistry, I was tutored - “

“Being tutored basically means you -”


The professor rolled her eyes and focused her attention at Minjeong, nodding her head to herself as if agreeing with whatever she was thinking. Why do I feel like dropping this class?


“Since you’re late, I’ll partner you up with someone.”


Minjeong blinks, glancing at her phone. I was only 3 minutes late.


Before she could explain to her professor, she was cut off by the latter. “Everyone please stop disturbing Karina at the back, she already has a partner.” She announces as she pulls Minjeong beside her.


“What? But I don’t - “


“What?” Almost everyone shouted, and a series of disagreements were heard in the class. But one glare from their professor made them quiet. But it seems like one student didn’t really care as he- Minjeong could tell that he was the one who was tutored, and had the courage to question their professor.


“But Ms. Kim, she’s basically a year lower than us and maybe was just lucky enough to - “


Minjeong couldn’t help but to scoff but immediately looked down when the guy glared at her. Well, tell that to your tutor. She thought as she mentally rolled her eyes.


“Year lower that has managed to take my class in advance,” Ms. Kim points out which silenced the guy.


Ms. Kim continued, “Well, that seems settled now.” She smiles and looks at Minjeong, “Please go take your seat beside Karina-ssi.”


Minjeong just nodded, avoiding the glares of the other students. It’s not like she wanted it, the professor just basically ed her in the middle of some discussion and debate on who would partner up with the Karina.


I guess I should really drop this subject. Minjeong thought as she took her seat, glancing slightly at the older girl. “Hi Jimin-ssi, sorry for the trouble.” She mutters which made the latter look at her, and that was the first moment that Minjeong saw that unreadable face of Karina.


“Jimin?” Karina asked, and the first thing that Minjeong noticed was how deep the girl’s voice was and yet how soft it could be.


Minjeong nodded her head, “Yeah, that’s your name, right?” She asked, tilting her head at the girl. “Unless, you prefer Karina. I mean everyone started calling you that because someone just - “


“It’s fine,” Jimin cut her off, rather harshly and coldly if you would ask Minjeong. Before Minjeong could talk again, the older girl focused her attention on their professor and Minjeong could tell it was the end of their conversation.


Minjeong was not sure if Jimin wants to be called Jimin, or if she actually prefers Karina. But seeing that there’s no sign coming from the older girl that they would have any conversation for the time being, she decided to just drop it.


As the discussion goes on, Minjeong was trying her best not to doze off. Looking for anything that could wake her up, she could see some of the students didn’t even bother hiding their boredom. Some were busy scrolling through their phones, some were completely asleep, a stark contrast to the ones seated at the front.


They were diligently writing notes from the discussion, and that was when she noticed that her partner was doing the same. Raising her eyebrows, Minjeong glanced at Jimin and could see the latter almost completing her notes.


She should’ve sat at the front. Minjeong thought, following the older girl’s movements. That was the first time she noticed Jimin, like really noticed the girl.


Beyond the rumors and the words from the hallway, Minjeong saw the famous girl in a different life in that short time. The way the older girl furrows her eyebrows when it seems like she doesn’t understand something, with the way she slightly bites her lips as if she was thinking, and the way she lightly taps her pen to an unheard beat.


Then that unreadable expression from earlier flashed again in her mind, it was as if the girl didn’t expect something from Minjeong. In which she felt judged for, for what exactly?


With everything on her mind, Minjeong couldn’t help but to stare at the older girl. Trying to understand Jimin earlier, and it seems like she just couldn’t get her eyes off the latter.




Minjeong was pulled out from her thoughts and only noticed that Jimin is already looking at her as well. Quickly averting her gaze, she shakes her head. “Nothing, I just thought I saw something.”


And as Minjeong was about to focus on the discussion, she saw everyone packing up.


What? I’ve been staring at her for a long time?


“If you’re going to be my partner,” Minjeong heard from the other girl, who was already packing up as well. “Please pay attention to class, I don’t really want to fail.”


Great, now she'll think I’m just like one of her admirers.


Minjeong just nodded apologetically, “Yeah, sorry about that Jimin-ssi.”


And there it was again, that unreadable expression from the girl. Maybe it was the fact that almost all the students love her, or the fact that the girl is literally the epitome of Aphrodite, or the fact that she could somehow see a ghost of a smile and how Jimin’s eyes soften for a bit.


All of those little details in a few seconds, and it was all gone.


“It’s fine,” Jimin said, “take care, Minjeong-ssi.”


And off she goes, walking out of the room. Leaving Minjeong staring at her back, unaware that the girl would also walk out with a part of her heart from that moment.


The first skip of beat that she would experience happened in that moment, right there inside their almost empty Chemistry room. And all Minjeong could do was to stare - mesmerized.





It was that time of the night again where Minjeong would have her shift at the store. This time, she was busy finishing her paper, typing all of her findings on the document opened in her laptop. She could think clearly at this hour, she was basically in the zone.


She’s at her last paragraph when she hears the sound of the bell, signaling that there’s a customer. Minjeong glances up from her laptop but it seems like the customer was at the farthest shelves.


She then looks at the monitor to check on the customer, since there are various CCTVs installed in the store. All she could see was a girl, who was busy choosing some snacks. Minjeong stared at the girl’s back, feeling the familiarity of the person.


Do I know her? She thinks to herself, but just shrugged it off since she still has a paper to finish.


After a few minutes, she could feel someone else’s presence as Minjeong was about to finish her last sentence for her paper. She put whatever she was doing on halt, standing up and looking at the customer. “Would that be all?”


As she looked at the customer, she immediately recognised the person. It was none other than Giselle, the only person that Jimin talks to - basically her only friend.


Of course, Minjeong would recognize her.


“Oh, you’re here.” Giselle points out which made Minjeong confused. The girl said it in a way as if she was looking for her. It wouldn’t be weird if not for the fact that they don’t know each other, other than they would see each other in the hallway.


But that would be rare since I’m avoiding Jimin, which would result in avoiding her as well. Minjeong thinks, and just nodded at Giselle. She doesn’t know what to say, should she even say something?


It seems like the other girl saw the confusion on Minjeong’s face, which made her giggle. “Oh, right. Uh, just my friend went here yesterday but it seems like she was attended by a boy.”


Minjeong frowns, confused about the friend Giselle was pertaining to. “Sorry, who?”


Giselle smiled at her, the kind of smile that looks like she knows something that Minjeong doesn’t. “Jimin.”


What. “What?” Minjeong asked, surprise evident on her face. Because why would the older girl look for her? That would basically ruin Minjeong’s mission in avoiding the latter.


, did I do something to her?


“Jimin went here because I asked her to buy some snacks again for us,” Giselle explained to Minjeong, suddenly laughing as she remembered yesterday’s event. “But the boy who was attending her was trying to hit on Jimin, which of course, pissed her off.”


Minjeong then tries to recall who could’ve been the person yesterday and it suddenly clicked to her, making her roll her eyes. “Ah, that would be Jaemin.”


Minjeong suddenly wants to punch the guy when she sees him, well she's not jealous of course. But he shouldn’t make their customers uncomfortable by not being able to keep whatever in his pants.


“Sorry about him,” Minjeong apologizes as she bows slightly, “He’s always like that to anyone.”


Giselle just waved her off, as if saying it was okay. “It’s not a big deal, Jimin was just expecting you to attend to her.” The older girl said that made Minjeong pause at her task in scanning the items.


Minjeong mentally shakes her head, brushing the statement off. It might be because Jimin would rather have a comfortable convenience store experience rather than being hit on.


“Ah, well I do have alternating shifts,” Minejong smiles at the girl, “every other night, I do still want to sleep.” She slightly jokes, scanning the last item.


“Ah,” Giselle nods to herself, “I’ll let Jimin know.”


That was so not the plan. Minjeong thinks, “That would be 7,000 won.”


Giselle just puts it down on the counter, and Minjeong just smiles, grabbing the payment and letting the machine print the receipt. The two of them engulfed in silence, with Minjeong just trying to focus and ignoring the other girl’s stare and mischievous smile.


“You won’t ask?”


That made Minjeong look up, “Huh?”


“That I’l let Jimin know your shift schedule,” Giselle clarifies, “you won’t ask why I would do that?”


Minjeong was confused at the question, though she was curious on the reason. But she wouldn’t really admit it, because it was seriously none of her business. But then again, with the way Giselle was staring at her, it’s like the latter wants Minjeong to ask.


“To each their own, I guess.” Minjeong mutters, grabbing the receipt from the machine. But before she gives it to Giselle, she walks to the fridge behind her. It’s basically for their staff to have some snacks while on their shift, just free food that their manager generously provides for them.


Grabbing a strawberry drink, she walks back to the counter and puts the drink inside the bag. Giving the receipt to Giselle, who was looking at her curiously.


“I didn’t buy the -”


“It’s for Jimin,” Minjeong cuts her off, “an apology for what happened the other night.”


Giselle raised an eyebrow, “Oh,” she then smirked as she grabbed the bag from the counter.


Minjeong was about to bid Giselle a farewell, the thank you come again script was already at the tip of her tongue when Giselle said something that made her mind stutter.


“How about an apology for the times you were avoiding her?” Giselle said in a teasing tone, “Would that be the whole store then?”


Surprise was evident on Minjeon’s face, she didn't have enough time to hide it as her eyes widened. Trying to quickly think of a response.


Before Minjeong could answer, Giselle shakes her head. “Just do what you’re doing,” she said softly and looked at Minjeong in a manner that confused her.


Seriously, what’s with them having this unreadable and confusing face?


“That girl is too slow for her own good,” Giselle states and continues, “but just so you know, only a handful of people call her Jimin at the university.”


“Oh,” Minjeong said in surprise again. There are so many surprises happening to her in a single night. She couldn’t keep up with it. Wait, so she actually prefers Karina? Then why wo -


“Don’t worry,” Giselle said as she tries to ease the worry forming on the younger girl’s face, “you can call her Jimin. She’d rather have you call her that than Karina.”


That made Minjeong frown in confusion, was it because she has been calling Jimin as Jimin and it’s too embarrassing to correct her now? Why didn’t just Jimin said that she actually prefers Karina during -


A touch on her shoulder pulled her out from her thoughts, making her look at Giselle.


“You don’t have to worry, trust me.” Giselle said in a soft tone, and smiled. “I'll get going now, have a nice shift, Minjeong.” She bid her farewell and all Minjeong could do was wave absentmindedly.





The bustling sound of cars and people walking was ignored as Minjeong was running. It was not her intention to be late, she was even up by 7 in the morning but she was so stressed out about what to wear that she almost wasted 2 hours.


Why am I even stressed out? I’ll just go to the library with Jimin for our project.


And that was the main reason why she was stressed out.


Not the library part, nor the project. But all because of the certain person she’s going to be with. Minjeong wouldn’t want to admit it to herself which is why she’s just convincing her own mind that it was all because of how she wants to suddenly dress up.


Which is just her basic button up shirt with a black tank inside, and her usual favorite jeans. She couldn’t help but to roll her eyes as she passed by her own reflection, this was her usual outfit - too basic, too plain. Shaking her head, she wiped the streaks of sweat forming on her forehead because of all of the running she did.


She quickly but quietly enters the library, given that it was the weekend she could only see a few people inside. Minjeong bows to the librarian as she walks around, she’s 10 minutes late and Jimin already messaged her around 9:05.


Looking around, hoping to find her partner but all she could see are students who are just sleeping around or scrolling through their phones. Turning around a corner, she was about to pass by when she saw a silhouette of a girl which looks awfully like Jimin. But the scene in front of her made her frown as there seems to be someone with Jimin, a guy to be exact making Minjeong internally roll her eyes.


She remembers the guy to be one of the athletes of their university, and someone who’s known to be Jimin’s suitor - self-proclaimed suitor.


Minjeong doesn’t know what to do, but as soon as she saw Jimin shaking her head - obviously declining whatever the guy was offering, she decided to just walk towards them. She quickens her pace when it seems like the guy was not taking a ‘no’ as an answer, and right before the guy could touch Jimin’s hand, Minjeong quickly holds the girl’s wrist.


Softly and securely, the action made the two other people look towards her direction. But Minjeong’s eyes were only focused towards Jimin, “There you are.” she said with a smile and slightly tugged Jimin towards her.


“Sorry I was late, I was rummaging through my closet for clean clothes.” Minjeong threw a white lie, it was true she was rummaging but just not because she’s looking for clean clothes. But Jimin doesn’t need to know that.


“Minjeong-ssi,” and Minjeong could clearly hear the relief through Jimin’s voice, “it’s fine, I was looking for materials that we could use anyway.”


“Ah,” Minjeong nods and directs her attention to the guy, who by the way is still there as if he’s still relevant. God, can’t he read the room?


“And you are?” Minjeong asks, her face not showing any emotions. Not even waiting for a reply, Minjeong continues. “Jimin and I have plans for our project, if you’ll excuse us.”


“What time will you guys finish?” The guy asked with a smile, “I was hoping that Karina and I could grab a coffee after you guys are finished.”


Minjeong quietly scoffs and glances at the girl beside her, surprised with how the latter is already looking at her. She doesn’t know what came to her but Minjeong just uttered anything just to get the guy off their backs - off Jimin’s back.


“We’ll take the whole day for ourselves,” Minjeong said nonchalantly, “and it seems like Jimin isn’t interested either.” she added with a shrug.


They could clearly see the frown forming on the guy’s face, but before he could retort, Minjeong completely grabbed Jimin’s hand in hers and pulled the girl softly. “Again, if you’ll excuse us. We don’t want to fail our class.”


Not bothering to wait for a reply, Minjeong walks away with Jimin in tow only stopping until they’ve reached an empty table. That was when Minjeong remembered that she doesn’t even know where the other girl has seated.


“Oh,” Minjeong stops and looks at Jimin, “where are you seated at? Sorry, I was too occupied to get away from that guy. I forgot to ask you where you left your things, it’s just that he was too annoying and pushy towards you. No offense, I know that you could’ve handled that by yourself but it seems like he wouldn’t stop.” Minjeong starts to ramble only to pause when she notices that Jimin is looking down - specifically their hands that are still intertwined.


Minjeong coughs, and quickly lets go of the other girl’s hand. She could clearly feel her face getting warm, and the embarrassment slowly eating her from the inside. Brushing her nose hoping to hide her face, she clears . “Jimin-ssi?” she calls out.


As soon as their hands got disconnected, the other girl looked at her with an unreadable face. Now, this is the part where Minjeong started to question if she went too far and as she was about to apologize to the girl, the latter beat her to it.


“Let’s go to the 2nd floor,” Jimin said quietly, holding the books she got earlier closer to her. The older girl started walking towards the stairs, Minjeong just quietly followed the girl and somehow saw the girl struggling with the books.


Without second thoughts, she went beside Jimin causing the older girl to look at her. Minjeong just smiled and grabbed the books from Jimin, “I’ll carry these, lead the way Jimin-ssi.”


Jimin stared at Minjeong for a few seconds, the latter not knowing what to do - she can’t seem to look at the girl without embarrassing herself any further. Carrying the books came naturally to her, especially when she saw Jimin struggling - regardless of anyone, Minjeong would do it anyway.


Then just like that, Jimin flashed a quick smile that didn’t go unnoticed by Minjeong. Somehow, that was embedded inside Minjeong’s mind - the image flashing everytime she spaced out, everytime she would stare at the older girl as they did their project.


And Minjeong knows she’s ed.


She’s ed the moment the light hit Jimin just at the right angle, with the latter’s hair up in a messy bun with her glasses. She’s ed when she somehow memorized Jimin’s mannerisms everytime she’s thinking - the way she taps her pen against her cheeks, the way she plays with the corner of the page.


And most importantly, she’s ed when she felt how her heart started to beat faster and suddenly, Jimin became the book she wants all for herself to read, to drown her thoughts with, and to know every sensible and nonsensible things.


Minjeong is ed because this is the first time she felt any of these for anyone, and she doesn’t know what to do with it.


Thanks for earlier 🙂 - Jimin


Minjeong sees the note that the older girl left beside her as they cleaned up, and one thing runs inside her mind.


I’m ed.




Minjeong has been spacing out since the start of her shift, her mind replaying her conversation with Giselle - which has been happening since her last shift. As well as remembering things that happened with her feelings and Jimin. Minjeong doesn’t know how long she has been avoiding the latter.


It was a quiet night again for her, but her mind and heart has been screaming at her for months. It’s not like it would do anything good for her, it’s not like it would change the fact that she has feelings for Jimin and she has been rejected by the latter the moment she uttered those words.


This made her groan out of frustration, standing up from her seat, Minjeong decided to just go to their stockroom to keep things in check and to get her mind off her thoughts.


Checking the time, it was already 1 in the morning. Few more hours left before her shift ends, and Minjeong is already in her second box as she checks the notebook in front of her. Manually counting everything to make sure that everything is in place, only to be stopped when she heard the sound of a bell, indicating a new customer.


Well, that’s the first one. Minjeong thought as she stood up, “Just a moment, please!” she shouts from the room, brushing off whatever dust she might have and stretching a little bit. Walking towards her usual spot, she smiles and greets the customer.


“Yes, how may I help you?” Her smile faltered a little bit when she saw Jimin in front of her, not wearing her usual unreadable expression but she could clearly see a small smile on the latter’s lips.


“Just this,” Jimin said softly as she showed a strawberry yogurt drink, the same drink that she gave to Giselle a few nights before.


Minjeong stared at it a few seconds before clearing , scanning the item. “That would be 150 won.”


“Here you go Minjeong-ssi,” Jimin gave the exact amount. Minjeong just nodded her head and printed the receipt.


“Do you need the receipt?” Minjeong asked, it’s not like she’s trying to make conversation - heck, she even wants to just go back to their stockroom. But some people don’t need the receipt and would just go, but Jimin for the love of her life, is just standing there in front of her, as if waiting for the receipt for a single item.


“No,” Jimin answered quietly as she looked at the drink in front of her, slightly playing with the cap and Minjeong gulped and restrained herself from cooing at how Jimin looked at that moment.

Minjeong just looks at the older girl, though the scene in front of her is quite adorable but it was still confusing. “Okay? Will that be all?” she asked nicely, because she’s greatly confused with the way Jimin is still standing in front of her.


“No,” Jimin answered again and Minjeong was much more confused. It’s not that she’s being rude, heck the last thing on her mind is avoiding the girl.


“Uh, is there a anything tha - “


“Can I spend time here?”




“Huh?” Minjeong asked in a surprised and confused tone, and all she can see is Jimin just looking at her shyly?


“I, I just don’t have anything to do and,” Jimin started but when she saw Minjeong’s expression she suddenly stopped. “I mean, nevermind Minjeong-ssi. Forget what I - “


“You can help me at the back,” Minjeong cuts the girl off, ignoring the fact that she’s basically avoiding Jimin for months now, and ignoring the fact that her heart is now beating ten times faster and everything seems to blur around her. “It’s a slow night, and I’m just organizing the stockroom at the back.” she said pointing behind her.


She could clearly see how Jimin was surprised by her invitation but the smile growing at the latter’s face tells Minjeong that she just said the right thing.


“Sure, tell me what to do.” Jimin smiles at her, really smiles and Minjeong’s breath hitches. Quickly averting her gaze, she clears and walks towards their stockroom.


“Let’s go?”


“Sure!” Jimin smiles as she quickly grabs her drink and walks towards Minjeong, the latter just looking at her. Thousands of questions running inside her mind, but with only one that she wants to ask to the girl behind her.


What are you doing here Jimin-ssi?





Perhaps having Jimin in the stockroom was not the best idea, it suddenly feels so cramped inside with all the boxes. With Minjeong sitting on a box since she gave Jimin the chair that she was using earlier. She gave Jimin something to do, which is just simply counting the boxes of each item there. It was the easiest thing to do anyway, while Minjeong counts all the items one by one.

They were engulfed with silence, and Minjeong could not tell if it was an awkward one or just silence as they were too occupied with what they were doing. Glancing at the other girl from time to time, she could see that Jimin’s drink was almost finished. Her thoughts were cut short when she heard Jimin.


“Thank you,” Jimin said as she wrote down the boxes she had counted. This caused Minjeong to raise an eyebrow, not sure what Jimin was pertaining to.


“You’re welcome?” Minjeong said unsurely and showed an awkward smile when the other girl looked at her.


Jimin chuckled at the sight, “For the drink.”


“What? You bought tha - “


“From the other night,” Jimin said, looking straight at Minjeong with a smile. “Aeri gave it to me.”


Minjeong made an ‘oh’ with , as she nodded her head. “That, right. Just an apology for the other employee.” she answered as she shrugged her shoulders.


“I know,” Jimin chuckled and started counting again, and that was Minjeong’s cue to continue with her own task. But as Minjeong was about to reach 20 in her head, Jimin started talking again.


“I never knew you were this quiet,” Jimin said, though not looking at the other girl she continued. “From what I remembered, you tend to talk a lot.”


Minjeong looks at the girl, not sure on how to take her words and thinking of an answer. “I, you’re someone who wants to finish a task quietly. So yeah, and it’s already midnight. You surely would want some peace and quiet.”


Which is why I’m not sure why you’re here instead of spending time in your dorm or just sleep? Minjeong thinks to herself.


“Ah right,” Jimin nodded her head, not denying Minjeong’s words. “But I like it.”




“You, rambling.” Jimin said looking up and looking directly at Minjeong, and if Minjeong’s heart did a somersault with how JImin’s eyes looked at that time, she ignored it.


“I really like listening to you, Minjeong-ssi.”


And that made Minjeong lose count, stopping completely and processing the words of Jimin. She looks up and there, Jimin is looking at her as if she’s waiting for something special to come out of Minjeong.

“Right,” Minjeong dumbly answered, not sure on how to respond to Jimin. “I don’t ramble though.” she said in a joking tone, hoping to ease whatever tension she was feeling - yeah, it was only one-sided.


It successfully made Jimin chuckle, “If you say so.”


“I don’t.”


“I believe you.” Jimin said with a laugh, and it was definitely music for Minjeong. “So, why do you have this shift?”


“Uh, graveyard?” Minjeong asked which earned a nod. “Oh, I just like it. You know, it’s not like there’s many people coming so I can basically do anything. And, I can also earn money which is why I have this job in the first place.” she reasoned out.


“Oh, I can also do some schoolworks here, and like I have most of my classes by noon so I still have some decent sleep and this is just an alternating shift, so it’s still a win for me.” She said proudly and nodded to herself, as if she did so

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Chapter 6: flower + matilda *chef's kiss*
your stories are chef's kiss too 🫠
not_mecoconut #2
Chapter 26: Tapos na po ba talaga to? 🥺
Chapter 26: Ohmyghad this is going to be soooo sad i cant pls😭
lalaflourish #4
Chapter 26: 😭😭😭pls let jimin be happy for once
Chapter 26: Two things are in my mind for this update: how will The Fates do to minjeong and jimin's situation? and also the god of love's thread has no effect if The Fates' thread interefered right?
Chapter 26: I binged read this in one night. The stories are so good! 😭. You write so beautifully, authornim. Thank you for sharing these stories with us.
seulreneislife #7
Chapter 26: why tf u write so good🥹🫶 im gonna be really heartbroken if the ending will be winter asking jimin what did she regret the most😞
Chapter 26: happy ending, please? 🥲
addicted03 #9
Chapter 26: Will this story have a happy ending? I really hope so 😭
Ieftonread #10
Chapter 26: oh god please at least let jimin live in the afterlife with minjeong 😭😭😭