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Kim Junmyeon just wanted to complete that difficult, unending mission. Little did he know that walking in the most famous drug trader's house would lead him to something unexpected.


Ineffable: [adj] something that is too great to be expressed in words.



Main Characters:

Kim Junmyeon (31): The detective everyone knows, but hasn't met in person, undercover as an English teacher. 

Do Kyungsoo (23): Fifth year med student, who is the only son of drug trader known as the Monarch.

Kim Jongin (22): Fourth year med student, son of Kim Heechul, the Monarch's right hand man.

Oh Sehun (22): Fourth year dentistry student, the Monarch's nephew and Kyungsoo's best friend. 



Hello, you can call me Snow. I've been reading here for a quite long time. So now I dared to start a story with the ships I like. The story will have lots of ups and downs with different ships, though the focus is on Junmyeon/Kyungsoo/Jongin love triangle. Hope you enjoy reading this and... please leave comments. Thank you in advance. 


Thanks to: Kurgane Art Studio Graphic Shop for the poster. 

New chapter of Ineffable!


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727 streak #1
Chapter 4: This chapter brings the Holiday feelings! ;)
727 streak #2
Chapter 3: Oops! The heart is in trouble! ;)
727 streak #3
Chapter 2: Chapter two was quite something and that cliffhanger!
734 streak #4
Chapter 4: The ‘secret’ is kind of out on both sides, but I think it will still be awhile before they act on it. I’m hoping Jongdae did not give anything away with his ‘military’ mistake while talking to Shindong. I don’t want Junmyeon to be in danger. Good update, Snow.
734 streak #5
Chapter 3: Jongin is such an idiot, I don’t know why he keeps ignoring the fact that Kyungsoo does not like him. However, it looks like Soo and Junmyeon are really into each other. I’m wondering what sort of complications will arise from that fact. Good chapter, thank you.
Nicole121314 #6
Chapter 1: This is cringey yet good chapter... Thanks for the update desr...
734 streak #7
Chapter 1: I enjoyed the first chapter and the characters are interesting, especially Kyungsoo. We also learned why Junmyeon wants to get Monarch so badly, which is very sad. I can’t wait to see how the plot evolves.
727 streak #8
Chapter 1: The first chapter is quite interesting! The action starts right away and I love it! I am looking forward to seeing what happens next! Thank you! 💗🌹
I am really excited to read this! Can’t wait^^
Oooo interesting