My Crazy (Rich) Girlfriend (and her quirky family)

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Minjeong “Winter” Kim had been dating Katarina Jimin (“Babe, it’s Karina or Yuji! Or better yet the love of your life!”) for a year when the latter was called home to attend the wedding of her older cousin. Happy to accompany her girlfriend and to finally meet her family, Winter’s life was turned upside down when she learned that her adorably sweet, endearingly naïve yet annoying girlfriend – turned out to be one of the most sought out bachelorettes in her home country.  


Not just that, but also the aristocratic heiress of an extremely affluent and established family – one of the greatest in Asia. 


For those doubting her for not noticing and an important emphasis, the said girlfriend loved EVERYTHING concerning with (not in order): A 50% Sale (“Higher is better, Winter!”), discount prices, and her beloved food coupons. Winter knows she’s somewhere on the list. Maybe in her top 5.  


She also had this habit of dragging her to thrift stores while nagging the other at the side for not eating enough (while munching on Winter’s leftovers at the same time). So yes, sue her for assuming and believing that the latter grew up on the … poorer side of the economy. 


Now, Winter must deal with bitter socialites, quirky relatives, and oh, has she mentioned?  


...Karina’s stone-cold (drop-dead gorgeous), disapproving mother. 



Or the Crazy Rich Asians AU (unhinged rainbow version) one-shot we (I) need.



“There are two types of money. You have the ‘new money’ basically the self-made billionaires, millionaires or whatever; they’re typically the ones you saw flaunting their wealth everywhere. Tacky, I know.” 


“And then you have the ‘old money’ where they made it a point to pass on their money to the next and next generation... and well, your girlfriend’s family kind of belongs here? Except theirs are much older. Older than this country I’d say, so they are crazy rich!” 






A/N: Just a one-shot I couldn't get out of my head after watching the film (Totally not because of "So you're not from a Taiwan Chu Family?" + "Maybe she's from the Taiwan plastics Chu family"); and to get myself out of a slump.

Figured its best to try a lighter funny story. Hope you guys enjoy.


In the meantime, 

Let me hear your thoughts so far!


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26 streak #1
Chapter 2: Crazy indeed 🤣🤣
Trumfeet #2
Chapter 2: Tor grabe yung isang nagcomment ahh nagpapakain daw ng pulubi amp, grabe sila kay terwin ahh
Trumfeet #3
Chapter 1: Magdasal kana ter,,,,,,
Chapter 2: The fact that you almost predicted ningning's actually insta username is hilarious 😭😭
danonymous #5
Chapter 2: This is amazing 😩😩 Enjoyed very much, thank you for writing it, author!
281 streak #6
Chapter 2: I really enjoyed reading this but I want more 😭
Yuwreee #7
Chapter 2: This is gold 😭😭😭😭😭😭💕
wonbwon #8
Chapter 2: NING 😭😭😭😭
perp24 #9
That frog scene 🤣🤣🤣
Chapter 2: so chaotic goshhj, the comment of karina's fans at the ending😭😭