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It's the year 2134 and those with special abilities are hunted down and murdered. The city has resurfaced with a new government who seeks nothing but blood from those they deem monsters. The government keeps it a secret, but Chanyeol knows what lies behind those tall menacing walls. What will happen when a white-haired stranger suddenly enters his life under strange circumstances. Just who is he? And what does he want from him? 


Chanyeol immediately put out the flames he had started in the bonfire and began to collect his things. Something was wrong, very wrong. He hastily grabbed his things and stuffed them in his backpack. Suddenly he heard a muffled scream. “Damn it!” He turned around and saw a dim light begin to approach where he was. It was lighting up the darkness inside the forest and rapidly getting closer to him. “ ” He began to repeat. This was not good. Not good at all. 


He had 2 choices. Run or hide. None of them seemed very promising. He didn’t have much time and the light only seemed to get closer. “!” He whispered. It was too late, he could only hide. He ran towards the entrance of the forest and found the tallest tree he could and began to climb it. He got as high up as he could and as soon as he did, the light emerged from the forest. Chanyeol almost let out a groan because of how blinding the light was. From afar, it seemed so small and dim, but now that it was close to him, Chanyeol could barely keep his eyes open. He squinted and covered his eyes with his hand. 





That’s when Chanyeol knew. That light wasn’t something, it was someone.




Hello! I am back with a brand new story about ofc, my two favorites, Baek and Yeol. This will mainly focus on them and their journey throughout this distopyan world. 


The poster has been made by me! You can check out my shop, Fruity below by clicking on the below banner.


Anyone want a chapter 5? 🫢


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Lu-pumpkin #1
Chapter 5: this is good! please continue, I'm excited to read more of this, so many questions..
Beau1996 1480 streak #2
Chapter 5: My guess is Baek's dad is the leader of the capital trying to eliminate the ones with powers - lots of bad people for sure
And yes, please write more!!
Beau1996 1480 streak #3
Chapter 4: I'm assuming the rebels wanted Chan to hurt someone - very long journey ahead!
Beau1996 1480 streak #4
Chapter 3: Good question Chan!!
Beau1996 1480 streak #5
Chapter 2: Poor Baek - Chan is trying his best but will it be enough??
834 streak #6
Chapter 5: Thank you so much for the update, I really enjoyed this chapter. I think Baekhyun’s father might be someone in government, which could be why they’re suddenly looking for him. It would be great if Chanyeol agrees to start their own resistance group, there are so many others with powers who need help. Looking forward to seeing where they go next.
xlmrclnsmnpk 24 streak #7
I hope you get a lot of subscribers, readers, and commentators! I can’t wait to read this!
834 streak #8
Chapter 4: So glad I ran across your story, I am really enjoying it so far. The action scenes are so realistic. I can’t wait to find out the backstory on both Chanyeol and Baekhyun.
Kaisoo_4_Ever121 #9
Chapter 1: This seems so interesting so far!! I can't wait for the next chapter :))