
Fake it Till We Fall in Love
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A/N: Hi my loves! 

Had a free day today (for the first time in ages!) and spontaneously decided to work on this story! 

This is a short chapter but a chapter nonetheless. As usual, I hope ya'll enjoy it! 

All the love, xoxo

Never chase. 

My dad taught me that. I think it’s ironic, considering the majority of his day job consists of sprinting after bad guys. 

Except for criminals and helium balloons you accidentally let go of, I never chase life. Why tire yourself running on a railway track when you can simply ride the train? 

It’s been three days since Jeno barged into my apartment, misinterpreted the sight of Sungchan and me half-, and then left with a scoff. 

I walked up to the front door after Jeno marched out, but I suppressed the urge to step through the door frame and shout his name. Three days ago, I was proud of myself for not chasing after him. But now, I wish I did. 

Jeno thinks I slept with Sungchan. And because he thinks it, everyone believes it. 

I’m sure it started with Jeno angrily sharing his findings with Haechan or Renjun, and then those two blabbered at someone outside their circle. That someone then whispers into the ear of another and the news continues to travel the cursed grapevine. 

Humans are gossip gobbling species and Jeno’s misunderstanding has turned me into a victim of sleazy side eyes and judgmental frowns. He started a domino effect- intentional or not, I’m unaware- that ultimately ruined my reputation.

I am now labeled a .

All because I “moved on” too fast. 

Yippee ing hooray. 

“I would never another guy right after a breakup.”

“Same, I respect my body.”

Oh for s sake. My fingers tighten around the handle of my locker. After a deep inhale, I decide to tune out the nasty es five feet away who are dragging my name through the mud.

They call me a . Twice.

I slam my locker shut, loud enough to make them flinch. Head to toe, their judgy eyes peruse my body. I grow a bit self-conscious, internally scolding myself for showing up to class in sweatpants and an oversized hoodie. 

“How does she get laid when she dresses this badly?” One of the girls snorts.

The other replies in a fake hushed voice. “My guess is she begs for it.” 

Oh that’s it. Rolling back my shoulders, I decide I’m going to march over there, jab my finger in their ugly flaky faces and give them a piece of my goddamn mind. 

But alas, hands grab the top of my arms and hold me in place. “It’s not worth it,” a calm voice reminds me. “Acting violently will only make things worse.” 

With shaky pupils, I glance back at my only friend. Soobin’s lips flatten into a thin line and I exhale with my entire body. 

“I thought I was done with petty drama after high school,” I grunt, turning to face Soobin’s concerned gaze. 

“I’m sure it’ll pass after a couple more days. New gossip will pop up.” His attempt at comforting words fail and I shake my head.

“Every girl on this campus has permanently labelled me a and all the guys think I’m an easy .” I kick the lockers to expel a bit of my pent up rage. “All thanks to Lee ing Jeno.”

Soobin ruffles the back of my head. I watch the gears turn in his head, calculating a way to make me feel better. His decision is well received. “Ice cream?”

“You’re paying.” I smack my lips and off we go, arms linked. 

As we travel down the hall, I hear whispers about how I plan to sleep with Soobin too. I clench my fists but remain calm, chanting Soobin’s words under my breath. 

It’s not worth it. It’s not worth it. 

A violent reaction will only make matters worse. 

While Soobin stands in line at the ice cream food truck,  I settle down at the picnic table under the large oak tree. 

Resting my chin in my palm, I mindlessly scroll through the school forum, updating myself on the new school policies and whatnot. 

I purposely skip threads posted by students, well aware that my name is on there, prefaced by colourful vocabulary that makes my stomach sink. 


An unfamiliar voice startles me. I look up to see a male stranger, his shadow looming over me. Still, I squint at him, instinctively irked by his presence. 

“Park Jang-mi, right?” He asks and I sit up straighter.

“If you’re here to comment on my rumoured promiscuity, I would like to remind you that I’m eye level with your crotch and have a mean punch,” I snap.

A chuckle floats past his lips—the male combs back his brownish hair. “Actually- I was going to say that I admire you. We gotta do what we gotta do to survive, right?”

I blink at him. “What?”

“No shame at all. Some of the other guys say your price is high but I think it’s fair. I mean, look at you.” He motions to my body with an open hand and I make a face at him. What is he going on about? “You’re like, really hot.” 

“What the are you talking about?” I hiss and the guy grins, scratching the back of his neck.

“I came over to ask if I could- y’know, use your services,” he replies.

“Use my services?” I echo dumbly. 

Then it clicks. 

And I snap.

Shooting to my feet, my voice raises five octaves. “You think I’m a ing e?”

The guy stumbles a step back, startled by my outburst. Bystanders glance in our direction, earnestly observing my heated reaction.  

The bumbling idiot shows me his palms the moment Soobin jogs over to check on me. He stutters. “H-hey, chill. That’s just what I’ve been told. Are you not-?”

“Of course, I am not!” I scream, then bury my face in my hands. 

What the actual ? 

“What’s going on?” Soobin pants. 

“This er thinks I’m a e,” I snarl and Soobin’s usual friendly expression darkens. 

The guy gulps. Clearly, he was convinced I was a worker. 

After a few seconds of deep inhales and shaky exhale, I manage to ask. “Who told you I was a e?” 

My mind instantly goes to one person. Is this Lee Jeno’s version of revenge? 

“Was it Lee Jeno?” I murmur, a fire blooming and burning my insides.  

The guy’s response makes me see red.

“Jang-mi, w-wait.”

I shove through the crowd of white coats, hands trembling with uncontained rage. 

Soobin stumbles after me, desperately attempting to reign in my violent instinct to hunt down and destroy the villain who’s been spreading rumors about me. 

Storming down the pristine halls of the STEM building, a growl rips from my throat. My claws are out and my teeth are bared. 

“Lee!” I thunder, shoving open the glass door to the laboratory. 

“Lee Haewon!” I shriek her name, and the straightens up, unfazed by my fiery appearance.

She’s alone, perched on a stool in front of a microscope. 

“You,” I seethe, stomping forward. Soobin grabs my wrist to hold me back. “You insolent !” 

Haewon crosses her thin arms over her chest, a strand of her curled hair slipping out from under her hairnet. 

“You can’t be in here without proper lab attire,” she drawls and I thrash against Soobin’s grip.

“How dare you spread those rumours about me? You’re telling people I’m a e!” I shout at her, and the back of my eyes starts to sting. “Who the do you think you are? You ing-.”

I manage to slip away from Soobin and in a blur I charge for Haewon, grabbing her by the forearm. I yank her off the stool so we’re at eye level and focus my blurry vision on her red lips.

“You’re a terrible, terrible person, Lee Haewon,” I spit, my voice trembling. The anger in my chest is replaced with pure pain as a hot tear slips down my cheeks. 

Haewon’s voice is irritatingly calm when she responds. “I tell people things. But it’s not my fault they believe it.”

I raise my hand before I can stop myself, aiming for the blush stain on her cheek. 

But just as I’m about to make contact, I’m yanked backwards and spun around. 

Jeno holds my hands behind my back, his nails digging into my wrists. My forehead slams against his chest. Unable to stomach the rage that feels like acid in my veins, I start to sob. 

“What’s going on here?” Jeno demands, his voice rough. 

Haewon scoffs. “This attacked-.”

“Don’t call her that.” Jeno’s voice is low in warning. 

I don’t need to look back to know Haewon is rolling her eyes. 

“She came out of nowhere, called me names, accused me of something I didn’t do and tried to slap me!” Haewon declares.

“You filthy liar!” I try to twist around but Jeno holds me still. 

“Jeno, she’s bat crazy.” Haewon barks out a cross between a laugh and scoff.  

I’m unable to form coherent sentences. The only sounds that leave my mouth are aggressive growls and frustrated shrieks.

“Can you just get her out of here?” Haewon asks. She returns to her sto

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Elderberry #1
Chapter 20: I cried so hard reading this. I hope we will see more yellow in Jangmis life. The bento box was so sweet and thoughtful.
I love your writing!
springrose #2
Chapter 20: Hope your studies are going well and good luck!!

It's night and here I am a crying mess damnn this chapter shatter me in so many ways jangmis deserve so much love and attention the betrayal she has faced I really want all of that to fade away scratch that be erased completely from her memories and for her to be the sunshine who is enjoying her life without any care in the world and thats what she deserve the best... Here rooting for jangmis happiness and her broken soul to be mend
springrose #3
Chapter 18: I really want to know more about sungchan character hes still such a mystery to me he must be a secret admirer but I think there's more to it...
My heart's breaks for jangmi as a child she has suffer so much I admire still how she fight against it she's broken inside and I hope her special someone will mend it soon...
And I hope jeno will also open up to jangmi more just like she has put fate and has open her deepest wound to him
The ending the cliffhanger she's meeting her mother omg
springrose #4
Chapter 17: omg I have been waiting for this for so long.... Thank you for the update...
Ohh bow I want to scratch haewon face too.. she deserve that beating from jangmi huhu... It's hard between jeno and jangmi but the sparkles are still there can't wait to see what happens in their relationship
Chapter 16: I’m waiting for you ….. 🥹
jeno is squeezy squeezy lemon peasy -kills-
springrose #7
Chapter 16: Always here to read your stories.. it's totally okay you can take your time and no need to be sorry huhu you are doing a lot.. 💗💓
springrose #8
Chapter 15: I hope jangmi gets to meet her mother and have a talk with her she deserves that... but seriously why does jangmi and jeno think they can be friends like hellooo you guys head over heels in love with each other..!!!!!

whyyyy sungchan whyyyyyyyy you did that for!!!!!!!!
majimarklove #9
Chapter 14: ohmygod Jangmi was poisoned by Sungchan why oh why did he do that :( who is he & who instructed him to do that to her? huhuhu can't wait for the next update <3