Tsuki ga kirei desu ne?

Misana Clichés
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“Mitang..what do you think love is?” 13 year old Sana asks her best friend as the two lay in Mina’s bed, cuddled together. It was Saturday, and Saturdays meant that Sana could stay the night at Mina’s house.


“Aren’t we a little young to be thinking about that Satang?” Mina doesn’t answer her best friend’s question, unsure if the answer that almost slipped from her lips is the one Sana would have liked to hear.


“I want to fall in love.” Sana declares, “I want to fall in love with someone like they do in the movies. I want to meet my perfect half and spend the rest of my life with them..whoever they are.”


“What’s got you thinking about this all of a sudden?” Mina sits up. She’s always known her extroverted best friend to be outspoken, always saying anything that comes to mind..but Sana’s not once expressed such interest in relationships until now.


“Papa told me that when I become of age..I will be arranged to marry.”


“What?!” Mina almost yells out, “Marry? But you’re only 13.”


“Mitang I said ‘when I’m of age.’ not tomorrow.” Sana chuckles, finding Mina’s reaction out of character since the girl is the calmer one of the two. Always thinking before doing.


“Oh…so when you’re an adult?”


“I think after we finish university…you know I have to take over the company.” Sana sighs, shifting to lay on her bed, staring up at the ceiling.


“Right.” Mina nods, her eyes still on her best friend, “Sorry…I sometimes forget that you’re the Minatokzaki sole heir.” She apologises.


“I like that.” Sana says, turning to look at Mina again, “I like that you’ve never treated me differently Mitang.” Sana smiles widely, before snuggling closer to Mina.


“If I do, can I finally get rid of you?” Mina teases causing Sana to let out a childish whine.


“You can never get rid of Mitang, I won’t let you.” Sana says adamantly, forcing Mina to wrap her arms around her, “You can’t leave me Mitang.” Sana lets a moment of vulnerability out.


“Of course I won’t.” Mina assures the girl, because even though Sana seems to always be this happy go lucky ball of sunshine, she has a lot on her plate and it’s taking every ounce of willpower for her not to snap under the pressure…especially since she’s an only child. SAna nods her head against the crook of Mina’s neck, happy with the girl’s answer.


“Goodnight Mitang.” Sana whispers, before finally succumbing to a deep slumber.


As Sana slept peacefully in her arms, Mina’s mind went back to the question the girl had posed. Smiling to herself, Mina found her answer, “Satang…tsuki ga kirei desu ne?”

“Mitang..Mitang…Mitang!” Sana shakes Mina out of her reverie, “You weren’t listening.” Sana pouts. The two were at Mina’s apartment near the university. It was their final year in university. Sana, of course, is finishing a course in Business management with a minor in psychology..while Mina is about to start medical school, still at the University of Tokyo.


“I’m sorry Satang, what were you saying?”


“I said we need to get married.”


“EH?!” Mina practically jumps out of her chair at what her best friend just blurted out, “Married?!”


“You weren’t listening?!” Sana glares, arms crossed across her chest. Mina takes a moment, wondering what prompted her to remember that memory from 10 years ago.


“I was…I just..you lost me after marriage.” Mina defends.


“Oh really?” The chestnut haired girl raises a challenging brow, “Alright alright..I wasn’t listening..I zoned out.” Mina backs down. She could never win against Sana.


“I know.” Sana deadpans, “Mind sharing?” Sana softens up, she hates it when Mina hides things from her. Especially with how hard the girl is on herself.


“I just..remembered that time when we were kids.” Mina smiles.


“What time? We’ve had a lot of times together.”


“When you asked me about love and then we talked about your impending arranged marriage.”


“Ahh that.” Sana snaps her fingers, “I remember! You said you wanted to get rid of me.” Sana pouts.


“I’ve tried.” Mina jokes, earning a hard punch from Sana, “Ow that hurt Satang.” Mina rubs her shoulder.


“Good.” Sana sticks her tongue out at Mina.


“But back to the topic at hand…why do we have to get married?” Mina pauses, steeling her emotions, “When we were 13 you talked about finding your perfect half. With all the people you’ve dated you still haven't met them?”


“If I did, would I be asking you to be in an arranged marriage with me right now?”


“Okay but Satang, my family isn’t influential. Do you think your parents would allow it?”


“But your father is one of the best surgeons in the country and isn’t he now one of the board of directors at the Osaka University Hospital?”




“Mitang…please marry me…I don’t want to marry a stranger. I know if I tell my parents it’s you.. They won’t force me into a loveless marriage.”


“But you are going into one with me.”


“I love you Mitang.” Sana says seriously, catching Mina off guard, her heart beating so loudly she’s sure Sana could hear it, “You’re my best friend of course I love you.”


Right..of course that’s what she meant.. Mina takes a breath, “But what about me? Marriage isn’t something so easy Satang…I mean what if I fall in love with someone? Don’t you think it’s a bit selfish of you to ask me to marry you when I..” Mina swallows her eyes avoiding Sana, “Don’t love you romantically?”


“That’s the best part!” Sana claps, “We’ll just be bound by paper, so if we’re both sneaky enough we can still live our single lives.”


“I don’t know Satang…”


“Mitang, trust me. It’ll be okay. Nothing will change asides the fact that you might have to take my last name.”


That’s the problem Satang…you’re offering me something I’ve always wanted, but yet it hurts so much. Mina thinks to herself.


“Can you give me some time to think about it?”


“Okay!” Sana claps happily.




It’s been a week since the day Sana asked Mina to marry her..it’s also been a week of Mina ignoring Sana. Using the upcoming transition to medical school as the perfect excuse.


“Hey, where’s Mina?” Sana frowns when she arrives at the library only to find Jihyo and Jeongyeon studying alone. She was planning on surprising Mina at the library today, since the girl’s been studying non-stop for finals, but Sana can only go so long without seeing Mina in person.


“Uh not here.” Jeongyeon answers without looking up from her textbook.


“But she said you guys were studying all week together.” Sana says and at this both Jihyo and Jeongyeon finally look up from their books.


Oh . The two think to themselves, remembering the favour Mina asked of them.


“Oh yeah..I mean that she isn’t here now…she uhm..she..” Jeongyeon stutters, wanting to face palm herself for the slip.


“She went to grab some snacks. Yeah, we got hungry and didn’t want to eat.” Jihyo tries to save them all.


“But she texted me saying you guys just had dinner.” Sana shows the text from Mina.


“Did I say snacks? I meant drinks..yeah something to wake us up.” Jihyo and Jeongyeon laugh awkwardly.


“Right..I’ll pretend to believe all that.” Sana looks down, a pout on her lips. The happy Sana looked so de

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1195 streak #1
Chapter 52: Oh this 🥺 this hurt my feelings 😭 Mina that was one hell of a insane choice to make
1195 streak #2
Chapter 50: Well at least she has admitted to having already jumped off the bridge in love with Mina in this one haha
qwertyuiop1216 #3
Chapter 50: Pleaseeeeeeee do namo, btw hello again author-nim!
You are the best as usual.
I really want misana to work as well aaaaaaaaa <3
ShibaPenguin #4
Chapter 50: I love your work and ideas. It's so fun to read.

I haven't seen any namo fic either so I hope you make one or more too....maybe I did read but i don't remember now 🥹
Chapter 48: let’s keep rolling! i appreciate you💕
1195 streak #6
Chapter 46: A new story let's go!!!!!
210603 #7
Chapter 48: the story is so good. thanks for the updates♥️
Kiiarrah #8
Chapter 48: I like the story please go for the 4th.. Thanks
1195 streak #9
Chapter 44: I feel this is more of a bittersweet ending then a bad ending, thank you for the story 💚