Hello Baby Season 8 : Is it Too Late

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2022 it has been 8 years since jessica jung has been kicked out of snsd and 5 years since snsd disband but fans still don't know that in the past there lies love conflics one couple broke up one couple are scared one couple are in denial one couple never got a chance while only one couple is dating but that will change when they got a offer they cannot simply refuse


This story will start at May 1 2022 and have new chapters every day the longest waiting for a new chapter will be a week but i can't gurantee that it will be always but i will try also the start of the story might become earlier but not later then May 1




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Chapter 13: It was a fun reading
Chapter 13: OMGGG... Can't wait for the next chapter, this is amazing 😊😊
she123snsd #3
Chapter 13: ahhhhhhh so excited for the next chapteeeer 🥺🥺🥺
Chapter 13: OMG.. i cant wait
Chapter 9: This is so cute . All the baby picture
Chapter 8: Glad that Jeti took the opportunity to resolved things for the better .
Chapter 7: Thankfully nothing bad happen to the kids especially Skylar who hit her head on the steering wheel .
Chapter 6: Childhood trauma takes time to heal . They first need to help the kids to build trust .
Soneisa #9
Chapter 11: Oh the usual bottom will be top now? Ahahaha excited for this 😻
Soneisa #10
Chapter 10: TaeNy and SooSun please 🙏