Money and Happiness

The Stars at Night

The bell had rung, signifying that the last class of the day was over. 


“Thank god,” Daun muttered, stuffing his notebooks into his backpack. Oh, how he desired to go home and take a nap-


“I can’t ing stand this class.” Beside him, Jae I slammed his head on his own desk, groaning. “I’m going straight to bed.”


Daun wanted to roll his eyes, but honestly Jae I didn’t say a single lie. “Same, my back has been killing me,” he agreed, pulling up the zipper. “I’ll just do homework for this class, or maybe my physics homework before it piles up.”


Jae I immediately lifted his head up, giving Daun a smirk. “What if… we go to the store?"


“To the- what for?” Daun said, frowning at him. “The you want to go to the store for?”


“I’m gonna be honest, I’m already out of pencils for the year,” Jae I explained. “And, I don’t know, going to the store is fun, to be honest, even if you don’t plan on buying anything.”


Daun definitely didn’t have any money to spend carelessly at the store, and considering how Jae I always begged Haneul for free ice cream because he was so-called broke, they were both in the same boat. “Are you sure you even have money for pencils?”


“Haha, really funny, because GUESS WHAT!” Without breaking eye contact with Daun, Jae I pulled out two crumply 5000 won notes from his pocket. “I DO have money, just don’t tell Haneul.”


Well, that was certainly a surprise. And to be fair, he did have more than Daun. “Good, that should buy you at least one pencil.”


Jae I grinned. “Maybe two pencils.”


“Okay, now you’re pushing it,” Daun said, laughing. “Sure, I guess we can go to the store, then.”


“I’ll buy you a drink!” Jae I suddenly exclaimed. “And- a snack, yeah, if you want?”


Daun reminds Horyeong’s constant warnings on how Jae I had a crush on him, but honestly, Daun knew since the first five minutes they talked to each other. Sure, he was Horyeong’s little brother, but he wasn’t stupid. 


And… it was kind of cute, to be honest. Daun has never had someone show excitement to wanting to hang out with him like Jae I. 


“Don’t blow your entire life savings on me,” Daun said, slinging his backpack over his shoulder. “What about next time you need another pencil?” 


“True, true, I tend to be impulsive, lol.” Jae I stood up from his chair, holding out his hand. “Let’s get out of this stupid place.”


Sounds like a genius plan to Daun. He got up from his desk as well, holding onto Jae I’s hand. “Fine by me.” 




“Hope you and Hwalchan have fun,” Donghwi said, putting in his AirPods. “Watch a movie.”


“I will, thank you very much.” Dongin took out his phone, sending another message to his boyfriend. “I wonder what’s taking him so long-“


Donghwi was turning on his AirPods when he noticed Horyeong walking down the hallway alone. From what Donghwi knew, Horyeong walked with his brother home after school everyday, so if Daun wasn’t here, that meant he was with- ohhhhhhh. 


“Horyeong!” Donghwi yelled, earning a confused look from Dongin. “What?”


“I-“ Dongin turned around and also caught sight of Horyeong, who was now walking towards them. “Oh hey man, what’s up?”


“Is your brother headed off to be with his lover as well?” Donghwi asked. “That makes two of us.”


Dongin frowned at him. “Heyyyyyy, I’m not ABANDONING you, I made plans with Hwalchan already-“


“Oh, shut up, let me bully you.” Donghwi faced Horyeong while pointing at Dongin. “He’s off to hang with his boyfriend, so now I’m going to be bored.”


“I can definitely relate to that,” Horyeong agreed. “Daun said he’s going to the store with Jae I for some reason.”


Dongin raised an eye. “With what money?”


“Bet Jae I got some money and is now blowing it on his crush.” Donghwi sighed. “He’s stupid sometimes.”


Well, to be fair, Horyeong couldn’t get mad at someone whose first reaction to getting money was to spend it on his little brother. It’s not like Horyeong had money to spend on Daun anyways. “Yeah, I’m walking home alone again like usual.”


“Oh, why don’t you both just hang out?” Dongin asked, ignoring Donghwi’s sudden death glare. “Donghwi bought more fudge again.”


“Remind me who ate it all last time?” Donghwi reminded him. 


Dongin waved him off. “It’s my weekly payment to be your good friend.”


“Throwing money at someone doesn’t mean you’ll earn their love.” Donghwi grabbed Horyeong’s arm, surprising the latter as he pulled him away from Dongin. “Have fun, loser.”


“Oh, stop crying, Donghwi.” 





Donghwi unlocked the doors with his keys. “Be prepared for my dogs to bombard you.” 


Horyeong nodded. “They’ve been friendly,” he said. He’s already been invited to video games twice, with one being three days ago. The only difference was that now he was alone with Donghwi. “Helicopter and… Kevin.”


The doors were opened, and just as expected, the two dogs were at Donghwi’s feet, wagging their tails in happiness. 


“Oh, you two are such good boys, aren’t you?” he said in a high-pitched voice, kneeling on the ground as he gave them both hugs, the two dogs showing their hyperactivity now. “I can always count on you two to love me.”


Odd phrase to suddenly say to your dogs, but Horyeong decided not to comment. “Maybe they want you to feed them.”


“Let me be happy for five minutes.” Donghwi got up from the door and stepped aside to let Horyeong get in. “They won’t escape, they know not to.”


Indeed, despite the door being wide open, the two dogs didn’t make an effort to run outside. “Wow, they must be well trained,” Horyeong said, entering the house.


“I did all the training myself.” Donghwi threw his backpack on the ground, heading to the kitchen. “Let me make sure they have food and water, do you want something?”


The two dogs followed Donghwi in the kitchen, giving Horyeong space to take off his shoes in the foyer. “Anything but ice cream.” 


He could hear Donghwi laugh in the kitchen. “You’re TRAUMATIZED!! Funny!!”


Horyeong set his backpack down next to his shoes and followed Donghwi, was refilling the dogs’ bowls with a small pitcher. “There’s soda in the fridge if you want, or better yet, go to the basement and grab my father’s expensive champagne.” 


“Woah, I’m alone with you in your house and now you’re trying to get me drunk, I don’t feel safe here,” Horyeong joked. “It’s not even the weekend.”


“Okay, sell them, I don’t care.” Donghwi opened the fridge and set the pitcher back on the bottom row, holding the door open. “If you’re not getting drunk then just grab something.” 


Hesitating, Horyeong walked up to the fridge, ignoring his close proximity to Donghwi and pulled out a can of orange Fanta. “Thanks.”


“It’s nothing.” 


Donghwi opened a cabinet and took out three bowls, two big and one small, then took out a bag of potato chips. “You’ve been working on your glaring,” he said, not even looking at Horyeong as he filled one of the bigger bowls with chips.


“Why of course.” Horyeong opened his can of soda, taking a small sip. “Daun also says about it.”


“Makes sense, he probably knows you better than anyone else.” Donghwi opened one of the drawers and grabbed a pair of clips, rolling the opened bag tight before clipping it on the edge to make sure the chips didn’t turn stale. “He has to deal with it the most.”


Horyeong watched Donghwi put the chips back in the cabinet before pulling out a big bag of peanut M&Ms, pouring them into the smaller bowl. “He did know me the best,” Horyeong said. “But we’ve stopped talking since we moved here.”


Donghwi re-sealed the M&Ms and set them on the counter, reaching out for the bag of pretzels. “You know it’s not just you who's been dealing with the move,” Donghwi reminded him. “He’s also been dealing with it. I would cut him some slack. Does he have friends back there that he missed?”


Horyeong shook his head. He had Seulchan and Zeth, sure, but Daun… Daun didn’t really have anyone. “No, not that I can think of,” he said truthfully. 


“You know, with your hatred of Jae I-”


“I don’t hate Jae I-”


“-it makes perfect sense,” Donghwi finished, not caring that Horyeong was trying to cut him off. “Daun has always had you. He’s never had other people, so now you’re just jealous.”


He had a point, in all honestly, but Horyeong didn’t want to admit it. “Like you and Dongin,” he said in response. 


“No, not really, I just like to bother him,” Donghwi explained. “But the third wheeling is the part that you need to adjust. At the end of the day, though, we should be happy they have other people they trust and care about.” 


Donghwi finished pouring pretzels in the big bowl, before handing it to Horyeong to carry, along with the big bowl of chips. “Go take this.”


“Fine by me.” Horyeong went to the living room, where the two dogs were sitting in front of the couch, waiting for Donghwi to show up. The dogs probably knew by now what Donghwi’s schedule was. “Nice to meet you guys.” 


He set the bowls on the coffee table as Donghwi came in, the bowl of M&Ms in one hand and a tupperware with what appeared to be dip in the other. “Did you have a game in mind?”


Horyeong shook his head. “Honestly, I play a little of everything.”


“Lego Star Wars it is.” Donghwi set the M&Ms and dip on the table before turning on the television, grabbing two Playstation controls. “My dad is already trying to buy me the Playstation 5.”


He handed one of the handhelds to Horyeong before sitting on the floor in front of the coffee table, stealing a chip.


“A Playstation 5?? From scalpers?? That must cost a ton,” Horyeong said. “Does he know you are obsessed with video games or something?”


“No, he’s just trying to apologize for calling me the f-slur the other day instead of, you know, actually speaking and saying “I’m sorry”. All because I painted his new nails black.” Donghwi stared at the tv, going to the playstation menu so that he could load the game. “He probably has a new girlfriend again and wants me to be masculine to not embarrass him. It’s already happened three times.” 


“I thought he was always working?” Horyeong asked, trying to remember the little bits and pieces from here and there from whatever Donghwi talked about with Dongin. 


“Yeah, he does.” Since Donghwi was facing the screen, Horyeong had no idea what his reaction on his face was. “But the difference is, he wants to make times for these girlfriends. They’re important enough for him.” 


Donghwi remained quiet, his attention focused on the screen, and Horyeong decided not to ask anymore questions.




“He bought me a Reese’s cup,” Daun said excitedly, his attention on his phone. “So I split it with him.”


It was night, so they were both in their room on their respective beds, Horyeong doing homework on his computer while Daun was glued on his phone, appearing to be messaging someone. 


“Sounds romantic,” Horyeong said, opening up the tab for Discord. From their statuses, both Seulchan and Zeth appeared to be playing League of Legends, the two currently active in the voice channel. “Where did he get the money?”


“I don’t know, to be honest, it could be from drug dealing for all I care.” Daun laid down on the bed, holding his phone close to his chest as he had a grin on his face. “He also got me a Sprite.”


“And he got himself pencils? Poor dude had to spend it on school.” Horyeong clicked out of the discord chat and went back to the Google classroom, where his class had to post discussions. “At least he treats you well, Daun.” 


Daun turned off his phone, setting it on the table. “I think I like him,” he blurted out. “I really think I like him.”


Horyeong shut his computer to look at his brother, who was stupidly grinning at the ceiling. “Told you so-”


“Oh, SHUT UP!” Daun sat up and grabbed his pillow, throwing it at Horyeong. “I don’t want to hear your smart comments.”


“Okay, okay, I’m sorry,” Horyeong said, raising his hands up in the air as if to surrender. “Just talk, I won’t judge, promise. Is there a specific moment when you realized you liked him?"


Daun had his feet hanging over his bed, so he started swinging it back and forth. “Earlier today while we were walking, we got soaked by some sprinklings and started running like crazy,” he explained. “And… I enjoyed it, I couldn’t help but wonder why.” 


See, this is why Horyeong didn’t like to pry Daun. Give him time, and Daun would spill anything. “Sprinklers are fun, though, can’t go wrong with that,” Horyeong agreed. “At least you can always have fun with him as well.”

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Purple_Phoenix #1
Chapter 17: Chapter 17: So glad this is being updated!