Fifteen – Drunk Karina

Corporate Entanglement
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Winter paced back and forth as she stared at her phone screen. Karina was supposed to pick her up today so they would go to school together but the older was already running late. Winter checked her wristwatch again, only to witness that she only has fifteen minutes left before the school bell rings. The younger had no other choice but to go without her. 

“Dad, can you drive me to school today?” 

The younger's father looked at her for a while before heaving out a deep sigh. Winter already knew the answer. 

“Yeah, you're busy. Sure.” Winter uttered coldly. 

“Minjeong, I would if I–” 

“Nevermind. I'll go.” 

Winter grabbed her backpack and left the mansion. She walked towards the bus stop, her frown never leaving her face. Nevertheless, she still looked extremely beautiful and people who walked past her couldn't last without taking a quick glance. 

The bus stopped in front of her after a few minutes and Winter hopped inside. She swiped her card on the bus card reader before taking the empty seat beside the window. Only a few people were inside the bus and Winter was thankful for that. She didn't want any more attention from the public after all. 

“She didn't even text me,” Winter whispered to herself while looking outside the window. She kept on throwing glances on her phone from time to time but received none from Karina, even just a single hello. 

The bus dropped Winter in front of the school gate. She mumbled a 'thanks' to the bus driver before getting off. To her surprise, her best friend, Ningning was already on the front gate. 

“Hey, Yizhuo!” 

The younger girl smiled when she saw Winter. 

“Hey! You took the bus again?” 

“Yep. I was planning to walk but I was already running late. What are you doing out here? The school bell will ring in five minutes,” the older uttered. 

“I'm waiting for Giselle. She's ordering iced coffee for the both of us.” 

Winter blinked. 

“You mean 'Giselle senior'?” 

Ningning giggled and nudged on Winter's shoulder. The young student was acting weird today. 

“She asked me out last night. She told me to drop the formalities, too.”

Winter's jaw almost dropped. She didn't even realize that Giselle and Ningning were actually having a thing for each other. The last time that she saw them being all awkward and shy around each other was when they entered the school and Giselle greeted the both of them warmly. 

“You didn't tell me!” Winter exclaimed, quite disappointed that her best friend was hiding things from her. 

“Well, you also didn't tell me that you went to Karina senior's office.. or should I say, her dad's office.” 

Winter's eyebrows furrowed. She never told anyone about that. 

“How did you know..?” 

“You . There's a security camera located inside the office of Karina senior's dad. Giselle sent me the copy of the clip from that time and..” Ningning giggled. She couldn't finish what she was saying. 

“NING YIZHUO!” Winter was blushing like crazy. How did Giselle got the clip from the security camera, anyway? The girl must have been messing around the building. 

“It's fine, Winter. You're engaged. That's normal.” Ningning paused for a few seconds. “What's not normal is you getting all naughty with Karina senior when you actually told me through text that you hated her.” 

Winter ruffled her hair, clearly annoyed.

“That was before, okay? I like her now. We like each other,” the older explained. 

“Just.. like?”


Winter was about to answer when the school bell rang. She bid goodbye to her best friend and rushed towards her classroom. 

She wasn't late, but Winter still felt empty. She didn't even see Karina inside the campus. The girl was supposed to be doing her student council duties but the lass was just nowhere to be found. Winter just decided to shrug her thoughts off and focus on their new lesson. 


It was already six in the evening. Winter was still inside the college library because she had a lot of homeworks to finish. The girl didn't really like doing her homeworks at home, mainly because it would be hard for her to focus. 

Winter sighed as she stared at the Math problems blankly. The day already ended yet Karina didn't even send her a text message or called her on the phone.

The library only had a few students left inside, probably seven or eight. The librarian was already asleep on her table but thankfully, the place was still silent. As soon as Winter finished all of her homeworks, she grabbed her stuff and placed all of them inside her bag. Winter was about to leave when she heard a familiar voice on the third shelf.

Winter slowly walked towards the second shelf and hid herself there.

“I still love Jimin. I'll do anything to bring her back again.” 

Winter frowned. It was

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14 streak #1
Chapter 40: Thank you, it was a great story
Kmjcentric #2
Chapter 39: I actually got scared at last chapter's ending😀 You got me there author😔 BUT ALAS, I finished this masterpiece that you've created. Kudos to you author!!!
Kmjcentric #3
Chapter 38: What's up👁️👄👁️
Kmjcentric #4
Chapter 37: They're so cute and adorable and squishy and I don't know what to say anymore I just love them😭😭😭
Kmjcentric #5
Chapter 36: Doing it at the library is a bit... 😏
Kmjcentric #6
Chapter 35: This is so🥺🥺🥺
Kmjcentric #7
Chapter 34: 😋
Kmjcentric #8
Chapter 33: Minjeong surely is a wild puppy🥴
Kmjcentric #9
Chapter 32: They're so🥺🥺🥺 I'm glad they're doing good again. Fluff hits harder after the angst part😋
Kmjcentric #10
Chapter 31: It's starting. Go Jimin!!! Get your girl!!!