Parallel Lines and Everything Between



Wu Yifan goes to see the universes.

Junmyeon makes the journey all the more worthwhile. 




"I search the universe

Until I can find you again"

- Universe (EXO)


Alternative title:

Does Yifan dream of identical sheep?


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1fanfic #1
Chapter 1: Beautiful story, lovely pacing and just so pretty all the way through, I really enjoyed it! :)
2436 streak #2
Chapter 1: EXO's Universe is so apt for this story... it's so beautiful! i love it so much!!!
who was it who called Yifan in his first parallel universe travel? I'd like to think it's Jun! but it could also be his mom? HAHA but the way his throat dried up???

ANYWAY! the quest for the truth abt parallel universes has been Yifan's passion and I'm very happy for him to have achieved his lifelong dream! from personal project to an actual break through! thank you Yeol for being Yifan's partner in this, very sure it would've taken Yifan a much longer time if he worked on it on his own...

the tension when they built it but still wasn't sure if it would work properly... oh no one would enjoy being trapped in nothingness! BUT no one would know if it really works if they didn't try so congrats once again to Yifan for being very brave and trusting his and Yeol's work! AND IT WORKED INDEED!

but in the end, oh i just love this twist, Yifan may have scoured thru different universes, but the one he was looking for was just right there! it was too long since they last saw each other, but the feeling he always had whenever he saw Jun back then is still the same with what he's feeling now... and i also liked how, no matter which universe Yifan discovered, it would seem like he's destined for Jun either way? HAHAHA anyway, i really love it! IT'S BEEN SO LONG! but maybe, the time is now! it's never too late!!!

ahhhhh! thank you for this! i enjoyed it very much!!!