
Sugar coated
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The first time Soojin found out that Shuhua snored was the first time they shared a room, Soyeon was doing everything she could for them to debut so they rehearsed pretty much all day, going back to the dorm just to sleep, Soojin was so sore that she could barely move, but at least she knew Shuhua was resting.Most of the time Soojin was too tired to notice that Shuhua was snoring but she had insomnia from time to time and when that happened, falling asleep was difficult, which meant trying to sleep when Shuhua was snoring was impossible, Soojin tried to ignore it, flipping back and forth from side-to-side, kicking the blankets, but she couldn't relax, it seemed to echo all over the walls.





A sleepy Shuhua grunted from the bottom bunk.

-You're snoring

-Am I?

-You are

-I don´t snore unnie

-You do

Shuhua was quiet for a few seconds

-I´m sorry Soojin unnie

Soojin sighed

-Try to change the position

Soojin smiles as she heard Shuhua moving and turning

-Good night Soojin unnie

Shuhua went back to sleep almost immediately but Soojin took a little longer.



A few months later they moved to a new dorm where each had their own room, Shuhua had decorated her room and used it for everything but sleep, she preferred to sleep in Soojin's room with her, not that Soojin minded, her room was silent and empty without her. They were also entering a new territory after Soojin had declared herself to Shuhua, they were dating in secret, only their friends knew about it and although they had only exchanged pecks and more timid cuddles, they were more in love then ever.

Shuhua never snored unless she was completely exhausted and after their latest comeback they were all tired. They came back from Kbs and after a quick dinner and shower Shuhua went straight to bed, and after taking her own bath Soojin joined her. Soon after, Shuhua's snoring reached Soojin's ears, slowly reaching out, Soojin placed her hand on Shuhua's shoulder and gently shook her


Soojin whispered

-Baobei, you're snoring

Shuhua groaned and opened her eyes

-What is going on Jin ah? It's time to go?

Soojin smiled at the confused expression on her face.

-We can sleep a little longer 

Shuhua brought her free hand up to scrub her weary eyes

-Then why did you wake me up?

-It's just...You're snoring and it's keeping me up

-I'm sorry Jin ah... I'm just tired

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I never tire of repeating, our girls are the most creative group of this generation ... Revenge is perfect, Yeh Shuhua... damn!
When did they have time to record this mv? No wonder they were sick, working 24/7


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1290 streak #1
Chapter 709: She's not so drunk now is she
1290 streak #2
Chapter 708: Like throwing all care to the win it can come later 🤣
jisookim1243 #3
Chapter 708: hello?@??÷? thjs made my day hehe thank u for ths💕
jisookim1243 #4
Chapter 707: the tororo part is so cute, but i need to see shu alpha more
1290 streak #5
Chapter 707: The tittle made me chuckle LOL
1290 streak #6
Chapter 706: Oh thank God it didn't end like that last part 😭
1290 streak #7
Chapter 705: Oh that 😭😭 Yuqi 😭😭
1290 streak #8
Chapter 704: LMAO not her falling in love with the dog only to find out there's another one secretly
1290 streak #9
Chapter 703: The big smile I have on my face right now because I could truly see them all in the future having kids and thing just not changing despite the years
1290 streak #10
Chapter 702: So thank the nice barista 🤣🤣