Trapped in a mental prison

Always, Only Yours
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A/N: Hi, thank you for reading the last chapter. Chapter 19 here. I think this should hopefully be an interesting chapter with Sooyoung talking to Baekhyun. Okay, here’s chapter 19. Trust me, I know it’s a long fic, with a lot going on, and maybe for some of you that might be a problem as far as waiting for the updates, and believe me I wasn’t even stopping updates on purpose, I just had to finish Help Wanted, to get that out of the way, and it’s honestly not easy writing so much at once, it’s really not. So I do understand if that turns some of you away from reading this fic, but this fic is still the best fic I have, so I will finish it no matter how long it takes. I appreciate those of you who don’t mind sticking around, it is my favorite story, and thank you for everything. 



Sooyoung was afraid of her, or rather Sooyoung was scared of hurting her, it became obvious as time went on, and though Seungwan understood on some level why her mate was shaken up. She couldn’t go on like this, neither of them could go on like this, and so one afternoon the omega took her chance to talk to her wife, and started off with what was a simple but meaningful hug. Sooyoung stood there in her embrace with Seungwan hugging her tightly, slowly the dark-haired woman placed her arms around her. 


“Wan?” Sooyoung whispers. “Is something wrong?”


“Yes, you need to hold me now and not be afraid that you’ll hurt me. You’re not going to hurt me.”


Sooyoung knows she’s been a bit hesitant lately, fearful of something awful happening caused by her hand. 


“I’m sorry.”


“Don’t be sorry.” Seungwan holds her cheeks in her hands. “Talk to me, let me help you.”


Sooyoung looks down at her with an expression that appears like she’s trying not to cry. Sooyoung takes a deep breath.


“I just don’t want to turn into my father.”


And that was probably the most honest and vulnerable her mate had been with her in a long time. The blonde frowned in concern, how was she supposed to help her not think about something like that happening.


“You’re not turning into your father because of an accident. I have an idea, let’s go talk to your mom, I’m sure she’s…”


“No, not my mom.” Sooyoung shakes her head. “Not about this.”


“Okay, I’ll call Seul and we can spend some time with her and Joohyun. It’s Saturday, I’m sure she’s not working today at least. How about that?”


Sooyoung agrees to see if they can spend some time with her sister and sister-in-law. Sooyoung could use a distraction and maybe it would come in the form of the other couple. Seungwan calls Seulgi who tells them they can all go out to lunch together.


“Hey, Wan. I think an outdoor change of scenery could be good. I’ll have someone come pick you two up, I have an idea.” 


“I’ll take anything as long as we can try and get through to her. She’s really shaken up, Seul.”


Naturally, as Seungwan is her best friend. Seulgi has already been told about the incident. Though when she tried to call her sister it always went to voicemail. This time they’d meet in person, and Seulgi had a good idea, or at least she hoped it would be.


“I’m sorry, Wan. But we will do what we can, you two just be ready, and my niece or nephew as well.”


Seungwan laughs a bit at the way Seulgi said that. “Okay, Auntie Seul. We’ll see you soon.” She ends the call and finds Sooyoung laying out on one of the couches, scrolling through her phone.


“Seul is sending someone to come get us.”


“Oh, okay.” 


“Soo,” the omega gently touches her shoulders. “You’re not your father. He was a cruel and miserable excuse for a human being. You’re not him, okay. I love you.” She places the softest kiss to her cheek and then goes to get herself ready. Sooyoung wipes away tears that she didn’t even realize were coming down. Though she understood what her wife was trying to do, the alpha didn’t feel better. Sooyoung really wanted a drink, and for a second she did actually consider pouring herself a glass of wine at least. Only, Seungwan came back and from the light blue dress she was wearing you could see the pregnancy more clearly. Though still not yet in her second trimester, Sooyoung knew it would be a matter of time, and the alpha was doing her best to not crack.


“Hey, Wan?”


“Yes, baby?”


“Thank you. I know I’m not easy to love, so thank you.”


There is a moment of silence between them. Before the shorter woman hugs her tightly again. “You don’t have to thank me because I love you.”


That’s what Seungwan said, but Sooyoung felt she couldn’t agree. For now, she got herself ready to meet with Seulgi and Joohyun, to wherever that was going to end up being.



Kang Joohyun’s mouth nearly hit the ground when she saw the huge yacht. The kind of yachts she’s only seen in movies or pictures. It was a gorgeous black and white yacht, with the stylish Kang company logo on the side of it. 


“Seul this is…”


“Wait until you see inside, it has a kitchen, fully stocked, entertainment room, a great master bedroom.” Seulgi starts naming off some of the highlights of the yacht.


Joohyun blushes hard at the master bedroom part. “And that master bedroom is ours, right?”


“Huh, oh,” Seulgi smiles knowingly. “Of course it’s ours.” The brown-haired woman wraps an arm around her waist, sneaking a soft kiss to her lips. “I thought it would be nice to get out this way. Soo and Wan can both use the break I think, and it’s a great opportunity to show you the yacht.”


“I’m honestly a little fearful of water.” The omega admits. She’s always been afraid of water for as long as she could remember. Seulgi has a way of making her calmer, though, and she never worries about her fear too much when she’s with her mate. 


“Hey, it’s okay. The captain and staff here are really very good, and if you don’t want to stay up top too long you won’t have to, but I’ll be with you, Hyunnie, so it’ll be okay.”


Anytime Seulgi told her it was going to be okay, she always believed her. The raven moves to kiss her and then holds her hand the entire time Seulgi is giving her a bit of a tour. This yacht was truly one of the most incredible things Joohyun had ever seen. The staff was nice and the kitchen area was huge, fully stocked, with a chef ready to go. Seulgi takes a moment to tell the chef what to prepare for everyone. 


“My sister doesn’t like garlic, so please take the garlic out for her dishes, and my sister-in-law is pregnant so just alter the menu for her in case, give her more than one option in the event something bothers her. No chicken for my wife, please. Hyun,” Seulgi turns to her. “You can ask for whatever you want extra, I was just giving him an idea.”


Joohyun had heard everything Seulgi asked for and it all sounded good. She didn’t think she needed to make any special requests, and so the tour continued. Joohyun nearly lost her mind at the entertainment room, with the pool table, games, snacks, all things needed for survival.


“I found my room!” 


Seulgi chuckles. “You’ll leave me in that big lonely master bedroom all by myself, Hyunnie?”


“Oh….” Joohyun pauses. Well, she certainly doesn’t want to leave her mate all alone in a big room. “I’ll share you part time with the room, deal?” Seulgi can tell she’s joking and they end up sharing a laugh over that. 


“You’re very funny, Mrs. Kang. Well, enjoy your game room. I’ve got a cozy fireplace and huge bed. I can be all by my lonesome.”


“Hey, just wait a moment, Kang Seulgi!”


But the alpha is already dramatically running off. 


“Kang Seulgi!”


“I’m going to my comfortable master bedroom, Hyun. You can use the pool table as a bed, I guess.”


“Oh, no you don’t, come here!” Joohyun laughs as she chases after her wife who has disappeared around the corner that does lead to the master bedroom. Seulgi waits and reaches out to wrap her arms around her wife as she turns the corner too.


“Hah, I’m kidding, Hyunnie.” She kisses her lips then, with Joohyun immediately returning the kiss. The omega is rather addicted to her alpha’s kisses. She also really likes the way Seulgi’s strong, but protective hold is around her waist. They only break away for air and even then Joohyun still places soft kisses to her lips after that, preventing Seulgi from talking in a somewhat funny manner.




Another kiss.




One more kiss to stop her from talking. Seulgi laughs and touches her chin. “Hyun.”




If they were doing this game, there’s no way Joohyun is going to lose. Though, it is kind of distracting with the way Seulgi is holding her.


“Kang Hyunnie.” She says it in such a way that makes her name sound cute and Joohyun ends up losing her train of thought.


“Seul!” She laughs and lightly hits her arm. “Really, Kang Hyunnie.”


“That’s who you are, I like it.”


Joohyun thinks about it and she likes it too. The omega leans forward and presses her head to her wife’s in a gentle manner.


“I like it too.”


They didn’t have much time for the rest of the tour, not when Seulgi was getting a phone call that her sister and Seungwan would be arriving in ten minutes, and the older Kang sibling wanted to be waiting for them outside on deck. She hoped this would be a good idea for everyone.


When Sooyoung and Seungwan realized they were heading for the docks, and saw the huge yacht. The omega looked like her eyes were going to pop out of her head. She hasn’t ever seen a yacht that big, though her family has wealth too, not like the Kang’s kind of wealth. But wealthy enough that Mr. Kang, when he was alive, associated himself with her family. Still, this yacht was huge.


“Wow, this is probably the biggest yacht I’ve ever seen.”


Sooyoung looks at it with a slightly impressed look. She herself has never seen this yacht before, though she is sure it must have belonged to her dad. Seulgi is not the type to splurge on things like this. She might splurge on her art hobby, or other things that interest her, but big boats, fancy cars, things like that, no. That’s more something she’d do really, splurge on big accessories like this.


“Now, you know we need to get a yacht just as big as this right?” Sooyoung smiles in a teasing way. “We can compare yachts along with our Summer homes.”


Seungwan laughs and playfully hits her shoulder. It’s good to see Sooyoung making jokes again and so she hopes today will be a good day, who wouldn’t enjoy sailing around on a fancy yacht.

“Okay, sure, we’ll get a yacht. Come on, they’re waiting for us.”


The two of them walk up toward the yacht, where they can see Seulgi and Joohyun standing on deck, waving to them. Sooyoung notices how easily they are holding hands too, and it’s a nice sight to see. The younger Kang is happy to see how much more comfortable her sister and Joohyun are in their marriage, and she can tell that Seulgi is happy as well, that makes her feel good to know at least that. Her sister deserves to be happy, Joohyun too, considering how they started off. 


“Hi, you two.” Joohyun smiles when both of them are on board.


“Hi, Joohyun.” Seungwan takes a moment to hug the other omega, and greet Seulgi as well. Sooyoung is kind of standing there looking around before she does say hello, then the younger alpha pulls her sister to the side when Joohyun offers to show Seungwan around.


“Was this dad’s?” Sooyoung has no idea why it bugs her so much. It’s not like she doesn’t have a whole estate left to her from their dad. An estate she has yet to step foot in, though some days she is tempted to check it out, since it is her house now.


“No.” Seulgi answers. “He gave me a choice of a gift when it was the first year anniversary of my working for him, so you don’t have to worry. I wanted this to be a nice afternoon out sailing. I think you’d enjoy it, sis.”


Sooyoung knows without a doubt Seulgi has been told about what happened with herself and Seungwan. Those two have always been best friends for as long as Sooyoung could remember, and she doesn’t see it changing anytime soon. Sooyoung can still remember the way the two would huddle up close as they’d watch their favorite singers perform and have mock duets. Sooyoung sometimes does think about the what ifs, what if Seungwan did love Seulgi after all. She’d probably be much happier, though the younger Kang tries not to think too much about it, because things worked out for a reason. Seulgi did end up with Joohyun, and if her sister was married to Seungwan, then there would probably be no Joohyun. Sooyoung does indeed like her sister-in-law and thinks the two of them do make a good pair.


“Thanks, Seul, it was a nice idea.”


“Soo,” Seungwan calls from inside the doorway. “You’ve got to see this huge TV in the entertainment room, come.” 


“Okay, Wan. I’m coming.”


Seulgi observes how Sooyoung does appear to enjoy the tour of the yacht and how everyone so far seems relaxed, which was what she was hoping for. Joohyun did hold her arm at least some of the time they were moving, though Seulgi understood, and that’s why she sort of engulfed her mate in her citrus scent to help her focus on that and not her fear of the water.


“Thank you, Seul.”


“You’re welcome, you don’t feel seasick at all, do you?”


“No, I’m fine.”


“Good,” she leaves a kiss on her forehead. “Soo, Wan, we can eat up deck if you’d like or down below. The chef has been cooking up a lot of delicious things, but in case you need some altered menu, Wan.”


“Oh, I’m fine, Seul. I’ve not been having any strange reactions to food, though I am really really craving noodles with cheese and fried pickles…”


Sooyoung makes a face at that. “Sounds gross, Wan.”


“I am pregnant over here remember!” She loses it for a second, though she smiles embarrassed after. “Seriously, I really do want that, oh and a chocolate milkshake.”


That really did all sound gross together. Joohyun hoped like hell she wouldn’t have any strange cravings like that one day, because truth be told she would eventually like kids, and she just knows Seulgi would be a wonderful sire. 


“No problem, Wan. If that’s what you want, that’s what you’ll get. I’ll be right back, I’ll tell the chef, everyone just relax. There’s wine and sodas, water too.” the brunette gestures to the table on deck that is nicely decorated with silverware, tablecloth, a pitcher of water with slices of lemons and limes on the side, two different wine options, and sodas. There was something for everyone on that table.


“Ooh, bread.” Sooyoung hurries over to the try of bread and grabs herself one to snack on. “Wan, want one?”


“Thank you, Soo.” She takes the bread offered to her. Joohyun observes the small exchange and she thinks it’s the best she’s seen her sister-in-law act in a long while. Seulgi did tell her what happened though, since there wasn’t just the idea of a sailing trip for no reason at all. She wanted to get a moment to talk to Seungwan in particular and see how she was feeling about everything.


“Food’s up.” Seulgi returns, as she helps the staff place dishes on the table.


“Yes, food! Now we’re talking!” Sooyoung will never turn down food, not ever, no matter how ty she feels. Fortunately, as expected from a chef under a Kang’s employ the food was delicious. Sooyoung piled on the plate so high. Everyone worried for a moment they wouldn’t see her face soon.


“Soo, your grand opening of your business is soon, right?” Seulgi decides to ask.


“Yeah, everything is just about finalized. I’ll be sending out invites, and it’ll be on a Friday night, so you and Joohyun should be free to come.”


“We’ll come, Sooyoung.” Joohyun promises. “I think your designs are beautiful.” She has seen some pictures of the dark-haired woman’s designs, and it was very clear Sooyoung was talented.


“Thanks, sister-in-law dearest. I think I’ve finally got something worthwhile on my hands with this business idea. I wanted to…” She pauses. “I wanted to share my designs with my father, to see if he wanted to add on fashion to his business, but he would never give me a chance.”


“I’m really sorry, Soo. You are so talented and I think it would have been a good idea to add fashion to the company, honestly.” Seulgi tells her sister who shrugs, it’s not even relevant now since her father is dead, and he made sure that Sooyoung could never have anything to do with the company anyway.


“No, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have brought it up.” 


Seungwan grabs her hand from under the table and gives it a squeeze in an attempt to comfort her. She knows Sooyoung isn’t truly handling her grief at all, and it’s probably eating away at her, little by little. Seungwan hopes that this can change before the baby is born, because they do need to focus on that as well. 


“No, don’t be sorry, Soo.” Seungwan tells her. “I think you do need to talk to us more about whatever you’re feeling, especially if it’s about your father, or anything bothering you.”


Sooyoung pours herself a glass of white wine. She shakes her head and smiles some. “No, this is supposed to be a nice day, so can I drive the boat, or what?”


“No!” Seungwan, Seulgi, and Joohyun all shout out together at the same time. Sooyoung laughs, it was worth a try, and she pours herself another glass of wine, this time red. By the time all the food was finished and everyone had their own ice cream sundaes, Joohyun decided to talk to Seungwan alone, or at least on the other side of the yacht.


“How have you been feeling, Seungwan?”


“Good, I’ve been feeling good, pregnancy-wise. But, you’re worried about me for something else, right? It’s okay if Seul told you what happened, she is your wife and I expect her to let you know about some things.”


“She told me, yes. I wanted to make sure you’re okay, really. I wanted to make sure you’re both okay, honestly. Though, I’m sure Seul is talking to Sooyoung right now.”


Seungwan has no doubt about that, and hopefully whatever Seulgi is telling her wife it’s helping. For now, she thanks Joohyun, because it is nice to have someone to talk to, another omega rather. Seulgi is great, she is her best friend since they were kids, but sometimes another omega is best to talk to, for another sort of understanding.


“Thank you for checking on me, Joohyun. It’s nice, I feel like I’ve gained a sister since you’ve been married to Seul.”


Joohyun nods with a warm smile. “Well, we are family too, Seungwan. You can talk to me as well, if you need, and you’ve been really kind as well. Always making me feel welcome, so it’s the least I can do is to check in. Sooyoung isn’t the only one that goes through things, you are too.”


And with tears in her eyes, mostly because of happiness, as well as some hormonal based. Seungwan hugs her in thanks. “Thank you, Joohyun, that means a lot to me. Sometimes, it’s been hard, so it’s nice to have that extra support.”


Joohyun agrees and she wants to be able to help in whatever way she can. Because, what she said was true, it’s not only Sooyoung who is going through things. Sooyoung who is currently pacing back and forth on the other side of the yacht as Seulgi looks on, trying to get her sister to stop long enough so they can talk.


“I didn’t mean to grab her that hard.” Sooyoung speaks first, finally stopping her pacing. “I didn’t know what I was doing but that doesn’t mean I didn’t feel bad about it either, sis.”


Seulgi nods and gently pats her shoulder. “I know, Soo. It was an accident and you have to accept that, no one was hurt.”


“Yeah, I know, no one was hurt, Seul. Still, I’ve got dad in my ear whispering to me how much I’m like him, even though he’s in the ground, and it freaks me the out, okay.” 


Seulgi knows that’s one of her sister’s fears. The fact that she is similar to their dad in ways, but it’s not like she’s some exact carbon copy either. Seulgi gently tells her to sit.

“You’re not like dad, some shared personality traits aside, you’re not him. I know just because I said it, doesn’t mean you’ll believe it suddenly. I know it’s a work in progress, that’s why you have to just try. Do your best, ask for help if you need, let us help you. Look, you’re about to start up your business, which is wonderful, and then you’ll have your first child coming, again, something wonderful. It’s time to look forward, not back at ghosts that haunt you.”


Sooyoung gives a nod and hugs her sister in thanks. “Thanks, Seul. You’re a good big sister, you know?”


“I try.”


The yacht comes back to the docks and Seungwan and Sooyoung thank the other couple for what did turn out to be a nice afternoon after all. They make plans to meet up again, hopefully before Sooyoung’s grand opening day, but if not they would all see each other then. Seulgi and Joohyun wave goodbye as they head back to the limo that will take them home. Joohyun leans her head onto her wife’s shoulder, she is hopeful today was helpful to both Seungwan and Sooyoung.


“Do you think today helped?” Joohyun wonders out loud.


“I think I really hoped it did, but with my sister sometimes you just never know. Wan seemed in better spirits though, so whatever you said to her, must have helped.”


“I wanted to remind her that she’s not alone. She could use support too, just like Sooyoung does, so I think it helped her.”


Seulgi thanks her with a hug. “Thank you, Hyun. I think being reminded of that had to help, we won’t know again until we see them, most likely at Soo’s business opening. I hope they’re both going to be okay, though.”


Seulgi had a feeling with how her work schedule was she wouldn’t really see her sister until her grand opening. Though a week after their boating trip Seulgi received her invitation to the opening in the mail, and it was very prettily decorated in a crimson red envelope with fancy gold lettering, no doubt her sister designed her invitations.


“Boss, did you get…” Yerim runs into her office holding onto her own invitation. “Oh…” the younger woman pauses. “It looks like you got yours too.”


“Yeah, Soo’s really going all out, and I expect it to be a well done event. I think she really needs this, her own personal sense of accomplishment, so I am proud of her.”


Yerim nods. She had seen the sketches and designs, they were very good, clothes she would even probably buy herself to be honest. So, when Yerim received her invite. She made sure to clear that particular Friday evening, because she wanted to attend and support her friend.


“You’re going, boss? You’re not going to pretend you have work, right?”


Seulgi laughs slightly, taking a sip of her coffee. “I never pretend that I have work if I don’t. I know how much this means to my sister, so I’ll be there.”


“Well, you already know I’ll be there. I have to go, I left some important sounding businessmen on hold.”

“Yerim!” Seulgi shouts with wide eyes as the omega runs off laughing, shouting that she’s kidding, though Seulgi has a feeling that she’s not kidding. The alpha sighs and places her head down on her desk for a moment. She needs a vacation, desperately, and though her Japan business trip is coming up, it’s not right this moment like she really wants it to be. Mostly because she will have Joohyun with her and it will be their first trip together outside of the country. It is the monolid woman’s hope that she can take her wife on more trips, vacations, whatever it is as long as they can do them together.


“Boss?” one of the secretaries walks in with some important documents for her to sign. “Sorry to disturb you, ma’am. These need your signature as soon as possible.”


“No, it’s okay. I’ll read them over and sign them, thank you.”


Sometimes, when Seulgi is sitting alone in her office she’ll watch the news. There has not been any official set trial date for Baekhyun, though it shouldn’t matter if he's already confessed and will be going to jail. Seulgi has had time to distract herself from everything regarding her father’s muder, at least while she was away. It’s never completely far from her mind that he is dead, or that he was killed by a lover of his. Seulgi has yet to even open that box Baekhyun gave her, she hasn’t had time, and also Seulgi doesn’t think she’s ready to see the contents. Not that she herself is bothered by her dad loving a man at some point in his life, it’s more the fact that she didn’t know her father as well as she thought. A part of her can’t fully face that right now either. Seulgi sighs and cuts off the tab that was showing the news, looking at that all day won’t help her.


When you have money, it opens doors, or gets things done that normally wouldn’t if you didn’t have said money, which was exactly what Dara and Jinri did that afternoon, used their money to gain a joint private talk with this man. Both of them had questions and both felt the need to protect their daughters should they find out information neither Seulgi or Sooyoung know as of yet. Jinri sighs as she waits, it wasn’t her first thought to go throwing her money around, but money does talk.


“Here, Jinri.” Dara smiles kindly, handing her over a soda.


“Why are we acting like we’re waiting for a movie to start.” The dark-haired omega smiles and does accept the soda.


“Because this will probably be one hell of a show, not that I ever imagined about to be sitting with the man who killed my ex-husband, but what else will I do on this Thursday afternoon.” it was a joke to lighten the mood. Jinri is about to say something more, but the warden is saying the room is set up and they can speak to him now.


“Well, now or never, I suppose.”

The two women made their way to the room where the male omega sat at the table, hands cuffed so he couldn’t do

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Andeulea_rv25 #1
Rereading for the nth timeee. Hoping to have a new upd soon :))
70 streak #2
Chapter 13: Damn!!!
70 streak #3
simply-bae #4
Chapter 28: This chapter was definitely loaded, but necessary! I’m looking forward to reading the next chapter :)
Chapter 5: Rereading for the nth time ❤️
Rereading 😁
70 streak #7
Chapter 23: aww the i love you's are so cute😣😔😣😔😣😔😣
70 streak #8
Chapter 17: ridiculous child ijbol
70 streak #9
Hello?? We miss this story.