Markleexreader (54 markleexreader stories)

A Typical Love Story

At first glance, it seems like your typical love story: Karina, a charismatic delinquent playgirl, is inexplicably drawn to Winter, the enigmatic transfer student. But is there more to their story

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By Bonacci Updated
Tags  mark   markxyou   markxoc   marklee   nct   markxreader   markleexoc   nctxyou   markleexreader   markleexyou 
With 8 subscribers, 3320 views, 2 comments, 26 words
Status [M], Completed

马×你 永浴爱河

By Longislandicedtea Updated
Tags  mark   marklee   markleexreader   markleexyou 
With 12 subscribers, 5290 views, 5 words
Status Members Only

老夫老妻的浴室🚗 阅读愉快 此刻,夕阳透过窗子,家里散发着柔软而温馨的气息。 我下班刚到家,李马克帮我拿着买回来的菜放到厨房。 “敏亨,今天宝宝说要去同学家一起跨年,晚上在同学家睡。”得知这个消息后的李马克,高兴得海鸥眉毛都要飞起来了。“那我们今晚能好好过二人世界了。”我当然听出他的弦外之音,脸微微一红。 孩子不在家,过夫妻生活,也不用争分夺秒地等孩子睡觉之后,压低声音来一发。 说起来,最近都在忙,柴米油盐占据大部分时间,好久没有和他亲密接触。   饭都还没做,就在床上要了一次。激烈运动过后,我们都出了一层薄汗,平息时又渐觉有些凉意。他还埋在我的身体里,一只手用力往床边伸,拽上几乎全掉下床去的被子,把它盖在我身上,自己光着大半边。   急促交缠的喘息渐趋平稳,我感受到他轻微地搏动着,下意识地低下头看我们的连接处,又马上羞赧地闭上眼睛,轻轻撞入他怀中,手扣上肩头。柔软的像雨滴,落在我的发顶和额头,把我绵密地浸湿——李马

李马克恋爱的TMI 5.0(午夜版)

By Lenora_Man Updated
Tags  mark   marklee   nct   nctxyou   markleexreader   markleexyou 
Characters 李马克
With 53 subscribers, 19690 views, 4 comments, 29 words
Status [M], Members Only


By RoseCrackling Updated
Tags  markxyou   marklee   nct   markleexoc   markleexreader   markleexyou 
Characters marklee
With 2 chapters, 3 votes, 99 subscribers, 45750 views, 5 comments, 1 words

又名《所以和哥哥做爱了》 是doi的日常兄妹版 纯🚗文🈚️剧情 簧色产物🈲️未成年别看 ‼️是亲兄妹真骨科 自行壁垒

【DOUBLELEE&ME】【马你 | 容你】Dilemma

By Sunday_insomnia Updated
Characters Marklee; Lee Taeyong
With 4 chapters, 2 votes, 78 subscribers, 10720 views, 14 comments, 147 words
Status [M], Completed

【MARK&ME】快打 占有欲骇人的黑道太子和神经大的太子妃

By Sunday_insomnia Updated
Characters Marklee
With 1 votes, 9 subscribers, 6270 views, 4 comments, 4 words
Status Completed

满足个人恶趣味的超级快打 ⚠️含诺 强制


By Bonacci Updated
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With 16 subscribers, 6010 views, 1 comments, 8 words
Status Completed



By RoseCrackling Updated
Tags  markxyou   marklee   nct   markleexoc   markleexreader   markleexyou 
Characters marklee
With 1 chapters, 2 votes, 79 subscribers, 40760 views, 1 comments, 7 words

🚗这次是反攻又被反攻的一次 *内含捆绑/寸止/控射/🐢头责//扇批…请自行避雷⚠️ *簧 很簧 非常簧 看前请做好心理准备 看后禁止辱骂作者 *超级无敌ooc 请勿上升!!!!!!!! 最后请想好后再点击下一章🥺🫶

马你|Weekend boyfriend

By Bonacci Updated
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With 1 votes, 58 subscribers, 17940 views, 8 comments, 58 words
Status [M], Completed


By Bonacci Updated
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With 5 chapters, 2 votes, 28 subscribers, 6550 views, 2 comments, 51 words
Status Completed

公司对面餐厅的新店员有点好看,我才不会说是这个原因这个月第五次来这家店…小甜饼🍪 不是,不是老虎,是被雨淋湿的小狗☔️   (已完结)


By Bonacci Updated
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With 2 votes, 18 subscribers, 5050 views, 5 comments, 102 words
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马你|Jetlag love

By Bonacci Updated
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With 2 votes, 12 subscribers, 4690 views, 21 words
Status Completed



By Sunday_insomnia Updated
Characters Marklee
With 1 votes, 4 subscribers, 4300 views, 70 words
Status Completed

膝盖伤痛的马克有种脆弱的美感 Concept photo:20231202凌晨下班照 几百字短打🚗 在此祈祷Marky的伤病都快快好吧 想念元气小豹子    


By shishi01 Updated
With 1 votes, 10 subscribers, 9230 views, 2 comments
Status Members Only

是辆三轮车  三观不多但有  没写完感觉有点圆不回来了先将就着看一下


By Bonacci Updated
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With 2 votes, 22 subscribers, 20290 views, 1 comments, 66 words
Status [M], Completed


By ryokao13 Updated
Tags  markxyou   marklee   markleexreader 
Characters marklee
With 1 chapters, 49 subscribers, 17640 views, 2 comments, 5 words
Status [M], [TW], Members Only


By Bonacci Updated
With 7 subscribers, 4540 views, 13 words
Status Completed


Good friends never bojio - Mark Lee

By uiieegoose Updated
Characters Marklee
With 2 votes, 3140 views, 3 comments, 344 words
Status [M]


By Bonacci Updated
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With 2 votes, 12 subscribers, 6990 views, 24 words
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By Bonacci Updated
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With 5 subscribers, 3170 views, 8 words
Status Completed

非典型be 可他是顶好顶好的人,好的让我不相信苦难存在。


By Bonacci Updated
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With 2 votes, 37 subscribers, 6780 views, 4 comments, 22 words
Status Completed

当我们在爱里都被淋湿… 我在怀疑该不该躲你,该不该躲这场雨。


By TaroPie Updated
With 1 chapters, 1 votes, 49 subscribers, 29500 views, 1 comments, 22 words

*双钓系见色起意互相推拉 内含意识流车 *没有逻辑的私人思想产物 ooc是我的 *前半段有双视角切换 *文内设定“你”是渽民姐姐  


By TaroPie Updated
With 1 chapters, 3 votes, 186 subscribers, 65940 views, 14 comments, 123 words
Status Completed

哨向设定 首席哨兵和顶级向导 李马克梦向 第一人称 全文5w字完结

【MARK&ME】【马你】What have I forgotten?

By Sunday_insomnia Updated
Characters Marklee
With 5 chapters, 1 votes, 37 subscribers, 9090 views, 2 comments, 80 words
Status Completed

能在你身旁 胜过去全世界观光 职场前后辈设定 ⚠️女主有前任,有被出轨情节 化用了wb上的两个梗,不do不出房间&发现了女友和前男友的情侣戒指 bgm:颜人中《很需要》 这篇文参加了wb上@Alpha_MK的生贺联文!是第一次参加联文,玩得很开心 今天也是沉溺在黑亮黑亮🐯眼中的一天🥹 很珍视的也

马你ooc 一夜情设定

By iam1ovo Updated
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Characters marklee 李马克 nctMark
With 1 votes, 8 subscribers, 12140 views, 1 comments, 13 words
Status Members Only

马你ooc 全文3500+ 马×留学生你 算是一夜情 一点点 (文中情节仅供娱乐现实中请勿模仿ㅜ


By shishi01 Updated
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With 20 subscribers, 14660 views, 1 comments, 7 words
Status [M], Members Only

【马你】sour candy/短打

By shishi01 Updated
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With 19 subscribers, 15280 views, 2 comments, 1 words
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李马克x你  很俗套的受气包宝宝被马裤哄好的小故事。


By shishi01 Updated
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With 2 votes, 76 subscribers, 48450 views, 1 comments, 25 words
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李马克x你 🚘 内含尿失jin/把尿/jiao/jing  介意慎入


By Bonacci Updated
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With 1 votes, 10 subscribers, 2040 views, 2 comments, 34 words
Status Completed

父亲酗酒赌博,酒后常常动手,母亲不堪忍受在他16岁的时候选择离婚。 留给他的唯一念想是一台录影机。 可是敏亨啊,时间是线性流逝的,人总不能一辈子活在录影的回忆里。 我是这样劝解他的,可是一语成谶。 他离开的时间里,我倾注全部感情在那段支离破碎的录影里。 最后活在录影带里的人,被困在回忆里的人,是我。


By unev_erknow Updated
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Characters mark marklee
With 2 chapters, 2 votes, 107 subscribers, 24520 views, 9 comments, 23 words
Status [M], Members Only

mark x you||再见你

By yildiz222 Updated
Tags  markxyou   marklee   nct   markleexreader   markleexyou 
With 3 votes, 32 subscribers, 18050 views, 9 words
Status [M], Completed


By Sunday_insomnia Updated
Characters Marklee
With 1 votes, 25 subscribers, 18910 views, 2 comments, 28 words
Status [M], Completed

I'm Housemates with my Idols!

By isthathoneykid Updated
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Characters You, Mark Lee, and NCT
With 1 chapters, 1 votes, 2625 words

    PLOT: Hailey (You) is an avid KPOP fan. Like most of us, she wants to learn the Korean language and be able to go to South Korea.  What would happen if her wishes were granted? Live in South Korea? Check! Study the Korean language? Check!

Mulled wine

By XxxLynna_le Updated
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Characters marklee
With 9 subscribers, 6630 views, 1 comments, 4 words
Status Completed, Members Only

马你,无车 本应去年圣诞节发来的小短打,结果被忘在备忘录里了,趁着春天还没有来,踏着冬天的尾巴梦一点。   Weibo@ Lynnalik

【马你】有十万分生涩纯情 也有十万分色气心动

By Angou_0606 Updated
Tags  markxyou   marklee   nct   markxreader   nctmark   nct127   markleexreader   markleexyou 
Characters 李敏亨 你
With 9 subscribers, 14270 views, 2 words

短打 | 背景:你留学归来与你的初恋多年未联系,一次学院舞会上,你喝的微醺,他把你带回了房间..... 引子:时间的藤对我施以鞭刑,我却本性不以精血喂养黑夜, 抽取心神作进献。纵使皮开肉绽, 也丝毫不退让。拖我入海,又将我置于光亮之中, 使我迷乱,使我羞愧,徒有余息。--C.@兰礼绅

专属情话 - Mark Lee

By uiieegoose Updated
Tags  mark   markxyou   marklee   nctmark   nctdream   markleexreader 
Characters MarkLee
With 9 subscribers, 4680 views, 1 comments, 199 words
Status Completed

  第一人称视角 现实背景 3k字短打 *BGM:Thought of you-岩崎太整 *为追求真实语境 全文对话用英文描写   我和李马克吵架了。   最近因为他行程变多,休息时间几乎没有,而我刚好处在完成了自己的拍摄project状态,于是我闲了下来,专门飞到福冈找他。 刚刚完成彩排的李马克看到我的消息就从场馆里乘车出来,我在大概十五分钟车程的一个居酒屋里等他。点了清酒,自己先开始小酌。 居酒屋里播着Wish you well,这首曲子我前几天发了Spotify链接给他,是最近Netflix新剧<初恋>的插曲。我跟李马克说有空可以听听,是剧里向坂缀创作的歌曲,beat听起来很像Nujabes¹的风格,“you'll like it”,我最后补充道。 但李马克当下只是匆匆回复一句“


By Tzuyu16 Updated
With 1 chapters, 5 subscribers, 3880 views, 1 comments, 17 words
Status [M]


By TaroPie Updated
Tags  markleexreader 
With 23 subscribers, 16950 views, 6 words

李马克最近在外地的另一所学校交流。 两个星期说不上漫长,只不过是单周双周的课各上一遍就能结束的一段时间。但当每天见面的机会都被压缩在了视讯通话的短短一小时里,仿佛秒针走得都太快;思念彼此的时间就相应地被拉长,仿佛时针走得都太慢。 热恋期的相思是调错配方的魔药,饮完会让人产生时钟不准的错觉。 今天李马克好不容易结束了一系列的交流研讨,得以从密密麻麻的代码和数据中喘一气,他急匆匆地推了新朋友们约的饭局,在男生们“有女朋友的人真不一样”的起哄中不好意思地笑着离开。 他赶在八点之前洗完了澡,在行李箱里随拎了件白短袖套上,顶着才用毛巾一顿揉搓完的湿发,迫不及待地盘腿坐上床。他端起手机点开属于自己和她的对话框,果断地在他们前几天就常打电话的八点整拨过去一个视频电话。 电话在一声声重复的铃声里因为无人接听而自动挂断了。 他想着她或许还有别的事要忙,想着过五分钟再打,手机显示时间一跳到八点零五,他就盯着屏幕再次拨了电话。只不过还是无人接听。 李马克心里的失落感冒了个小尖,慢慢形成了


By rationalbubbles Updated
Characters taeyong marklee reader
With 1 chapters, 43 subscribers, 31970 views, 11 words
Status [M]


By amaris_ciciness Updated
Tags  marklee   nct   markleexreader 
Characters 李马克Marklee
With 1 subscribers, 5590 views, 1 comments, 38 words
Status [M]

The Only Star In My Galaxy (TOSIMG)

By ordinaryphi Updated
Tags  kpopfanfic   marklee   nct127   nctdream   markleexreader   filo 
Characters Mackenzie Lee, Charlotte Desiree Olivares, Antonio Louis Peralta
With 240 views, 749 words

A story that will provide you the reasons as to why things didn't worked out as planned with the person whom you expect to spend the rest of your life with.

Hold On, We're Not Going Home (Yet)

By amusingmurdermachine Updated
Characters Mark Lee (NCT), you (reader)
With 1 chapters, 2 votes, 1574 words
Status Completed

Just you fetching Mark from the uni after not seeing each other for a while. Nothing much to see here, but you're definitely not going home yet.        

love me again - Mark Lee

By tyongxnct Updated
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With 1 chapters, 5 votes, 269 subscribers, 3730 views, 3 comments, 9536 words
Status [M], Completed, Subscribers Only

Would You Be So Kind? | M.L

By sehunnypot Updated
Characters Mark Lee, Reader/You, Lee Donghyuk, Kang Mina, NCT Dream
With 1 chapters, 4 votes, 50 subscribers, 660 views, 2 comments, 17759 words
Status Completed, Members Only, Subscribers Only

 It was ironic, really, how you had a love and hate relationship with flowers. Growing up as a florist’s daughter, your love and admiration for the language of flowers flourished at a young age. Your thoughts, however, changed when you were diagnosed with the sickness that killed with one of the things you loved the most. You weren’t sure what hurt more, though - the hammering agony your heart experienced every single time Mark looked at her so lovingly or the excruciating pain your lu

Cam Boy

By kpop---scenarios Updated
With 1 chapters, 4 votes, 17 subscribers, 1030 views, 2 comments, 3199 words
Status [M], Completed

It's Always Been Him | Markhyuck (Angst)

By babyhaechannie00 Updated
Characters Mark Haechan Donghyuck
With 1 chapters, 9 subscribers, 2460 views, 3 comments, 824 words

The way he touched my hand in the stage, the way he smiled at me in front of cameras, the way he would laugh at me whenever I joked around in a live video.   All of it isn't real. because it's always him, and it's always been him to Mark.

Shy Boy Mark Lee!

By monsterous Updated
Tags  fluff   romance   twoshot   marklee   nct   markleexoc   markleexreader 
Characters Mark Lee X OC
With 2 chapters, 3 votes, 18 subscribers, 8310 views, 2 comments, 10060 words
Status Completed

  ~ Mark is just a regular shy boy that likes Avery.  He has been liking her since the fi