Jisungpark (48 jisungpark stories)

A Typical Love Story

At first glance, it seems like your typical love story: Karina, a charismatic delinquent playgirl, is inexplicably drawn to Winter, the enigmatic transfer student. But is there more to their story

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By Universer_js Updated
Tags  jisung   nctxyou   jisungpark   jisungxyou 
Characters jisungpark
With 5 chapters, 1 votes, 47 subscribers, 11680 views, 36 comments, 107 words
Status [M]


By Universer_js Updated
Tags  jisung   nctxyou   jisungpark   jisungxyou 
With 1 chapters, 1 votes, 7 subscribers, 5840 views, 1 comments, 6 words
Status [M], Completed


By ihaechan6 Updated
Tags  nctxyou   jisungpark   jisungxyou 
With 1 chapters, 30 subscribers, 9260 views, 10 comments, 8 words
Status Completed


朴志晟X你 Teddy Bear

By Mi_iMia Updated
With 1 chapters, 1 votes, 8 subscribers, 7050 views, 1 comments, 19 words

·0205,正好赶上我们Jisung生日,所以先发出来啦 ·伪骨科但前男友 ·相同的开头也许会有不同的故事,在这个时空下的我们会是怎样的遇见呢? ·本篇为联文~已完结🥰


By Universer_js Updated
Tags  jisung   jisungpark   jisungxyou 
Characters jisung
With 1 votes, 35 subscribers, 14650 views, 5 comments, 4 words
Status [M], Completed, Members Only


By -NDLDyy- Updated
Tags  nctdream   jisungpark   jisungxyou 
Characters jisung
With 1 votes, 2 subscribers, 5460 views, 3 words
Status Members Only


By JSo025_Q Updated
Tags  jisung   jisungpark   jisungxyou 
With 8 subscribers, 4440 views, 1 comments, 1 words
Status [M]


By xbisbdk_ Updated
Tags  jisung   nct   jisungpark   jisungxyou 
With 16 subscribers, 15590 views, 1 comments, 3 words

我男朋友最近好像突然想勾引我   今天是我和朴志晟恋爱的一周年纪念日,说来纯情,恋爱一年了至今我们只牵过手,亲过小。说真的,我很馋朴志晟的身体,每次我想暗示他做些什么他都假装没听懂,他到底是真的听不懂还是假的听不懂!   恋爱一周年,朴志晟手里捧着我最爱的红玫瑰,我发现他今天有点不一样,他的外套里面...是不是没穿内搭。   朴志晟在宿舍楼下捧着漂亮的红玫瑰等我下楼,一下楼我扑进朴志晟的怀里蹭来蹭去,我喜欢朴志晟,喜欢朴志晟宽厚的怀抱,大手刚刚能将我整个人怀进去。   “小朴~你送的花花好香哦。”我抬起头需要踮起脚才能亲到朴志晟的唇。朴志晟微微弯下腰住我的唇。 “小宝喜欢就好。”朴志晟蹭了蹭我的鼻子,朴志晟很喜欢撒娇,明明比我大但是撒娇起来真的很像弟弟。我们小朴就是小狗啊。   我突然瞥见朴志晟的外套里面没有平时的布料遮挡,而是空落落的露出一大片漂亮的肌肤。不禁咽了咽水,我们小朴好漂亮,好想


By EllaNotEya Updated
Characters Lee Jeno (NCT Dream), Park Jang-mi (OC)
With 34 chapters, 16 votes, 383 subscribers, 34510 views, 65 comments, 301203 words
Status [M], Subscribers Only

My First and Last

By Lynlixss Updated
Characters Lee Donghyuck, Park Jisung, Haechan, Jisung
With 2 chapters, 970 views, 3396 words

Me inspirei no filme do Adam Sandler, 'como se fosse a primeira vez'


By wsngzgsln Updated
Tags  jisung   jisungpark   jisungxyou 
With 1 votes, 62 subscribers, 51670 views, 46 words
Status [M]


By iiccce7 Updated
Tags  jisungpark 
With 1610 views, 2 words

星你|《你是我的》 chapter3|一百步 尽量日更 iiccce7       “还是这么不经逗哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈”你其实还没洗澡,逗完朴志晟放下手机在洗漱台才进浴室。   十分钟后,朴志晟在小区楼下气喘吁吁。   跑了十分钟很累,但待会估计更累。   你心情颇好地冲着澡,听见家里电子门锁开锁的声音,你一惊。关了花洒裹着浴巾就出来了。   现在浴巾在地上,你人在床上。 被朴志晟压着。   你来不及裹紧就走出客厅,浴巾松松垮垮把胸前的风光遮得只剩,乳沟溢出来,毛巾没有裹紧的缘故开叉开到大腿根,你没穿,隐隐若现。头发半湿披在肩膀,巴还有残余的红。   朴志晟觉得自己要疯了。   脑子一股血涌上来似的,还没等你说话他一把


By yiha11 Updated
Tags  jisung   jisungpark   jisungxyou 
With 4 subscribers, 10520 views, 2 words

他此时头发蓬松的顺下来,中间头顶立有好几根呆毛。脸蛋毛茸茸又软乎乎的,像是应季的水蜜桃,一看就很好咬。’  微博Yiha11


By yiha11 Updated
Tags  jisung   jisungpark   jisungxyou 
With 3 subscribers, 7660 views, 11 words

微博: Yiha11


By yiha11 Updated
Tags  jisung   jisungpark   jisungxyou 
With 4 subscribers, 4840 views, 2 words

他气定神闲一来一往拉扯着我本就脆弱的神经,织出一个大网把我困在里面。好像在我面前总是伏低,其实谁都看不出来他才是拿捏我们关系的那个人。 微博yiha11 剩下的看图说话都在微博里,就不一一搬了


By yiha11 Updated
Tags  jisung   jisungpark   jisungxyou 
With 4 subscribers, 2150 views, 1 words

我觉轻,听到厨房传来声响的时候立刻就醒了。寻着声走,一从房间出来就看到朴志晟背对着我站在我家对他来说有些矮的洗手池面前微弓着腰,洗我这几天犯懒不愿意洗的碗筷。 他把最后一个碗洗干净之后用毛巾边擦手边转过身来,看到我站在厨房门还吓了一大跳,眼睛眨了又眨,僵直着身子保持转身的东西没动。“你醒啦?” 我揉着睡眼朦胧的眼睛‘嗯’了声,“你声音有点大。” 他立刻露出那种很歉意的表情。 “怎么这个时候过来。”我迈步朝他身边走,看他把洗好的碗擦干,挨个放到柜子里。我刚才过来的时候看了眼表,此时凌晨两点多。 “工作刚刚结束。”刚才离远没看到,离近了才看到他满脸的倦容。把最后一个碗放进去之后他伸了个懒腰,微微弓着身从侧面抱住我,头埋在我的脖间蹭了蹭,声音低而哑,“好累。” “累了就休息嘛,怎么还来厨房帮我洗碗。” 他头埋在我脖间发出闷闷的笑声,“本来想过来偷喝瓶可乐再睡的,结果发现有个小懒猪猪宝攒了好几天的碗放在水池里还没有洗,当然化身田螺姑娘先帮着干活了。” 他一


By yiha11 Updated
Tags  jisung   jisungpark   jisungxyou 
With 3 subscribers, 2530 views, 1 words

  小男友很看重节日,是个节就得拉我出来过一下,美名其曰增加回忆。 ‘这样姐姐下次过这个节的时候脑袋里就会想起我啦。’原话。 我被撩了一下。弟弟虽然是弟弟,还是很会的嘛。 因为是圣诞节,他早就兴致勃勃计划好了一切,谁曾想雪下的太大打乱了所有计划,我俩被迫在房间里隔着窗户看下雪。 我是不知道下雪有什么好看的,他非拉我到窗边看。我裹了一层毯子跟他来到窗边坐着,看外面飘雪。 室内外温差大,窗户上都是糊了一层白霜,他伸出手指被冰的瑟缩一下。咧露出牙齿,又伸过去在窗户上把我的名字和他的名字写下来。 我歪头看他,他缩回手攥拳暖了下手指,这回再次伸手在我们的名字外圈画了个心形,把我跟他的名字圈进去。 “这样就不会分开啦。”他语气雀跃,对上了我看他的眼神,询问我,“会一直在一起的吧?” 我们两个一直到傍晚才出门,这时候雪才停。我穿上有点薄但是很好看的衣服,在外面裹了个呢子大衣就准备出门了。出门前他再三确认是不是真的要穿这身,“外面刚下完雪很冷的。你感冒了我可不照顾哦。真的要穿吗?真的要穿出门啊?真的


By yiha11 Updated
Tags  jisung   jisungpark   jisungxyou 
With 4 subscribers, 3860 views, 2 words

  是新来插班生,在班里第二节课被班主任领进来的,因为是插班生没有校服,穿着白色T恤和宽松的黑色卫裤。 人高肩膀宽,有点过长的刘海挡住一些眼睛,看起来很不好惹。班主任简单介绍一下他的情况后把站在班主任旁边的他推出来自我介绍,他小幅度抿了下,清清嗓说了名字后又说请大家多指教。 这就是我对他第一印象。 班主任在班里扫了一圈,把他安排到我旁边坐。他单肩背包痞痞走过来,还没坐下时候手在袋里掏啊掏,最后掏出来个葡萄味棒棒糖放在手心里,递到我面前。 “请你吃。”他看到我疑惑的表情,眯眼笑了起来。 我从他手心里接过糖,手指不自觉捏了捏,“谢谢。” “嗯,多指教。” 我们班分为两个部分,特别努力学习和不学习的,以前后来划分。我们这片属于后者,所以他融合特别快,无论是什么课他都把脸压在胳膊上趴在桌子睡觉,都没怎么看他醒过。有时候被闷到还会转一些脸出来透透气,可以看到他脸颊上被压出来的印子。 我觉得他还是蛮好的,跟他做同桌也不会像其他男生一样故意挡着不让我出去。凡是看到我有想出去的感觉都会起身让开。


By buyaoboluo Updated
Tags  jisungpark 
Characters 朴志晟
With 7 chapters, 16 subscribers, 6010 views, 6 comments, 11 words



By sputnikrose Updated
Tags  jisung   donghyuck   marklee   haechan   jisungpark   leehaechan 
Characters leehaechan;marklee;parkjisung
With 6 chapters, 1 votes, 101 subscribers, 52620 views, 6 comments, 9 words
Status [M], Completed

Fixed you

By trishiaann_love Updated
Tags  fluff   idols   jaemin   romance   winter   smentertainment   jisung   karina   giselle   sungchan   jeno   smrookies   marklee   haechan   nctdream   chenle   renjun   ningning   jisungpark   aespa   ningningxjisung   aespaxnct   aespaxnctdream 
Characters Aespa Ningning Nct Dream Jisung Aespa Winter Nct Sungchan Nct Aespa Karina Nct Dream Jeno Aespa Giselle
With 10 chapters, 9 subscribers, 2280 views, 1 comments, 46336 words

It is not because of her trouble past but It is fate, who send Ningning to Korea. With so much hope to restart her life, to finally follow her dream to become a singer. She meet a trainee who dedicated most of his life building his future to become an idol.  A talented star from China meet the child actor from Korea An Aespa Ningning and Nct Dream Jisung story. Maknae meets the maknae. 


By Chrissssssy Updated
Tags  jisungpark 
With 4560 views, 5 words



By Planetoid4js Updated
Tags  jisungpark 
Characters Jisung
With 1 subscribers, 2840 views, 9 words
Status [M]


By asayake6632 Updated
Tags  jisungpark 
With 2790 views, 1 comments, 9 words


星 轨

By XieLiangYuan Updated
Tags  jisungpark 
Characters jisung,czeni
With 4320 views, 3 words
Status Completed

【朴志晟x我】古风小甜饼 洞房花烛夜 3k已完结

News For You I N-CITY #8

By mandalee Updated
Tags  parkjisung   nct   nct127   nctdream   jisungpark   jisungxoc   wayv   nct2020 
Characters jisung
With 4 chapters, 38 votes, 139 subscribers, 1610 views, 49 comments, 38542 words
Status Completed, Subscribers Only

I go in whole heart and he goes in with caution.  I'm a journalist and he's a reporter. This is when we take 'partner-in-crime to the next level.

Shared Happiness

By Moonlightwish Updated
With 9 chapters, 10 votes, 167 subscribers, 8520 views, 28 comments, 60437 words
Status Subscribers Only, Crowdfunded

The Lee Family Saga Part 2.  Stories of The Lee Family past and future. Those who donate more then 1 dollar can request prompts for The Lee Family Request Book which I will publish after donation project is done. This is a crowdfund project, where all the money collected will go to orphans around th world who live in dangerous war zones. At the end of the project, I can send proof of my claim to those who dm me privately.  Hope we can share happiness around us.  Lots o

My Cute Bestfriend (Park Jisung x Reader)

By Angellord02 Updated
Tags  kpop   oneshot   fluffy   cute   jisung   parkjisung   nct   nctdream   jisungpark 
Characters parkjisung , you
With 1 chapters, 20 subscribers, 890 views, 876 words
Status Completed, Subscribers Only

A cute oneshot story about two best friends! This is my first time writing a fluffy story :3 i hope you guys have fun reading this ^^

The Lee Family

By Moonlightwish Updated
Tags  family   fluff   jaemin   lucas   jungwoo   taeyong   ot18   donghyuck   johnnyseo   highsociety   yutanakamoto   winwin   kun   ncttaeyong   nctjaehyun   nctjohnny   nctmark   nctdoyoung   nctyuta   nct127   nctdream   chenle   renjun   nctjungwoo   jisungpark   wayv 
Characters Johnny, Taeyong, Yuta, Kun, Doyoung, Ten, Jaehyun, Jungwoo, Mark, Renjun, Jeno, Donghyuck, Haechan, Jaemin, Chenle, Jisung
With 45 chapters, 43 votes, 917 subscribers, 29400 views, 342 comments, 291707 words
Status Completed, Members Only, Subscribers Only, Crowdfunded

Lee Taeyong would have never thought that he would end up in the world of high society, yet here he was, a young single divorced father trying to protect his five children's happiness while dealing with their high social class identities. He might be a normal person, but his life was far from normal and he would beat anyone, identities be d*mned who dared to touch his kids.  

The you in me

By Nikkiparty2 Updated
Characters Park Jisung, Mark Lee, Na Jaemin
With 2 subscribers, 300 views, 403 words

Waking up in unfamiliar places with unfamiliar faces has become a very normal thing for me. Not being able to remember what I've been doing yesterday or how I ended up having detention for getting in a fight was not surprising anymore. In fact I've learned to accept it. My weakness. My illness. The you in me. Everytime you did something unexplainable I found a way to cover it up. Making stories to make sense of the most stupid things you did, never once I tried to chase you aw

The Good Guys

By InLolaMei Updated
With 8 chapters, 5 votes, 44 subscribers, 2290 views, 1 comments, 21240 words
Status [M]

Love, Choerry

By VVE_127 Updated
Tags  chaeyeon   jaemin   jyp   yeji   kimhyuna   crackship   heejin   redvelvetwendy   nct   twicesana   chenle   blackpinkrose   momoland   loona   haseul   jisungpark   choerry   nancy   yves   oliviahye   kimhyojong   kwoneunbi   izone   itzy 
Characters Heejin Hyunjin Haseul Yeojin Vivi Kim Lip Jinsoul Choerry Yves Chuu Gowon Olivia Hye Other group members.
With 4 chapters, 3 votes, 49 subscribers, 2170 views, 5 comments, 1648 words

Everyone deserves a great love story, but for 17-year-old Choi Yerim, it's a little more complicated. She hasn't told her family or friends that she's gay, and she doesn't know the identity of the anonymous classmate she's fallen for online.     (Read the forward for intro) 

Fire needs air and wood to burn

By Blancalill Updated
Tags  fluff   jaemin   taeil   johnny   taehyun   jisung   jaehyun   jaeil   lucas   makingout   jungwoo   taeyong   mark   donghyuck   markhyuck   marklee   doyoung   tenny   johnten   parkjisung   leejeno   najaemin   dotae   chenle   renle   nomin   renjun   huangrenjun   leedonghyuck   yukhei   jungcas   zhongchenle   jisungpark 
Characters Mark Lee, Lee Donghyuck, Na Jaemin, Huang Renjun, Lee Jeno, Park Jisung, Zhong Chenle, Kim Jungwoo, Wong Yukhei, Moon Taeil, Kim Doyoung, Lee Taeyong, Johnny Suh, Ten, and more
With 1 chapters, 6 votes, 236 subscribers, 2060 views, 7 comments, 15770 words
Status Completed, Members Only, Subscribers Only

Half air child half forest child Mark falls in love with fire child Donghyuck. Meaning entering a new world for the love of his life.