My Not So Secret Crush [sooyeonjung]

The Sinner



Words: 2229
Pairing: Kyungri/Krystal
Genre: High school au
Rating: PG 



“Wow, if the underclassmen saw you like this…” Sungah chuckled, watching the brunette cheerleader in front of her in amusement.

Kyungri looked up from her cellphone to her best friend. “What are you talking about?” She asked confused.

A smirk appeared on Sungah’s face. “You were looking all dopey. Smiling like an idiot. All because of an upperclassman…”

“W-what?” Kyungri gasped, tightly grasping her cellphone.

“You were on Krystal’s facebook page again, weren’t you?”

Kyungri gave an embarrassed chuckle, her phone now in her pocket. “You know me too well, don’t you?”

The older cheerleader shrugged. “The only thing you’ve been passionate about these last days is our upperclassman… And whenever you see her, or talk about her, you look like a fool in love.”

“In love, huh?”

“Yeah. You’re falling.” Sungah stated with a straight face, walking out of the classroom with Kyungri next to her.

A blush spread on the younger’s cheeks. “No way. It’s just a crush. Eventually it’ll pass.”

Sungah gave her a look, telling her that she thought otherwise. They were walking towards the cheerleading field, where their practice would be held in about thirty minutes.

“I mean, I can’t fall for her.” Kyungri suddenly spoke up when she sat down on the bench in their changing room, unlike Sungah she liked to come to school already wearing the cheerleading uniform. It saved her having to change before practice.

The older girl looked at her in surprise. “Why can’t you fall for her? Weren’t you complaining that you hadn’t been in love for too long now?”

Kyungri rolled her eyes as she watched her best friend change. “That’s not. I, uh, yeah, sure I wanted to be in love again.”


Kyungri shrugged with a sigh and left the changing room, Sungah trotting behind her.

“I wanted to be in love with someone where a relationship would be possible.”

Sungah tilted her head to the side. “Isn’t Krystal gay? Therefore a relationship would be possible…” She really didn’t get why her friend was this reserved and cautious about her feelings. They often talked about their emotions.

“She has to like me back for us to be in a relationship. Sung, she doesn’t even know me.”

The elder gave her a cheeky grin. “Good, then you’ll meet her later.”


“I’m going to see Hyuna and she’s friends with Krystal.”

Kyungri frantically shook her head. “I don’t think it’s a good idea Sung…”

“Oh come on! You have to make a move if you want her.”

“I don’t want her like this!”

“Oh really?”

“Yes, really. I’m better off admiring her from afar.”

Sungah rolled her eyes. “I don’t care. You’re coming with me later.”



Going with Sungah was the worst decision of her life. Or maybe the second-worst. The worst would be falling in love with Jung Soojung, also known as Krystal in their school. Well, it didn’t really matter if it was the worst or second-worst decision she had ever made, because now she was standing in front of her crush’s classroom, nervous as hell.

“Kyungri.” Sungah stated, her eyes glued to the door. “You’re looking like you’re gonna die.”

The younger scoffed. Die of embarrassment, perhaps. Because she knew it, she could foresee it. She was going to embarrass herself in front of Krystal by doing something stupid. The worst thing that could happen would probably happen. It was inevitable.

“Okay, let’s go in before you break out in tears and ruin your reputation.”

Reputation? Who cared about her reputation? She didn’t even know what her reputation was. The kids probably thought she was some arrogant snob or something along these lines. It wasn’t her fault she looked arrogant, people were just annoying and she didn’t like talking to them.

Sungah grabbed her hand and pulled her into the classroom, where only few students were left. Nearly instantly Kyungri spotted Krystal. The girl was sitting near the window, next to her Moon Hyuna, Sungah’s crush. Even though the older girl kept denying any form of romantic feelings for the upperclassman.

“Hyuna.” Sungah greeted with a bright smile, once they stood in front of the two students.

The blonde looked up at the mention of her name and fell into a grin when she saw the younger girl.

“Sungie-ah.” She greeted back, before her eyes landed on Kyungri and on her and Sungah’s intertwined fingers. “Who’s this?” She asked, her voice a little cold.

Sungah grinned, pulling on Kyungri’s hand in order to move her upfront. “This is Kyungri, she’s my best friend.”

Hyuna nodded, her expression still wary, but at least now she was smiling at Kyungri, even if it was just a tight-lipped one. It didn’t make Kyungri feel much better though.

“Kyungri, this is Hyuna and her best friend Krystal.”

The black haired girl looked up, a small smile on her lips when she saw the two underclassmen. “Hello Sungah. Kyungri, nice to meet you.”

The youngest of the three bowed deeply, face red at the smile she was given. “H-hello Krystal-shi.” She stuttered. She knew coming here was a bad idea, she was already starting to embarrass herself. Stuttering while introducing herself to her crush? Check.

A small chuckle escaped Krystal’s lips, causing Kyungri to look up confused. “You don’t need to be so formal. Krystal is just fine.”

Kyungri stood back up. “Uh sure, Krystal…”

The black haired girl smiled then looked back and forth between Sungah and Hyuna, before she addressed Kyungri again.

“Ah, I suddenly want some soft drink. Kyungri, would you accompany me to the vending machine?”

The cheerleader nodded, incapable of saying anything. Her crush asked her to accompany her to the vending machine? What was happening?

Krystal took her hand and pulled her out of the room, which by now was completely empty, less the four of them. They walked to the vending machine in silence, Kyungri behind Krystal, her eyes glued to their hands. Why was she still holding her hand?

“Sorry I dragged you out there with me.” Krystal said once they were in front of the vending machine, turning around to properly face the younger girl. “But I wanted to give them some space.”

Kyungri nodded, not understanding why Hyuna and Sungah had to be left alone, mainly because she was still dazed by the fact that she was holding hands with her crush.

Krystal followed her line of vision, eventually setting her gaze on their hands.

“Oh, yeah, sorry.” The girl said in a rather rushed way and hurried to let go of Kyungri’s hand. “I tend to forget that not everyone is as comfortable with open display of affection as me.”

The younger shook her head, trying to ignore the light disappointment she felt at the loss of contact. “It’s fine.”

Krystal looked at her silently for a good minute, before she turned around and got herself an iced tea from the vending machine and facing Kyungri again, once she got the desired beverage.

“You’re good.”

Kyungri’s head shot up in surprise. “What?”

“You’re good.” Krystal said with a chuckle, then proceeded to add an explanation at the sight of Kyungri’s confused look. “As a cheerleader. I saw your latest performance. You’re doing a really good job.”

Kyungri nodded, a blush spreading on her cheeks at the compliment. “Thank you. But then again, I’m the head cheerleader’s right hand. I have to be good.” She added a little shrug at the end, unaware of how conceited she had just sounded.

Krystal gave her a teasing grin. “Someone’s getting cocky.”

“W-what? N-no! I didn’t, I mean –“

“ –Relax, I was just teasing you.”

The younger subtly rolled her eyes, then leaned to the wall next to Krystal, her arms crossed. She was starting to get cold.

“Could hold this please?” Krystal suddenly asked, handing Kyungri the can, before she proceeded to take off her blazer and pull Kyungri towards her. 

“It’s quite cold… Sorry for taking you with me like this.” She said apologetically, as she placed her blazer on Kyungri’s shoulder. “Where is your blazer by the way? Our school uniforms have one for the winter season and you still walk around in your summer uniform. What were you thinking? We’re already in October.”

Kyungri gave the upperclassman a sheepish grin. “I forgot it at home.”

Krystal could only sigh at the explanation. “Be more careful next time.” Once her drink was empty, she threw it into the nearby trashcan and looked at her watch. “Twenty minutes… They should have had enough time by now. Let’s go back.”

Kyungri just tilted her head in confusion. “Why would they need time? Who needs time?”

The black haired girl turned to the cheerleader. “Sungah and Hyuna.”


Krystal arched one eyebrow. “They’re crushing on each other. Didn’t Sungah tell you?”

“No, she kept denying any romantic feelings for Hyuna.”

The older girl seemed amused. “Oh is that so? Well she’s head over heels for her.”

Kyungri nodded slowly, wondering why Sungah was trying so hard not to admit her feelings. She kind of felt hurt. After all, she was her best friend. They could tell each other these things.

Krystal seemed to have noticed the younger’s distant expression.

“Hey.” She called, grabbing her hand, to get the girl’s attention.

“Yes?” Kyungri asked as she looked up.

“You seem troubled.”

“You’re pretty.”

Both girls blinked a few times in confusion at the words that had just left Kyungri’s mouth and once she realized what she had said, her cheeks tinted in a dark red and Kyungri quickly bowed a few times, muttering ‘sorry’ with every bow and before Krystal could say something, Kyungri had already dashed off.

She ran into her classroom, took her bag and then left the school building. She had known that it was a terrible idea to accompany Sungah and go talk to her crush. Now she had made a complete fool of herself.

She excited the school’s ground without looking back. She couldn’t face Krystal ever again after that stunt that she just pulled, thank god today was Friday and she didn’t have to go to school tomorrow. Except for cheerleader practice…

But she could always call in sick.




She had expected Sungah at her door. Maybe even Minha or Hyemi. Heck, even popular dance major Seulgi, music major Wendy or freshman Naeun coming by to look after her didn’t seem absurd. But not Krystal.

Her crush was standing in front of her, a worried smile on her lips and a cup of Starbucks in her hand.

“Hey, sorry to bother you.” She bowed politely and it took Kyungri a few seconds to realize what was going on, before she invited Krystal inside her house.

“Sorry for disturbing.” The elder said and Kyungri could see that she was quite uncomfortable. “I brought Starbucks.”

She gave Kyungri the cup, looking at her feet as she shifted her weight from one leg to another. Kyungri led her to her room, somehow trying to ease the awkward atmosphere around them.

“So, uhm, why did you come? I mean not that I mind, I’m just surprised…”

Krystal gave her a small smile. “I heard from Sungah that you didn’t go to cheerleading practice today and called in sick.” She sat down on Kyungri’s bed like the younger had suggested her to do. “I was worried about you.”

Kyungri felt her cheeks heat up. Krystal worried about her? She had to be dreaming. A very nice dream that was.

“W-worried about me?”

Krystal avoided Kyungri’s gaze, running one hand through her raven black hair.  “Yeah, well it’s because of me that you ran off, no? I made you uncomfortable.”

A frown made its way onto Kyungri’s face. Krystal thought she was responsible for what happened?


The elder seemed startled. “What? Then what happened? I don’t understand…”

Kyungri took a deep breath. It couldn’t get any worse than it was now, if she decided to confess her feelings.

“Yesterday, I ran off because I told you that you’re pretty.”

Krystal tilted her head in confusion and Kyungri knew that if she wanted Krystal to understand, she had to explain further.

“Okay, listen, the thing is I’ve liked you for quite some time now. And when I told you that you’re pretty I got embarrassed and ran off.”

Krystal’s cheeks tinted pink, a huge smile on her face. “You like me?”

Kyungri wordlessly nodded.

“I like you too”

The younger’s head shot up in surprise. “What?”

“I like you too.”

“You noticed me? B-but I noticed you!”

Krystal chuckled, leaning back a little. “Well it’s hard not to notice you, Miss right hand.”

The younger gave a small smile, which Krystal returned without hesitation. The elder than looked at her watch.

“Ah, it’s already eleven o’clock. I have to go, my sister needs help with her shop, I wanted to stay a little longer…”

Kyungri accompanied her to the door. “I’ll see you Monday at school then?”

Krystal nodded. “Yes, take care of yourself.”

The older girl was already halfway out of the door, when Kyungri realized something and called her back.

“What is it?” Krystal asked worried.

“Your blazer. I still have it.”

Krystal smiled. “Keep it until Monday. It suits you.” She leaned forward and pecked the younger forehead, leaving the house with a cheeky grin. 



Hello everyone. Sooyeonjung I hope you enjoy this
It's been a long time since I last wrote a hs au, more with such an interesting couple
Okay bye~

*Credit for the headline goes to my friend who changed my crush's name to 'My no so secret crush' 
instead of the one I had her saved as XD


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Chapter 9: Dawwww, I'm glad you ended it on a happy note :D Who wouldn't feel jealous if Kyungri wa their girlfriend tbh? I'd always feel like she deserved better too.
Anyway, moral of the story; always communicate with eachother kids! :D
Thank you for writing another 9Muses story ^^ (As you can see I have been going on a reading spree. Sorry about the comment spam ._. )
Chapter 7: Oh wow, I almost skipped this chapter because I thought it was a genderbender when I started reading :x It wasn't though yay! It was a really cute chapter ^^ It makes me wonder how Hyuna looked though for Minha to think she was a guy hahah :D ANyway, I really enjoyed it ^^ Thank you for writing ♥
Chapter 2: Daww I loved this chapter! I love how Hyuna knew that Erin was talking about Minha even before she said so XD pshhh, not subtle enough, Erin! I liked how you included 2 intertwined love stories ^^ thank you for writing <3
Chapter 12: Chapter 1: Omg that moment when Minha totally slipped out Erin's name while trying not to tell Sungah who the lucky girl is and omg she played the "well my friend.." card!
Hyuna being jealous was so cute, but it's okay we know Sungah is yours plus that evil couple set it all up! But thanks to them Minha and Erin got together <3

Chapter 5: Omg this was seriously so adorable! Seeing Sowon get all shy and flustered by Eunha so cuteee! And props to Sowon for grabbing some courage and asking her out and then Eunha also wanted it to be a date. AGGHH TO MUCH FLUFF FOR ME!

Chapter 6: OMG WHO WOULD DARE TO CHEAT ON MINHA OMF THE WORLD IS A MESS! All your relationships have been ed up, it's a sign Minha... you're gay... lol jk jk omg Hyuna wasn't even fully introduced in the beginning but I still fangirled so hard. (Sigh Hyuna biased life is amazing) omg the misunderstanding though. Lol Minha's message to Hyuna vs Hyemi's :')
I loved it! This was such a refreshing fic. I haven't read many Zoo Au fics.

Chapter 8: No lie but Kyungri's visuals scream player alert/flirt master lol (I swear the woman is too hot for the world!) it had a bit of angst to it but I enjoyed it and glad that they ended on a good note. For a second I thought there would be some reverse jealously going on (between Minha and Hyemi) but that would just cause more trouble lol "just being playful with my friends" sigh poor thing can't help it. Imaging her pouting makes me want to hug her so badly lol Thanks for writing so many 9Muses shots :')

Chapter 11: Youngest member Krystal can't control herself poor thing lol she's glad she's cute and Victoria loves her or else she would've had some serious punishments! Nice vampire Au btw. I really enjoyed reading this one shot collection. I didn't want to fully spam you with comments so I decided to type it all out together <3
Chapter 3: Chapter 2: oh god this is so angsty yet sooooo nice
Minha x Sojin please
Omg omg omg. The Minha and Hyuna is cute af. Like asdghkll. I really love ot. Can you olease make Moon Hyuna x Kyungri. Pleasepleasenplessse. Its mean a lot to me
Chapter 7: MOOOOOOONHA<3 oh my gawd i love this couple so much, and it's so long O.O
thank you sooo much<3 could you please write more about them?
thank youuuuuuu:3<3
aexta- #10
Chapter 11: CUUUUUTE THATS SO CUTE AHHH THANK YOU FOR WRITING THIS ㅠㅠ i feel so happy right now ahahahaha and that twist at the end!!! honestly i stopped halfway and went straight to the end bc i cant resist it and i'm like oh XD imagine if nana really endorsed b&e though i wonder how people will react. now i'm craving more nana and jessica fanfics lol XD again, thanks for writing this! you made me really happy!!