Promise of the veil


As young Jaejoong has made a vow to never take off his veil, no matter what circumstances. The first person to see his entire face is said to be the person he will give his love to. This promise has been made with his sifu and he cannot break the vow. Thus, he has to always keep his face hidden from everyone. That was until a certain young master entered his life and turned his world upside down. Made him break his vow and discover the wondrous of life. The journey and sacrifices he had to make and the secrets that lies within.


Growing up from a small village and having his parents pass away early, Jaejoong was taught to be mature and get avenge for his parents death. His sifu would always teach him martial arts and train him every day, but it wasn’t until she placed a veil on his across his face that made him wonder why she did that. She also made him grow out his hair, letting it be long and giving him the feminine look.


He made a vow to her when young that he would always keep the veil on and never take it off no matter what. She didn’t trust him and even made him promise on behalf of his love life, that he will love the person who sees his face. Of course he agreed to it no matter how absurd the promise was.


He had a feminine appearance and so he has grown up with female garments, his sifu explained to him everything about his revenge for the future and he had to follow through. So dressing up as a female was one of it, he already had the looks for it.


While Jung Yunho a young master from a wealthy merchant family, his parents became aristocrats, high land owners making their family the richest in the town. All his life he has been studying and learning martial arts, it was for self-defense and made him well fit as the man all the ladies want.


He has been approached by many different ladies but never found any that he truly likes.


Two completely different people will soon meet.




Authors Note: This is a supernatural story with powers and so they can fly and everything, basically your average Chinese drama haha. If you watch those you will know what I mean lol. So their outfits are pretty ancient as well. A warning for those who doesn’t like (boyxboy), you shouldn’t be here.

Do not take this fic out without my permission.


Poster @


If anyone wants to see what the costume looks like (just examples).






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Elrhumy #2
Chapter 3: Waw this is interesting :D First time read yunjae fic in chinese style so curious what will hapoen next.. pity this look like abandoned :(
Elrhumy #3
Chapter 3: Waw this is interesting :D First time read yunjae fic in chinese style so curious what will hapoen next.. pity this look like abandoned :(
yaniminmin #4
Chapter 3: oh my god. I really hope u didnt abandon this fics. I waited for more than 3 years already.. T^T
Korean characters with Chinese inspired plot, well that's how I see it. Yunho, Jaejoong, Changmin and Yoona dressed in Chinese tradition dress in a Chinese trditional street and houses. Very new though, I really like the story plot and how different the setting is.
Please update soon!
Chapter 3: Awww this story remind me to all chinese movie that I have watch since child,(But it more awesome...cuz we can see YunJae in this fic^^)Awww this is really awesome...thank you...thank you...really thank you...I have been waiting someone make this type of fic and then suddenly,you show up...awww I love you sweetheart...^V^
This story line is more better then the movie...Awww what will be next???Urgh!!!This make me nervous and excited>>>_<<< awwww please update soon ok???I`m dying here for your story :(
Chapter 3: This story is quite interesting, i love it ......please update soon please...please...please
Chapter 3: This story is quite interesting ^^ Thx author-ssi and keep updating :)
SweetsBone #9
Chapter 1: is Jae look a like? >,<

keep updating pweaseee