The Nerds and The Populars


What will happen when you and your two friends move to Korea? And Why did you come back to Korea?


Main Characters  

 (Imagine it you but you're a girl)

(Imagine this is you but you're a girl)


- 17 years old 

- Was born in China

- dorky and byun

- a Nerd

- Rich (but people don't know) 


(Imagine her with glasses)

(Imagine Taeyeon with glasses)

Taeyeon Kim

- 17 years old

- your childhood friend and cousin

- Born in Seoul but moving to China

- a dorky Byuntae that love

- Nerd

- Rich (but hide it)


(Imagine her with glasses)

Amber J. Liu

- 16 years old 

- your childhood friend 

- Was born in China in the same hospital as you

- Don't talk a lot to strangers

- Really dorky and protective

- Rich



Jessica Jung Sooyeon

- 17 years old 

- cold and spoiled 

- really popular in school

- hate nerdy people

- Dating Donghae

- Rich


Krystal Jung Soojung

- 16 years old 

- Jessica younger sister 

- exactly like Jessica

- Popular 

- Dating Kai

- Rich


Tiffany Hwang Miyoung

- 17 years old 

- spoil but a little bit nicer than JeKry

- Popular

- Dating Siwon

- Rich


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Chapter 2: 7u7
Fazzz2fast #2
Chapter 2: Update pleases
jeongyeonJeongyeon #3
Chapter 2: Willing to wait since forever hmm
yuyukurniati #4
Chapter 2: Next
Chapter 2: Plz continue the story I love it
EinaKY #6
Chapter 2: Update please
I'm still here waiting for you ㅠㅡㅠ
Choon79 #8
Chapter 2: Pls updateee
Pls don't abandon this beautiful story ㅠㅡㅠ