The Gonam Middle School Vampire

I woke up to the sound of someone in the shower. I opened my eyes and looked around. My brother was in the kitchen making breakfast and Kyungri was sat reading a book.

"Jieun, are you going to take your friends to the hospital? Two of them have massive bite marks on their arms." Jonghyun said.

"They'll be okay. I don't think they want to go to the hospital anyway." I said, sitting up slowly.

The sound of the shower stopped. Sera and Hyuna emerged from the bathroom, both wrapped up in the same towel. They waddled off into my bedroom quickly. Kyungri stood up and walked into the bathroom.

"Jieun, where did you even find all these people?" Jonghyun asked, frowning.

"They're Kyungri's friends. One of them got attacked yesterday, I didn't want them to all be out where they could get hurt again." I said, sighing at his expression. "If it was your friends, you'd do the same, so don't get mad at me."

Just then, Sera and Hyuna came out of my room and came to sit down on either side of me.

"Your shower is difficult to use." Sera said.

"No it isn't. Sera's just really small and almost drowned herself." Hyuna mumbled, smiling to herself.

"Does anyone want breakfast?" Jonghyun asked.

"...Got any meat?" Sera asked, looking over at him.

"Well... I think we have bacon." He said, blinking a few times.

"Bacon is good." Sera said, then she looked over at Hyuna who nodded in agreement. "Kyungri will probably want bacon too."

We all sat in silence, and eventually Kyungri came out of the shower. We all turned to look, but when we realised Kyungri wasn't covered up at all, everyone turned away.

"Thanks for blinding me with your !" Hyuna yelled, covering her eyes.

"It's not a big !" Kyungri yelled back, then she disappeared into my room.

I looked over at my brother. His face was completely red.

"I bet he's got an awkward ." Sera whispered.

"Oh my god, Sera..." Hyuna said, grinning.

Kyungri came out of my room, fully dressed. She sat on the other chair across the room.

"It's ready now." Jonghyun said. "I'm sure you can all get it yourselves. I've got to go somewhere now." Then he rushed off into his room and then out the door.

"He's gone fixing his awkward ." Sera said.

Hyuna almost choked.

After we all ate breakfast, we ended up watching TV again. We had all managed to squish together on the couch. Kyungri's arms were wrapped around me and I was cuddled up against her. I knew Hyuna kept looking over at us with a disapproving glare, but Kyungri didn't seem to care. We ended up finding a film to watch. Halfway through the film, Kyungri poked me gently.

"I'm hungry." She whispered. "I need blood. I should probably go."

I looked at her and shook my head. "Don't go. You... You can just have some of mine."

"Really? I won't take too much, I promise." She mumbled, then she leaned closer. "It might hurt at first."

I closed my eyes. I felt Kyungri's teeth against my neck and I squeezed her hand tightly. I felt a sharp scratch against my neck, then she started to feed from me. I tried to focus on the film, but soon I noticed Sera and Hyuna were watching.

"...What exactly are you two doing-- Wait." Sera stopped.

"Kyungri. Stop it." Hyuna said.

"Not doing anything..." Kyungri mumbled against my neck.

"It doesn't take a genius to see that you're drinking her blood." Hyuna sighed.

"I.. I said she could do it.." I said, looking down.

Kyungri pulled away slowly, quickly pressing her hand against the small cut on my neck to stop the bleeding.

"It's not like I was draining her." Kyungri hissed, then she went back to watching the film.

Nobody spoke after that. I stayed close to Kyungri who held me against herself protectively. Soon, Kyungri began to move closer to my neck again.

"What are you doing now?" I asked.

"Healing it." She mumbled.

I felt her lips against my neck, and then there was no cut.

"Kyungri. Swap places with me." Hyuna said suddenly.

"Why?" Kyungri asked, looking up at the older vampire.

"Because I don't trust you near her." Hyuna said, then she got up and pulled Kyungri off the couch with her good arm, then she sat down next to me.

Kyungri mumbled something before sitting down next to Sera.

We finished the film in silence. Sera and Hyuna got up at the end and went to the kitchen. I went into my bedroom to get a jumper. I was about to leave when I heard talking from outside my room.

"Do you think I'll hurt her?" Kyungri asked, probably to Hyuna.

"I don't trust you." Hyuna said.

"Why? Why don't you trust me?" Kyungri asked.

I heard a fed up sigh.

"I told you, I don't want you to fall in love with her. She's a human. Remember what happened last time you fell in love with a human? Don't even pretend like you haven't done anything, Sera's told me what you did last night." Hyuna said.

"Don't get me involved in this!" Sera yelled from what sounded like the kitchen.

"There's no war though. She won't die like Eva did." Kyungri said.

"You can't predict what might happen in the future though." Hyuna said, then nobody spoke after that.

 I waited for a minute before I entered the living room again. Hyuna was in the kitchen with Sera and Kyungri was sat on the couch. I sat down next to her.

"Are you okay? You look sad." I said.

"Hyuna's being stupid again..." Kyungri sighed. "She needs to stop worrying."

Before I could reply, Hyuna and Sera came back in.

"Sera and I have decided we're going to make the long journey to Europe. We'll catch up with Euaerin and Hyunjoo if we're lucky." Said Hyuna.

"But, you're hurt.." Kyungri started.

"I'm fine now. So is Sera." Said Hyuna, then she began to walk to the door with Sera. "We'll see you both eventually." Then they left.

"Kyungri, can I ask... What's in Europe?" I asked.

"Some vampire meeting thing where they all party and fight and get drunk and do vampire stuff." Kyungri sighed, folding her arms. "I went once. I'm never going again."

"Why? What happened?" I looked up at her, concerned.

"I almost died. I got stabbed in the side during a fight. I was only young. I thought I was going to bleed out and die, but I found someone who healed me. All that's left is a small scar." She said, lifting part of her shirt to show me the small scar on her side where the blade had gone in.

"It must've really hurt.." I mumbled, gently tracing my fingers along it.

"Yeah, it did. It was horrible." She said.

My brother came back in from wherever he'd been. He looked around.

"I see those two are gone." He said.

"They're not coming back, don't worry." I said. "They've gone to Europe."

"....Isn't Europe really far away?" He asked, frowning.

"Yeah, but they're going anyway." I said, shrugging.

He went into his room and eventually I went into mine with Kyungri following. I sat on the bed and was about to speak when one of Kyungri's friends, I think her name was Minha, ran in.

"Sorry for breaking in like this, but.. They just demolished the school." She panted, looking up at Kyungri.

"No..." Kyungri stared at her. "I thought they wouldn't, not yet.."

"It's.. It's gone.." Minha said.

"Jieun.. I.." Kyungri glanced over at me.

"You can stay here with me, until we find you somewhere new to live..?" I suggested.

"I need to see the school." Kyungri suddenly stood up, then she grabbed my wrist and pulled me along.

We were outside soon, Minha was with us.

"Kyungri, it's dangerous, there's people at the school.." Minha started.

Kyungri shook her head and knelt down. "Get on my back, Jieun."

I did as she told me to and soon she was running, Minha following. Then all of a sudden, things sped up rapidly. I felt dizzy. Was she really running this fast? I closed my eyes tightly and held on to her. When I opened them again, we were outside of what was left of Gonam Middle School. I jumped off Kyungri's back.

"I tried to stop them from doing it, but they wouldn't listen." Minha said, looking down.

"No... It's okay. I knew it was going to happen." Kyungri said, then she turned away and started to walk past a crowd of workmen who were probably responsible for destroying the school.

"That woman looks familiar..." I heard one of them say.

"Yeah. She looks like that girl who killed all them students. It's weird, seeing someone like that here." Another said.

We walked away from the school and ended up in a large field. We sat under a tree and looked around.

"I don't know what to do." Kyungri said.

"Aren't you going to Europe? We can find you somewhere new there." Minha said.

"I don't want to go to Europe." Kyungri mumbled. "I don't want to die."

"You won't die. You weren't even one hundred when you last went. You'll be stronger now." Minha nudged Kyungri's arm gently.

"I don't want to go. I don't want to leave Jieun. If I die, how will she know?" Kyungri let out a long sigh.

"Well... I could come with you, but not to that meeting, obviously. I'd just stay in a hotel nearby.." I suggested.

"You'd be in danger." Kyungri said. "Vampires might attack you when you're sleeping."

"Then... Make me a vampire." I said, holding out my hands to Kyungri. "Do it."

"No. I told you when we first met that I would never have an apprentice." Kyungri pushed my hands away.

"Fine then. You do it." I held my hands out to Minha who looked at me for a moment, then sighed.

"Are you really sure you want to?" Minha asked.

"I'm sure." I said.

"You're not just doing this for Kyungri are you?"

I shook my head. "Not at all."

"Okay then... Hold still." Minha said, moving closer to me.

She slowly made cuts across my knuckles, then cut her own knuckles and placed hers against mine, letting our blood mix. A few minutes passed before Minha took her hands away, then quickly covered my knuckles with a bit of cloth before doing the same to her own.

"I can't believe you just did that." Kyungri mumbled, looking at Minha. "Hyuna is going to hate you."

"Why will Hyuna hate me?" Minha asked, frowning.

"She's in a mood with me because I'm too close to Jieun." Kyungri said. "She's gone to Europe."

"Well, we'll be able to catch up with her soon." Minha said, then we all stood up. "We should take Jieun home to get her stuff, then  we can go."

Kyungri put me on her back again and started running. We were back in my apartment in just a few minutes. I collected some things from my room before taking one last look around. I'd written a letter for my brother explaining that I was leaving and I wasn't sure if I'd be back. When I was finally ready, we left my apartment. I wasn't sure if I'd ever see it again.


Many weeks passed. We travelled very far through many countries. We'd made it to Italy after a lot of walking. We weren't too far from where the meeting took place when we came across a camp.

"Well, would you look who it is!" A voice yelled. I recognised it as Euaerin's.

"It's s' sister and Kyungri and Minha!" Hyunjoo squealed.


"Look what you've done now, Hyunjoo!" Euaerin sighed.

Hyuna emerged from a tent and walked towards us.

"You must be out of your mind." She hissed at Kyungri, then tugged her away.

"It wasn't me! It wasn't my idea! Jieun's not even a human! I didn't do it!" Kyungri screeched as she was dragged into the tent.

Sera came out of the tent. Minha and I slowly approached.

"Hi, sister of s." Hyunjoo said as I walked past.

"Oh my god, shut up." Euaerin hit Hyunjoo's arm.

"Jieun, how did you get here?" Sera asked, frowning.

"She's a vampire now." Minha said. "She asked me to do it."

"Is that true?" Sera looked at me.

I nodded shyly. "Yes..."

"Well, that's lovely! Welcome to our pack!" Sera smiled, hugging me tightly. I wasn't expecting this kind of reaction.

Hyuna and Kyungri came out of the tent. It was apparent that Hyuna had hit Kyungri.

"Jieun. A word, please." Hyuna said, then she took me into the tent.

"I.. I didn't ask to be a vampire for Kyungri.." I started.

"It's still dangerous though. No vampire comes here when they've just changed. Everyone you see here is over one hundred years old. You're not strong enough to be here..." Hyuna said, sighing.

"I came because Kyungri's school got knocked down. She didn't want to leave me behind." I said.

"It sounds like you lied to me. I want you to be truthful to me. Did you become a vampire because of Kyungri?" Hyuna asked, looking at me seriously.

"No. I did it for myself." I said, looking at her straight in the eyes.

"...Okay. You can go outside then." She said, looking down.

I got up and left. Kyungri was sat down by herself whilst the others were talking. I went over to her and sat with her.

"Did she hurt you?" Kyungri asked. "She slapped me."

"She didn't hurt me. She just wanted to know why I did it..." I said, resting my head against her shoulder.

Hyuna came out of the tent. "I'm going hunting. If anyone wants to go, they can."

They all followed Hyuna. It was just me and Kyungri again.

I watched Kyungri for a while. She was deep in thought. After a while, I gently turned her head to face me. I leant closer and kissed her quickly. She pulled away and looked at me.

"What was that for?" She asked.

"Kyungri, I really think I love you." I said.

"Really?" She looked away shyly then looked up at me again. "I think I love you too."

She came closer again and we kissed again. It started to get a bit heated, so she carried me off behind one of the tents to continue.


A good two hours passed. As I came down from my final high, I heard voices.

"They're not here." Euaerin said.

"Ugh, I don't care. Let them do whatever they want." Hyuna said, sounding frustrated.

It was quiet for a while. We stayed completely still, not wanting them to find us. It was all going well, until Sera's face appeared.

"Hey, what are you doing-- Oh my god. I've done it again. I need to stop this. I'm so sorry. I've interrupted you too much. I'll go." Then she disappeared.

We both looked at each other and started to laugh. We finally got dressed again and went to sit with the others to eat and talk. When the sun began to come up, we all went into the tents and covered ourselves with blankets. I curled up in Kyungri's arms and she smiled, holding me close. I fell asleep like that. It was wonderful feeling. I wanted it to last forever.

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thanks to those who have stuck around. i'm really glad that people are enjoying this story because it's one of my favourites to update.


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Chapter 7: Such a good read!
The title caught my attention, so I decided to click on it. Haven't started reading yet, but I can't wait to!
puspitadewi #4
Chapter 4: You make lee sem character so funny
uaenaland #5
Chapter 1: It sounds exciting ! Update soon even though i dislike girl x girl story but this one is really unique ♥