Unkiss Me

Music Box

I'll be going in order, so the first commentor recommended the song...

Unkiss Me by Maroon 5

Today was just a usual Friday for Tiffany, who was making her way to Jessica with her earphones on. She had her backpack slung over one shoulder and her phone in her hand as she continued to sing along to what seemed to be her song of the week.


“Don’t act like I mean nothing~” She swayed to the rhythm as she entered the gates, humming the next line before she dramatically sang, “Unkiss me! Untouch me! Unt—what the , Jessica!” Befuddled over the sight of her girl hugging another woman right in front of her, Tiffany yanked her earphones out to cease the heartbreak song from blasting in her ears.


“Oh, hello, Tiffany.” Jessica innocently smiled, before bidding goodbye to some hoe that Tiffany wanted to punch so badly right now.


Tiffany scoffed, leaning against the door to try to hold back the fury from unleashing itself. She kept silent, eyeing Jessica who was not even going to explain herself. Sometimes it irked Tiffany, the way Jessica always played these games with her. The damn chestnut-haired girl never directly speaks her mind, it’s always got to be done through her actions or goddamn riddles.


“So would you like to tell me what the hell I just witnessed?”


Jessica’s heels tapped its way over to a chair and settled comfortably on it. “Nope.” She smiled all seductively at Tiffany. She could feel her heart race from just that damn smile of hers. Tiffany was pretty sure Jessica did that on purpose just to .


With a huff, Tiffany dropped her backpack carelessly on the floor beside her as she hopped on the opposite couch, wiggling around to get into a good position to lie down.


“So…” Jessica started and waited for the pouting Tiffany to finally force her head to give Jessica her attention, “why did you come without calling me beforehand?”


“I don’t even know if I want to tell you why. You’re obviously keeping secrets from me, like not telling me who that is.” Tiffany childishly plugged her earphones back into her ears as Jessica’s mouth hung open. She was innocently minding her own business with music drowning her sorrow, until her safe haven was stripped away, more like pulled away so damn hard that Tiffany screamed in pain.


“What the ! That hurt!” Tiffany was now rubbing her red ears after Jessica had taken her earphones from her and tugged at her ears to the point that Tiffany felt it stretching to look like Dumbo ears.


“Are you going to talk to me or what? I’m not going to sit here all day to watch you be this jealous, spoiled brat, Tiffany! If you’re going to be upset with me then do it elsewhere!”


Noticing the hard stare Jessica was giving her, Tiffany clasped her hands together and smiled awkwardly at her.


“Don’t be mad, Jessi, please?” Tiffany twisted her body to the side so she could face Jessica. “Can I tell you about my dream?”


Tiffany knew she had won when she heard a soft sigh. Excitedly, Tiffany took out a chocolate bar from her backpack. Eating chocolate as she got into lengthy conversations was a habit of hers.


Taking a big bite, Tiffany chewed and spoke at the same time. “I’ll start from the beginning, and don’t worry, I won’t leave out any details.” Tiffany winked and couldn’t contain her laughter when Jessica blushed.




It was one of those realistic dreams, where she wakes up in the morning, doing her usual routine. Except for the fact that in this dream, Tiffany was single, meaning no Jessica Jung was in her life, yet.


Tiffany explained in detail about what she had for breakfast, who she texted that morning, and what she was wearing before heading off to her college. A very uninteresting and typical day to start her story, but here is when it gets good.


“I was minding my own business, when suddenly, I was metaphorically blinded by this gorgeous angel, and no, I wasn’t looking at the mirror at the time. She had light-brown hair like yours, irresistible cat-like eyes like you, she had the sweetest voice I’ve ever heard, and was wearing a white sundress. And do you know what her name was?”


“Jessica Jung…?” Jessica answered, feeling butterflies in her gut.


Tiffany nodded as she nibbled on a chocolate corner. “Everything about her drew me in. My legs started walking on its own until they were standing right in front of her.”


“Then what?” Jessica gripped the arm of her chair in anticipation.


“Then…” Tiffany slowly sat up, positioning herself to be close to Jessica, “I kissed her.”


Jessica sprung up and took a pillow to cover Tiffany’s face. “Yah! That’s ual harassment!”


“Jeshiii” Tiffany mumbled against the pillow.


Jessica was breathing hard and turning beet red over Tiffany’s dream. When she finally pulled the pillow down, she demanded, “Go back to sleep and unkiss me!”


Tiffany puckered her lips, “No, it’s the only kiss I’ve ever shared with you. I won’t let you take that from me,” adding seriously, “You’ve already taken my heart, Jessica Jung, so I won’t unkiss you, not even in my dreams.”


Realizing how serious the atmosphere was getting, Jessica cleared . “Um, time’s up. Our session is over. I guess I’ll see you next week, Tiffany.”


Jessica was busying herself with her folders, leaving Tiffany’s confession up in the air, unanswered.


Jessica finally slumped into her seat when she heard the door click shut. She fanned her face, feeling hot and uncomfortable. What was wrong with her? Her client, Tiffany always flirts and confesses to her, but this time it felt different, almost as if Tiffany actually meant it.


“Did you mean it?” Jessica bit her lip, staring down at Tiffany’s folder. Every secret that Tiffany’s ever confessed is in this folder. Being Tiffany’s therapist, Jessica knows about Tiffany’s bad memories, happy memories… sad memories.


To her surprise, Jessica doesn’t want to be a part of Tiffany’s sad memories.




Friday came around, and as usual Jessica sat waiting for her client, except the girl never showed up.


The following Fridays ended with the same result. Even with threatening voicemails and messages to charge her for missing the sessions, Tiffany didn’t reply or stop by.


“What’s up with you, Tiff? You’ve been looking down these past few weeks.”


Tiffany sighed, pulling out a chocolate bar before she started to share with Taeyeon about her broken heart.


She was about to take a bite when hands suddenly cupped her cheeks and turned her lips away from her chocolate. Tiffany’s eyes widened in complete daze, facing her therapist, who was wearing the dress like in her dream, except this Jessica Jung looked better in real life.


“You’re only allowed to share your secrets and stories with me.” Jessica murmured with knitted eyebrows. The deep blush that tinted Jessica’s cheeks made her look so innocent and adorable.


Tiffany eyed Taeyeon, still not believing Jessica was in front of her. Jessica followed Tiffany’s glance, and narrowed at the baby-faced midget. Even Jessica knew about the shorter girl, since there was always a baby-faced midget when Tiffany talked about her childhood. It made Jessica feel a little jealous that half of Tiffany’s life had Taeyeon included, and not her.


“Leave, Taeyeon.” Jessica spoke, and the girl scurried into the safety of Sunny’s arms.


“Jessi, am I dreaming? Are you a dream?” Tiffany uttered, eyes as big as a deer’s.


“If you were, would I be doing this?” Jessica pressed against Tiffany’s, and went even farther than the peck that happened in Tiffany’s dream by moving her lips.


“Do I have to unkiss you?” Tiffany asked once they were gasping for air, she was still sure she’s in dreamland.


Jessica wrapped her arms around Tiffany’s waist, hugging this dense dork. “No, never unkiss me. You’re only allowed to kiss me, even in your dreams.”



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Chapter 6: So nice and fluffy.. JeTi <3
Chapter 6: I loved it! XD cheesy
Chapter 6: Their promise is so cute and lovely one. I really like it though don't really care about Jessica's fiancée. Hahaha..
Chapter 6: Hahaha i don't feel bad for the fiancé xD
Chapter 6: This is cute! Super cute! Thanks for the update. ^^,
Chapter 6: Eeey beyond too cheesy xD love it! Poor the so-called fiance haha
Chapter 6: yes, a cheesy jeti story that's what I need now haha
thanks author
jeti0801 #8
nice shots!!!!
Chapter 5: Oh yeeaah really love this fluffy chapt (X update more fluff author! ^^