be careful.

Be careful (of who you mess with)
Jiyeon was sitting on the couch in the living room crossed arms. She was wearing poker face. Minseok and Sehun were having a talk. She had already packed few clothes she wanted to bring there. Other then clothes, she has nothing in Sehun’s house. Other necessary things like tooth brush, slippers and many other thing Minseok will provide.

Jiyeon didn’t wanted to leave at first but Sehun insisted and then at night she thought about it all. Sehun was awful, he didn’t treated her right. She should probably leave. It makes no different because either way she was sold. If she didn’t want to live with Sehun or Minseok then she had to live with other es and she refused to live with commoner.

And now she was waiting for Minseok to take her away. Away from Sehun. It was better this way. She can move on faster. She won’t be seeing him. They’ll lost connection. It kinda felt weird because he was the biggest problem of her life from the day he entered in her life. Its been months and now suddenly he wouldn’t be the part of her life after constantly ruining it.

Minseok and Sehun walked out. Sehun was really untidy today from his usual all explosive style as his hairs were unstyled which was not usual, he was wearing grey sweat pants with a plain black t-shirt half tucked inside the pants and the half hanging off. Two different pair of slippers, one yellow and the other green.

“Ready?” Minseok ask as he fished his keys out.

Jiyeon shrugged and got up to leave. Minseok walk out first purposely to give them time alone. Maybe for the last time. He was pleased Sehun decided to send Jiyeon away from himself. He don’t have to worry much about things. Things like Sehun falling for Jiyeon.

“I’m sorry...”

Jiyeon rolled her eyes and with bitter smile she stared at Sehun from head to toe.

“Sorry won’t change anything.”

Sehun sat down on the couch and shrugged carelessly. “I’m sorry... Sorry is all i have to say and give you. Now it depends on the receiver if they want it or throw it away.”

Jiyeon felt tears ready to spill from her eyes. “I’m leaving!” she angrily turned around to walk away to leave and bearly heard a whisper from him saying sorry, again. A voice much quieter. She didn’t turn around and keep walking.

Leaving the place she start liking as her own house.

Leaving Sehun who already own a large part of her heart.


Jiyeon looked at her wrist watch when she sat down. It stopped. On 12:00 p.m.

Sehun sighed heavily. He felt like he was suffocating. His heart was clenched. The more he stared at the tv, he remembered how lazy Jiyeon was, spending her time infront of a tv doing nothing much. She was really the most lazy person he ever came face to. Her day was spend in living room on the couch watching tv or in her room, sleeping. He won’t be surprised if she gained few weights after being kidnapped.

Few hours of sitting on the same place, he decided he needed to do something instead of wasting his time. The thought of not seeing Jiyeon when he come home made him terrified of ever stepping back in his own house. Shaking his head to stop thinking about Jiyeon, he stepped out. Eyes landing on his wrist watch.

It was 03:30 p.m. The watch stopped moving.

Cursing he went to get his car.


Time was there witness.

Jiyeon forced a smile to Chorong as Chorong showed her new room to her. She entered inside, not really interested at the beautiful princess style furniture. Chorong said she choosed the furniture for Jiyeon. She had few information of Jiyeon’s background and she already figured Jiyeon’s favorite color so it wasn’t hard.

Jiyeon sat on the bed, feeling the soft texture in her fingers. She couldn’t help but to compare it with the room Sehun gave her. Her old room color was white and red. The bed sheets were leather. There was a time she asked why would anyone wanted to sleep on leather sheets and Sehun would answer her his house, his rules. Few days she find hard to sleep on such a sheets but with time she got use to it.

She shook her head furiously to stop thinking about Sehun and his house. She’s going to start a new life so she need to leave the past behind.

She looked around the room for Chorong but she was nowhere. Probably she left. Jiyeon lay her body flat on the bed. It was so comfortable and felt so nice on her exposed skin. Still something lacked it. She don’t no what but she was sure something was wrong. Was it the warmth? Or maybe thing else.

Its been two days but Jiyeon didn’t bother to leave her room. It was a sudden exhaustion that attacked her body making her sleep all day long. Chorong would bring food. Jiyeon would eat enough to stop growling sound from her stomach but not enough to fill her half empty stomach. Chorong was glad Jiyeon didn’t refused the food and atleast eat half of the portion in her plate.

More two days passed. Jiyeon didn’t step a foot out of her room unless it was necessary. Chorong bought her new clothes because Jiyeon didn’t bother to go with her when she was offered.

That was until on the fifth day the door bell ring.

“Sehun, its you. Minseok is in his room. Please, come inside.” Chorong politely talked with Sehun with a smile. In return Sehun smiled weakly and entered inside.

Minseok who heard Sehun came here without having to say anything important was a surprise. And Minseok realised. Sehun wasn’t here for him but for a certain girl. Minseok wasn’t happy but he let it be.

“Sehun... Are you sure you have nothing to do at home?” Minseok asked him when he figured Sehun wasn’t going to leave any time soon which was so unusual.

Sehun was scrolling down in his phone. “Yeah, it was boring there.”

Minseok mumbled something which sounded like 'really' before turning to Sehun and asked again. “Why did it become boring? You have many things to entertain yourself with. You here... Is... Strange.”

Sehun shrugged and looked up, meeting Minseok’s eyes directly. “Am i not allowed here or something? You keep bugging me with questions like you don’t want me here.”

Minseok was caught of guard. Immediately he shook his head. “No no, you got it wrong. I’m asking because you never visit me before without reason. Beside this is the first time you’re staying this late. You walk out as soon as you finished talking, even if its five minutes only. Its weird.”

Sehun decided to give him blank look. It was true, he only came when it was necessary and leave as soon as possible.

Just then Jiyeon came out of her room. She widened her eyes at Sehun’s presence. She felt the need to hug him to death but decided against it because they weren’t in good terms. Still nothing would hide the fact she missed him, and dearly in this case.


It was just a whisper that could hardly reach Minseok and Sehun’s ears. Yet it did, not to Minseok but to Sehun. He jerked his head to Jiyeon’s direction like alpha wolf. It was so fast that even Jiyeon jumped back a little at the sudden turn of head when she expected the least for him to turn his head.

Oblivious Minseok follow Sehun’s gaze only to know it was Jiyeon. His fist clenched in disaproving way.


“What are you doing here?” Jiyeon asked coldly.

Sehun’s face turned sour. Ofcourse she’s still mad about that thing. Acting like he wasn’t effected, he answerd casually.

“I’m here for my friend if you can’t see. Problem?” Sehun raised a brow at her, as if challenging her to say something.

Minseok’s expression darkened. Now that wasn’t nice. Sehun can’t just use him that. It was stupid excuse too because Sehun was busy with his phone instead of talking with him.

“No, not really. Why would i have problem with that?” She turned around and walked to kitchen for a glass of water.

Sehun’s lips turned into thin line as he saw her leave to kitchen. Scoffing was all he could do. Nonetheless he decided to keep himself away from humiliation next time. Really what was with her? He was so excited to meet her and all he got in response was this rude behaviour? Yes, he was a jerk when he tried to force himself on her but he regretted it. He even told her to leave so why she had to act so y about this? Sehun was disappointed and mad to some point. She just can’t treat him like trash. He stomped out. Too pissed to actually say bye to Minseok who stared at him with blank look, muttering what kind of friend Sehun was.

Slamming the door shut, Sehun marched his way to the bar he could waste his money on and let his frustration out on someone ready to be ed by him.

Jiyeon sighed in relief when she saw Sehun left. She made up her mind, from now on, she’ll start acting like nothing was wrong and Sehun never existed in her life. The foolish deserve to get punished ofcourse for being and playing with her feelings. She sassed and walk to the garden where Chorong spend most of her time and even invited her few times too but Jiyeon was busy spreading sadness on her pillow to accept the offer. Finally she was ready. Ready to start all over again without Sehun. The annoying face, a thief. Who didn’t bother to steal gold or money but her heart. Great.

How Ironic.

“Jiyeon, you do realize by now you could be targeted by my enemy. Right?” Minseok asked one day when Jiyeon and Chorong were having a peaceful talk until the Satan have to interrupt them.

Jiyeon tilted her head at the side. “Why would i be targeted?”

Chorong giggled at the innocent mind and lightly slapped the back of Jiyeon’s head making her glare at her. Chorong placed her fingers on her lips and said oops. Jiyeon growled and looked back at Minseok, waiting to get explained.

“Simply because you’re with me. People out there hate me. They wanted to kill me. For killing me, they need informations so they could kidnap you or anything to get my informations. Even if you don’t no anything, it won’t change the fact they need you.” Minseok eyes stared at the flowers beauty and continued. “So from now on, you’ve to follow me and Chorong. We go meetings or in clubs, you’re suppose to come with us. You’ve to learn self defence. There are few unspoken rules you’ve to follow. You’re more like member of ours. We do run legal business but we need to do some dirty deeds to get actual successful businessman.”

With wide eyes Jiyeon stared at them. Pointing at him, she muttered. “You’re fake rich?”

Minseok chuckled darkly. “You can say so. Let me tell you the bitter truth, what if i say your father do that too. Just he’s a little old to risk himself and a little bit more experienced in the field. I do the dirty job myself, while your father pay for peoples to do this for him. He stopped though. He’s not the same anymore.”

Jiyeon shook her head in disbelieve. No way her father could do that. Her father wasn’t this kind of man. He was a nice and honorable man. She know, she live with him. Never she found his actions suspicious. It was true he stayed at work most of the time but he spend time with his family too. They have a family day on friday like every average family. She many time sneaked in her father’s office when she was a kid but nothing happen. He always let her roam around and check his papers if she whined. Impossible if something like that escaped her eyes. No one has rights to accuse her father like this. She wanted to argue with Minseok for disrespecting her father but Minseok stand up to leave first.

“He won’t be obvious. No one is when they do that. Otherwise he would’ve end up in prison long time ago. I’ll be leaving. Chorong give her the schedule that i told you to get ready. Tomarrow, i’ll bring you to someone who’ll make a fake ID for you.” Minseok sharply stared at her. “Just because you are kidnapped doesn’t mean you’re suppose to sleep and watch tv all day. You’ll work. You won’t get treated like a princess anymore. Don’t you think Sehun has spoiled you too much already. I still don’t believe he cooked for you and washed your clothes. He even washed your dishes. Really, from now on, you’ll do that by yourself. I want you to be independent not some rotten princess. Chorong will teach you and show you if necessary. Are we clear.”

It wasn’t even a question. Jiyeon wanted so badly to say no but his tone left no place for arguments. He was damn serious. Even Chorong was looking down, not staring at his cold eyes. Jiyeon nodded. She learned enough to not talk back when these criminals are like this. Minseok wasn’t normally like this. He was a chubby friendly guy and sometimes even funny, almost cute from the edges.

After a hot shower Jiyeon’s tensed body relaxed. After burning the food for three times, washing the clothes in not clean way she was dead tired. The only thing she could do right was, washing dishes. Even when ironing the clothes, they got small burns here and there. A really bad start. She wanted to stay in warm water but she has to get ready for the so called meeting with Minseok’s friends or criminals in this case. Seriously, Jiyeon wanted to avoid meeting those scary horrible criminals. It was impossible because Minseok wanted her to meet his friends. The purpose isn’t bad though. Chorong explained that the other members should know about her position in the team. She was a member of a Black heart now. Well, trainee that needed to learn. So other should know because she might be working with them at some point in her life. Jiyeon hadn’t a say in the matter. She has to obey either way. Beside Chorong said her owner will not be too harsh on her because of her team that was mysterious. Only few know about it because the members were extremely hideous in their activities.

Wearing a black skinny leather pants, a red sleeveless shirt and leather black jacket. Worse, she had to wear high heels. It was really uncomfortable to walk around in them even if she use to wear in school. A dark markup on her eyes, and a dark red lipstick on her plump lips.

Now she has the look of creep.

Jiyeon sarcastically thought at her reflection. When did she start becoming this kind of person? She wasn’t suicidal kid. She was forced into doing this for the cool and dark look. In all honestly, she wasn’t pleased at her reflection. This isn’t how she is. She was very fashionable y girl. She love to wear different colors, light makeup and girly clothes. She look scary and not the usual y in this outfit.

She glared at her reflection for being so darkish.

Minseok parked the car infront of a club goes by the name 'Lustrous youth'.

“Don’t you ever dare to start a conversation with anyone. Unless if its Sehun or Kyungsoo. If someone ask something, give a small answer as you could give. This is for your safety. The less attention you got, the better. They shouldn’t know much about you.” Minseok explained.

“Wait wait, Sehun and Kyungsoo are coming? And... You bring me here to introduce them to me right? So why shouldn’t i let them know about myself?”

Minseok sighed in defeat. The girl sure never forget to ask every single question cross her mind.

“They aren’t suppose to know everything about you. Your name, face and style is all what is necessary for them to recognize you. Other information will only get you in trouble with them.”

Jiyeon still didn’t get that yet nodded like she understand what Minseok said. She had a feeling it’ll get her in trouble. And worse, why Sehun had to be here? Here she thought she’d loose all connections with him and how wrong she was. Apparently they are in the same team.

Jiyeon inhaled and exhale, making herself ready for the worst. What good shall come out from this? Nothing.

Chorong nudged her side, telling her to move. Thats when Jiyeon realize the door was opened and Minseok was already walking in. Clumsily she walked and once the door was closed behind her, she felt all the nervousness coming back. The cold air from AC cooling her hot skin down. It felt good but at the same time, empty and scary. The pin drop silence didn’t make things any better.

She didn’t lift her eyes to meet the judging hard glares on her. She never liked to be judged, especially when she was weak to fight back. She walked behind Minseok but suddenly she felt Chorong nudging her again. She didn’t looked at her side to see what Chorong actually wanted from her. She didn’t want to face anyone from these people because if she looked up, then she have to meet eyes with some.

“Stop looking down. Hold your head high, look down at peoples. Act like a confidence and arrogant person.” Chorong whispered and for a while Jiyeon was confused. This is the first time someone telling her to act that way. Almost all people told her it was bad to be arrogant and look down at people so now the sweetest person ever telling her to act like this? Did she miss something? Knowing it was best to listen to Chorong she taked the risk. I mean who would dare to look down at criminals unless they have a dead wish. Jiyeon didn’t have any, at the moment atleast but she did as Chorong said. She would choke Chorong later if it turned out Chorong was with two face. She’ll gladly. She remembered her high school days, gaining a little confidence she thought she was ready. She could act all mighty. I mean what could go wrong? She just have to look down which she was so good at in high school. Just that. A confidence. They could be handsome as Sehun beside Sehun and Kyungsoo were here, to defend her if things go wrong. Yes, she sound like a who wanted to use Sehun but what do you expected her to do? Sehun brought her in this mysterious world so he should take responsibilities. It wasn’t her fault if she never know how criminals world work. With that she looked up.

And she regretted looking up.

If she wasn’t mistaken, they were all glaring at her. Suddenly feeling weak, she searched for familiar figure and she found Sehun. He was... Glaring at her too. Why? Not giving up she searched for Kyungsoo. He was the same. A glass of expansive wine in his fingers as he swallows the throat burning liquid. He looked so elegant.

She felt all the confidence draining from her body.

“Isn’t she the girl Sehun brought last time? I thought she was Sehun’s buddy. Sehun, why your trash is walking without you?”

Jiyeon heard that and tensed. Her face was turning red from embarrassment. That guy was there when Sehun made her watch the horrible scene. The humiliation all come back in oneshot inside her veins. It was hard to even walk, let alone held her head high. Tears made their way in the corner of her eyes. They thought she was . She was trash for them. She waited for Sehun to defend her. To say it wasn’t true. Jiyeon wasn’t that kind of girl.

“She’s not good enough for me. I let her off.”

Jiyeon’s eyes widened. What not good enough? They didn’t done anything, if anything he try to forced himself on her. How could he talk about her like that. Like she mean nothing? Where was the friendship? Guess it was about time he faked a friendship. She tried so hard to not cry. It hurt. When one claim to be your friend then act like you don’t mean anything to them. This was awful.

“Oh come on, you said the same thing about Hyuna. She was awesome. I bet this girl isn’t different.”

Jiyeon wanted to run, it was too much for her to take. She take a step back but before she could take another, Chorong grabbed her wrist and cleared .

“She’s my friend. You better show some manners.”

And when she thought no one was going to defend her, it was Chorong who talk for her. Not Sehun, not Kyungsoo, not even Minseok but Chorong. She noticed, Chorong didn’t sound so polite, or nice... Or even friendly. She sound so rude with that guy when she said those words.

She felt a tug on her hand and she looked at Chorong who smiled weakly at her. Almost like she was saying be strong.

Its like Minseok tried to stop the tension thats rising, he walked faster to the couch and sat on it. Following behind were Chorong and Jiyeon.

Jiyeon was too nervous and creeped out to look up so her eyes stayed down in embarrassment.

They kept talking and talking but Jiyeon wasn’t interested. They talk with authority. Even the funny Minseok and the nice Kyungsoo. Its like they were totally different peoples. Even Chorong. She didn’t talk much but when she did, nothing sweet came out. It was all... Strange for Jiyeon’s brain to process. Its like she was being fooled all the time and that was reality.


The jerk seemed almost same like his usual self. Just a little bit more careful and calm. A dangerous vibe. More than usual.

Sehun didn’t fooled her like everyone did. This was his true self. Unlike the other three people she grew closer to them. She felt bitter feelings. It wasn’t nice of them to fool her like this. She was stupid enough to believe them.

Sehun acting like a complete jerk didn’t help. She felt suffocating as time pass by. The judging glances she received made her wanted to hide forever. She don’t want them to talk about her like this. And if that wasn’t enough, someone even talk some nasty stuff about her being good or bad in bed. Her head spinned a little. She was thinking too much and she needed to calm herself.

“I need to use a restroom.” Jiyeon whispered in Chorong’s ear with sour expression.

Chorong stared at Minseok who was busy talking with someone then at Jiyeon. “Go just come back fast, okay?”

Jiyeon nodded and stand up to walk out. Its like she just screamed at someone because everyone stared at her. Trying to leave as fast as she can, she start walking but stopped as the voice from back called.

“Hey pretty lady, where are you going? Want me to accompany you?”

Jiyeon shivered. Suddenly the cold increased. She shook her head, a fake small smile on her face. “I-i’m going to washroom, its okay you don’t have to come with me.”

The man didn’t care about the fact he was unwanted as he got up on his feets and smirked wickedly. “No sweet heart, i insist. You might get lost. Who’ll find you then.”

Jiyeon turned to Chorong for help but Minseok stopped Chorong from talking and Jiyeon lost her hope. She was going to get in trouble. This guy was checking her body as he stretched his limbs. Her lips trembled in hopelessness. She clenched her fingers, trying to stay in character and not make a fool out of herself anymore.

“I’ll go with her. Don’t tire yourself with her.”

She was surprised at the voice. It was Sehun. Instantly her body relaxed a little bit. Sehun has that dominant aura that never fail to make her feel safe. His voice full of authority as he speak, his tall body hover on top of all weak. Wrapping her in his large arms. Well, not literally, just feelings.

It all went in vain as reality was different. Sehun was a jerk. She felt her blood boiling. Who does he think he is? Saying weird stuff about her and giving reasons to people to hate on her. Based on lies. Yet it was better to be with Sehuncriminal guy then to be with strangercriminal guy. Actually she don’t want any of them to come along. Minseok or Chorong would be fine, others were a big no. Unfortunately, she didn’t has a say in this.

“Why? You ditched her!”

Sehun didn’t spare him a look and walked towards Jiyeon. With that nobody cared enough once Sehun stand closer to Jiyeon. Its like when Jiyeon would do something, it would be crime but when Sehun do something, it was totally normal. Even if the reality was opposite.

“Lets go.”

Jiyeon rolled her eyes. Just to not give him a reason to start talking, she didn’t speak. She don’t want to talk with him. Silently she walked first, leaving the now alone standing Sehun. Whose face turned awkward. He followed Jiyeon, giving glares to those who were thinking to comment on this act.

Chorong secretly smiled. Jiyeon finally did something to gain respect, even if its a little bit. Which is leaving Sehun and walked out like arrogant. That was good.

Jiyeon walked faster towards the restroom even if she don’t know where its actually located. She wanted to avoid Sehun at all cost. She walked and walked until she find out she was walking in the same place in circles. She stopped. Confused and angry at herself for being stupid.

“Give up already?”

She was shocked hearing Sehun. How come he find her.

“Follow me.” Sehun ordered. He know she was avoiding him, it didn’t take a genius to know that.

Jiyeon wanted to argue but decided to just follow him. Afterall it was for her own good.

The atmosphere between them was tensed. Sehun didn’t look behind to make sure if she was following or not. He know she would. While Jiyeon kept staring at his broad back. She wanted to hate him for being such a jerk but she can’t. So anger was what waited for her and welcome her in darkness.

Once they reach, Jiyeon didn’t bother enough to thank him and walked inside.

Sehun sighed at the sassy attitude. The mistake was his. He wondered if Minseok explained her how peoples like himself and Minseok work with each other. They don’t act nice. They had to be s to not show their weakness. Kind act means love and love was weak against money and fighting skills.

He waited for few minutes. Until Jiyeon came out, totally acting like she didn’t see him when he most likely attract attention like some dinosaur.

Jiyeon washed her face and take few breaths to calm the stuffiness in her heart. Then walked out. Purposely avoiding Sehun but she was pulled back as Sehun grabbed her wrist and dragged her somewhere.

She tried to resist but like always its was useless. Until they end up outside the club. Jiyeon didn’t ask though.

Sehun halted infront of the back exit. It was so silent there. Exact ideal place Sehun wanted to talk.

“Why did you bring me here?” Jiyeon asked rudely.

“I’m sorry... For... You know...”

Jiyeon scoffed in such a offending way Sehun had to remind himself that he was jerk and deserve this to not lose selfcontrol.

“You seen to have no pride at all. Whats with all apologies you don’t even mean. Have some self respect and stop the bull.” Her voice filled with venom as she let out words. Obvious hatred coming out.

“I swear i mean it! I’m ing jerk! What do you expect me to do?! I know... I’m wrong, i’m always wrong but i don’t no how to be right okay? If i know how to be right then i would never kill anyone because ! Killing is ing wrong!” Sehun desperately let his feelings out. He was just tired of acting like he know everything. He don’t no how to be right. Jiyeon here was adding his headache.

Jiyeon was taking none of it though, she had enough of his tantrum in past. She doesn’t belong to him anymore. She has all rights to talk back. Minseok might have been quiet harsh with her by making her doing house chores but he made it clear that he would beat whoever dare to take a hand on her. Let it be Sehun or someone else. He wasn’t afraid. She trusted him because thats how he protect Chorong from other jerks.

“Great to know that you know you’re jerk. Awesome. What does this have to do with me? I mean you’re jerk who always do wrong. Your problem, deal with it. Or better, die doing wrong. You’ll die either way. Nobody will remember you because nobody wanted to remember the disturbing stuff once they are free from it.”

Well, now even Jiyeon know how harsh it sound but she know from heart Sehun deserve it. He deserve even more but the hurt expression that crossed his face was something she never saw before. She almost regretted what she said as she saw his eyes shining from little wetness. His always cold and dark eyes shining.

Sehun gulped to stop the possible hurt he felt. He heard worse then this but why does this hurt more?

“You want me dead?” Sehun asked quietly.

Jiyeon’s expression softened. “I never said that. I’m just saying sorry won’t change the fact you hurt me. Sorry won’t erase the way you use to treat me, lower then a dirt. It won’t make me forget the sea of humiliation you throw me in without caring about my feelings for even a second. You tell me, would you forgive those who hurt you badly when they ask apology with a simple sorry? Tell me, will you forgive them?”

Sehun was quiet by now. He know she was right. He remembered hurting her nonstop and humiliating her infront of his friends. Purposely wanting to break her. Sorry wasn’t enough. Because for sure, Sehun will not forgive those who hurt him badly. Never, their life was what Sehun wanted to take and here he was acting like a complete jerk, expecting her to accept his sorry. A word. That anyone could say, simply with no burden.

Sehun looked at Jiyeon. “I’m sorry... I’ll try... To be a better person.” Jiyeon’s eyes widened in shock and before she could say anything, Sehun continued. “But not for anyone. Because i won’t. I’ll try to be a better person with you. Not with anyone else. Apparently you have hard time accepting me, so i’ll try for you. For our friendship.”

A friendship.

A bitter reminder.

Accompanying a bitter smile from Jiyeon.

Only friends.

Nothing more.

“Then show me. I’m sick of hearing that you’re sorry.”

          Heres update 
          once again. I hope 
          you guys like it.
          Umm so about 
          Jiyeon’s father, 
         was he really 
         that kind of person 
         like Minseok is 
         talking about? 
         And Sehun changing 
         for Jiyeon. Hmm 
         the story reach in 
         the middle now.
         Another half way 
         to go.
And about telling me if she should leave or stay, really i appreciate it with all my heart because truelly i didn’t know what to do and thanks to you guys for helping me think about both... Well actually i didn’t have to think because you guys even write the reasons so thank you so much :)

i’ll mention their names : iminlovewithluhan | ctliyana | zandramc | sintadw | rosypark | rizkiamut | inanova | lustfulreader | PenguinDO | oOhsenshine | Subsonic | exobacon | jiyeonnie77 | leeaida | Minew11 |

Anyway thanks for subscribing, commenting and voting :)
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wah finally....thanks for publish this story again author-nim:)
Chapter 43: Its already the end. So jiyeon has decided to run away with sehun. Its so sad how all of them so miserable and in mess. I feel sorry for sehun and as i thought only jiyeon can help sehun. It a wonderful story. I hope there would be a bonus chapter or what ever. Maybe about sehun dream to build a family with jiyeon. . Anyway thank you for a great story. Looking foward to your new story ^^
Chapter 43: Huaaaa!!already end??i'm crying...i'm glad they got together in the end even need to run like that..we know jiyeon is the only one medicine for,just jiyeon can cure sehun from this mentally illness....but i hope there oneshot sequel for this story..please!!..hehe...i love this story so much n i will miss this story too...anyway,tq for this great story did so well..i never regret waiting n reading this story in this two years...the storyline also you author-nim!!!!about one-shoot i love the hepy ending one..but why sehun n kai have a sad ending:((i can't endure sad ending...i like both of them...but it's ok..please kept writing author-nim n fighting.^_^
Chapter 42: So jiyeon and luhan might found their freedom but then somehow it didn't feel right.well minseok must had enough. He had to take care of everything even it is sehun's fault. But he cant just accused jiyeon for that I really hope that they both will be together and build their own family thanks for new update. So sad that next chapter will be the last one but then i will wait for it. Goodluck authornim
Chapter 42: Wow,i thought it's everything going to fine...when already it's clear then,their bcome the victims..i'm sad to see jiyeon n sehun going to separated like that...even i'm happy that luhan n jiyeon already got a freedom n not going to be chase again..but i'm sad for sehun...he even dream want to build his own family with jiyeon....huaaa,i want to cry when i think about that...even there a very small chance to see that happen but i still hope for that...wah,can't believe the next chapter is going to be the last ep....can't wait!!!tq ya^^
Chapter 41: Why so suddenly i'm feel insecure???last beautiful moment???don't make me cry a river one side i'm happy to see that their sweet moment but in one side i'm feeling sad..i don't know why..i'm feel like something bad is gonna happen....even their talking session at the beach feel so broken much i want to see their hepy ending together but i know it seem impossible right sehun said,their life is threatened..huaaa,i'm feel like crying right now...but finally,we can see the gentleman sehun n his hepy face that we can't see in the past..i'm love it...can't wait to know what will happen in next chapter...see the reaction that luhan's auntie,i bet she don't know that her husband bad action in the past...tq author-nim for fast update...even i'm feel sad it's going to be end soon...fighting for next update ne!!!!^^
Chapter 41: Please dun make sehun die like luhan die in your previous story "The Weird love story " . Im quite upset last time you make the main die . Huhuhuhu . Sorry if this comment too offensive
Chapter 41: So finally jiyeon give him everything. Its kinda sweet with their non stop arguing over aomething. I really hope there will be happy ending for all of them especially for sehun and jiyeon. Its really sad to know that it almost the end . And again i hope they got happy ending. Thanks for fast update. Keep updating. Can't wait for more
Chapter 41: What do you mean by last one of full beautiful moments . Please i beg you dont make sehun or jiyeon die . Huhuhuh T.T like seriously
Chapter 40: Wow,i'm so happy to see your update author-nim...poor sad to know how his family got ruin by his own uncle just bcoz of money...luho such a bad person...he should get the punishment...chanyeol reaction is so funny when sehun want to bring him along..haha...n like always sehun n jiyeon will bickering each other n end up with lovely moment..i like it so much..keke...aishh,that evil yunho still run over them..lucky enough sehun n kai can escape from him after bloody fighting....poor sehun,his handsome face got a new scar again..haha..i hope they can find that guy name luho...tq author-nim for fast don't know how happy i am when i see the notification..hehe...can't wait for next update..fighting author-nim!!!!!!