Sneak Peak



Hello again! Okay so I felt bad about my last chapter, I felt like I should have at least added some things with Kala and her friends, but I was too focused on making that chapter look right haha. So here is a sneak peak at the next chapter. (It's not fully thought out yet, hence why its a preview!)



I waved goodbye to the rest of the dance members as Ana and I walked down to the bus stop.  "So you can come over later and we can finish the paper at my house." I said as I pulled out my headphones. The bus was always too loud for me, so I drown out the noise with my music.  "Oh, just warning you now, the dragon is in a bad mood again, so the atmosphere might be a little...."  "-Strained?" Ana cut in. "I was more thinking awkward as Hell but yeah Strained works too." I gave her the "It is how it is" look. "Okay, thanks for the warning, I'll be sure to bring some sweets to calm the salvage beast." We both laughed as we envisioned my step-mother as a ragging beast.  "Alright I'll see you later."  Ana waved me off as I hoped on the bus, running to the last available seat. 

I watched the scenery go by, bored as always at the same sights. I turned up the volume on my phone as SHINee's "Dream Girl' came on. I tried to ignore the screaming children behind me as they fought over a game and kicked the seat. When my stop finally came I ran off the bus and into the hot, musky air. As I watched, I couldn't help but feel like I was being watched. "Hopefully it's just one of the neighborhood kids watching me. Better then a e, but still creepy as Hell."  I looked around once more before picking up my pace to my driveway.....




Hope this makes up for the bad chapter! Hopefully I can have the full third chapter up by tomorrow! So how am I doing so far? Do you guys like it? Please tell me so that I can improve! Thank you!! ;3

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It looks amazing
Can't wait to read this
Hehehehe I promise it's not the end. I just wanted to see how you all would feel if it was. Sorry for being a mean author! I promise I have much more planned. (Also please excuse all the mistakes in the chapter, I was rushing to finish it last night)

See you all next time!
-Best Wishes,
Lian ??
Chapter 28: that was... an extremely abrupt ending.
angell2002 #5
Chapter 28: Wha...what? I'm very confused at how abruptly it ended but I understand why you did end it with Kala dying. All in all, I LOVED your story! Thank you for sharing it!
Chapter 27: Ok, long time no see. Also Kala ' s middle name is Anastasia? Any who. Giving up Leo was really sad and Taemin was being kinda a , but I digress. Things are happening. "Someone help." We need a super hero. The girls are chained up, but the question is where. This is not Fantasy.

Ok, I'm done.
Chapter 27: Umm, did you mean yo post this?
Chapter 26: Oh ! The jig is up! And Sooman is being way too creepy! Creepy stalker man! Poor Kala, heartbreak . *tears*
Chapter 25: Poor Leo. Having to see his loved ones reacting to him being missing. How sad. And now we know where the last four are. That's scary.

On another note, N, Ken, and Hongbin went through a lot. So sad. And after I had such a happy day at KCon (BTS WAS FLIPPING AMAZING)

Ana, Lizzy, Tanya and Alex will probably take it pretty hard finding out their idols were missing. If it were me, I wouldn't be able to work without crying