10 The Acquaintance

A Love to Die For

“P-Park Saemi,” a young girl breathes, her voice shaking, “It’s you, isn’t it?”

On her way back from class, Saemi had decided to stop by the nearby convenience store to grab some instant ramen for dinner. However, as she walked in, she was met with another female who seemed to recognize her immediately.

The stranger before her looked approximately her age. A single bandage wrapped around her head, just barely visible underneath the cap she had on. Similarly, Saemi could see a long scar running down the woman’s neck, carelessly concealed by make-up. Her long brown hair seemed like it hadn't been washed in days. It didn’t take long for her to deduce that this woman had probably just been discharged from the hospital.

However, upon seeing her, the woman seemed to be uneasy. Her eyes darted to the sides as if she was scared of something, or for someone, to suddenly appear. Her fingers quivered while her body tensed. Her right hand instinctively gripped her left wrist tightly, and her breathing patterns changed.

“I’m sorry,” Saemi’s tone of voice is careful, afraid of scaring the girl away, “but do I know you?”

The stranger’s eyes widened slightly, clearly taken aback due to Saemi’s loss-of-memory, “You don’t remember me? I’m Seura, Yong Seura.”


The name sounds vaguely familiar, but she couldn’t quite put her finger on it. But for some reason, just hearing this name caused her own body to stiffen. A bunch of red flags were raised in her mind. She wonders if it was because there was a bad memory associated with this girl. Could she have been a bully from her own past? Did she do something wrong to her at some point? Could she be an enemy, someone who should be avoided? Or was there something more?

But no, that can’t be.

Judging by how Seura was acting around her, she knew that had to be impossible. This girl before her wasn’t just injured, she was so clearly afraid. That look in her eye was strangely all too familiar. There was a tinge of disbelief, a dash of anger, and a bit of disappointment. But where had she seen that look before?

Yet no matter how hard she tried to remember, it was as if the memory was trapped in the back of her mind; it just wouldn’t surface. But there was no doubt. Something inside of her told her that she knew this woman in front of her, one way or another. It was instinctive, and for something to be so instinctive, it must’ve meant that whatever the memory was, it truly affected her a lot in one way or another.

“I’m sorry,” she gives the other an apologetic look, “After I woke up from my comatose state in the hospital, I never truly remembered my past.”

Seura’s eyes widened as saucers, “…C-Coma? Could it be because of Mark?”

And Saemi suddenly feels like she’s back at square one.

Why did this girl have to assume the perpetrator to be Mark? If that's the accusation that is given, then Mark is growing more unfamiliar to Saemi by the second, and she doesn't want that. She really doesn’t know what to believe anymore. She can't figure it out. She had just finished persuading herself that if fate could be so lucky to give her one last chance, then she would be the one to finally take a chance and return to his side. But here was someone who was beginning to sway her already shaky decision.

This was the last thing she wanted to hear.

To hear someone accuse Mark to be the one who caused her to end up in the hospital, that scares her completely. She has never put too much thought as to how or why she ended up in a comatose state. She never truly questioned it. While she had theorized that it could have been Mark, she wasn't too sure she believed it herself. So she had just assumed the cause to be an unfortunate accident. Never did it cross her mind that someone like Mark would actually shoot a person.

It never crossed her mind that Mark would shoot her.

No. What is she thinking? Wasn’t she the one to witness is violent outburst when BamBam had gotten hurt and captured? Wasn’t she the one who watched firsthand as Mark almost killed her kidnapper? Wasn’t she the one who realized that Mark wasn’t a good person?

Mark’s eyes held no emotion at that point in time. He was cold-blooded. He didn’t think twice. He didn’t even blink. All he did was smile and proceeded to harm another living being. Yes, Saemi knew that Mark was just trying to protect her. She knew that Mark wasn’t completely wrong. She knew that there was a part of her that was relieved for someone like him to appear and save her.

To be honest, if he hadn’t shown up, would she even be alive today?

She doesn’t want to believe in a violent Mark, and yet, the evidence seems to be stacked against her. She’s trying to understand Mark’s actions, but she doesn’t know where to begin anymore. Every time she convinces herself that the boy was not as bad as he appeared, something always causes her to doubt herself.

What should she say in a situation like this? Why can’t she think of the proper words to respond? Why is it so hard to clearly gather her thoughts?

“…It must be because of Mark,” Seura continues to accuse, her voice still shaking – a sort of bravery that Saemi does not have, “It’s what happened to me. I don’t quite remember the exact details, but I know that Mark was the one who made me like this. Though, I never told anyone. They would never believe me – he’s the perfect Mark Tuan. Everyone takes his side. Even though he was the one who threw me aside. He was the one that put me in a coma. Take this from someone who had firsthand experience. If you’re still dating Mark, then you should be careful.”


She immediately raises her gaze to the girl in genuine, “I-I dated him?”

Seura didn’t have to say anything. The look in her eyes gave it away. And it finally hits Saemi. It must’ve been true that she was once Mark’s girlfriend. It would explain why she felt déjà vu when she first met the transfer student Mark. It would explain why he seemingly grew possessive when he realized that she tutored Yugyeom after school. It would explain why he risked his own life to fight her kidnappers.

When he spoke up for her in front of her bullies, she felt her heart thud against her chest. She remembers the feeling of familiarity when she saw those serious eyes of his. She recalls how he would chase after her even when she tries to push him away. The barricade around her heart was crumbling, and it’s all because of that one boy: the boy who only saw her, who only acted on her behalf.

And no matter how hard she tries to deny it, it’s undeniably true that her heart responds to him.

But what kind of sick game is this? How could her heart respond to someone as scary as him? That was the most ridiculous theory she has ever heard. Mark has an intimidating attitude. He’s violent. If he is displeased, then he lashes out. Those kinds of people, she’s never wanted to have anything to do with them.

She just wants a simple life. She just wants to fall in love with someone who loves her back. She just wants to learn to trust someone who’s been completely open with her. There would be no lies, no secrets. She wouldn’t have to be afraid of the unknown, the unpredictable. She doesn’t need someone like –

Mark Tuan.

She wants to cry out. Her heart is in pain again. Mark Tuan, Mark Tuan, Mark Tuan. The name repeats in her mind continuously. But why? Why is he coming to mind? Why does it have to be him? Why can’t it be someone else?

The way she is now is fine. She’s supposed to be afraid of him. There was no reason for her to even have ties to him – even though she should be unassociated with him.

He’s a scary person. His ways are wrong. He acts without thinking. He frustrates her. He barges into her life without permission. He is trying to resurrect her past. He wants to be by her side. He only tries to protect her. His methods are sincere. He… has never lied to her.

He might even be in love with her.

And she suddenly remembers those eyes of his. They were serious, diligent, and yet they seemed to be desperate for her. She remembers that look of sorrow, the look of one who fell in love with another. It was as if she was all he saw. It was as if his world revolved around her.

She’s seriously fallen for his deadly trap.

But the thought doesn’t last too long. A voice from a distance calls for Seura, and the girl quickly waves goodbye before turning to leave. But Saemi, frozen in her steps, still wanted to know more. She wanted to know more about this Mark Tuan she was suddenly so wrongfully emotionally invested in. She needed to figure out if her feelings are valid.

If Mark was as terrible as Seura made him out to be, then which is the real him? Was it the one who hurt the other or the one who fights to be by her side?

So she finally gathers up the courage and runs out to get the answers from that girl. But as she begins to call out her name, her eyes catches the sight of Seura crying in the arms of another boy. Saemi has never seen that boy before in her life – at least, not that she can remember. But seeing such a scene, she reflexively turns her back to the scene, not wanting to interrupt.

Yet when she turns to walk away, she inevitably hears Seura’s sobs.

“I hate myself for feeling this way, Youngjae. I know it so well – I know he was the one that hospitalized me. He hated how I kept following him around. He hated how I was so persistent in trying to pursue him. I knew all of these things even though he didn’t say it, and yet, I didn’t care. I just wanted to believe that one day he would turn around and look at me. I wanted him to notice me, to love me. I just didn’t want to lose him to anyone, to Park Saemi. But she was all he ever saw. His gaze was always on her. His thoughts were always on her. His heart was always with her. He didn't truly feel real until he met her. So when she left him, I heard he became a wreck, a living zombie. I really don't know what's wrong with me, this stupid jealousy of mine. Even now, even when I know how terribly he’s treated me, I – God, I’m a joke. I hate myself for still loving that part of him.”

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The story isn't over is it???
nay_syj #2
Chapter 10: My god, I feel so confused now. Love your stories, authornim ♡ not regretting searching for u after a story u wrote years ago....I wanted to search dor a story with bts in but then I remembered kiss or kill and I thought of checking ur other stories and now I'm stuck on this! And I'm more than happy I found this. Fighting~!
Chapter 10: updateeeeee please
Chapter 10: Whelp, Seura you kinda helped Saera I guess? I have no idea what I want Saera to do honestly. I mean she could figure out her past and then get back to Mark... But then again, Mark isn't exactly the best boyfriend...
danyelaa #5
Chapter 8: Please continue this sequel. U should know tht u just created a great story. Please update. Love this kind of story <3 how mark keep loving her even though saemi already lost her memory. Again, please update :)
Galaxy04 #6
Chapter 8: Hmmmm.... so Saemi's father still cares about her. That's good.
Galaxy04 #8
Chapter 7: please update soon <3
Chapter 7: Dammit now they'll separate again. Except this time, it's because Saemi wants to. Ughhhh