Portions for Foxes
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I'll be honest and I'll cut straight to the point: I'm not finishing this fic. My muse for it had died and I think I should have been honest with myself a long time ago. I recognized that I wasn't interested in this story after chapter two. However, I am super attached to the character of Areum. She may appear in another fic -- who knows. But Areum is my little bug that needs to go through some development before I can properly put her in a story. With that said, I'm going to post a few short bullet points of what would have happened in the fic. I apologize to everyone who subscribed commented and hung on. Thank you so much. I appreciate every little peek, subscription, and comment I've ever received. Also, with that said, I think I'll be taking a break from AFF. I love it here but things don't feel the same. I think I'll still post my stories here from time to time but I won't make it a priority for my KPOP Fanfiction as I used to. If you want to catch my writing, feel free to follow me HERE or HERE (I'll be linking an AO3 later) or take a peek at my latest story Whoever You Are (which I will also be taking a break from but the first 4 chapters are posted lol). Anyway, without further ado, the ending. (P.S. - I was going to post the outline but my outlines are messy, all over the place and only make sense to me lol)


Areum and Seulgi briefly rekindle their relationship only for it to fizzle out when Areum chooses Seunghyun over her. Se
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The fact that I still get subbies for this. Omg <3 I love y'all.


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taekris #1
Chapter 5: You're right. Things don't feel the same here anymore since many readers and writers seem to have left. Seunghyun has left Bing Bang which means many VIPs who were TOP biased have also left AFF. I'm so happy that TOP will appear in Squid Game 2. Thanks for the summary. I really loved your story. Good luck in your future endeavors.
Fire_trek 351 streak #2
Chapter 4: Wendy still is in love with Seulgi! There’s no reason why she still would act like this. I just want to know who Seulgi was texting if it wasn’t Wendy..Tabi is wrong they can’t separate business from pleasure, I’m sure of this, he’s too forward and Areum almost fell for it in the car lol And Tiffany, I’m thinking a lot of things but I want to know why Areum doesn’t like her, that’ll be interesting to find out
taekris #3
Chapter 4: If I were Areum I would unblock Seunghyun since he's pushed all those right buttons 😂😂😂 I think Wendy wants Seulgi back. Can't wait to find out what kind of chaos Tiffany has in store for Areum. This is a well written chapter ❤️❤️❤️
Fire_trek 351 streak #4
Chapter 3: Dottie and Seulgi are outta control, I wish I had friends like them. And no, I wouldn’t have blocked his messages but with that being said I live for drama so take what I say with a grain of salt lol
Chapter 3: See … I’m not sure she should have blocked him. At least not yet. But I make poor life decisions it seems lol
I also just KNEW her parents had to be hot…
Back to the blocking- I don’t know that I would have blocked him without reading the messages and then thinking it over. But it’s probably the smart thing to do even though I feel he’s gonna make the conversation happen that he was denied
Fire_trek 351 streak #6
Chapter 2: I’m new to this story so I didn’t have to wait Long lol but I love the family dynamic and seulgi ♥️ can’t believe Tabi is her new teacher, I love where this is going and I can’t wait until another update! Thank you author nim
Fire_trek 351 streak #7
Chapter 1: Oh! This premise tho, I’m already in love with it
Chapter 2: I’m so glad you didn’t give it up! Thank you so much💕
What a cool family and the Seulgi fantasy that I didn’t know I needed was included here. And the character casting variety feels authentic - damn I love this already