Lucky *edited*

Phoenix Sisters


*Edited and added some more. Just read and you'll know where I added some things. :D

Hello! :D Before reading, I just want all of you to know how much I appreciate all my loyal readers out there. Even with my short hiatuses, all of you are still supporting me. As a result, I will try my best to update and make this story worthwhile, for me and for all of you. Unfortunately, these short hiatuses will continue, which means I will take longer to update. :( Sorry. But I'm still here and believe me...I'm not planning on leaving. :D Btw...i didn't do any grammar checks so forgive me for that. :P



"YOU THREE ARE GROUNDED!!" a voice bellowed throughout the hospital halls. Whoever that voice belonged to, it was not good. The nurses passing by began to crowd around the room in which the voice came from.

"What's going on here?" one of the nurses passing by asked. One of the nurses quickly took the curious nurse a little distance away before telling her. 

"You know the Jungs and Hwangs?" 

The nursed nodded her head. "Yeah. What about them?"

The nurse was shocked that her friend didn't know about the kidnapping of the youngest daughter of the Mr. Hwang, the owner of the hopsital they were working for right now!

"No way!" the nurse put her hand over to show her shock. Her friend nodded her head in affirmation. 

"Yes way. That's why were crowding around to see what will happen next." Soon after, both of them returned to join the rest of the nosy nurses.


The nurses ignored the man's voice and just shooed that person away with their arms. 

"EHEM!!" the person repeated himself, which seeme to have gotten one of the nurses attention.

"What do you-MR. LEE!!" the nurse was going to give the 'rude visitor' a y awakening only to quckly apologized instead.  She then began bowing. Soon after, all the nurses finally realized what was happening and followed their friend's behavior. Especially when it was their supervisor standing in front of them.

"Nurse Han?" 

"Ye-yes. Doctor Lee?" 

Doctor Lee smiled at her. "I believe you have patients to take care of." He then looked at the nurses behind Nurse Han. "And I hope all of you continue with your job instead of eavesdropping."

All of the nurses apologized once again before scattering in opposite directions, not wanting to stay any longer and risk their job.

*Ring ring*


"Donghae. Why are they in the hospital? Were they hurt or something?" a woman's voice asked from the other line. Donghae smiled to  himself. 

"Why ask me when you guys are already on your way here Amber?" Donghae was quite amused by his friend's questions. His answer won't matter anyways.

"Give me the phone Amber!" Donghae chuckled to himself as he listened to his friends fighting for the phone. 

"Sooyoung! Let Amber talk only!" Taeyeon's voice soon was heard.

"NOOOOO!!!" Sooyoung argued. Donghae can imagine Taeyeon getting frustrated and angry as Sooyoung and Amber fought for the phone. 

"Well, while you guys continue your childish fight, I have patients. See you guys in a bit." Donghae then hung up, ignoring the pleads of 'no' from his friends.


JeTiKrys was laying on their hospital beds with their heads down as they were being lectured by thier parents. 

"YOU THREE ARE GROUNDED!!!" Mrs. Jung's voice echoed, making the three woman flinch.

"We're adults now mom. Why are you grounding us?" Jessica asked as she looked at her mom in disbelief. But one glare from her mom made Jessica look back down at her lap again.

"Mom." Mrs. Jung turned to look at her youngest daughter. Krystal gulped before speaking. "Mom. We're fine. Don't worry."

Mrs. Jung let out a scoff while Mr. Jung tried to calm his wife down. "Fine? FINE???" 

Mrs. Hwang knew that Mrs. Jung was really angry and sensitive at that moment and went to calm her friend down as well. "Shhh...calm down." 

Mrs. Jung shook her head. "How can they do that?! They could've gotten killed! Then what will we do?!!" 

"But-" TIffany immediatly shut when she saw the glare Mrs. Hwang directed at her.

"Be quiet. All of you." Mrs. Hwang ordered in a low and controlled voice. JeTiKrys had no choice but to obey. If there's one thing JeTiKrys knew better, it's to not talk when their parents are angry.

"So how's everyone-Whoa! What's with all the angry faces?" Donghae entered the room with a smile but soon lost it once he saw how everyone was looking so gloomy. "Is everything okay here?"

"Everything is fine. Just a little family problem." Mr. Hwang assured. 

"Are you guys sure?" Donghae asked again, to which Mr. Jung nodded his head with a smile. 

"Okay then." Donghae looked at his clipboard. "So your daughters are healthy. They don't seem to be seriously injured. Just a few abrasions but other than that, they're as healthy as Hercules." Donghae joked, but soon stopped when he felt Mrs. Jung and Mrs. Hwang's glare.

" yeah. But on the other hand, Hana is awake. Would you-"

"YES!" The Jungs and Hwangs yelled together.

Donghae let out a little laugh. "Okay. Then please follow me. Except for you three." Donghae pointed at JeTiKrys.

"Why not?" Tiffany asked with a pout. 

"Yeah. Why not?" Krystal added with a frown.

"Not fair." Jessica stated with a frown.

Donghae shook his finger at them. "The three of you need rest. You will have plenty of time to see Hana later." Donghae then walked out followed by the parents. The parents made sure to give their children a 'move and all of you will get it' look before leaving.

"This . I hate this." Krystal muttered before plopping down on her bed angrily.

"I agree. We just wanted to save Hana." Jessica added with her own angry attack on the bed by punching the pillow.

Tiffany sighed. "Oh well. As long as Hana is safe, I don't care about the punishments I will get." Tiffany stated as she looked up at the ceiling.

"Really?" JeTiKrys immediately sat back up upon hearing the voice in their room. 



Tiffany and Krystal was delighted that thier girlfriends were here. Meanwhile, Jessica didn't know how to react since Sooyoung and her were still on bad terms...well, she wasn't but perhaps Sooyoung was  after their last meeting at her office.

"Hey there. How you feeling princess?" Amber pecked Krystal's cheek and check for any injuries.

"Good now that you're here." Krystal answered with a smile.


"Hm?' Tiffany stopped playing with Taeyeon's fingers and looked at her girlfriend.

"Are you okay? Were you hurt anywhere?" Taeyeon asked as she gently rubbed the bandaid on Tiffany's arm.

Tiffany shook her head. "Nothing serious." Tiffany assured with her eye-smile.

Meanwhile, Jessica remained seated on her bed, not daring to look at Sooyoung. She knew Sooyoung was angry at her, which was why she wasn't approaching Jessica. Just then, Jessica began to have thoughts...bad thoughts.

'What if she hates me for accusing her? What if she's here to break up with me?' Jessica thought to herself. Those thoughts were enough to make Jessica want to cry. But she held it in. She won't...she won't think such things but it was so hard. Especially when Sooyoung has been avoiding her for two days.

"Yah Sooyoung!" Jessica heard Taeyeon call her sister. "Why are you standing there? Go to Jessica."

"Um..." Sooyoung began to rub her arms, not knowing how to approach Jessica, let alone talk to her.

"Amber. Let's go outside for some fresh air." Krystal stated and winked at Amber. Amber was confused at first but when she saw Krystal pointing at Jessica, she understood. 

"Okay. Taeyeon, we're going outside." 

After KryBer left, Taeyeon decided to do the same. 



"Let's go out and enjoy this beautiful day."

But Tiffany refused. "But I want to stay here with you."

Taeyeon chuckled and pinched her girlfriend's nose playfully. "Pabo. We are going together so that you know..." Taeyeon then tilted her head toward Sooyoung and Jessica. 

"Ohhhh..." Tiffany stated with a smile. "Okay. Me and Taeyeon are going out. See you later Jess." After Taeny left and closed the door, it was just SooSica left.

Sooyoung was still standing at teh same spot, not budging. Not because she didn't want to but because she didn't know how to start a conversation with Jessica. She missed Jessica and was worried when she heard Jessica was in the hospital. Sooyoung made sure Jessica wasn't hurt during last night's attack. So Sooyoung decided that perhaps if she gave Jessica some flowers, it will give her a reason to start a conversation.

"Genius Choi Sooyoung!" Sooyoung mentally complimented herself and was going to leave to buy the flowers but stopped in her tracks when she heard faint and low sniffing. It didn't take long for Sooyoung to realize it was coming from Jessica. 

"Jessica?" Sooyoung called out, only to panic when she saw Jessica shaking a bit. 

"Jessica!" Sooyoung ran to her lover's side and put her hands on Jessica's arms. Jessica was sitting with her knees drawn to her chest and her head buried between. "Jessica! What's wrong?!"

But Jessica just kept crying. Sooyoung was scared now. 

"Jessica." Sooyoung scooted closer and hugged Jessica. "What's wrong Sica?" Sooyoung asked once again when she let go of the hug. Sooyoung stood up and leaned toward Jessica. "Are you hurting somewhere?"

Instantly, Jessica hugged Sooyoung and was crying into Sooyoung's abdomen. Sooyoung was caught off guard but gradually reciprocated the hug.

"I'm sorry." Jessica whispered.

"Why are you sorry?"

"I-I" But Jessica couldn't finish her sentence. She was scared that if she spoke anymore, Sooyoung will definitely break up with her. Sooyoung began to worry and removed Jessica's hands from her waist. She then took a seat next to Jessica. 

"Why are you crying?" Sooyoung cupped Jessica's cheeks and looked into her eyes. "Tell me."

"I know that you must hate me after-after" 

Sooyoung widened her eyes in surprise. "Why would Jessica think of such horrible thing?" But Jessica's next words, answered her question.

"-I didn't mean to say those harsh words to you. I-I do trust you. I trust you Sooyoung!" Jessica let out a loud cry and hugged Sooyoung tightly around her neck. Sooyoung hates seeing Jessica so vulnerable.

"Jessica." Sooyoung called her lover's name softly.

"I'm sorry Sooyoung. Just don't-don't-" Jessica was struggling to get the rest of the words out of . She couldn't do it.

Sooyoung rubbed Jessica's back gently. "Don't what?"

Jessica tightened her hug. "You can but please don't. Don't break-break-"

"Never." Sooyoung intervened before Jessica could even finish. Sooyoung doesn't want Jessica to finish those words. No wonder Jessica was crying so much. "I have never even thought of that." 

Sooyoung loosened the hug a bit and smiled. "Look at me." But Jessica refused. "Jessica." Sooyoung said a little more stern.

When Jessica finally did, Sooyoung swooped down and kissed Jessica. The kiss was soft, gentle and full of love...just enought, Sooyoung hoped, to tell Jessica that everything is fine.

When they broke apart from the kiss, Sooyoung wiped away Jessica's tears. "I will not break up with you. Couples have fights all the time. It's a normal thing."


Sooyoung quickly pulled Jessica to lay down on teh bed with her. "LIsten to me. I admit I was hurt from you not trusting me but it was reasonable. I would probably feel the same way about Yuri.


Sooyoung sighed and intertwined her hands with Jessica's hand that was rest on her waist. "But, you and I are stronger. I'm not going to let a misunderstanding come between us. You are too important for me to let that happen."

"Besides-" Sooyoung gave Jessica a weak smile. "It should be me asking you not to break up. I'm sorry." Sooyoung apologized with a frown as she gave Jessica's hand a light squeeze. "Forgive me?"

"Sooyoung." Jessica called the name in a quivering voice. "Thank you."

Sooyoung smiled and kissed Jessica's forehead. "Guess I'm forgiven. Now go to sleep. You must be tired after last night's events."

Jessica yawned and smiled. She then scooted closer to Sooyoung to close any gaps between them. "I missed you Giant."


"I felt like you were with me the whole time yesterday."

"Jeongmal?" Sooyoung unconsciously smiled. "You have no idea how true that is Jessica." Sooyoung thought to herself.

Jessica nodded her head. "I really missed you. Did you know that?"Jessica whispered one last time before planting a chaste kiss on Sooyoung's neck. 

"I missed you too Blonde-Stick." Sooyoung answered with a small giggle before joining Jessica in dreamworld.


"So if you three are perfectly fine, why are you guys here at the hospital?" Amber asked skeptically as she and Krystal walked in the hospital lawn for patients. Krystal had just finished telling her last night's events, although Amber already knew the majority, except for one thing.

Krystal shrugged. "I don't know. Guess it's protocol? I told them I was fine."

Amber let out a smile. "A few burns is not fine. Your beautiful skin is now ruined." Amber stated in a sad tone. Krystal realized this and held Amber's face between her hands.

"Hey. I'm still alive Amber. Why are you so worrried? It was my fault that I got hurt."

Amber slightly nodded her head but was still angry at herself. "I should've made sure you weren't hurt at all." Amber thought to herself.

"Amber? Amber?"


Krystal engulfed Amber in hug. "Thanks for caring so much. I don't even feel the pain having you here with me." Krystal smiled at Amber lovingly. Amber smiled back and hugged Krystal around the waist.

"No need to thank me. I will always care about you." Amber lightly tapped Krystal's nose, causign Krystal to giggle a bit. "I should thank Jonghyun for helping you."

Krystal snuggled against Amber. "You know what Am?"

"What?" Amber asked as she continued hugging Krystal. Before Krystal answered, Amber was led to the grass area.

"Lay down." Krystal ordered.

"Why?" Amber asked back. "I thought you had something to tell me."

"I do. But before I tell you-" Krystal pointed to the grass again. "Lay down."

Amber didn't know waht Krystal was up to but decided to follow Krystal's orders before HellKrys breaks loose and that! Amber did not want.

Amber laid down on the grass on her back and looked up at Krystal. "Now what?"

Krystal let out a sly smile. "Now this!" Before Amber had anytime to react, Krystal had already laid down next to her with arms around Amber's waist and her head resting on Amber's chest.

"I can hear your heartbeat." Krystal mumbled with a smile. Amber giggled and hugged the Princess.

"Of course you can. You're so close to it."

Krystal closed her eyes and let out a sigh. "Amber?"

"Hm?" Amber was slowly running her fingers through Krystal's hair in a gentle manner.

"You were there yesterday huh?"

"W-what?" Amber stuttered. Did Krystal see her face? No! She wore a veil.

Krystal's next words broke Amber's thoughts. "The whole time, even though you werent' there, I felt your presence and I-"

"You what?" Amber asked softly. She was curious too.

Krystal listened to Amber's heartbeats again before answering. "I felt safe."


"TIFFANY!" Taeyeon hissed and dragged her girlfriend away from her hospital door. Tiffany told Taeyeon that she had to go to the bathroom to pee and was gone for 20 minutes. When Taeyeon finally found her, Tiffany was eavesdropping on Sooyoung and Jessica. Tiffany was whining and complaining when Taeyeon dragged her out.

"NO! Let me go!"

"NO! Havent' you heard of privacy?" Taeyeon asked when they finally got outside. Tiffany ignored Taeyeon and went straight to stand under a little open hut in the middle of the hospital lawn. Everyone could see them. Taeyeon followed Tiffany and knew that Tiffany was mad.



"Fany." Taeyeon tried again but was only met with Tiffany's back.

Taeyeon hates it when Tiffany is mad at her. Why? Because Taeyeon is not the best when it comes to Tiffany being mad at her. She always feels like she might say the wrong thing.

"Um...I'm sorry?" Taeyeon took a blind shot, even though she was not wrong. But for the sake of Tiffany, she'll try to make an exception.



Tiffany tilted her head to the side a bit. Taeyeon smiled. Tiffany looked beautiful at any angle.So beautiful...her lips...her eyes..her chest...Wait what!!!

"Hello? Why are you sorry?" Tiffany's impatient voice brought Taeyeon back to reality. Taeyeon was actually grateful because her byunness would've taken over and that would be bad...

"Um because I dragged you away when you were clearly guilty of eavesdropping." Taeyeon answered innocently. "You really should've let them have their own private time." Taeyeon tried to reach out for Tiffany but Tiffany quickly turned around and gently tapped Taeyeon's hand away.

"What?" Taeyeon asked, confused.

Tiffany pouted and crossed her arms against her chest. "So then I'm wrong for eavesdropping to make sure Sooyoung and Jessica don't have any more problems and you're innocent?" Tiffany mocked.

"Yes." But the moment Tiffany widened her eyes in shock and anger, Taeyeon panicked. Wrong answer!!

"But-but I was wrong because I shouldn't have dragged you. And you were just being the caring person you are."

Tiffany softened a little from that statement, which meant Taeyeon was doing good so far!

"And because of your caring nature, you were rude and impolite." Taeyeon covered the moment those words came out. Taeyeon clasped her hands together and gave Tiffany an apologetic look.

"I'm sorry! I didn't-"

"OUT!!" Tiffany yelled. Oh yeah..she was not happy!

"But-but" Taeyeon tried to reason. Why is Tiffay making such a small problem so big?

"I'm using my caring nature to be rude right now so out!"

"FINE! I'm going! I'll just find other people to talk to!" Taeyeon countered and stomped out.

After 20 minutes, Taeyeon didn't return. Tiffany let out an angry and frustrated shriek. She then took some deep breaths before calling Taeyeon. But Taeyeon didn't pick up.

"Argh!" Tiffany yelled out and stomped out to find Taeyeon. "She's going to get it!" Tiffany promised as she clenched her fists.


Krystal and Amber were walking hands intertwined and giggling until they saw Taeyeon walking alone in the distance and kicking some rocks.

"Isn't that Taeyeon?" Krystal inquired as both of them stared at the woman in front of her. "She looks angry."

"What? No! She's not mad!" Amber confidently stated with smile. "Why would she-"

"HEY!" Amber shut up when she heard Taeyeon's voice. Apparently, Taeyeon was speaking to Amber and Krystal. Taeyeon quickly walked over to them and stared at them.

"Um...may we help you?" Amber asked, a little hesitant. 

"Told you she was mad." Krystal whispered to Amber but quickly returned to her original spot when Taeyeon glanced at her. Krystal may have gotten more comfortable with Taeyeon but she still finds her intimidating at times.

"I'm going home first." Taeyeon said dejectedly and looked to the ground. Krystal widened her eyes.

"What's wrong Taeyeon?" Krystal inquired, concerned. 

"I got in to a fight." 

"WHAT?!" Amber answered before Krystal could say anything. "How can you fight in a hospital? That's just messed up." Amber reprimanded with a disappointed shake of her head. "Bad girl Taeyeon."

"OW!" Amber rubbed her arm and looked at Krystal with a hurt expression. "What was that for?"

"For assuming. Now Taeyeon. What did Tiffany do?"

"Tiffany?" Amber looked at Taeyeon again and when she did, Taeyeon just gave her the 'you're such an idiot' look. Amber let out a sheepish smile. 

"Sorry. Hehehe."

"What was the couple spat about?" Krystal joked but was geniunely concerned. Taeyeon looked really bothered.

"Well. Tiffany was-"

"KRYSTAL!" All three looked toward the direction of the voice and saw SooSica heading toward them with bright smiles. Jessica was waving at them with a smile while Sooyoung just smiled.

"It's a beautiful day today huh?" Jessica excitedly asked and looked at Sooyoung. "Right Sooyoungie?"

"It's because I have a beautiful girlfriend." Sooyoung answered, which made Jessica blush.

"No!" Amber challenged, making everyone look at her weirdly. "It's because I have a priceless 'Krystal' here with me." Amber then wrapped an arm around Krystal's waist. "Right princess?"

"Whatever cheesy Liu." Krystal tried to sound serious but Amber saw the blush on Krystal's cheeks. 

"Hello!!! I have a problem here!" Taeyeon yelled. She was between the two loving couples and hated the fact that she was the only one without a partner. 

"Oh sorry midget. Forgot about you." Jessica teased, only to receive a glare from Taeyeon.

Jessica laughed. "Sorry. Sorry. So what's the problem?"


"She got into a fight with Tiffany." Krystal interrupted. 

"Yeah. Tiffany was-"

"So that's why you are PMSing huh?" Sooyoung questioned with a smirk.

Taeyeon clenched her fists. "Yes and no. But anyhow she-"

"Where is Tiffany?" Amber interrupted Taeyeon again.

"ARGH!!" Taeyeon let out a frustrated growl. She then looked at SooSica then at KryBer with angrily. "I'm leaving!"

However, just when Taeyeon turned around, she bumped into a woman.

"Omo!" The woman gasped as she was saved by Taeyeon from falling down to the ground. "Thank you." The woman thanked with a smile.

Taeyeon quickly let go of the woman and moved back. "You're welcome. Sorry. I wasn't paying attention."

The woman let out a laugh. "Actually, it was me who wasn't paying attention. So I should apologize." The woman bowed, catching Taeyeon by surprise. "You're cute."

"Um...well. Ok then." Taeyeon rubbed the back of her neck and looked began to feel uncomfortable when the woman kept staring at her. Meanwhile, SooSica and KryBer were standing by, quite amused.

"Taeyeon is stiff." Krystal commented upon seeing Taeyeon's awkwardness.

"Well, that's because she doesn't socialize a lot." Sooyoung answered.

"I think that girl is trying to flirt with Taeyeon." Jessica said with a smirk. "And Taeyeon has no clue."

Amber let out a giggle. "You'll be surprised."

Krystal gasped. "Oh my god. That woman is trying to find ways to touch Taeyeon! Just look at how she's trying to see if Taeyeon is okay." Krystal said with a scoff. "Taeyeon didn't even touch the ground woman!" Krystal exclaimed. While Taeyeon seemed to be getting annoyed by the woman's attempts to woo her.

"Please. Let me take you out for coffee for my clumsiness." The woman offered with a wink.

As KryBer and Jessica continued to talk amonst themselves, Sooyoung saw a familiar woman in the distance. Sooyoung squinted her eyes and used her hand as a shade.

"Hey Sica. That woman looks really familiar."

Jessica followed Sooyoung's finger and squinted too. "That looks Let me double check." Jessica took out her phone and dialed a number.

"Jessica!" a husky voice answered.

"Tiffany? Is that you in the distance?"

"What? Where are you?" 

"Turn to your right." When Tiffany followed the directions, Jessica waved her hands to get her attention.

"Ah! That is you. Come here!" Jessica stated with a gesture of her hand.

"Okay. Is that Taeyeon with you guys?" Tiffany asked as she walked to Kryber and Soosica.

Jessica looked at Taeyeon who was still being hit on by that random woman. "Yes. She is. Better hurry." Jessica said with a smirk.

"Why?" Tiffany was confused. Krystal took the phone from Jessica to speak.

"Because someone is trying to snatch your GIRLFRIEND!!" Krystal screamed.

"BWOHL!!!"  And that was all that was heard before Tiffany hung up.


"Wow. She's a fast runner." Sooyoung commented when she saw Tiffany's red hair and figure getting closer and closer.

"Who?" Amber asked. Amber had tried to help Taeyeon reject the woman but to no avail. That woman tried to flirt with Amber too!

"Tiffany. But how come you're not helping your sister?" Krystal asked. "She can't

"That woman is a womanizer. She tried to flirt with me too." Amber said with a disgusted face. "She might have big s and good figure but I have no-"

"AMBER LIU!!!" Krystal shouted at the top of her lungs upon hearing Amber's confession and comment. She was not happy.

Amber looked at Krystal innocently. "What? I was just being objective here."

"I'll deal with you later." Krystal warned. 

"But I didn't do anything wrong!" Amber defended herself. But Krystal just ignored her. "Yah!" Amber tugged on Krystal's shirt only to have Krystal ignore her.

"TAEYEON!!" A voice bellowed, making everyone turned thier attention to a fuming redhead.

"Tiffany?" Taeyeon mumbled looking at Tiffany in bemusement. "Now what?" Taeyoen flung her hands into the air. Meanwhile, Tiffany was walking toward Taeyeon and the woman with heavy steps. When Tiffany stopped, she glared at teh woman while the woman gave her a dirty look.

"May I help you?" the woman rudely asked Tiffany. She then looked at Tiffany from top to bottom. "Looks like you need serious help." She said with smirk.

Tiffany just clenched her fists and took deep breaths, ignoring the woman. Taeyeon was priority. "Tae.tae."  Tiffany enunciated each syllable of her girlfriend's name. "What do you think you are doing?"

"So your name is Tae-tae?" The woman was in bliss when she finally knew Taeyeon's name. " A weird name but I'll manage." Taeyeon just ignored her.

"Tiffany. It's not what you think it is." Taeyeon reasoned. But Tiffany was still so fixated on the woman who was practically her lips and eye Taeyeon.

Fortunately, Kryber and Soosica came to the rescue. 

"Sorry but my sister has a girlfriend." Sooyoung said with a blank face. "So you should just leave her alone." And just when the woman was going to do something seductive to her, Sooyoung just held up her palm. "And don't even try anything with me. I have a beautiful and 'all real' girlfriend." Sooyoung stated with smile and kissed Jessica's cheeks. Jessica smiled widely but then glared at the woman.

The woman let out a laugh. "Well. I just wanted your sister to know that since her girlfriend there didn't want to talk to her-" The woman pointed at Tiffany. "-I would gladly be her company." The woman said with a smirk.

Tiffany widened her eyes and felt like steam was coming out from her body. 

"Yah! Are you going to let her do this?" Amber looked at the girl in disgust and hatred. But the woman just winked at Amber and gave her a air kiss. "Yuck!" 

Krystal went berserk. " YOU *&*^%#$!!!" But was held back by Jessica. It was a good thing that they were the only ones there. More patients were returning to their rooms.

"Let's just go." Taeyeon grimly commented with no emotion and turned around to leave. But the woman suddenly took a hold of Taeyeon's wrist....

"Bad move." Tiffany said with a smirk and shake of her head. "My girlfriend does not like that." Tiffany eyed the woman's hand that was holding on to Taeyeon's wrist.

"Whatever ." The woman glared at Tiffany and then smiled and began pleading to Taeyeon.

"Please Tae-tae. Let's go for a drink and-" The woman suddenly fell to the ground unconscious.

" Wow...good one Taeyeon." Amber complimented with pat to Taeyeon's shoulder. "That chick is a psycho in disguise." Amber said as she used a finger to draw air circles on the side of her head. "Coo-coo." Amber mumbled, earning a chuckle from everyone except for Taeyeon.

"Only Fany is allowed to call me Tae-tae." Taeyeon mumbled, making Tiffany estatic and special. "But this woman should be awake in another 15 minutes." 

"You know vital points too?" Krystal asked, quite impressed.

"We learned it from our father." Sooyoung answered. "Only to be used in desperate times."

"And this was definitely one of them. That woman approached Taeyeon on purpose and tried to flirt with all of you!" Jessica rolled up her sleeves when she said that. "Let me permanently damage her nose so she'll need some more plastic surgery!!!"

"Oh no. Let's go back. I don't want to get in trouble by your parents and Donghae." Sooyoung said as she dragged a kicking and whining Jessica back.

"So that's why you were angry with me?" Amber asked Krystal. "Omo! You thought I liked that psycho there?!" Amber exclaimed and pointed to the woman on the ground. Amber shook just looking at her.

"Well..." Krystal tried to find a way to fix this situation.

"Hmph!!" Amber then walked away puffing and with her arms crossed. 

"Wait Amber! I'm sorry! Let me explain!!" Krystal ran after Amber, desperately trying to get Amber's forgiveness. Meanwhile, Amber would turn her head away to hide her laughter...So was she mad??? No. But Krystal doesn't know that. :P


Tiffany and Taeyeon were having a staring contest. "Anything you want to say to me?" 

"Nope." Taeyeon stepped over the woman and left Tiffany alone.

"Y-yah!" Tiffany ran after Taeyeon and walked next to her. "You really have nothing to say." 

Taeyeon shook her head. 

Tiffany knew something was wrong. "Taeyeon."


But Taeyeon just ignored her and kept walking.



"Why are you ignoring me?" 

Taeyeon just shrugged. 


"FINE!" Tiffany then quickly walked ahead, hurt at the fact that Taeyeon was really not talking to her. However, she only went a short distance when she felt like no one was behind her. Tiffany quickly turned around only to see Taeyeon rubbing on her wrist.

"What are you doing?" Tiffany asked when she came back to Taeyeon's side. Taeyeon glanced at her and straightend herself.

"Touch this." Taeyeon held out her wrist. Tiffany looked at her in confusion.


Taeyeon smiled at Tiffany. "Hurry up and hold my wrist."

Tiffany complied and held Taeyeon's wrist. "What is wrong with you?" Tiffany raised an eyebrow.

Instead of answering, Taeyeon gently lifted Tiffany's hand and interwined it with hers. 


"Just wanted to do some cleansing." Taeyeon answered with a weak smile.


"Of course!" Taeyeon exclaimed with a wide smile. "I needed Tiffany Hwang's touch to purify my wrist." Tiffany let out a giggle.

"Really? Did it work?" Tiffany asked with a teasing smile.

Taeyeon nodded her head and walked while swaying their interlocked hands. "Yep. It's the only method I allow." Taeyeon said with a wink.

After awhile, Tiffany knew that she had to say something. 



"I'm sor-"

"Shh!" Taeyeon shushed Tiffany.


Taeyeon quickly pecked Tiffany's lips. "No need to say that word. Okay?"


"No buts!" Taeyeon then brought their intertwined hands up between them. "I'm sorry."

Tiffany gave Taeyeon one of her eye-smiles. "I'm lucky to have you."

Taeyeon looked into Tiffany's eyes and shook her head. "No. You are mistaken."

"What?" Tiffany answered, a little confused. "Are you still mad at me or something? Because if you are, its not all my fault okay? You are at fault too and I just-"

"Shh!" Taeyeon brought a finger to Tiffany's lips, making the latter stop talking right away. Once Taeyeon got Tiffany's attention, she closed the gap between them with a huh.

"Tae-tae." That was all Tiffany could say. She didn't know why Taeyeon was suddenly acting a little strange. But nonetheless, she put her hands around Taeyeon's waist too. "Did I do or say something wrong?"

Taeyeon shook her head and nuzzled her face deeper into Tiffany's locks of hair. "You smell nice."

"..." Tiffany blushed a bit at Taeyeon's compliment.

"I missed you." Taeyeon confessed with a smile, her head still nuzzled next to Tiffany's.

Tiffany let out a chuckle and loosed the hug a bit so she can see Taeyeon's serene face. "I'm still here Tae-tae. We weren't apart for that long."

Taeyeon gave a smile as a response and just brought Tiffany's head to her chest as she hugged the brunette again. Tiffany didn't complain, she loved the feeling of being in Taeyeon's arms...and the sound of her heart...she loved hearing that too.

"Luck is something that so many people want, and yet, not everyone has that luxury. Fortunately, I have that luxury so when my luck is out of my sight and mind for even the smallest amount of time and distance, I get lonely."

"Lonely?" Tiffany repeated.

Taeyeon nodded. "So lonely that begin to miss its presence. Do you understand Tiffany?"

Tiffany smiled. Even though Taeyeon spoke in metaphors, Tiffany knew exactly what Taeyeon was saying. But, Tiffany being Tiffany, always loved to hear it from Taeyeon herself. "I do but I would like it if you told me yourself."

"I'm the lucky to one have you. You are my luck. And I have grown to miss you a lot."

Taeyeon stared off into the distance after saying those words but Tiffany's sudden movements stirred her thoughts. Tiffany loosened herself a bit from the hug. She gave Taeyeon a warm eye-smile and kissed Taeyeon's lips before speaking again.

"That makes two of us." 



"Have I ever told you how lucky I am to be your girlfriend?"  Sooyoung asked as they sat outside of Hana's room. Jessica insisted on visiting Hana, even though Sooyoung refused to let her. But of course, Jessica began using her aegyo and Sooyoung gave in.

Now both were sitting next to each other, with Jessica's head laying comfortably on Sooyoung's shoulder.

"Why would you feel lucky?" Jessica asked, quite curious. "Luck should be used for things like money or getting your dream job."

Sooyoung giggled and held Jessica's hand that was resting on her lap. "Well Ms. Jung-"

Jessica glared at Sooyoung. "I told you not to call me that."

"Chill and let me finish." Sooyoung squeezed Jessica's hand softly. "Ms.Jung is the woman that many envy and wished they can be. So maybe for them, that will be luck. But Jessica Jung-" Sooyoung looked into Jessica's eyes. "-Jessica Jung is the woman that I was lucky enough to meet and be with. Feels much better than winning the lottery or getting any job."

Jessica was so touched and happy that she immediately hugged Sooyoung and rested her head on Sooyoung's chest. "If you keep saying those things to me, I might just fall in love with you."

Sooyoung chuckled and responded to the hug. "Then that will be my dream come true. Although I know you're feeling that way already."

Jessica smiled and snuggled closer. "Then that'll be luck?"

"No." Sooyoung answered firmly. "That'll be fate."



"You shoud be happy you have such a forgiving girlfriend like me." Amber teased the pouting Krystal, who was refusing to talk to Amber after she found out Amber was joking about being angry.

"I embarrassed myself." Krystal whined. "Why do you make a Jung apologize to you?"

Amber laughed. "Now you're using status against me? You are amazing."

"Amber!" Krystal yelled. She didn't want to be misunderstood. She knew what happened with Sooyoung and Jessica with the 'status' thing.

"You are right. You are a Jung." Krystal was going to protest but Amber raised her hand to stop her. "But! both of us are human so we should treat each other like humans. So if any of us do something wrong, then we must know how to apologize."

Krystal rolled her eyes. "Human? You're my girlfriend."

Amber snapped her fingers. "Exactly! Which is why you should always remember that when you hit me it hurts." Amber frowned. "Oh the agony!!" Amber dramatically exclaimed, making Krystal smile.

"Okay. I get it. Now can we just hold hands again and go back?" Krystal held out her hand to Amber.

Amber raised an eyebrow. "Depends."

"On what?" 

Amber cleared before speaking. "Depends if you know just how lucky I am to have met you. I'm grateful."

"What? What kind of question is that?" Krystal was amused at Amber's comment.

"It was a statement." Amber answered with a smile. "So do you?"

"No. But I do know how lucky I am to have met you." Krystal replied with a wide smile. "So lucky that I wouldn't want to trade it for any Gucci or fancy island vacations." 

"Wow...I can feel the love." Amber pouted with her arms crossed.

Krystal walked over to Amber and wrapped her arms around Amber's waist. Krystal then looked up at Amber.

"I'm serious Am. Every time I'm with you or away from you, I always feel like the luckiest woman." Krystal stated with bliss. She then pecked Amber's lips. 

Amber smiled back and brought Krystal's face to her chest as her hands protectively entrapped Krystal in the hug. "Listen." Amber commanded as Krystal laid her face against Amber's chest.

*Thump Thump*

Krystal smiled upon hearing the steady beats of Amber's heart.

"You hear that? That's my answer to you."

Krystal nodded her head.

"My heart will be with you no matter where you are so even if you don't feel lucky at times, at least you feel loved. That's all that I can give you Krystal."

Krystal smiled against Amber's chest. "And that's all I need Amber."


OMG!!! Mushy to the max!!! lol...okay so super long update since I was on a short hiatus. Hope you guys enjoyed. made up for the past drama and actions with this chapter. Don't forget to leave me a comment to know all of readers are still out there supporting me. :D 


Until the next time! -Anightangel







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Chapter 5: Here she comes 😂
mochick #2
Chapter 110: Pls give us epilogue Author-nim
Gingrue #3
Chapter 110: This was honestly one of the best stories I’ve ever read. I remembered 3 or 4years ago when I started reading this I ended up not sleeping until morning😂 it was sooooooo good!! Thank you so much for this story author-nim!! Looking forward to more of your stories in the future~
patbing-soo #4
Chapter 110: thank you so much for this awesome atory author-nim. Hoping to read more of your stories in the future!
amhar03 #5
Chapter 110: I'm so used to got a plot twist in this story that unconsciously prepared for another plot twist but got bummed but also happy that this story finally come to an end. You are jjangg author nim for keeping up with your promise to finish this story even if it took years.. I'm still hoping for new story for this couples from you
Chapter 110: Literally crying rn... Cant believe its already completed ..huhuhu ..thank You so much ... Hoping to read new stories from you ... Hope its still my fav OTP since 4eva.. Soosica kryber taeny :')) stay safe authorsshi !!!!
Gorjezzchoi #7
Chapter 110: Thank you so so much for this awesome story ever author ❤️
Chapter 110: 🙆👏💙💙💙
Gorjezzchoi #9
Omg time flies so fast,,my first fanfic ever !
Miss this story a lot
I wish u doing well author ssi
salsarella #10
Chapter 109: Hi authornim. I hope you're doing well. Just wanna say i missed you. That's all. Stay well and stay safe authornim.