Scandal Secret



A stunt actress in a relationship with an actor... That possibly couldn't happen? That's what Song Mina thought. But ssh. It's a secret. When Song Mina, a stunt actress looking for jobs and experience bumps into famous actor, Choi Junghan (Lee Seunggi) after an unfortunate incident, the two continue to meet. But what will happen to them? But neither of them know they have know each other for longer. Actually for 20 years, the two met when Mina came to Junghan's family as a foster child and stayed with them until she got adopted by another family. They played together and both of them wanted to become actors. They promised each other they would find each other when they were 30 years old and if they were not actors, they would help each other to become famous actors. As Junghan and Mina begin to reach the age of 30, will they find out who each other are and, remember and keep their promise?


Scandal – ‘Gossip about the private lives of other people; an event which may be damaging to one’s reputation.’

Secret – ‘not known or seen or not meant to be known or seen by others.’



Author's Note:

So! The awkward author's note... Well! We are finally here. The new and improved version of Scandal Secret! The last Scandal Secret kind of came to a dead end. I got writer's block and I felt like the story was going no where. Therefore, I have started from scratch whilst using the old storyline as a base for this new version. I have also added more characters so hopefully this story will not end in a dead end and I will manage to complete it! Woo! I promise this time I will complete it and I will not let you down! Anyway, onto this story! Scandal Secret will be released every week, two times a week, unless I am busy but it will definitely be released at least once a week! I have given the actors all characters with character names as they have their own personalities which may not be similar to their actual real actor personalities. I hope everyone enjoys the story and comments, because I absolutely love to read all your comments! So! That's it for my awkward author's note.

Scandal Secret - The FINALE of Scandal Secret is now OUT my lovelies! [08/11]


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2034 streak #1
Chapter 20: Hey there, can't believe the story has finally come to an end. I definitely need more! XD also, I still wonder why Hye Sun went around ruining Junghan's relationship. I mean looked like she has a boyfriend of her own. Anyway, I can't wait to read some of your future endeavours ^^
2034 streak #2
Chapter 19: I still can't believe that they both broke up with just one more chapter left in the story. Although, it's sad and frustrating that this has happened, I still can't wait to read the final chapter and find out how things will turn out in the end. But will be back later to do so ^^
2034 streak #3
Chapter 18: Ah okay, so my initial theory was right? That was expected I guess... Anyway, I'm surprised how Junghan's mother recognised her immediately. Now I wonder what's up with Hye Sun. Can't wait to read more. But will be back later to do so ^^
2034 streak #4
Chapter 17: Now I'm having multiple theories on who the girl from his childhood is. Anyway, now that the filming has ended, I wonder how Hye Sun would get at these two. Will be back later to read more and find out with any of my theories are right XD
2034 streak #5
Chapter 16: For a moment I wondered if her harness was tampered with and thank goodness, it was not. Also I still hope Min is not a bad guy. He seems kinda nice so far. Anyway, can't wait to read more. Will be back later to do so ^^
2034 streak #6
Chapter 15: So the manager knew that the two were seeing each other? That ! Anyway, wonder why Min was acting so strange then. And can't wait to see how these two will get over this. Will be back later to read more ^^
2034 streak #7
Chapter 14: So it was a premonition indeed? And I still don't trust Min for some reason. Wonder how the two are gonna manage things now that it has come to this. Anyway, will be back later to read more ^^
2034 streak #8
Chapter 13: Still wondering about the mystery figure! Is it Lee Min? I mean the guy seems suspicious but so does Hye Sun. And don't tell me, that ending is a premonition for something ominous. Anyway, can't wait to read more. Will be back later to do so ^^
2034 streak #9
Chapter 12: Hmmm... Wonder who the mystery figure is. Also what happened to Jaewon who had come to look around the set? Has he left already? And I'm curious as to why Junghan has a van as his own car. Anyway, I will be back later to read more ^^
2034 streak #10
Chapter 11: Just when I was feeling giddy for those two, she ends up saying that at the end. Is it a like premonition predicting the impending doom or something? No, nevermind. I'll read more later and figure out myself XD