C H A P T E R 001 // A New Home

A Place Called Home

“Ahh, what a great place…It’s so huge!!” Phuong said as she walked into the house with her friends behind.
“Yeah…I can’ t believe we made our parents let us stay together..” TrinhTrinh said amazed as she walked in.
“Too bad, I have to stay with Sang….” Luom said playfully.
“Hey!” Sang said tackling Luom on the couch.
“Hey guys, don’t mess anything up…” Phuong said as she looked around and noticed Trieu and Tai gone.  “Hey, where is Tai and Trieu?”
“Oh, they ran upstairs.” Mylinh replied as she settled down onto a couch.
Everyone settled down their bags into their rooms.  Sang and Luom shared one room, Tai and Trieu shared one room, TrinhTrinh and Mylinh shared one room, and Phuong had her own room. (Muahahah! XD)

“I’m taking the top bunk!” Sang yelled in his room.
“Nah uh! I’m taking it! The oldest gets it!” Luom argued.
“Wanna fight?” Sang replied showing a fist.
“YAH! Stop arguing and come downstairs!” Phuong yelled as she walked downstairs.
“So, what do we do now?” Mylinh and Trinhtrinh asked in unison.
“I don’t care…Do whatever.” Phuong said as she the tv.
“Is there a pool?” Trieu asked curious.
“Yea, cause I wanna go swimming! YEAH!!!” Tai said.
“Ahah, no. But there is a trampoline…” Phuong said as she looked for a good channel.
“Well, okay, I’m going to go play! Who wanna come?” Sang asked as he looked around. But everyone already ran in the backyard.

‘Hey, let’s do 1,2, 3!” Trinhtrinh said.
“Sheesh Sang, you’re the one taking up the space!” Mylinh said rolling her eyes.
“Shut up Mylinh!”
“No, you shut up Sang!”
“Hey, hey, stop!” Luom said as he put his hands between them.
“C’mon Tai, let’s go play ninja!” Trieu suggested.
“YEAH! Let’s go!” Tai said as they both ran off.

A few hours later….

“Guys, come inside! I made dinner!! Haha, just kidding, but I made mac n’ cheese.” Phuong said impressed with her cooking.
“Mmm…Smells good!” Tai said as everyone gathered around the table.
“Heh, of course Tai would say that!” Sang said.
“Hey sang! Stop being mean! Or I’ll kick you out of the house.!” Phuong screamed as she scooped mac n’ cheese on to the plates.
“Mmm! It’s good!  Good job, Phuong!” Mylinh said showing a thumbs up.
“Yeah, it is!” Trinhtrinh also said drinking her coke.
After a few minutes, everyone finished eating.
“Wow, I’m stuffed.” Luom said opening his laptop.
“I’m tired…” Trinhtrinh said yawning.
“Yeah, me too…C’mon trinh, let’s go to sleep.” Mylinh said going upstairs.
“Night, everyone!” They both yelled.
“Ahh…moving into a new place is pretty boring.” Sang said as he slumped onto the couch.
“Yea…but we’ll get use to it.” Luom said.
“Okay, so everyone go upstairs. Luom, bring your laptop in your room.” Phuong ordered.
“What, why?” Sang said.
“Fine, do you wanna stay here with the ghosts?” Phuong said as she switched off the living room lights.  Suddenly, everyone ran upstairs frightened. Phuong smiled.

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
As I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this and now looking forward to reading this
Lovely story btw 💖
Visiting old fics!
Visiting old fics!
update soon!
seems interesting
You_ #7
i like this story! (:
fdjkaljgnfdaklgnj #9