Beautiful Stranger


"So, what's the beautiful stranger's name?"


Hey, I got the sudden inspiration to write this one-shot from something that happened to me before so I based this fic around that experience.

I thought that it suited WenRene so I decided to drop it by here. 

Enjoy :)


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Favebolous 14 streak #1
Chapter 1: It is short but very soft like a marshmellow
Chapter 1: Fluff fluff fluff
-WenRene15- #3
Chapter 1: Aww can't stop smiling...
Chapter 1: sweet Seungwanieee... thank ypu lollipop hahaha
Chapter 1: sweet Seungwanieee... thank ypu lollipop hahaha
iforgotmyusernam3 #6
Chapter 1: Smooth af
Favebolous 14 streak #7
Chapter 1: Short but sweet
Avocado #8
Chapter 1: Wendy being perfect, comforting Irene so perfectly and then that bouquet of lollipops ayyyy~ Irene being scared of the eye drops though lol
Himegami #9
Your stories are very interesting. I got addicted to them as soon as i read.
Chapter 1: omawgawd a bouquet of lollipop <3 that's too sweet :D