Chapter 11

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The front door once again burst opened aggressively, revealed two people who were having the same worry expression as each other. “Eun Ju! Are you okay?” Surprisingly, the one who supposed to say that didn’t say but let the other guy say instead. Woohyun sped fast to the girl on the couch, and to his surprise, she was conscious. Sunggyu on the other hand, just walked at the normal pace like he was walking on a flower path.

Eun Ju turned back while holding a warm cloth on her head, the other hand held Hoya’s. The move caught Sunggyu’s eyes, but he remained ignorance on both of them, he felt his heart twisted, but the emotion was locked up right at where it was from the beginning. “Where were you two?” Hoya was so angry at both of his hyungs, even though he wanted to give those two a kick in the , he chose to say and be with Eun Ju instead of making her sadder by the fight and probably gets worse.

Woohyun hesitated, he did and he didn’t try to hide it. For once he had wanted to spill out everything they were planning, but he just couldn’t, because of Sunggyu, because of Eun Ju and because of him as well. This time his head knew nothing to do, it was sticking in a big mess he produced by the feelings he wasn’t supposed to feel. “I and Woohyun went to lunch. Is that a problem?”

Sunggyu had finally said something, not in a very politely way, but at least he had a reason to cover up the plan. Hoya heard it, yet he didn’t buy it. Went out for lunch? Please, if these two went out for lunch with a nice intention then he would die immediately. He could read their expression all too well, lying, hiding, faking. All too easy to see.

“I’m okay oppa. I’m better now.” Eun Ju didn’t pay attention to either side. Maybe she did give Hoya some but not Woohyun and most definitely not Sunggyu. “I’ll go to my room for some rest.” The moment her body left the couch, a strong force crushed on her and she had no choice but to fall down again. The fall, of course, caused her body to react for her health. And this time, what happened last time happened again. Her system fought against the sickness, strongly yes. Just a moment later, she was fine again.

“Do you need me to take you up there?” This time Sunggyu was the one who said it. He cared for her but for his luck because she denied it. “No, I don’t need you to.” A glare was sent directly to him by her sharpened walnut brown eyes. No one had ever made him froze by just a look, she was the first one to have the honor. In that room, at that moment, the heat suddenly froze by her freezing gaze from a pair of warm eyes. Hoya and Woohyun moved their gazes to where she was looking at a minute ago and what they saw surprised them more than expected.

For the first time ever, they got to see their leader stood at one place, doing nothing like he couldn’t do anything else than just standing at one freaking place. And for the first time, they got to see their leader speechless in front of a girl who used to be controlled by him. From since did he become so different? So weak? So easy?


“Ahh~ I'm so pissed right now!” Taeyeon threw the handbag off of her shoulder to the sofa where a boy sat and nearly got hit by it. Her unexpected move made him jumped a little but he then quickly patted on the side of the couch for her to sit down. “What’s wrong? What makes you angry?”

“Him! Goddammit! He couldn’t be nice just for once. Eun Ju won’t come back, he should deal with the fact but no, he gotta have her.” The girl was pushed to her limit and nothing could please her mind or at least ease it. “Taeyeon noona, do you happy when you’re in there?” He sweetly placed his palm in her hands, filled in the gap. Her face returned to the usual

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