Love is Blind

Hearts on the Line
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Love is Blind

            Curiosity got the better of Ryeowook and he looked through his bookshelves.  He was certain he had one of Kyuhyun’s first books.  Sure enough, the second of his historical fantasy novels sat on the shelf.  Ryeowook flipped to the back and looked at the author’s picture.  He’d been dying to know what his crush looked like since that first phone call.  Ryeowook stared at the little black and white picture in the corner.  Clearly, he was a few years younger then, but he was rather attractive with black hair that brushed his shoulders, a beaming smile, pale skin, and big, dark eyes.  He was rather slim without a lot of muscle, Ryeowook preferred a little more, but he was still good looking, just as Sungmin had implied. 

            Ryeowook looked at the date printed on the book.  Five years ago.  Well, assuming he hadn’t gotten fat or lost all his hair in the meantime, he was sure to look decent enough.  He put the book back and went to his room to finally finish grading the papers he’d been trying to get done for days.  Two hours later, he was finally finished and headed to the kitchen to make himself some lunch.  That’s when he heard the door to the apartment click open. 

            Curious about this—since he assumed his brother was still sleeping and not that he’d gotten up early—he headed to the doorway of the kitchen and his eyes went wide at seeing a rather disheveled looking Heechul stroll into the apartment, still wearing his women’s clothes from the day before.

            Ryeowook’s jaw dropped.  “Are you just getting home now?”

            Heechul smiled at his brother, looking rather pleased with himself.  “I am.”

            “Where did you spend the night?” he asked.

            “In the arms of one of the most sought after men in all of Korea,” he said.  “Choi Siwon, of course.  I wouldn’t settle for less at this point.”

            “That was quick work!”

            “Getting a man in bed with you is simple, getting him to fall in love with you and want to spend forever with you is the complicated part.  I’m nowhere near done yet,” Heechul admitted.  “But I’ve got to hook him some way and no one’s as good in bed as I am, so that’s a good place to start.”

            “You know,” Ryeowook said, “you’re rather conceited.”

            “Any man I’ve been with would own up to it.”

            Ryeowook shook his head and went back into the kitchen. 

            “What are you making us for breakfast?”

            “Breakfast?  It’s lunch time!”

            “Fine.  For lunch,” Heechul conceded, following Ryeowook in and pouring himself a cup of coffee. 

            “I suppose whatever you’d like me to,” Ryeowook said with a long sigh.

            “Then we’re going shopping,” Heechul said. 

            “Why do I need to go?” Ryeowook asked.

            “Because you haven’t bought any new clothes in well over a year or more and none of them are in fashion.  And you’re going on a date in a couple weeks.  It’s time for you to start dressing better.  You aren’t turning any heads in those drab clothes you wear,” his brother informed him.

            Ryeowook looked down at his outfit, blue jeans and a white t-shirt. 

            “Then I’m going to raid your closet and throw away all that crap so you never wear it again.  Your brother is going to be marrying the biggest star in all of South Korea.  From now on, you’re going to dress with some style so I’m not embarrassed to have you in pictures with us,” Heechul told him.  “I’m doing this for your own good.  You want to get laid, don’t you?”

            “Why is everyone so damn worried about my life lately?” Ryeowook asked, offended.

            “Your buddies bring it up, too?”

            “Sungmin,” Ryeowook answered, crossing his arms in front of his chest.

            “Because you’re clearly not as worried about it as you ought to be yourself.  But don’t worry.  We love you—none of us want to see you wind up old and alone—so we’re going to help you out.  And I’ll bring you to all the best spots and even pay for it myself,” he offered.

            “Really?” Ryeowook questioned.

            “Certainly.  I’m going to have no financial worries at all once I’m with Siwon,” Heechul reasoned.

            “You seem awfully confident about this,” Ryeowook pointed out.

            “Well, we did it twice last night and once more this morning.  Unlike the fangirls out there that wish on falling stars, I think I’ve got a pretty fair chance,” Heechul shot back.

            Ryeowook nodded.  “It’s a deal.  If you buy the clothes and they’re boyish enough for me, then I’ll toss all my old crap.”

            Heechul smirked.  “We’re both going to have a good year this year.”

            The stack of shoe boxes was so high, Ryeowook could barely see over it as he walked back to the car with Heechul, who carried the bags.  This was their third trip.  Heechul had replaced everything of his and he refused to even let Ryeowook wear home the clothes he went shopping in and told the clerk just to throw them away or burn them. 

            Admittedly, Ryeowook felt more attractive in his new clothes.  People watched as they walked down the street together, although this could simply be because Heechul was so strange and had nothing to do with the fashionable brothers’ clothes, but he liked to believe the clothes made the difference.  As they walked past shops, Heechul was stopped by an acquaintance and started talking.  Ryeowook wasn’t about to stand around with four boxes of shoes in his arms and continued to the car, which was another block down still.  He just had to cross one more street and head down half a block and he could deposit them into the trunk, assuming there was still room.

            When he reached the street, he glanced over the boxes, but he couldn’t see well.  Someone ahead of him ran across the street and he figured it was safe to walk, so he began to step off the curb when his arm was grasped tightly and he was firmly pulled back from the edge of the street.  Just then, a bus zoomed past his face and Ryeowook jumped in fright, realizing he nearly walked out in front of it.

            “Careful,” warned a deep, soothing voice. 

            Ryeowook looked over his shoulder at a tall man, about his own age, who finally released his arm.  He was standing next to a much shorter woman, about Ryeowook’s own height, although she was in heels, with long black hair.  They were both dressed in suits, probably leaving a business meeting or lunch, he figured.  Both of them were rather attractive, but the man was exactly Ryeowook’s type.  His hair was dyed brown and cut short.  Although it looked a little windblown, he found it actually enhanced his look more than if he'd st

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simjang #1
Chapter 14: So I ended up rereading this again, and I'm still so curious to know how it's gonna play out with Ryeowook's family, with Heechul and Gunhee, and of course when they will finally be able to do the deed. The thought that they've been thwarted one too many times is still hilarious to me, and must have been so so so frustrating for them. Haha!
simjang #2
Chapter 14: So I ended up rereading this again, and I'm still so curious to know how it's gonna play out with Ryeowook's family, with Heechul and Gunhee, and of course when they will finally be able to do the deed. The thought that they've been thwarted one too many times is still hilarious to me, and must have been so so so frustrating for them. Haha!
simjang #3
Chapter 14: So I ended up rereading this again, and I'm still so curious to know how it's gonna play out with Ryeowook's family, with Heechul and Gunhee, and of course when they will finally be able to do the deed. The thought that they've been thwarted one too many times is still hilarious to me, and must have been so so so frustrating for them. Haha!
Chapter 14: Mother's instincts are always best. I do think she knows about them. I fully expecting to learn about Heechul and Gunhee. Gunhee's love guru side is really warming than any other heechul partner's in other stories. He is highly kind and loving and respectful person. Hope to see your updates soon. All the best for you and thanks again for another amazing story like this.
Chapter 14: One of my fave moments so far were the times that Kyu and Wook kept meeting without them knowing who the other truly was. I don't know it just felt somewhat exciting LOL Of course the best moment was when they finally met.
I hope this can be updated since it's really good but it's up to you of course. ;)
Chapter 14: Wookies's mother does know. Lol Mothers generally tend to know just about everything, especially when it comes to their children's taste in either men or women. XD
Chapter 14: update please ):
Chapter 14: This story is so goooood. I can't help but keep rereading it. I have read almost all of your stories and I like them all. :D Keep up the good work!!! Can't wait to see if you decide to finish this story or not. I hope you do decide to finish this story though. It's that damn good.
Chapter 14: I think wook mum knows too!! Kyu you do have excellent taste! :'D My god kyu's "... you might be the one" ASDHFJGF so sweet they give me cavities! xD Anyway.. when will they ever get to sleep together! lol poor things keep getting interrupted! But it's cool! Kyu is so sweet and kind and charming and kind! OMG!<333