Skein of Yarn



So, it finally happened. The day arrived at last. After watching two episodes of the black comedy, "Heard it Through the Grapevine," these two made me realize something... that in my heart... I still had room for two more. And "Skein of Yarn" came to be... with Go Ahsung and Lee Changsun as the new duo along with Wang Xinling and Kim Jaejoong as Mother and Father.


"Did I do well, mother?" Ahsung asks the stagnant air while she finishes up dissolving the body in a barrel of acid.

You did well, baby girl. You did well.



"Did I do better, father?" Changsun asks the running water as he continues sawing up the body in the bath tub.

You did better, son. You did better.



Wang Ahsung and Kim Changsun. They are their Mother and Father's champions... in a game neither one will win.





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Chapter 9: I wonder why they're killing this particular girl. Was she crying all alone and they just happened to decide to kill her? Or did they plan her death for a long time already? Or, like she was thinking, did she ask something she shouldn't have from Ahsung? Or did she eavesdrop on Ahsung's conversation with Changsun? Then, Ahsung tried to kill her but she struggled and was able to escape temporarily?
Why this girl? Are they just killing time to await the death of the one guy they want to see rise up at the highest level and fall down from his position into a satisfying, crunchy death? Or is this girl related to that guy?
So many questions... I will understand...hopefully. Thank you for the wonderful update! I look forward to more. :-)
Chapter 7: It seems that I may never be able to correctly guess the next set of events since you always take me by surprise. But, never fear, for that is actually a good thing. :-) (LOL I sound like some anime superhero...)
I suspected that his "father" wasn't really his father. I'm sure most parents would treat their child right and raise him/her well in a loving and caring environment. Some, would let their child be at home alone or with a few servants so they could work in their offices. And those with addictions—like murder, drugs and others—or mental illnesses, would either care for them well (because their addictions/illnesses are hidden from their families, but the effects sometimes show and they give an excuse for that) or raise them in a violent, and often upsetting, environment. And some, would just abandon them or raise them up for adoption because of certain circumstances. I guess what led me to think that his parent wasn't really his blood relative was how he was raised. Then again, I'd hate to say this, but there ARE parents like that.
Chapter 3: One word: AWESOME. I just love the way you write. *sings I Love The Way You Write (Lie)*
It's so simple, so short and yet, it still emphasizes on things.
I must say, dark stuff is really your thing, but I'm not saying you're not good at comedy either. You're actually pretty all-rounded and I admire you. (Okay...weird me. Way to go for being strange and stuff, AGAIN. -_-)
The other has a very strict parent and the other has one on the brink of death. Which one is worse? I think both are equally bad lives to live. (My opinion only.)
I'm still curious, though. I wonder why she did and said all those things? Was she a trained fighter of some kind? And what about him? Was he trained to become the perfect little son? (Ugh. That's sick. I will never raise any of the kids I meet like that. That's just wrong.)
Good job so far! Keep it up! Thanks! ^o^
P.S. How did you put that glass thingie behind the text? How do you do that? I know it takes a fair amount of coding (and honestly, that's hard) but is it easy to do? Or do I have to learn more to do it?