EXO Showtime!

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What if EXO is a mixed group consists of EXO-F and EXO-H?


“Kim Junhee, come here.”

Junhee stiffens when a staff calls her. She is having her Chinese lesson when a staff suddenly comes to the classroom.

Baekhee sends the older girl curious glance, what happened, she mouthed. But Junhee just shrugs off. She is far too worried to think about the reason. What is more important now is she is being called by a staff.

As a senior trainee in SM Entertainment, she knows that being called by the staff could means good or bad. The best scenario is when they tell you that you are going to debut, the worst is when they tell you that you are not good enough to debut.

Junhee has experienced both of them of course. She has been training for 7 years under this management, she was told that she was going to debut 2 years ago but after preparing and going with severe diet, the staff told her that after f(x) they wouldn’t debut a girl group any time soon. And she swallowed the painful truth. And now, she wonders what else is in store for her.

She follows the staff wordlessly and he motions her to come to a meeting room, which she complies obediently.

“Oh, you are here. Come, sit.” Junhee’s eyes widens finding Lee Sooman, the CEO of SM Entertainment is present in the room. She has been with the company 7 years and it is the first time she meets face to face with the man himself. She gulps, somehow finds it hard to believe, what is the reason she is called by Lee Sooman?

“Sit down.” The staff who picks her up whispers rather harshly to her, making her sit down in the nearest chair that she can find.

“Since Junhee is here, let’s start the meeting.” Lee Sooman motions to someone, to dim the light in the meeting room and sets the powerpoint.

“After we debuted Super Junior M, we find out that China will be our new market for K-pop. China has a lot of potential that we haven’t touch and we plan to expand our market there.”

Junhee tries to follow his speech really, but she can’t help but wonder what is the relation between her and the company’s goal to expand market in China.

“... And we are the forefront in the industry so we think that we want to try something new.”

Something new?  Junhee frowns.

“So we decided to debut a mixed group consists of Chinese and Korean members. The group will be called EXO.”


Yifan listens to the speech intently. With his limited Korean, he is unable to understand few words but grasps the concept well enough.

Finally I will be debuted, he smiles to himself. After 4 years training, he is close to giving up and yet he is still going, pushing every negative thoughts that haunts him.

Being a foreign trainee in SM Entertainment is not easy. While being a trainee is not easy, being a foreigner on top of that makes everything harder. Homesick, foreign cultures and language, uncertainty of debuting, bullying, he has experienced everything. And now, it is maybe his chance to prove that he is able to reach his dream.

“... The group will be split into two. EXO-F and EXO-H. F means femme and H means homme. The group will be performing same song, with different lyrics tailored for each sub group. The sub groups will be performing simultaneously in China and in Korea. We will rotate the promotion period, if EXO-F is in Korea, then EXO-H will perfom in China and vice versa.”

Yifan squints his eyes when the sudden light attacks his peripheral vision.

“And both of you are chosen to be the leader of the respective group. Wu Yifan,” Lee Sooman addresses him, making him sits even straighter, “meet Kim Junhee, the leader of EXO-F.”

He follows Lee Sooman’s vision to a girl sitting near to the door. She is taken aback by the sudden announcement, shock clearly apparent in her face.

“Kim Junhee, meet Wu Yifan. He is the leader of EXO-H.”

Their gaze meet each other and Yifan’s breath hitches at the possibility of them working together.

How can you expect him to work professionally when his ideal type will be working together with him?


A/N: I made another ff, sorry not sorry lol! but I really love this mixed group concept (hopefully I don't ruin everything lol)
Please leave a comment, it means a lot <3333


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asari2 #1
Chapter 4: This story is sooo Cute!......... And you mentioned “YUNJAE” :3
Rubella122188 #2
Chapter 4: Plz update soon
anashawol #3
Are u gonna update.. I miss this ...
LoveKpopNathalie #4
Chapter 4: When are u gonna update?
TAT. . ... Please update.... Huhuhu
Missfaceless_exo #6
Chapter 4: I hope you will update author-nim
AngelFish8386 #7
Chapter 4: OMG so cute!!!! Please update soon!!!!
Berry-tan #8
Chapter 4: update update updateeeee!!! This is just tooooo CUTTTEEEE, author-nim <3
2448 streak #9
Chapter 4: oh! someone decided to update! GAHAHAHA

I AM CRYING!!! IDK if to laugh or to cry abt this OTP selection process! CUTE THO! HAHAHAHA just as when she gets dragged into the whole thing, she drags others with her! smart move Jun! HAHAHAHAHA
moonjanuary #10
Chapter 4: puahahaha junhee~ has to drag someone with her~ how cute >.<