I'm back!

In Heaven

5 years after Jessica left,she went back to go back to her friends…….


“Hi…..! I….. am back! Do...you guys miss…. me?”

Her members stared at her for seconds. “Who are you?Jessica?” Tiffany coldly said in a deep sound.

“Of course she is Jessica,if she’s not Jessica then who is she?” Hyoyeon said in a annoying sound.

“What happened to you guys?” Jessica said in a shocked voice. People stared at her like she is a stranger. “What could happen to us? I think is we who wants to ask you what happened to you?” Sunny said.        


Jessica was shocked, 4 years before she left, her members werent like this,they were kind and nice to people, they won’t even speak like this to her. “ Jessica, why did you come back to us again? I thought you hated us so you leave the 8 of us alone here. You shouldn't come back,you're the one who said you want to leave,your the one who said you don’t want to stay,you're the one who left us alone!” Taeyeon shouted at the last part “You’re the one who leave us alone.”Then she cried, her face filled with tears.

Jessica can’t believe what Taeyeon said,she was crying.Taeyeon never cried over situation like this. “Taeyeon…... why...why are you crying?”Jessica finally said in a painful way.

“Jessica stop! Right now leave all of us alone!Go!” Taeyeon said in a angry voice.


    Jessica didn’t say anything.She was shocked. Her tears are dropping down from her eye to her face then to her neck.She was crying,crying.She was not playing with her friends,she is really crying. “Jessica,can you leave right now? I..I feel pain when you are here.Bye bye,I don’t want to see you again.”Taeyeon weren’t joking,she want her to leave right now.


 Jessica didn't say anything at all.She just sadly left the room.She wasn't going to come back again,never coming back again.


     Jessica runned at fast as she could,her tears are falling down from her chin. “I knew it.Everyone wouldn't want me back.I shouldn't have left!” Jessica yelled, she kept thinking about what her members told her. She can’t control herself.She wanted to die right now!


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wingedkuriboh #1
Chapter 4: Hey there! :] Finally! Took me ages to find the link to this! Lol =D I was stoked when I learned that my fmv (yes, I was the one who made the video lol) has made its way to aff thanks to one of my viewers, so I decided to look for it lol. Just wanted to thank you for your interest in my fan-made vid. Really, I appreciate it! :] And I love what you did to the ending! I personally think mine was a bit... nope, scratch that—extremely lacking so I like your version's conclusion way way better! <3 Anyway, thanks for the credit and please continue supporting TaengSic! Fighting! :]
Leah2004_lovekpop #2
Chapter 4: It's so sad in the end!Poor Jessica and Taeyeon! :(
Leah2004_lovekpop #3
good afternoon,isabella! Great story!
Leah_imgonnamolestu #4
Chapter 3: Wish u update soon!
Leah_imgonnamolestu #5
Like the story :D