Taeyeon's POV

Goodbye, Hello

(1st year in University)

"You're not coming tonight? Wae?" Sooyoung had a surprised look on her face. 

"Does Fany knows about it?" Yuri asked as I nodded my head. "What reason did you gave her for not coming?"

"I told her that I didn't want to watch the kissing scene again." I pouted while Sooyoung and Yuri started to laugh.

The 3 of us were at the school cafetaria, hanging out together while our girlfriends had their own time together too. As in shopping at the mall.

"That is so childish, Taeng" Sooyoung chuckled while Yuri nodded her head while giving me a dorky smile. "You can't handle a kissing scene?"

"It's not about the kissing scene. It's about Fany kissing another guy." I tried to defend myself while the two of them kept giggling at me.

"Come on, Taeng. You should be proud of her and show your full support. It's not easy for a first year student to be given the chance to do the musical as the main star." Yuri said. "Not wanting to see the kissing scene is so childish. It's not even a direct kiss"

I bite my lips and looked down. "I'll think about it."

4hrs later, I was standing near the door of the theatre hall as I watched the musical. I didn't went with the girls, instead I purposely waited until the theatre door was almost closed before I sneaked in. None of the girls knew I had came since I told them that I was not feeling well. They left the dorm 30mins before me. At the moment, it was the scene that I dreaded the most. I decided to just focus somewhere else but the kissing sound effect could still be heard. When I was sure that it has ended, I looked back to the stage and was surprised to see Tiffany's eyes on me. She was still saying her lines but I noticed a little smile on her face.

The moment the curtain touched the stage for the curtain call, I quickly pushed the door aside and rushed out. I didn't want any of the girls to see me but I had a sudden urge to use the toilet so I stopped by the ladies which was near the theatre.

"Oh my god. I can't believe that it's so good. I regret for not watching it sooner. Today is the last performance by Tiffany."

I was about to push the cubicle door after I was done when I heard some girls mentioning Tiffany's name.

"There's two more performance left for the next two days but not by Tiffany. I have to admit, she's good for a first year student."

Another girl complimented as a smile formed on my face, feeling proud of my girlfriend. But that smile was soon erased when I heard the next comment.

"That kiss between Tiffany and Jungmo-Oppa was so hot. I wished they were really dating each other."

"But I heard Tiffany already had a girlfriend. A girl from the Music School."

"I bet Tiffany will look so much better and hotter with another guy than a girl. But whatever it is, it was a great performance. By the way, are you girls done yet? Let's go then."

I waited for another 10mins before I walked out from the cubicle after I didn't hear any more sound. Walking to the sink, I took a deep breathe and looked at myself in the mirror. Just at that moment, I felt a vibration in my pocket. Taking out my phone, I read the message sent by Tiffany.

To Taetae,

Thank you for coming. You don't know how much your presence meant to me. I love you, Taetae. See you later.


(2nd year in University)

"Hey, did any of you saw the magazine that had Fany's photoshoot cover on it?" Sooyoung was looking around the living room, searching high and low.

"I thought you left it on the table yesterday?" Yuri asked as Sooyoung nodded her head.

"It's not here anymore. Someone must have taken it." Sooyoung said as she and Yuri suddenly turned to face me with their accusing eyes.

"Wae?" I asked while maintaining my poker face. "I didn't see it. I thought it's been lying around on the table for the past 3 days. Why are you looking for it anyway?"

"It's for keepsake. I wonder where it had disappeared to." Sooyoung replied as I just shrugged my shoulders and continued eating my breakfast.

30mins later, Sooyoung had given up searching for the magazine while I was done with breakfast. After clearing my plates, I informed the girls that I'll be in my room to do some revision.

As I closed and locked my bedroom door, I walked to the pile of papers scattered on my study table. Right at the bottom of it, I pulled out the magazine that Sooyoung had been looking for earlier.

"I can't let Sooyoung see what I had done to this magazine." I said to myself as I looked at the cover where I had defaced the male model with additional drawings. "I should save Fany's photo though."

I took a scissors and carefully cut out only Tiffany's picture from the magazine. As I dumped the magazine to the sides, I smiled sadly at my girlfriend's picture.

"Fany-ah, have you been reading the school's discussion forum? A lot of students are talking about you and that model. They were saying about how compatible you both are. I know that you've already informed me earlier about your school project. I had even given you the approval to go ahead with the photoshoot. But why did you have to choose such a good-looking model to be your partner?" I sighed as I kept Tiffany's picture, in between my books before climbing up to my bed.

As I stared at the ceiling, I recalled on how I chanced upon the discussion forum by students from all different faculties. I was just scrolling down the topics until something caught my attention. A group of students had created a topic with the title 'The new Hot Couple in Campus: SiFany. Should they date each other?'. Below the topic was a photo of the wedding photoshoot from the magazine. Reading through the comments, I found out that the guy was a final student in the Sports School and a part-time model. I also found out that he has a girlfriend in school by the name of Liuwen who was also a final year student.

I should have just stopped scrolling when I found out that the guy was already attached but I continued reading the comments. Some of it was against the pairing but most of them were encouraging Tiffany and that Siwon to be together. I knew that all those comments meant nothing and were just for fun sake but it's a little upsetting to read.

Ever since Tiffany did well for her musical performance last year, she has been well-liked by her classmates and teachers. Knowing how energetic Tiffany was, I wasn't surprised when she was getting herself involved in a lot of projects. From designing clothes to directing videos, she was always involve in one way or another. I myself was also tied down with a lot of assignments since I started my dual degree. In a way, I guess it's good that both of us had been busy with our school assignments.

"But I really miss you a lot, Fany-ah."

Saying out loud my thoughts to the ceiling, made me felt even lonelier as I closed my eyes and sighed.


(3rd year in University)

"Taetae, no. That's not what it seems to be." Tiffany's husky voice echoed through the dorm as I fastened my steps to the main door. "Taetae, stop. Let's talk these over. Taetae!! Kim Taeyeon!!!"

As I slammed the door behind me, I started to run up the stairs until I reached the rooftop of our campus dorm. Walking to the edge of the roof, I tried to calm my breathing as I looked out to the view of the campus soccer field in front of me.

"Wae? Wae?!!! WAE???!!!" I shouted my lungs out as I felt the adrenaline rushing back into my system. "I trust you, Fany-ah. I really do. But I don't trust him. Even if he is just a friend to you. Why can't you just choose? Is it so difficult for you?"

I was having a conversation with myself as my hands gripped the handrails. I closed my eyes and tried to calm myself down. Clearing my clouded mind, I started to breathe normally. Feeling my knees weakening, I walked to a nearby bench and sat down. That was when it struck me of what I had done earlier. I palmed my face and felt the tears trickling down my cheeks.

"Pabo-yah, Kim Taeyeon. Did you really have to ask for a break-up? Why can't you talk things out slowly?" I started shaking my head as I realised the rash decision that I had made when I was angry. "I'm sorry, Fany-ah. I'm just feeling tired of everything right now. If only I didn't make that mistake of kissing that girl, I would have stopped you from being friends with that Nicky. But my hands are tied. What would you think about me if you found out about me cheating behind your back? It's not you who can't be trusted but me. I'm sorry, Fany-ah. Maybe this is the best for us."

I looked up to the sky and bite my lips as I felt my whole body shaking from trying to hold in all the pain I felt in my heart.

It's been almost 2 months since my break-up with Tiffany. I still remembered the day that I had an argument with Yuri and Sooyoung a week after the break-up. I didn't know why I reacted in an angry manner towards them but hearing them talking about Tiffany and teasing me, made me felt so guilty that I became totally defensive without realising. Ever since that argument, Sooyoung and Yuri had been quite careful when they talked about Tiffany around me especially after I had blurted out to them about my break-up. I knew that the two of them were trying to help me improved my mood by asking me to spend more time outside of my room but I won't budge. I also found out that Tiffany had distanced herself from the girls, by avoiding them and rejecting their offers to hang out together. I guessed she must have hated the possibility of bumping into me if she had followed them.

"Thanks, Sunny. Sorry for bothering you." I smiled at the short girl who was rubbing her eyes in front of me.

"Do you really have to do it at midnight?" Sunny pouted as I shyly nodded my head and apologised again.

As I turned the doorknob slowly, I noticed that the room was already dark except for some light coming from the table lamp. I placed the plastic bag that I had a brought along on the study table before I sat on the chair and turned to face the sleeping girl on the bed.

"Fany-ah, happy birthday." I whispered softly. "I hope you will like the present that I'm giving you."

It's been 3 months now since we both broke up. I took out a piece of paper from my pocket and stared at the first line on the paper. It was a copy of the letter of acceptance to Tokyo University for my music studies. If I decided to accept it, I would need to leave for Japan in a months time.

"Fany-ah, should I go?" I asked as I clunched the paper in my hand. "If I stayed here, you'll just continue to avoid all of our friends. I noticed how lonely you've been. I've been watching over you from a distance and it hurts me to see you like this."

I sighed as I stood up and walked slowly to the side of the bed. I smiled a little when I saw Tiffany sound asleep with her earphones on.

"Good night, my mushroom. I love you. I'll always will."

(Present Time)

After Sooyoung and Yuri had left my apartment, I sat at my balcony while looking out at the beautiful night scene. The past few weeks had been hectic for me. With the girls finally finding out the reason for my break-up, the secrets that I've been keeping for the past few years and lastly, the news about the girls meeting Tiffany after so long.

Appa Hwang had told me before about Tiffany working in Japan for a fashion company but he had forgotten the name of it. It seemed that old age was catching up on him as he tend to forget certain things. He's still in LA, having a caretaker employed by Tiffany to look after his daily needs. Once a while, Tiffany would return to pay him a visit and update him about her well-being.

I was lost in my own thoughts when my phone vibrated to indicate an incoming text in our group chat.

ShikshinSoo: Hey Taengoo, are you still angry at me and Yul?

KkabYul: We're sorry for not being sensitive to your feelings. We didn't mean to offend you in anyway.

ChodingHyo: What did the both of you do to my Unnie?!!!

I watched as my phone started to vibrate continuosly with Sooyoung and Yuri explaining what happened earlier through the group chat. About how I burst out in anger at the two of them who kept complaining about not having their partners by their side.

ChodingHyo: Yah, Soo-unnie and Yul-unnie. That's so insensitive of both of you.

DeerYoona: Oh my god. If I was Taeng-unnie, I'll be angry too.

MidgetTae: Everyone, calm down. I'm fine. Sorry for my outburst earlier, Soo and Yul. I got carried away.

ShikshinSoo: It was our fault, Taeng. You don't have to apologise.

KkabYul: That's right. We must have been pissing you off for the past few days with our complaints. Sica is going to kill me when she gets back.

DeerYoona: You better prepare something nice to pacify her, Yul-unnie.

ChodingHyo: Speaking of which, when will Sica-unnie and Sunny-unnie be back? I can't wait to hear about their meeting with Fany-unnie.

ShikshinSoo: They'll be back in 2 days time. Hopefully we have some good news. What do you think, Taeng?

MidgetTae: No comments. Honestly, I just hope that she's doing fine since she's all alone in Japan. Appa Hwang is worried about her too.

As the girls started to chat about other topics, I didn't really concentrate much with the discussion. Walking to my room and climbing up to my bed, I lied down while grabbing the only item that I took with me from my old bedroom when I moved out from my parent's house. It was the totoro plush toy.

"Fany-ah, will you be able to forgive me?"

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I just wanna say I love this story I reread this many times
Mihyun101 #2
Chapter 22: Tiffany just so yk if u dont want taeyeon i can have her
Mihyun101 #3
Chapter 8: This is making me frustrated?! Idek why
Chapter 25: I can’t believe I’ve never read this story, but I’m loving it.

Also…I sure hope the gang gets revenge on Nicky. 😈😈😈
cutiegurll #5
Chapter 45: i love it !!
Chapter 45: Love this <3
Chapter 17: Oh
Chapter 35: I really hate it when someone can't respect someone's decision.. well duh if you really love the person.. let her go .. no need to be harmful.. there's someone for you..
Chapter 17: Oh my goodness they're gonna see each other !!!

Hyoyeon here is like my sister when I'm borrowing something from her, a lot of question will be thrown at you before she agree or let you use it..
Chapter 45: Took me 5 years to meet with this remarkable story of yours! ♥️♥️♥️
My favourite are those cute pictures and videos that you put inside the story to help us with our imaginations~ That's EFFORTLY BEAUTIFUL MAN!!
Thank you so much! You are DAEBAK!! (☞ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)☞
Really love their story since Highschool and after the wedding, feels like I've been wt them altogether.
Will read on your other stories now, be healthy and happy always~