Chapter 7

Those Three Words

'Why did you leave?'

Jurin slowly walked towards the endless hallway that led to 'the room'. She saw Myungsoo, Sungjong and Sungyeol, all bundled into one, crying on each others' shoulders.

Involuntarily, the waterworks began to turn on for Jurin. *This can't be happening. It's just a bad dream. Gyugyu would never leave me. He promised to always be by myside.*

As she slowly approached the doors, she pushed them open slightly. She gathered all her courage and marched towards the lifeless dead body. She uncovered the white sheet so see a pale lifeless Sunggyu lying on the bed.

Tears rolled down her cheeks. She kept shaking and shaking Sunggyu's body. "Gyugyu! Please. Don't play this mean prank. Wake up! Wake up!!" She kept shaking until she got tired.

Eventually, she gave up and slid down to sit on the cold hard floor, crying. Sunggyu's arm fell out of place.

Out of instinct, she grabbed his cold hand and interwined them together. "Gyugyu. I can't believe you broke your promise. You promised you would never leave me."

A few months ago, Jurin and Sunggyu were having a date.

While strolling around the park, they saw an old couple sitting at a bench, still as loving as ever. Jurin giggled and looked at Sunggyu who was looking back at her, making her blush.

"Gyugyu, do you think we would be like that old couple?" She asked shyly.

"Of course! And in the cold harsh winters, I will make sure you won't get sick and stay warm and fuzzy with Gyugyu love." He smiled.

Jurin blushed and pushed him lightly. "Yah! Stop! You are so corny."

"You are so cute." Sunggyu pinched her cheeks.

Jurin pouted. They walked a bit more with hands interwined together.



"What if someday, one of us get into an accident or encounters a deadly disease that causes us to be separated?" Jurin looked at the ground in worry.

Sunggyu stopped walking and placed his hands on her shoulders.

"Yang Jurin! Don't say that. We will be together. I am not going anywhere. Even if something like that happens, we will be with each other until the end and support each other. Arasso?"

Jurin looked into Sunggyu's eyes and saw his true sincerity. "Promise?" She stuck out her pinky.

Sunggyu locked his pink with hers. She smiled with Sunggyu pulling her into a tight embrace.

*I will be with you until the end no matter what happens.* The two thought.


Jurin sobbed on the cold floor. "Gyugyu. I'm sorry. I broke my promise. I was not able to be with you until the end."

The door creaked open. Myungsoo placed his hand on Jurin's shoulder.


"Oh, Myungsoo." She got up and hugged him. Myungsoo awkwardly returned the hug and patted her back.

"It's my fault Gyugyu died."

"Noona, it's not. It was the driver." Myungsoo sniffled.

"No. I promised I would be with him until the end, but during the surgery, I did not come see Gyugyu. I f I came, he would probably have a stronger will to fight this. He would probably still be here." She cried heavier.

"Noona, it's not your fault." Myungsoo comforted Jurin.

*He's right. It's all Nam Woohyun. It's him. If it wasn't for him, I would still be able to see Gyugyu.*


Moments later, the two came out of the room with Sungyeol and Sungjong finished talking to the doctor.

Myungsoo and Jurin approached the two Sung brothers.

"Noona, I think you might want this." Sungyeol handed Jurin Sunggyu's wallet and a blue velvet box.

Jurin wiped away her tears and took it from him. She opened the blue velvet box and gasped.

Inside was a diamond ring. Although it was not expensive, but to Jurin she knew what Sunggyu planned and was worth more than a whole diamond mine combined.

*H-H-He was going to propose to me.* The trio decided to leave Jurin in peace and let her have her moment.

*Gyugyu was going to propose to me.* She opened his wallet to see receipts from the restaurant reservation he made for tonight and a receipt from a flower shop with Sunggyu's handwritng and signature. It was for a bouquet of 10 real sunflowers and one plastic one.

When Jurin read this, she thought it was odd. When she shut his wallet, a piece of scrunched up paper fell out. She unwrinkled the paper and read the contents to Sunggyu's speech to his proposal. *He's been rehearsing?* It made her chuckled a bit, thinking about Sunggyu' paranoid expression.


We have been going out since we were in high school. Remember when I first met you, I was crying over my parents' death and how I have the responsiblities of my brother? You came over and comforted me. From that moment on, I thought you were the angel sent into my life to make me happy. You were the answer to all my problems and happiness. Yang Jurin, although I do not have much and you have to turn down all these cute and rich boys just for a poor guy like me, you never complained. I know you loved me and my 'grandpa' bike. Your smile, touch and everything makes me go crazy. I still can't believe an awesome and beautiful girl like you loves a poor and lowly me. Yang Jurin, I love you. Will you take this idiot to be your life time partner? I promise I will love you until this bouquet of sunflowers die.

When Jurin finished reading the speech, she knew what the flowers were about. Sunggyu would love her until the bouquet of sunflowers diminish, but there was one plastic flower hidden within the real ones.

*Gyugyu, said he would love me forever.* She started to cry with her voice echoing in the empty, deserted hallways.

Myungsoo, Sungyeol and Sungjong never left. The trio silently watched their noona read the speech from their hyung.

When they saw her burst into tears once more, they came out from their hiding places and gave her a group hug.

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Chapter 14: Oh my . She did all these just for a man she loved the most , Kim SungGyu . This is so touching !
CassInspirit97 #2
AUTHOR-NIMMMMMMMMMM WHY ARE'NT YOU UPDATING??????YOU know i am having fever but still i check updates for this story*coughs*plz if the answer is that you have discontinued this story plzzzz reconsider cause its a really nice awesome daebak story..........
CassInspirit97 #3
Chapter 14: will there be more updates author-nimmm"!!!!
Chapter 14: This is a very touching story~ Please update soon :)
Updateeeeeeeeee! c:
kpopluva3838 #6
Chapter 14: Why did GyuGyu have to die...?
But does that mean JuRin's feelings are changing towards WooHyun?
Chapter 14: It's all good, but I somehow feel that woohyun is trusting her too soon? Maybe he shouldn't admit it so early, even If he does trust her? Just my opinion(:
Besseh145 #8
Chapter 2: Hai! It's a nice story! But do you mind changing the font? It's really hard to read!!!