Golden Deal

The Warmth of Spring

Read until the end, and try to guess what will the new girl do?




Days passed, and Su Jin and Jaejoong's relationship gradually improved after his interview. While they weren't exactly best friends, they also weren't at odds anymore. They made an effort to spend more time together, engage in meaningful conversations, and go out together.


One day, Su Jin received a call from her manager regarding an official proposal from Balmain. They wanted to discuss the offer with her. After a lengthy conversation, Su Jin hung up and made her way to the garden where Jaejoong was smoking a cigarette.


He glanced at her and asked, "Who was on the phone?"


Su Jin replied, "My manager... Seems you didn't mention you were planning to submit an offer for me."

Jaejoong paused, taking a drag from his cigarette before responding, "If I had, it might have seemed like I was personally asking you to accept the offer, like what happened with mom the first time.



Su Jin nodded understandingly, "No worries."


Jaejoong continued, "I don't want our personal connection to influence your decision or pressure you to change your schedule.”

Su Jin appreciated his consideration, and said: "I'll see you tomorrow in your office then.

Jaejoong returned her smile, a sense of mutual understanding passing between them.


The next day, Su Jin woke up early, but Jaejoong had already gone to the headquarters. She  showered, changed, and waited for her team to arrive, to go with them.


When Su Jin arrived to the headquarters, she was greeted by Balmain team who was waiting by the entrance. They made their way to the meeting room.

Thank you for meeting with us today Ms Su Jin.

It’s always a pleasure.

Su Jin’s representatives shook hands with the managers of Balmain as they took their seats, when Jaejoong and Yoochun entered.

Sorry for being late,” Jaejoong apologized.


Su Jin nodded graciously

"No problem. We're just getting started.


As the meeting commenced, Jaejoong cleared his throat, exuding confidence.

"Thank you, Lee Su Jin, for joining us today. We're eager to repeat the success of our last partnership."


Su Jin nodded, acknowledging his gratitude. "The pleasure is mine, my team and I are always open to innovative partnerships.


Yoochun interjected, leaning forward slightly. "We've prepared a draft of the contract outlining our proposed terms. We can discuss it after the briefing on the new campaign and designs.


Su Jin agreed, turning her attention to the presentation.


The presentation showcased Balmain's sophisticated, classy and edgy designs for their upcoming collection. Su Jin commended the haute couture team for their vision and creativity.


Balmain Designer: "Thank you, Mrs. Su Jin. Our goal was to capture modernity and elegance in our pieces."


Yoochun passed the documents to Su Jin and her secretary, who distributed them to her team.


As Su Jin reviewed the contract, she noticed a few clauses that raised concerns, causing a furrow to appear on her brow.


"I appreciate the thoroughness of your proposal, but there are some clauses here that may not align with my existing commitments."


Yoochun responded promptly, "We're open to discussing adjustments to ensure this collaboration benefits both parties. What specifically concerns you?"


Su Jin's manager highlighted specific sections of the contract that seemed overly restrictive or incompatible with their current partnerships.


We’d like to address the exclusivity clause. It seems rather restrictive, especially considering I have ongoing commitments with other brands.


“We understand your concerns, but exclusivity is standard in our industry. It ensures our partnership remains impactful,” a member of the Balmain team responded.


Su Jin’s Manager suggested, “I believe there's room for negotiation. Perhaps we can limit exclusivity to certain product categories or geographic regions.


The campaign is based on a brand ambassador and not promotional modeling.”


We fully understand, it’s not the first time Su Jin will be the face of a brand, but we already have agreement for specific shows, we can’t cancel any of them for now.



“We understand. Let's revise the exclusivity contract to remove the clause of not modeling for any fashion brand and instead focus on not endorsing competing brands simultaneously,” Yoochun proposed.


Jaejoong listened attentively, taking notes as Su Jin voiced her concerns. After a moment, he added, “That sounds reasonable. We shouldn't unnecessarily limit Su Jin's opportunities.


They all nodded in agreement.


The meeting manager then redirected the discussion to compensation.


Su Jin’s Manager chimed in, “Su Jin’s contract with Valentino will end, but they want to renew, with a 19% increase in annual compensation.


A Balmain team member unexpectedly commented, “Mrs. Kim Su Jin can’t decline our offer; she is one of us.


Su Jin responded firmly, “I am here as Lee Su Jin, with professional duties and potential obligations to Balmain, if we reach common ground.


Meanwhile Yoochun was glaring at the girl who talked, Jaejoong composed himself and turned to Su Jin’s manager, “We're proposing a two-year contract with exclusivity rights and a substantial signing bonus.


Su Jin’s manager added, “Two years is a significant commitment. And exclusivity comes at a premium.


The finance manager suggested, “How about an annual bonus tied to the collection's success?


As negotiations progressed, Su Jin and the Balmain team found common ground, making adjustments to the contract through compromise and collaboration.


Jaejoong concluded, “Alright. Let's draft the agreement with these adjustments. I believe we have a deal.


Su Jin smiled warmly, extending her hand for a handshake with Balmain main managers, and when she shook Jaejoong’s hand she smiled and said “I think we've covered everything

He smiled back, nodded and turned to his team  “We will let you work on the contract, and after the lunch break, we will return to discuss the creative directions.


Balmain Manager: “We're excited to officially work with you again.


Su Jin nodded, expressing satisfaction with the progress. "It's been a productive meeting.


In the company lobby, Jaejoong engaged Su Jin in conversation.


"I had no idea your schedule was so tight. But I must say, I'm impressed by your business acumen," Jaejoong remarked.

Su Jin chuckled. "Well, I don't want to boast, but I'm no newcomer to this. Plenty of brands are interested in working with me."

Jaejoong chuckled in return. "Will you be joining Yoochun and me in the car?"

Su Jin shook her head. "No, I'll be going with my manager. We have a few things to discuss."

Jaejoong nodded understandingly, silently hoping she could join him in the car.


As they settled into the car, Su Jin's manager began discussing business matters, but Su Jin's attention wandered. As they approached the headquarters gate, she noticed a familiar face — the same girl she had seen earlier that morning. She wondered who she was, and why was she waiting since the morning. But she quickly pushed the thought aside to focus on the discussion with her manager.


When they returned from lunch, the girl was still there, lingering by the gate. Su Jin felt an urge to ask about who she was, but time was short, and they were already running late for the second meeting.


The meeting buzzed with creativity as they discussed the campaign with teams from different countries via a Zoom call. After much deliberation, they reached a consensus on the campaign, runway, and commercial approaches. With the meeting dragging into the late hours, Su Jin's manager excused herself, along with the other team members.


Feeling exhausted, Su Jin asked Yoochun to take the passenger seat next to Jaejoong, as she wanted to lay a little and he hadn't brought his car that day.


As they approached the gate, Su Jin spotted the same girl once more, this time in a squatting position, embracing her knees and resting her head on top. Su Jin sensed the girl's weariness.


"Jae, please stop," she requested abruptly.


"What? Why?" Jaejoong inquired, immediately halting the car.


Su Jin stepped out of the car and approached the security guards who were standing nearby.

"Excuse me, do you know who she is?" Su Jin inquired.

"Madam, we don’t know who she is," one of the security guards responded. He then turned to address Yoochun. "Sir, this girl has been here since the morning for three days now. She wants to meet a manager."

"Why? Did you ask?" Jaejoong questioned.

"Sir, she said she wants to interview someone working here," the security guard explained.

Su Jin nodded, then went to the girl. "Hello, are you waiting for someone?


The girl raised her head, her expression filled with astonishment. "Oh my god, Lee Su Jin-si.

Su Jin smiled warmly at the girl and extended her hand to help her stand. “What’s your name?


I am Go Ara, and I am a senior PR & Journalism student at Seoul National University.

Nice to meet you, Go Ara. I noticed you've been here since the morning. How can I help you?


Go Ara explained briefly to Su Jin about their project where each student had to interview a someone from a field. When she randomly selected her task, she ended up with the challenge of interviewing a manager from Balmain, while her classmates got smaller brands, celebrities, and more manageable tasks.  She even mentioned facing ridicule from a bully who doubted her ability to succeed, mocking her modest clothes due to her family's financial situation.


When I told her I can do it, and I will get my interview, she made fun of me suggesting I should interview Kim Jaejoong instead.


Su Jin nodded and gestured for Go Ara to follow her. When they reached the car and the security guard, she addressed Go Ara.

Come back tomorrow at 10:00 am and ask for Mr. Park Yoochun. He'll see how he can assist you.

Yoochun acknowledged with a nod, and Go Ara bowed repeatedly, expressing her gratitude.

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2034 streak 0 points #1
Chapter 6: They finally made the announcement! And why was JJ being all nice and sweet in here? I mean not that I'm complaining, it just kinda weird to see him do a 180° flip. Kinda giving me the heebie jeebies. On an another note, Junsu has made an appearance. Yay! (Ignore my biased a**) Anyway, I can't wait to read more. But will be back later to do so ^^
2034 streak #2
Chapter 5: I'm not sure if I like Jaejoong's character here or not. I mean he's like a bipolar character or someone with DID. Don't take me wrong. He's sweet and everything for a moment and then turns the exact opposite the next. Especially when he started acting like a couple with her at the park and then got angry that she didn't play along. Shouldn't they have discussed something like that beforehand itself? Anyway, I'm hoping there's gonna be some character development in the future and can't wait to see how things turn out between them. Will be back later to read more ^^
Chapter 6: yeayy the wedding is happening ❤️ at least jaejoong know how to propose romantically 😚
Chapter 4: that was one tense family meeting...Poor her, her father is so strict for threatening her like that 😭 all in all really excited about their marriage, hope they'll both open up to each other.
Chapter 2: Hi new reader here!!! I really like the storyline and considering this is my first jaejoong fic I really look forward to it... I like the character of sujin a lot, she's really cool n nice with people despite being famous..Jaejoong seemed to misunderstood her at first, hope he will warm up to her soon.. thanks for writing this ❤️
TVXQ4everJJ #6
Can't wait to start reading this story
2034 streak #7
Chapter 4: Ah so that's how their first family went? I'm not sure if either of them were right with their rude behaviour but at least they have come up with a plan. I'm curious how things would go herein and if their plan would work or not. Also Junsu was briefly mentioned here. Can't wait to see his role as well. Anyway, I will be back later to do so ^^
2034 streak #8
Chapter 3: I have kinda forgotten that this was supposed to be an arranged marriage story. So I was gonna guess who her father was gonna set her up with XD my bad! Anyway, coming back to the chapter, she and her brother seems to have a good dynamic and/or chemistry between them. And talking about her brother, is that actor Ji Changwook? Just curious... Nonetheless, I will be back later to read more ^^
2034 streak #9
Chapter 2: The first thing I'm most curious about from this chapter is, what was the picture that YC took? I mean what is it that made Jaejoong angry. I'm really curious of that. Also, I was surprised too that she kept her promise with the employees when she returned to the lobby after the meeting. I had to Google who were Sidus HQ artists XD Was Kim Woo Bin under that agency back then? I found out Jay Park was (from Google) and for some reason I don't like him either. LoL... And she did the modelling for Balmain with Won Bin? Are you a fan of him? I'm just curious. Anyway, can't wait to read more. But will be back later to do so ^^
EllyStephanie #10
Chapter 38: Thank you for the update💓