Every storm runs out of rain

The Warmth of Spring


"Minju, let's go to Jaejoong's parents' house."


"Su Jin has some problems with his family and Jaejoong didn't explain much. He needs you there."

"I didn't want to call her yesterday since we arrived late. So I called her many times this morning but she didn't answer." 

"Let's go there. We will find out what happened. Maybe she is there."

"Okay, let's go. Oh my God, this girl is unlucky. She always has problems."


When they arrived at the Kims' house, they were greeted by the butler who led them to where the two families were meeting. The moment they stepped into the living room, they felt a stifling atmosphere. 

Since Minju didn't see her friend, she quickly asked, "Where is Su Jin?" 

Mrs. Kim glared at her and answered, "Why would she be here?" Before Minju can ask more questions, Mrs. Lee quickly spoke, "We have been friends for a very long time. I don't want this friendship to end now." 

Minju didn't understand anything. She looked at her husband, then at Junsu who gestured for her to take a seat. He took his phone out and played the recording. Everyone in the living room were looking at Minju, waiting for her reaction. While listening to the recording, Minju didn't have any expression. She didn't seem scared or shocked. When the recording came to an end, no one spoke, not even Minju. 

So Mrs. Kim broke the silence. "Minju, why aren't you saying a thing? Thinking of a way to get your friend out of this ?"

"What? I don't understand what's happening." She looked at her husband, Jaejoong, Chang Wook and Junsu and asked, "Why are the elders taking an interest in Hana's problems?"

Junsu stood up and said with a relieved voice, "See, I knew that Su Jin wasn't lying."

His uncle stopped his happiness right away. "Did she tell you to say this?" 

"What? I really don't understand the whole situation. Care to explain? Chang Wook? Jaejoong?" 

Chang Wook came and sat next to her. "Minju, in this recording, Jin was talking to you? Was she talking about her mother-in-law?" 

Minju laughed out loud. She didn't expect them to misunderstand the situation. "Are you serious? Who recorded this?" 

Jaejoong sighed and said, "We don't know... Yet. We need to clear this misunderstanding first." 

"Jaejoong, don't tell me you doubted her too?" He was embarrassed and looked at his feet. 

"You all need to know the truth. You should all be embarrassed. Su Jin and I were talking about our friend, Hana who broke up with her boyfriend because of his mom. She was reading the text Hana sent her but the person who recorded this only sent you the part they wanted you to hear." 

"Ha, she told you to say this?" 

"Omma, stop! Can you stop for one moment? Let her talk." Jaejoong was frustrated. 

"Mrs. Kim, do you sincerely believe Su Jin would say those harsh words about you? The girl who threatened her CEO about leaving the agency just to please you?” 

“Jaejoong, do you think she was talking about your mom? If only I recorded our conversation. Too bad I didn't use my phone.”

No one dared to speak until Chang Wook turned to Minju with eyes full of hope "Wait, if you didn't use your phone, what did you use?" 

"The office phone." He stood up and took out his phone. 

"Do you remember the day this conversation took place?" Everyone was confused. Even Minju but she took out her phone, opened the texts she had exchanged with Su Jin and gave it to Chang Wook so he can check the date. After checking the date, he made a call. 

"Hello, can you please send me the call recordings for Miss Song Minju? Yes, Friday the 21st. Yes, thank you." When Chang Wook ended the call, he looked at everyone and said, "This problem will be solved in a couple of minutes. Since Minju deals with important clients, her calls are recorded. Minju, how didn't you think of it?" 

"I completely forgot that the calls are recorded." 

"It's okay." 

When Chang Wook received the recording, he played it. 

“Omonim is an . She does not realize that I’m with her son, not with her. Why does she stick her nose and tells me what to do? Can’t she zip her lips shut for a second? All she does is criticize. I sincerely hate that old fart. She is the most critical, manipulative, evil woman who is always wearing a fake smile. She is a witch who loves to cause family strife. Screw her.”

“Woah, that’s too evil from Hana. She shouldn’t say that.”

"Yeah, I know. I told her that she is angry and she should reflect about what she said. Nichkhun’s mother is Thai and Hana is Korean. They won’t understand each other easily. Two different cultures, maybe Hana did something that made her pissed off."

When they heard the conversation, Jaejoong covered his face with his hands. His mom had tears in her eyes and her husband was shaking his head. And of course Su Jin's parents were relieved. 

"My heart is aching. My sister was never this insulted.”

"I have known Su Jin for a long time. I was her manager and friend. I know her best. She treated the Kim family like hers. Jaejoong, you know what she did with your grandmother. You see how she does her best to be a good wife. She insists on cooking for you, something she never did for her parents. There is something no one knows except Chang Wook and I. Su Jin considered retiring from modeling to please Mrs. Kim and Jaejoong." Minju was crying by then. She was so upset for her friend. She stood up and with anger in her voice, she said, "You don't know what modeling means to Jin, to consider retiring shows how much she respect all of you." Yoochun went to stand by his wife and tried to calm her down.

Chang Wook continued, "I know my sister. She wouldn't have done this. If she doesn't like someone, she won't insult them in front of somebody else especially not your crazy secretary."

Jaejoong looked at him and said with a low voice, "Can I know the problems Su Jin had with Minyoung?" 

"Jae, let me tell you everything from day one. Remember when Su Jin finished her shooting and she was burnt with hot coffee, Minyoung burnt her on purpose." Jaejoong was speechless. Chang Wook then told him everything he heard the day of their wedding when Minyoung didn't knock and threw the passports at Su Jin. "Jae, your secretary loves you. She said that the game was not over and she will try to win."

Jaejoong was furious. He slammed his phone on the couch and groaned. His father looked at his son and said, "How dare she? I can't believe all the things I’ve discovered today. We should go and apologize to Su Jin. I am embarrassed. I am really sorry, Chang Hoon, Mrs. Lee and Chang Wook. I am really sorry. As far as I’m concern, Minyoung can't remain as Jaejoong's secretary, but we can't fire her. She knows all the confidential information so we will transfer her to the mall chain." 

"Son, let's go and see Su Jin. I want to apologize." 

"Aunt, I think it's better if Jaejoong speaks to her first." 

"Yes mom, Junsu is right. I need to talk to her first, then you can come for dinner." 

"Jae, I called her many times this morning. She didn't answer." 

"I will go home now. Thank you for everything, Minju."

Before leaving, Jaejoong turned to Su Jin's parents and brother. He dropped to his knees and begged for forgiveness. Chang Wook urged him to his feet and hugged him. "Go and see her. She is suffering."  


Jaejoong arrived at his home and ran into the living room to look for his wife but she wasn't there. He went upstairs and knocked on her bedroom door. When she didn't answer, he opened the door but she was nowhere to be found. He went to the kitchen to ask the maids about Su Jin. 

"Ajumma, where is Su Jin?" 

"She woke up early today. She was in the living room but went to her room to prepare herself to go out." 

"Thank you." The moment he turned his back, ready to leave the kitchen, he saw her car keys on the counter. "Wait, her keys are still here. Did Mr. Cho drive her?"

"No sir, he is still here." 

Jaejoong felt lost. He sighed and took his phone out to call her but she didn't pick up. He called many times but still no response. He decided to call Su Jin's manager to find out if she was with her. 

"Hello, I am Kim Jaejoong. Can I please speak to Su Jin?"

"I am sorry sir, she is not with me. We had a meeting this morning and she didn't show up. I called her many times but she didn't answer. Yesterday, she sounded very tired so maybe she overslept." 

"Okay, thank you." 

Jaejoong was scared. He knew something was not right and panicked. He went to the garden but didn't find her there either. 

"Where is she?? Ajumma, are you sure she left the house?"

"I didn't see her leave." 

"You all start looking for her. She must be in the house.” He took his phone and called her. He didn't hear her phone ringing in the house. 

", where is she? Su Jin, please don't tell me your phone is on silent mode." 

He went to the dressing room, the office. He stopped by every room in his house but he didn't find her. So he decided to return to her room. As he was entering the room, he called her phone and heard a phone vibrating. The sound came from the bathroom. He threw his phone on the bed and started knocking on the door, "Su Jin, are you there? Do you hear me?"

He turned the knob many times but without success. He got frustrated. He was soon joined by the butler who heard him trying to break open the door. They both tried to break into the bathroom. As soon as they did, he saw a lifeless Su Jin on the floor. He ran to her and checked every part on her body to see if she was hurt. But she wasn't. He started to touch her cheek to wake her up. 

"Su Jin, can you hear me? Yah Jin, please wake up. What happened to you? YAH don't you dare leave me." 

He lifted her bridal style, kissed her forehead, and left the room, ready to take her to the hospital but was stopped by his butler who told him that he already called the doctor. Jaejoong took her to his room and laid her down on the bed. He took her hand in his, kissed her and let his tears fall. 

"I am sorry, it's all because of me. Just stay by my side and I promise you won't be hurt again. I am an awful person. Maybe the divorce is a good option for you to meet a decent husband." He kissed her hand, then her forehead. 

After the doctor saw her and treated her, he told Jaejoong, "Sir, she is suffering from exhaustion. She didn't eat and probably have not been sleeping. She needs rest." 

"Does she need to go to the hospital?"

"No, she will be fine with some rest and the medicine I prescribe."

When it was time for dinner, the two families and friends arrived at the couple's house hoping to clear the problem forever. But they were welcomed by the news of a sick Su Jin. They had dinner and stayed in the living room talking. After some time, they saw Su Jin who was having a difficult time walking down the stairs. She looked like she was going to faint any time. When her family saw her, Chang Wook and Jaejoong were the first to stand up and reached out to help her. 

"Jin, you okay?" Her brother asked worriedly.

Su Jin responded with a soft voice, "Yes... I am fine." She looked at Jaejoong and asked, "What happened?"

"You fainted in the bathroom. You need rest."

When they arrived in the living room, she looked at her in laws and tried to bow even though her head was hurting. She sat down with her hand intertwined with her brother’s. Her parents hugged her and returned to their seat. Everyone was shocked by Mr. Kim's action next. He stood up and crouch in front of Su Jin. She didn't understand what was going on. She was speechless. 

"Su Jin, I apologize for what I did. I am really-" he was soon cut off by Su Jin who slipped to her knees and hugged him, with tears in her eyes. 

"Don't apologize abonim. I didn't hold a grudge. I was just hoping to prove my innocence." With these words, she helped him up. He hugged her too. 

"I am sorry too, Su Jin-ah. I am sorry for not believing you, for insulting you, and trying to break up your marriage." 

"It's okay, omonim. Everything is fine." 

Then, Junsu explained how Minju helped with the recording and what they decided to do with Minyoung. 

"I will never interfere in your relationship again. I was the cause of many of your problems. I know now that the best thing we did was arranging this marriage. I will only interfere when you guys have a problem and try to breakup. Then, with my husband and your parents, I will do my best to stop it, and help you to make up."

Everybody laughed at Jaejoong's mom’s statement. 

"Oh, I think everybody will agree with me that I will always nag you about seeing our grandchildren." 


After everything had settled down, everyone returned home. Even though Su Jin's family insisted on either staying or taking her with them since she was still weak. But Su Jin had refused. She wanted to stay in her own home and relax there. 

She was going to her bedroom when she was stopped by Jaejoong, "Su Jin-ah, you better sleep in the master bedroom. That's where you should have been from the very beginning. And we broke your bathroom door." He let out a shy laugh and so did Su Jin. She was surprised at his long sentences. He wasn't normally that talkative and never liked to explain his actions or decisions. 

"If you like, I can sleep in a different room." 

"Ani, it's okay. I need some company."

He took her arm and led her to the room.

"Where do you usually sleep? I mean which side?"

"This one but if you like it, I can switch to the other side." 

"Nah, it's fine. I prefer the right side."

She laid down in bed and closed her eyes. Jaejoong sat in front of her and was debating on whether to talk or not. 

"Su Jin..."


"I am really sorry. I am sorry for not being there for you, for not believing you. I am sorry for what my father said and did." 

"Jae, it's all good. Don't worry." 

"No, I want to clear everything up. I understand you perfectly. Since we met, you’ve only had problems because of me. You were insulted by my actions and by my parents too. You deserve the best. You really are different from what I thought you would be. I met many models and they are not you." 

Su Jin was touched by his words. She hugged him tight and thanked him. "It's fine, we are fine. Thank you."

He hugged her back and said, "Thank you, Su Jin-ah. And please never think of quitting your modeling career, not for me, not for my family. You retire when you feel like it." 

He broke the hug, and put his hands on her cheeks and looked into her eyes.

"And remember that I am proud of you, proud of your job. I am lucky to have you." He wiped her tears and extended his hands, saying, "Hey, I am Kim Jaejoong."

Su Jin didn't understand what was happening. "I am suffering from exhaustion not from amnesia."

He couldn't contain his laugh. "I know, I was hoping for a new beginning." 

Hello dear readers, I miissss you 

Sorry I didn't update because of my final thesis, and some problems :(

Show some support to the beautiful HAYALEY my co-author who makes the story more enjoyable please read her story Butterfly Aria, a greaaat story

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2034 streak 0 points #1
Chapter 6: They finally made the announcement! And why was JJ being all nice and sweet in here? I mean not that I'm complaining, it just kinda weird to see him do a 180° flip. Kinda giving me the heebie jeebies. On an another note, Junsu has made an appearance. Yay! (Ignore my biased a**) Anyway, I can't wait to read more. But will be back later to do so ^^
2034 streak #2
Chapter 5: I'm not sure if I like Jaejoong's character here or not. I mean he's like a bipolar character or someone with DID. Don't take me wrong. He's sweet and everything for a moment and then turns the exact opposite the next. Especially when he started acting like a couple with her at the park and then got angry that she didn't play along. Shouldn't they have discussed something like that beforehand itself? Anyway, I'm hoping there's gonna be some character development in the future and can't wait to see how things turn out between them. Will be back later to read more ^^
Chapter 6: yeayy the wedding is happening ❤️ at least jaejoong know how to propose romantically 😚
Chapter 4: that was one tense family meeting...Poor her, her father is so strict for threatening her like that 😭 all in all really excited about their marriage, hope they'll both open up to each other.
Chapter 2: Hi new reader here!!! I really like the storyline and considering this is my first jaejoong fic I really look forward to it... I like the character of sujin a lot, she's really cool n nice with people despite being famous..Jaejoong seemed to misunderstood her at first, hope he will warm up to her soon.. thanks for writing this ❤️
TVXQ4everJJ #6
Can't wait to start reading this story
2034 streak #7
Chapter 4: Ah so that's how their first family went? I'm not sure if either of them were right with their rude behaviour but at least they have come up with a plan. I'm curious how things would go herein and if their plan would work or not. Also Junsu was briefly mentioned here. Can't wait to see his role as well. Anyway, I will be back later to do so ^^
2034 streak #8
Chapter 3: I have kinda forgotten that this was supposed to be an arranged marriage story. So I was gonna guess who her father was gonna set her up with XD my bad! Anyway, coming back to the chapter, she and her brother seems to have a good dynamic and/or chemistry between them. And talking about her brother, is that actor Ji Changwook? Just curious... Nonetheless, I will be back later to read more ^^
2034 streak #9
Chapter 2: The first thing I'm most curious about from this chapter is, what was the picture that YC took? I mean what is it that made Jaejoong angry. I'm really curious of that. Also, I was surprised too that she kept her promise with the employees when she returned to the lobby after the meeting. I had to Google who were Sidus HQ artists XD Was Kim Woo Bin under that agency back then? I found out Jay Park was (from Google) and for some reason I don't like him either. LoL... And she did the modelling for Balmain with Won Bin? Are you a fan of him? I'm just curious. Anyway, can't wait to read more. But will be back later to do so ^^
EllyStephanie #10
Chapter 38: Thank you for the update💓