My Hair - September 19th

365 Days of EXO Drabbles




Tao took a good look at himself in the bathroom mirror, pushing his hair back, then forward, trying to see what looked best. It had been a while since his last haircut, and the length of his hair was currently at that horrible middle ground, where it was grown out, and pretty much shapeless, making it impossible for him to find a nice way to style it.

Frustrated, he walked out to the living room, taping his feet on the ground to get Jongin and Sehun’s attention.

“What do you think of my hair?”

He said, pointing up to his head, a slight frown showing up on his face.

“It’s a mess.”

Sehun honestly said, immediately getting hit by Jongin, who knew Tao would be hurt by a phrase like that. Sehun knew it too, he just didn’t care.

“It’s only a bit out of place, but you can fix it, just style it a bit.”

Jongin tried to rectify the situation, and he managed to ease up Tao’s expression.

“What do you think of the length? Should I cut it?”

Tao asked, and there was a moment where the two other men were silent, staring at him very carefully.

“I think you should grow it out a bit more.”

Jongin started, making Tao curious.

“Right now is a bit hard to manage, but I think when it get longer, it’ll look pretty cool.”

The man ended with a smile, and the positive reaction made Tao quite enjoy the idea. But of course, Sehun had a thing or two to say.

“I disagree.”

He said with the most expressionless face.

“I think it’s better shorter.”

And with that phrase, the frown started to appear back on Tao’s face.


Jongin asked, finding the idea really weird, as he pictured Tao with a military haircut.

“I mean like, well groomed. Not clean shaven, but like, that one that’s longer on the top and shaved on the sides. I think that’s the coolest on him.”

Sehun explained himself, and he was very convincing. That only made Tao worried.

He trusted both men’s opinions, and the two talked in ways he enjoyed, so now he was at a complete loss of what to do. He couldn’t find it in himself to choose one way he liked the most, and he wanted to please both of his friends at the same time, but it was just impossible.

And while Sehun and Jongin started to calmly discuss what would look better on him, all he could do was grunt and march back to the bathroom, not feeling at all different when he looked at the mirror; It was still a disaster, and he had no idea of how to fix it.


The End. 456 Words.

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Chapter 16: Lol, Sehun the little butthead teasing girl Luhan.
Chapter 15: Yin and yang, chan soo <3
Chapter 14: Precious baby aww. I loved it when ppl came to my bday parties too <3
Chapter 13: Reminds me of the Lucky One MV for some reason.
Chapter 12: Awww he’s a mommas boy. That’s why he cooks so well lol
Chapter 11: Tao being soft for Kris is always <3 <3 <3
Chapter 10: Lmao. All I can say, lmao. Zitao loves himself so much...and Xiumin ;)
Chapter 9: Baby Luhan, such a softie.
Chapter 8: Sometimes I feel like kris in these situations, and sometimes I’m like kyungsoo. But damn I wish I had someone to make me free food
Chapter 8: Sometimes I feel like kris in these situations, and sometimes I’m like kyungsoo. But damn I wish I had someone to make me free food