Piece of work

A's (Ace)
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Did my sister really gave me the right address, I began to ask myself. The longer I look at the place the longer I ask myself how some people can live comfortably at this kind of house especially as young as Yoona’s age. It doesn’t look safe. I was about to call my sister when I hear a shuffling from inside, then the door swings open.

And the air rushes out of my lungs.

Tiffany, in snug black leggings, auburn hair is piled high on her head, with a few escaping strands around her face. Dark-rimmed, square glasses frame those striking eyes, giving a sultry-librarian kind of impression. I try to swallow, but my mouth just went dry.



“Hey,” she breathes with relief. “Taeyeon.” It’s more of a question than a greeting.


“Hi,” I respond, just staring. Enjoying the view. Shoot, I’m embarrassing myself am I. Then I shake my head, snapping out of the idiot stupor of not being able to speak to her for too long.


“Are you following me? Are you stalking me?” She asked confused.


“Wha-What?! No..I..I’m not stalking you. I-I-I’m..my sister..I’m-.” I’m making a dumb of myself that’s for sure. But I cannot help it. I keep on stuttering every time she looks me in the eye while waiting for my answer. I don’t remember being like this towards her when we’re both young. my tongue doesn't seems to work with my brain evertime she's in front of me.



“Relax Taeyeon’ I’m just kidding,” she chuckles.



“What?” I asked dumbfound.



She wipes a small tear from her eyes from giggling. “I’m just kidding. You’re here for your sister right?”


“Huh,.ye-yeah.” I answer not following the conversation.


“Come in. They’re upstairs playing,” She steps back finally letting me in. “Oh, be careful on the floor, uhmm some wood is kind of weak so be careful on your step. I’m sorry about the place.” She apologises.



“It’s okay, don’t mind me. Thank you for inviting me and my sister in.” I hope she doesn’t think that I’m too high maintenance or I’m judging their living. But I really feel sorry thinking that they’re living on this kind of place, security wise. Their gate is almost broken that it might be too easy for bad people to get inside. After digging some more information, I found out that Tiffany’s mother and grandmother have already passed away and the only family left for her is her sister and her Dad whose still missing. No wonder they’re living in a place like this. I need to do something to help them. I wish she would allow me. “I didn’t know that my sister and your sister are friends.”


“Me too. We’re surprised as well.” She replied. “Come sit with us, I’ll call the girls.”


I thought it’s only her and sister was inside. I forgot to think that Tiffany has a best friend. There, sitting on the end of the sofa watching some travel vlog is guess is Jessica Jung clearly not excited to see me inside.


“Jess, kindly move a little and let our guest sit comfortably,” Tiffany said.


“Why would I share my space with her? This is my sofa.” The devil incarnated said. I’m sorry Yul, I don’t know what you have seen on this girl when she seems happy making my life hard.



“Jessie, share! That’s your sofa I know, but this is still my house. And what did I say about staying at my house.” She warned.



“My house my rules,” Jessica mumble almost whisper.



“I can’t hear you.” Tiffany replied.



“Your house, Your rule!” She grumpily replied.



“Exactly, so share,” Tiffany smiled. “Taeyeon,” she called me. “Sit down.”



Jessica scoots a little farther but she didn't forget to draw an imaginary line between us. “That’s your space. I’m very kind enough to let you sit in, so don’t abuse my kindness.”



“Actually I can sit on the floor Tiffany, I’m fi-“



“What’ No, don’t mind her Taeyeon’ Jessica is just kidding,” she smiles at me and try to glare her friend. “Jessie,.”



“Fine! I’m just kidding Ms. Kim! Please have a sit on my precious sofa and be my guest.” Jessica replied sarcastically.



Tiffany looks at me and smiles gesturing me to sit down. “Thank you,” I replied.



“Alright, I gonna call those two and tell them that you’re here.” She said. The moment she left, I feel like I left on the den of a lion. I don’t think I can make any conversation with her so I didn’t attempt to make one. Because I could feel that we’re both not into talking with each other.



I didn’t know that 2mins feels like an hour since tiffany left and call Yoona and her sister. Finally, I was able to breath when I hear shuffling feet.



“Sorry, they’re sleeping and I didn’t have the heart to wake them up. Maybe we could give them 1-2 more hour of a nap? What do you think Taeyeon? You’re welcome to stay here if your okay with it unless you wanted-"


I wouldn’t waste this precious time to spend more time with Tiffany. Even Jessica’s presence will not ruin it. “It’s Okay, I’m good with it. As long as your fine with me staying here.”



“Of course we’re  fine. So, it’s settled then,” She clasps her hand. “Oh, maybe you can eat some cake while waiting, wait here, I’ll get it in the kitchen-“



“Wait!” I stop her before she leaves me again with the lioness.

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I hope this update will be some kind of peace offering for the long wait.


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Covid419 #1
Chapter 9: The times when sones referred to jessica as jennifer when asking snsd about any updates with jessica after she left. Brings me back to why i hate sme. Anyway OT9 till forever.
Chapter 26: Hi author!

This story is really good, and finally I get to catch up with this amazing story ^-^, I really like how protective is Jessi, oh Taeng you are in big troubles with Yuri hahaha can't wait to see what's going to happen when Yul gets to know that Taeng told Jessi about her feelings. I think is really funny how Jessi really doesn't want to be friends with Taeng but still for her Fany she'll do everything, I wonder why Jessi can't stand Taeyeon, is she jealous? does Jessi has feelings for Tiffany?.

Thanks author, you did great, I really like and enjoy reading this chapters, I'll wait patiently for more, keep going, good luck (^-^)v
Chapter 25: Hi author! this story is really good, and finally I get to be back ^-^, I really like how protective is Jessi, oh I can see that all those that try to mess with Tiff will have lots of troubles hahaha. Aww Jessi finally give her permision to Tiff to be friends with TaeTae that's so sweet.

Thanks author, you did great, I really like and enjoy reading this chapters, I'll wait patiently for more, keep going, good luck (^-^)v
1131 streak #4
Chapter 26: I like how this secret things going wt Tae and Sica, prepare Yul!!!
1131 streak #6
Chap 24: hahaha oh Yul better tell Sica the truth or she'll froze you to death with her glares...
HiroTakahasi #7
Chapter 26: Damn! Jessica is so cool i pray for those who have sinned for they will face the wrath of taengsic.
CrissYoung #8
Chapter 26: Goodluck with those people who have sinned haha
It's scary when taengsic joint forces, setting aside their differences for the same goal.. please make it a hard punishment.. let them pay...
1131 streak #9
Jessie should talk to Taeng and deal with those girls who keeps on toubling tiff... Sica is really the ice queen one glare from here and it freeze you ^_^
CrissYoung #10
Chapter 25: Yeah sana all.. Those bullies deserves some punishment..