Only Chapter

If Only

The car ride from Krystal's parents' house was silent. Nothing could be heard aside from the car's engine as Victoria drove smoothly towards the younger's apartment. Krystal gazed out the window as she tried to ignore the glances the older was giving her as she drove.


"Will you quit looking and focus on your driving??" Krystal finally snaps at her girlfriend. The latter quickly averts her eyes and follows the instruction given to her.


After a couple of seconds of silence, Victoria finally spoke.


"Are you mad?"


Krystal chose not to respond but pondered about the question. Was she mad? She really couldn’t' say. But she could honestly say that the dinner they had with her parents was probably the most disastrous thing that has happened to her in recent years. Her father refused to talk to her nor did he acknowledge her girlfriend's presence. Her mother was even worse. She kept on talking about how disappointed she was with Krystal's choice. She had fully expected her to be with a guy who was close to her daughter's age.  How she had always dreamt of having grandchildren and how that dream could only be fulfilled by Krystal's older sister, Jessica.


She had never felt so humiliated in her life. She had always been her mother's favorite as Jessica was her father's. She didn't mind it, but hearing her mother favor her older sister triggered her foul mood. Although she knew it was unfair, she began to blame Victoria.


If only she was a man and a few years younger… Soojung thought.


During the  remaining of time they travelled towards the younger's apartment, not a single word was spoken. Upon reaching the building, Victoria stopped the car. She opened to speak but Krystal beat her to it.


"Thanks for the ride. I'm sorry I can't invite you in. I'm tired and so I'm going straight to bed. Good night." Krystal said all in one breathe. She quickly unbuckled her seatbelt and exited the vehicle, not giving Victoria a chance to reply.


Without giving a back glance, Krystal went straight into the building and up towards the apartment she shared with her sister. She wasn't really lying when she told Victoria she was tired. With the things that had happened tonight, she had a lot to think about.


Entering the apartment, she saw her older sister lounging on the couch. Her legs were crossed and she was looking over some fashion magazine.


"How was dinner with mom and dad?" Jessica asked.


Krystal really wanted to ignore her sister but she knew ignoring her would lead to more questions.


"It was fine. I'll tell you about it tomorrow. I'm going to bed." She knew her answer did not satisfy the older Jung but she knew her sister would let it go for now since she had promised that she will tell her about it the following day.


Entering her room, she shut the door behind her and quickly made her way towards the bed. She dropped her exhausted body unceremoniously  on the soft mattress. She closed her eyes and feel asleep almost immediately.


After what seems to be only minutes from falling asleep, Krystal feels herself being shaken awake. She squints her eyes and looks at the clock on her bedside table. It was 15 minutes past midnight.


"Soojung…" she hears. She rubs her eyes lightly and tries to focus on the face hovering above hers. She recognized it as her sister's.


"Soojung, we need to get to the hospital immediately." the mention of word hospital made Krystal wary.  She felt her heart stop beating when she heard the next words Jessica spoke.


"Victoria unnie was in an accident."


Everything became a blur after. She didn't remember how she got into her sister's car nor how they got to the hospital. All she could think of was her girlfriend. She heard the engine of the car stop and she snapped out of her trance when her sister once again called out her name, telling her that they had arrived.


Both her and Jessica made quick steps through the hospital doors and towards the emergency room. Krystal could vaguely remember Jessica mention about Amber calling her about Victoria's accident. The tomboy apparently tried to get a hold of her but she was not answering her phone.


They pushed through the double doors that they were told led to the emergency room. Upon entering the room, they saw Amber, Luna, and Sulli, Krystal and Victoria's friends, gathered together as they talked seriously with a doctor. Krystal could see the tallest among the three crying at the tomboy's shoulder as the shortest one had both her hands covering her face.


As she approached the huddled group, she could begin to hear what the doctor was telling her friends.


"… She suffered a lot of injuries. It was really unfortunate that the truck hit her car directly at her side. We tried everything that we could but we just couldn't save her. I'm sorry…"


"No…." she whispered, though loud enough to be heard by the 3 girls.


"Soojung…" Luna walked towards the youngest and embraced her, crying hard onto the latter's shoulder.


"NO!" Krystal roughly pushed the smaller girl away and rushed towards the doors where she guessed Victoria would be.  Her eyes wildly searched the room and found the lone person in the hospital bed. A nurse was at her side, blanket on hand, about to cover her entire body with it.


"NO!" she repeated. She ran towards the bed and pushed the poor nurse away, preventing him from covering the lifeless woman.


Krystal felt her heart be torn to pieces as she studied the face of the woman she loves. Her face was completely pale and full of cuts and bruises. Despite this, Victoria still held a peaceful expression, similar to how she was when sleeping.


Refusing to believe that Victoria had left her for good, Krystal tried to shake her and called out her name. 


"Victoria…" she shook her but Victoria did not react. "Vic… wake up."


 The woman remained still and Krystal began to panic, reality beginning to sink in.


"Vic, please wake up. Please!" She leaned forward  and captured the unmoving woman into her embrace. "I beg you, please wake up. Please!"


"Soojung, that's enough." Krystal felt a hand on her shoulder, which she guessed belonged to her sister. She buried her face onto Victoria's cold neck and sobbed. She was gone.


Krystal and Jessica returned to their apartment after everything was settled. Amber had volunteered to arrange everything for Victoria's wake. They had already called and informed Victoria's family in China and her parents are flying in as soon as they can.


Krystal returned to her bedroom and closed the door behind her. She sat at the side of her bed and noticed her phone sitting by the clock on her bed side table. Unlocking it, she noticed several voicemails coming from Amber. She was about to delete everything when her eyes landed on a certain name. With her hands shaking, she pressed the button and listened to the voice mail.


"Hey Krystal, it's me…"


Hearing her voice sent another wave of tears. Krystal tried to control herself as she paid close attention to what Victoria was saying.


"I know tonight was a complete disaster. I'm really sorry. I knew from the very beginning that your parents would not like me. I'm really sorry for asking you to introduce me to them. I have put you in a very awkward position and I regret it. I hate seeing you sad or frustrated or angry. I only like seeing you happy.


"If only I was a guy and a few years younger then you would not be having this problem. In our next life maybe? That is if I'm lucky enough to still meet you in that lifetime. Anyway, I just called to tell you that I love you… so so much. That no matter what happens, no matter what you decide to do with our relationship I would accept it whole heartedly because it is what you want.


"I love you, Jung Soojung."


Krystal buried her face into her pillow and once again cried her heart out. The voice of the woman she loved playing at the background.

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Francean #1
Chapter 1: This is so sad :( but I loved it! It was so greatly written. Good job ^.^
Chapter 1: Why did you make me cry? HUHuhubels
xmixerx #3
Chapter 1: Omg this is so sad
Chapter 1: this is soooo sad ;-;
but it's so well written. so i'm going to give you two thumbs up... hehe

hope you'll write a fluffier krytoria next time :)
i'm crying at 4:30 am in the morning omg.. why does it have to be this sad TT-TT You've done a good job though (Y) that's totally right, this place needs more Krytoria!!! Other site as well, in fact the world needs more Krytoria!! i lost hope looking for new fics of them here since long time ago but today i decided to try it again, so happy to spot yours, and it's a good one, i'm so touched TT-TT Thanks so much for sharing <3
Chapter 1: It was so sad... However, it was still a nice story :)